Tuesday, May 09, 2017 - [not to spite her]
Just when I say nice things about my mom, and how I enjoy talking to her.
I'm sure one day I might come to regret posting this.
At the same time, I don't want to forget how harsh my mom has been all my life and every day is a goddamn struggle to please her.
Alas, all I can do is try.
Try ever so hard to tell her that humans are all different, we don't do things to spite her.
She hates cats, I love cats - I don't like them just to spite her.
She hates other religions, I don't, and it's not because I want to spite her.
I love my brother, I see his mistakes, but I defend him, not because I want to spite her.
bits of me revealed at ..
6:26 PM.
Monday, May 08, 2017 - [A turbulent may day ]
2016 was without doubt, the happiest year of my life so far. It felt like a very long yet productive year.
Of course it wasn't perfect, I lost certain things but I gained an incredible amount.
Naturally, all good things must come to and end. I think that the end is very close.. in fact while my Christmas, and New Year's eve and Day of 2017 was terrific I could feel hmm.. how should I say.. the winds changing, sands shifting etc, 2017 was going to be different.
Difficult? Maybe, but definitely very different.
2016 was so fun for me because there were so my firsts. (first job, first road trip, first snowboarding, first time flying overseas with a boyfriend, first time fine dining ... so many firsts, even small things like new recipes, first time cooking something, first time eating escargots..)
While 2017 is also presenting a fair few firsts to me, they're not the kind that I hoped to experience so soon. While everything around me seems to be changing, I suppose I'm also changing..
I never drank coffee before 2016.
I hated western food like bread, salads, pizza but I'm much much more open now (still rather picky).
I always though my mother was crazy and overbearing but I find more wisdom in her each day and on good days, I find her enjoyable to talk to even.
I always wanted to sleep at least til noon, now I get heart attack if I wake past 10am, that my whole morning is gone.
I was so adamant on working in film production, but now I want to be in digital production more.
I didn't enjoy rap music, but I've become more cultured :p
most importantly.. I think.. or the biggest, most surprising change to myself is that, I finally believe its okay to to not be married and have a kid by 30.
I mean.. all my life, literally aaaaaaall my life, my goal in life was that I wanted to get married. But now, while in the best relationship I've ever had, my paradigm has shifted (okay I know you don't say it like that, but I felt like writing it like that, you know what I mean)
I don't know where I'm going with this post anymore. All I know is today, my feelings were so turbulent all of today that I had to write. (and I haven't written about the specific changes I know are coming, and that in a year, or maybe even a couple months, I'll look back at this post and be utterly confused and frustrated at my current self for being so vague)
Anyhoo, I'm both excited and dreading the changes that are coming.
bits of me revealed at ..
7:42 PM.
Thursday, May 19, 2016 - [guinea pig XD]
What a busy week I've had.
Doctors consultation
Blood test
Dentist consultation
Doctors 2nd consultation
my pocket.. it burnssssss XD
bits of me revealed at ..
8:38 AM.
Thursday, May 12, 2016 - [casually suffering more than usual]
Slowly but surely, this week is making its way to being the worst week of life, health-wise. What started as a heartwarming afternoon talking to a friend in need became an agonizing night of interrupted sleep. Waking several times choking on a lump in my throat and soaked in sweat.
The next day, I was a hero and went to work.
I came home alive but debilitated. The next morning's visit to the GP determined I had tonsillitis and a swollen neck indicating some sort of thyroid issue (which hopefully will be diagnosed later today)
In a nutshell, I can't really swallow, and there's a constant lump in my throat that makes me feel something like a large grape is stuck there and occasionally, I mean every 10-15minutes if I don't have my water bottle near by I feel I might have to hurl.
Doctor's visit was costly yet reassuring, I thought I would be done with a day of rest but I had 2 more uncomfortable nights, involving waking 2-3 times for showers and a change of clothes. I suffered other little pains like body aches and headaches through the day.
As if my existing ailments were causing me to suffer enough, there was an additional growing pain in my .. of all places .. mouth. Yes, terrific time for a wisdom tooth to decide its time to go isn't it. I could be wrong, but the pain has been intensifying, all I need is to empty my pockets and I'll know for sure.
bits of me revealed at ..
7:03 AM.
Friday, April 29, 2016 - []
I honestly thought I was done meeting shitty people who deceive and hurt me for the fun of it
bits of me revealed at ..
1:31 PM.
Thursday, April 07, 2016 - [work [retail! nothing big :c]]
It's weird writing the exact same blogpost twice hmm, this shall be more .. detailed.
I've recently acquired a full-time retail job at Victoria's Basement at Alexandria should anyone wanna visit me and be a difficult customer XD The shop is massive and it's taking me awhile to recognize the millions of products and their qualities and where they're arranged.
While the work is simple, it involves almost 8hours of physical work every day, I guess its really not like a typical retail store. Every day I find myself restocking shelves, re-arranging displays, unpacking lots of boxes and re-pricing items. I barely see customers, let alone talk to them and serve them, not that the store is empty, I'm just otherwise engaged.
The people are nice, I've met some interesting people from everywhere really, Canada, Estonia, Serbia, Nepal mmm, and unlike being one of the oldest among Marty's friends, I'm actually the youngest at work and the age gap is quite significant too. I wonder what my co-workers think of the job. For me, its basically just to occupy myself and be self-sufficient. It's not the kind of satisfying job where you learn and grow as a person. I mean yeah, I learn stuff, and I really love furniture and kitchenware and household stuff, but I would be far happier in a .. challenging and fast-paced work environment. ^-^ I guess I'm not the only one sort of "lost" in life because my co-workers are uni grads too, and some took the more specialized courses like Biomedical Science, and yet here they are, working in retail too. [I know what I want to do, I just can't seem to get there, yet]
After I gather about 6months of writing for Informa I guess I'll attempt to get a job as a copywriter and stop retail. For now, I shall make the best of it [:
This morning, on my day off, it's funny I should receive breakfast in bed. Not really, it was made for me and I was carried from bed to dining table. Still counts :p Every day, he does something that makes me feel so grateful that I've met him. In a really short two months [that's today!] he's been very kind and shown me uhh.. a different 'genre' of people I guess. The kind of person he is and the people he surrounds himself with is far more interesting and .. hmm stimulating? then the people I've been with all my life. It's hard to explain but I feel more alive and more .. mm .. I don't know it's just satisfying.
I feel slightly bad at times too because Marty is sometimes too nice to me. I can't complain, it's great. It's actually wonderful, so wonderful to feel wanted by someone, while he's naturally always happy, when he's with me he is unnaturally happy :x He doesn't get bored (at this point I would usually say 'yet' but he insists he never will) He's always happy to do something for me. I feel bad because I feel I've exhausted my energy of my past relationships and I'm honestly tired of trying, and it's feels really really reaaallly nice that someone's so nice to me for a change. I thought my lack of affection and effort would put him off but it doesn't seem to. I suppose I can stop being cautious and give more and guiltlessly receive.
Okiedokie, I have a big day ahead for my day off, gotta go!~
bits of me revealed at ..
7:51 AM.
Thursday, March 17, 2016 - [Last Seen: 24.12.15]
I had a dream about you last night.
It felt very real and natural. You were there with our friends, it seemed like nothing had happened, no one questioned you about your absence, we just picked up from the last time we met.
I woke up feeling a little lost. It's been close to 3 months that no one's heard anything about you and I suppose you want to keep it that way. I'm worried about you as is every one else I assume.
I didn't know you very well myself, which is regrettable because from the little time we had I thought we connected well, I enjoyed talking to you about many things. Things that I didn't tell the one who was supposedly closest to me back then. You were able to give me advice impartially and I loved that very much about you.
What saddens me most is that while I could confide some problems in you, it seems you couldn't for me. It upsets me that you didn't think to come talk to me about your worries, I think you didn't realize that I was always curious about your well-being and concerned. You were the friend I liked most and I would have empathized with whatever problems you had and supported you.
It's not too late, I still will, even though circumstances have changed, if you come back, I'll just pretend nothing happened. I hope you are well and eagerly wait for your return.
bits of me revealed at ..
7:59 AM.
Monday, March 07, 2016 - [Safety Snippets]
Did I actually just get a job as a blogger?
bits of me revealed at ..
2:51 PM.
Tuesday, March 01, 2016 - []
you can tell alot about a person by the way that they walk. [:
bits of me revealed at ..
5:43 PM.
Friday, February 26, 2016 - [Defeated]
I feel utterly shattered today, not just today really but over a period of time. The past few weeks have been so disappointing and frustrating, mostly because Australia's making it so difficult to get working rights or permanent residency. I've already spent 4 years here and haven't harmed anyone, why is it so difficult still.
So far the costs incurred to apply for this ridiculous visa -
$3000 application fees
$42 Australian Police Check
$600 IELTS - and I'm told I might have to take it again
$350 Health Examination
Moving on to actually finding work.
I just receive depressing emails every day, your application has been unsuccessful, we've had a high volume of applicants, we'll keep you on our file, we appreciate you considering our company and blah.
This morning I got another rejection from the one job I truly truly wanted.
Wonderful, I've absolutely hit rock bottom, I don't even know what could make me any more upset and defeated.
All this talk from dad about being positive, about praying and asking for divine help, all this talk from mom saying it's not meant to be, come home, come back to Singapore. Maybe I just fucking will because nothing ever seems to go right.
Are you happy, are you fucking happy Australia, you've defeated me.
I did what I was told to do, I studied 2 important languages from young, I did stupid Cambridge A Levels, I took an insulting English Competency test, I've had 2 health screenings for nothing, I paid for Private Health Insurance, I took 4 years to get 2 Degrees, I started working since 14 because dad said it's important to gather experience from young.
I just don't want to be a let down, is that really too much to ask for.
bits of me revealed at ..
8:36 AM.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016 - [Sydney Life Status: ]
1. Visa status
Today I finally got my Bridging visa, to my slight dismay its bridging A not B which means I'm not allowed to leave the country, I suppose I have no reason to leave Australia so it isn't that big a deal.
I had applied for my work visa prior to receiving my Australian Federal Police check results and that mistake actually cost me $1500 and my application was going to fail. After speaking to a lawyer, I submitted a withdrawal request by mail and received an email today from the Department of Border & Immigration requesting additional documents from me - Health Insurance, Evidence of Education .. AFP results! So does this mean they received my withdrawal and decided to spare me the $1500 fee again? Or is it a very sick coincidence that my application is reviewed just as I submit a withdrawal and will be withdrawn when the letter arrives?
Hmmm... anyhoo, bridging visa means I have full working rights in Australia, huzzah!
2. Living status
Kashif found a beautiful apartment for us, on the top floor of a complex, what a dream. Being a spoilt kid I've lived in a house most of my life and I actually am excited to live in an apartment with facilities and how cool is it to have security cards XD I also very much like being on the top floor :3
Unfortunately, due to weather circumstances and several obstacles, all my stuff from Brisbane is still sitting in a warehouse so the apartment is empty D:
3. Relationship & Happiness Status
Pretty much perfect ^-^
4. General Life Status
Haven't gotten round to signing up for some sort of physical enhancement class yet XD yoga? pole? martial arts? dance? rockclimbing?
I've been.. social ? I guess ? I've gone adventuring to Port Stephens, attended a Serbian Festival, had an indulgent meal at Arisun with copious amounts of chicken in the company of 15-20 people.
bits of me revealed at ..
12:10 PM.
Thursday, January 28, 2016 - [sydney! ]
and so the adventure begins ! :3
bits of me revealed at ..
5:29 PM.
Thursday, December 31, 2015 - [NYR 2015]
Do not lose Tibbers
Train Tibbers to Sit Stay Down Up Roll Heel
Save for Graduation trip ~
Buy a Chrome 45mm pole!
Complete Lvl 8 of Pole + Grads C:
Student Creation with Bek
Get driving license
Buy a JEEP ! maybe
Graduate with Distinction (eeep!)
Make a Keyblade with Dan ?
Skydiving or some extreme sport :o
Learn to sew, at least make a skirt D:
Save for a mixer
Save for a keyboard
Learn to bake something
Go to Dolphin Island
Trampoline Park
Bring ayesha to a drive-in theatre! :3
bits of me revealed at ..
10:00 PM.
Friday, December 25, 2015 - [home again ~ ]
already overwhelmed by the amount of people at the airport, on the roads and the heat XD. Home home has changed too ! waaaaa .
bits of me revealed at ..
5:01 PM.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015 - []
I always hesitate talking to you about my problems, I think I finally have enough to reassure myself you're not who I desperately wish you could be. You are not emphatic, hardly sympathetic and just really self-centred.
I thought I could make you a better person. Now when people ask me about you, I can be more certain about my answer.
bits of me revealed at ..
10:52 AM.
Sunday, December 20, 2015 - []
Today's been a pretty strange day, I finally got to relax the entire day ~ I didn't go for brunch and I feel really bad about that..
Although I received a call and it contained good news and I was happy watching a new Korean drama "Oh My Ghostess" today felt off. I went for a long walk as well to .. I don't know clear my mind and whatever, but it didn't fully work I got sad again as I got home. WHY?!
Watched more drama, dinner was made for me, played some arams but still.. overall mood is bleah today. Guess I'll sleep it off.. ~
bits of me revealed at ..
11:22 PM.
Saturday, December 19, 2015 - [Grad Trip Part 2]
AHHHH I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NAO AHHHH, WHERE DO I START ?! I'm gonna go back to front for abit :3
I MET ANNA TODAY! (by today I mean on Monday I wrote this draft in a haste that night :x) It feels like I've known her for eternity and I've been dying to meet her and it finally happened! Today was a great day !
14th Dec Monday
Anna showed up at my hotel entrance in the morning to pick mom and I up :3 I didn't really know what to expect except a HUGE smile because her display pics always contain a huge grin XD. Anna half-choked on her water when we came down because she didn't expect me to be so stunning, and also .. mom to look so young but mostly me.. :p
Anna despite being 3 years younger was behaving like my second mom -__- pretty much teasing me alot about everything ever D: and siding with my mom sometimes qq. Anna pats me like I'm a little child :c
We were headed for the zoo ! With my experience from previous days I sorta knew where the trams were going and I had been studying the map for a pretty long time the first two days huehue. The zoo was fairly big but honestly poorly organized. DON'T EVEN ARGUE WITH ME ANNA, IT WAS.
We kept coming back to the same places many times XD. Definitely, not my fault. I like zoos, and I'm not being biased but the Singapore is the best one ever :3 Dad said even the NYC or San Diego zoos aren't as impressive and he's seen the world! I recently went to the Australia Steve Irwin zoo as well and it was meh. :x Even the Lone Pine Sanctuary was better.
wombats were all sleeping :c
The King was also sleepy.
Otters never disappoint tho, in every zoo, they're always active :D !
The best part about this Melbourne Zoo was the Primates area, maybe because the animals were clearly visible there, also found Anna's new favourite animal, the GIBBON.
And a pretty cool relative of the Kangaroo, a Tree Kangaroo! Such original names :p
The gift shop was pre nice :3 many many many plushies, even a peacock one? O_O
For .. reasons..
We spent about 3 hours there ~ and sent Mom back to the hotel and I followed Anna back home to feed her little doge. It's so TINY! Compared to my beast back at home.. ahaha :3 Anna's got a pretty cool house, I could be living there in the future if I wanted. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. c:
I got to familiarize myself with lots of stations like Melbourne Central, Southern Cross, Flinders, Flagstaff, Footscray, I'm a pro now! We went back towards the city after to have Korean BBQ :3 It was my first time .. (why does that sentence sound so ..) and it was yummmm !
I went home a happy happy girl. ANNNAAAAAAA ♥
15th Dec Tuesday
I thought today would be boring but it wasn't :x Anna said she was busy so I was ): but she wasn't thaaaat busy. Mom and I explored Docklands in the morning, altho we had nothing planned and I wanted to sleep in til 12 or so, she violently pulled my blanket off and yanked the drapes open and flooded the room with evil evil sunlight at 8.30am to force me to sit with her at the breakfast buffet while I try to keep my head straight and sit upright.
I dived back into bed as soon as she was done but failed to sleep, well.. ...... so we went to Docklands to look at ... boats, and here's mine c:
walked around the ferris wheel ~
anddddd back to the city to meet Anna who was done with her appointment ^-^ . I went over to her place again! But this time it was to sleep over :DDD We basically spent the rest of the evening watching "Oh My Ghostess" and skyping our respective .. it was funny XD .
I miss you Anna :cccc
I was able to fall asleep really quickly! But the sun, my enemy the sun just blinded me at 6am ish. Gaouehraoijfsldkaosrhio . Smile anyway!
16th Dec Wednesday
Anna and I headed back to my hotel so I could get changed! Coincidentally our tram passed Sinyean (my SPH colleague from 5 years ago) and he watched us go by... XD
We arranged to meet Jon, THE Jon Fister at Bourke Street, but for some reason he didn't know what H&M was. It took about 45minutes to locate him .. lots of walking back and forth and calling and texting XD Even Zewen, Anna's buddy that we met on the train was done with his morning activities and regrouped with us before we found Jon.
We had dumplings for lunch! and headed to the Escape Room that Anna had dragged us into :x Unfortunately no photos were allowed in the place so I can't show, use your imagination ! We entered the Vanished Carnival scene, we started off being blindfolded and led into the room one by one and getting handcuffed to the walls.
We had to solve number puzzles, patterns, codes, you name it, and we escaped after 33mins :D wheeee I don't want to spoil the experience, it's pretty amazing, try it if you get the chance !
We didn't expect to finish the escape room so fast after lots of debating we decided to go play Laser Tag! We headed to the Crown Casino and I experienced a slightly traumatic and upsetting tram ride. If I was alone then I would have jumped off the tram while it was still moving probably...
ANYWAY. Marc, Jon's brother was on his way to join us so we bought him some time and played bowling first! :3
YAY ANNA :3 ! We did better than the boys eehheheh.
We had a 30minute unlimited arcade credit as well as part of our .. I have no idea Action Package thingy.
Anna and I introduced Jon to the magical game of Bishi Bashi and we completed it! .. with .. refilling lives because unlimited credit XD
Marc the BAO arrived and it was finally time for the terrifying Laser Tag.
As I predicted, I was terrible at the game and I screamed every 5 seconds and resorted to having standoffs with people. The supervisor of the game found me so pathetic she even told me where the base targets were to help me gain points .. .. ..
I'm defintely Scorpion.
Sweaty group photo! :3
Zewen got so sweaty that he actually took his shirt off for a while as we walked down South Wharf or was it South Bank towards Flinders to catch a tram to the Queen Vic Summer Night Markets! And with his sweat soaked body he wore Jon's jacket O_O. oh my my, why do boys do that.
Dropped by the hotel but mom didn't wanna join us so we went ahead to the markets and joined the insane 50 people queue for the ATMs D:
I hope you've eaten.
And that concludes a terrific last day of Graduation trip.
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. actually. Rewinding to before my three free days.
13th Dec City Tour
I remember being awfully awfully sleepy this morning, gosh I wonder why, I REALLY WONDER.
We started at .. Federation Square and saw the beautiful Forum theatre, St. Pauls Cathedral and Fitzroy Gardens, I was so, sooooooo damn sleepy, so no photos... D:
Remember the explorer James Cook from the first part of this trip, for some reason I can't recall the government wanted to demolish his cottage but the people of Melbourne put some money together and they numbered every single brick on his cottage and brought it piece by piece and reassembled it in the Fitzroy Gardens.
:3 I bought a model of the Endeavour which James Cook sailed on ! foot for scale :x

We drove past the MCG, Melbourne Cricket Ground, and went to Queen Victoria Markets and got some souvenirsssss and then the best part, the walking tour around the city! As mentioned earlier, went to the massive Bourke Street Mall and visited the various arcades!
The Royal Arcade didn't appeal much to me so ... no pics :3 The Block Arcade is famous for its mosaic tiled floors. The guide said there are millions of spare tiles in storage to replace the broken or missing one so this place remains like this forever!
Inbetween the Block and Centre Place Arcade is this Majorca Building, although only 8 storeys high, it was once the tallest building in Melbourne! Also back then you'd have to be very rich and very fit to live at the top because there were no lifts! XD
Centre Place Arcade had a special sunroof thingy which was honestly old and ugly so it doesnt deserve a picture XD onward to Degraves Street, full of cafes!
Last stop, Flinders Station!
Melbourne was once the richest city in the world because of the Gold Rush. With the money from the Gold, the government was able to build some really fancy buildings such as the Flinders Station and the Forum theatre (I'm really sorry no picture of that one!) The tall building in the background is called the Eureka Tower. The very top bit which has a black box is actually gold but looks black in the sun!
I love Melbourne, there are horsies on the road!
12th Dec Great Ocean Road
It was a day of 520km of driving, thank god for free wi-fi on the coach and reclinable chairs!
We had a little pitstop after driving through GeeLong on to Anglesea. The coach driver and guide actually set up a little table and made hot tea for us because we were all sooooo cold x_x.
The G.O.R, well 64km of it was built by 3000 men over 14 years. The road cut a path through the mountains because there was this little town at Apollo Bay (I think) that was a great holiday destination and there was no road leading there. After World War 1 all the army boys returned and were jobless and needed money so the government created the G.O.R initiative :3
Mom and I got on a Helicopter Ride to get an aerial view of the 12 Apostles (actually 18, now 7), Lord Ard Gorge and the Thunder Caves.
The story of the shipwreck at Lock Ard Gorge is kinda sad. See the part where there's alittle slice into the island on the right. A ship crashed there and there was a 17 year old girl on board with 5 brothers and sisters and her parents. All but 2 of 52 passengers aboard that boat died when they crashed there. The girl was one of them and the other was a sailor. After climbing ashore they were found by some local farmers, the farmers tried their hardest to search for the bodies but they only retrieved one of the girl's sisters and her mother and 2 more sailors. The rest of the bodies have never been found.
OKAY REALLY NOW, end of grad trip with mom! :3 But before I end, yesterday was a pretty chill day with bae. I was far too lazy to dress up tho
Bae and I had our traditional Paella lunch and we cut our hair together!
We tried to a watch a movie on the beach but it was wayyy too crowded so we just windowshopped instead :3
Typical market stuff, handmade crafts, candles, food, clothes, pet stuff, dreamcatchers, jewelry, but this one miniature toy stall was cool :3
Hair doesn't even look any different XD
Also, saw one of these today, fwaaaa.
Labels: anna, arcades, city, docklands, Eureka tower, Flinders, graduation, great ocean road, laser tag, melbourne, melbourne zoo, summer night market, Xmas market
bits of me revealed at ..
7:44 PM.