
Saturday, April 26, 2014 - [midsem break .]

you know what. 

this is probably the longest time I've gone without doing anything !! Because of the mid-sem break, all I've done is play FFX and League and sleep. Honest ! Of course the usual cooking and laundry and household chores, but really nothing "productive" at all XD

I went for my 3rd Pole Class and it was suddenly alot more than the first 2 classes and it was great! I'm amazed how fast paced the course is going and how much I'm learning already! I really really wish I could have a pole at home to practice but I suppose I'll stop being so lazy and go to the city to use the poles.

Okay this is going to end here because really... nothing has happened XD Cooked Risotto the other day, that's something new hmmm.. :3 Here have a funny LoL-related picture. 

I have deteriorated so much...

bits of me revealed at .. 1:12 AM.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 - [Mac Decals]

I don't have a case for my new mac and I don't really wanna spend on one ): so DECALs ! BUT WHICH ONEEEEEE

#1 Cover Decal

Why can't there be more like this one .. where they cover up the apple symbol so it actually fits the picture of the decal.. jeeez is it that hard? 

 aaaand we have a winner! 

No seriously ... I can't decide .. ): 

#2 Wrist Decal

I would just put the smaller cat, itz soooo cute :3 

#3 Keyboard Decal - most likely I won't buy one at all ._. 

I really like colourful stuff like this but I know anyone else who uses my Mac would go crazy and yell at me at how confusing that looks. 

Also like this one :o makes it look like I have a typewriter.. idks do you get that feel ? 


bits of me revealed at .. 8:39 PM.

So Im finally back to typing on a macbook yay (: thank god for Time Machine, my life has been.. revived onto a brand new mac which actually cost 3.2k my goodness by at least I Got it at 2.8k because I didn't manage to get my old one repaired.. 
Well can't really feel a difference yet. Except no protective case.. maybe I'll just get a decal instead since my macbook stays at home almost forever.. keyboard feels abit different and the palm rests and trackpad all feel different because I don't have the grips anymore )): they came free at the IT fair with my old Mac T_____T I miss it so .. also the case .. really want one but I want to save money so badly after this big blow .. So if anyone can't think of a birthday present or friendship present or christmas or EASTER PRESENT, please buy me a Speck case thanks ! It's a 15inch macbook pro!!

Mm.. think I'll take awhile to get used to this keyboard shape and size, don't know why it feels different, but defs defs defs a million times better than Zac's one D: very happy that even my firefox tabs and wallpapers and bookmarks are all restored. The Time Machine is truly truly amazing. I could cry. 

Okay the reason why the keyboard has changed is because there's no more Eject button !!! Oh dear god, my Koizora DVD is stuck in the old one forever T_______T ! 

Moving on from the Mac ...

Got a grade back for Copywriting class which is the lowest grade I've had in a long while. No it's not about copyright and legal stuff and stealing people's intellectual property. Its actually copy writing which means writing ads. Researching the market and target audience and product benefits and why the consumer will want it. Then coming up with creative strategies and ultimately ads.

Now I'd like to think of myself as a creative person but my grade disagrees... This semester I have two very similar modules, one is this and the other is Media Planning where similarly you research the audience and market and product and decide what kind of media platforms to use. Thankfully you don't need to design ads in that one...  

Thinking about grades made me think about how much effort I put in and what I actually deserved for it, I think abit more because to be honest the assignment was not very clearly explained and though that can be solved by asking the tutor, apparently the entire class didn't do the assignment properly and many people missed out a couple sections. Well well I think the tutors and course coordinators should have been more specific with the instructions. 

Anyways I thought back about pre-school and how when people ask me when I was happiest, I would always answer in P2 when I was 8. I remember being happy almost the entire year. I never questioned it, but tonight on the bus home I suddenly realized how .. shallow and elitist I was back then and how much I hate it now. 

In p1, I had a great variety of classmates, 35 of us, some chinese, some malay, some indian, some really smart, some really .. dumb, some very playful, some very shy. I was ranked 8th in the mid-year exams and I was very disappointed.. I think I was 27th in the entire level of about 600 p1 (7 year old) kids. At the end of the year I was 3rd in class and 15th in the level. I remember someone coming into class during the final weeks of school saying the top 3 students needed their photo taken. 

The girl who was 1st was incidentally one my first friends, NOT the first but one of and she was really timid and liked to read, and was far from being top in class in the mid-year but sprang out of no where. She taunted me for being less smart than her. I remember wanting to beat the shit out of her face. 

The girl in 2nd was a really sweet and nice girl. She was extremely quiet and was the class monitress and she never had any bad things to say, she always smiled and was a very happy child. Unlike me, who got beaten to death daily at home by my parents, her parents never yelled at her or laid a finger on her and she just loved studying naturally. Aww (':

Because I couldn't do anything about my results anymore, the year was over, I challenged the 1st and 2nd girl to a race and I beat them with great ease because I was crazy as a kid, running everywhere, I hated to sit or even stand, I just ran around sooooo much. I never ate during recess, I was just running and running .. oh god was I crazy. 

Then I got to P2 and I was with all the smart people ! I went into the top class, and I realize now.. that maybe I was happy then because I was considered one of the best and everyone around me was smart and I could communicate with them better than the other classmates I had in P1. Yeah I guess I was mean and biased against people back then. 

All of this disappeared in River Valley especially in Sec 3 where the school very sneakily put the top students into the A, C and E classes. Would you look at that? I started hating school for many personal reasons, though til today I don't hate studying, I'm just lazy and less motivated because honestly.. everything's online and available everywhere, do you really need to study that hard? Can you even remember stuff, because I can't. I can barely remember anything from previous semesters of uni.. ahhhh  .. 

Something else I've started to learn is Pole Dancing! (: 
Boy is it the hardest thing ever... especially since I can't really practice it without an actual pole at home .. so another present if for me if you're generous, buy me a Pole ! It's really fun but definitely tiring and I need to train my arm thigh and core strengths alot to do it well. So many ladies there are already so good at it, I feel very clumsy and ungraceful but hopefully .. I will progress and be able to Air-Walk !~!~

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bits of me revealed at .. 8:01 PM.
Wednesday, April 09, 2014 - [500 thoughts. ]

I just finished 500 days of Summer. 

I watched it because I thought it'd be nice to analyze it for my next film assignment. mm .. I didn't really pay attention. Well I did, the colour of the film .. the way they split the screens several times. The non-chronological order of events which annoys me abit as a .. Virgo I would say. But I guess it's an effective story-telling tool. 

It made me feel very sad and also happy after watching it. 

You just never know. you know? 

You think you're so happy, but you're never certain. If you stop your happiness and search for someone else, something else, in a different place, you might something better. But you were already so happy, why risk it? There's no guarantee. 

Saw Baker today. Glad he recovered well from his accident. Baker's a nice guy, from the extremely little knowledge I have of him. He looks charming, he always seems optimistic and seems gentlemanly. I don't know really. That's just what I've observed, again from the very little I've seen.

2things that make me like him as a person.

#1 I was stupidly sick when I met him for the first time, I'd heard his name and his voice over Skype many times and I was alittle curious about this guy they call Baker who isn't Zac or Neil's high school friend but is somehow close to all of them. He said "Hi, I'm David, nice to meet you."

I was holding back a cough and struggling to find my voice, because I'm bad at meeting new people now. 

"No. Not nice to meet you." I shook my head several times and ducked away into the bathroom. 

Possibly one of the worst moments in my life.

He laughed and the second time we met he said "Is it nice to meet me now?" I guess it's creepy I remember such stuff, I'm pretty sure he doesn't.

#2 Maybe the third or fourth time I met Baker (btw, he's name is David Baker or so I've been told) was the weekend Neil Erika Zac and I drove down to Erika's home in Noosa for a little getaway. To watch the League World Cup (whatever it's called) and we had a BBQ and time at the beach ~

We were having lunch at the Surfer's Club and they had ordered food and drinks. After some time the waiter comes and asks if we want a second round of drinks and Neil suddenly goes.. "Ohh.. but I have to drive back later" 

Baker's like "Oh right, me too."

I can't remember what Zac said. Erika said "Not me, I avoid driving like a plague." Then I said ..

"I'll drive!" 

Baker without hesitation

"Really? I'll give you my keys. You can drive us back." 

My heart really skipped a beat at that time because wow ! Dude you don't know me that well you'd let me drive? We're not even Facebook friends ahaha, I bet he doesn't know my last name or anything about me besides 

- I'm Zac's girlfriend
- I live with Neil Erika and Zac
- I play LoL

I don't have a license .

That's really one of things I hate about myself really. Because I love driving. It's really something I can't forgive myself that I failed the tests. I was so eager so ready to pass and drive myself around. Then I came here and procrastinated and .. and it's discouraging that I have to do it all again .. 

I heard Baker's selling his Razr laptop. Zac wants me to buy it. I really don't .. care much about that .. 

yes it's a pretty thing, I was very impressed when I saw it for the first time. Okay I've felt it and feels amazing and it's huge and it's not a year old and he's selling it for half its retail price. I've just grown so used to my Macbook. I know I've said this so many times. 

Today I'm typing again on the a Windows laptop, nothing wrong with it besides the wonky trackpad but I know the Razr won't have this problem. 

I feel stupid thinking so much about this. It's really like a big thing that's going to be in my life for the next 3-5years or longer and I want to make a good decisions. Zac's telling me how the Razr or any other Windows laptop he picks for me will be better than the Macbook. I know it's stupid to want something so expensive because I find it aesthetically pleasing. He says he'll install the Mac OS on it for me, but it's just different. I don't know how to say it.

I know alot of people I know prefer Windows and it's hard to explain why I like it. When I first bought it in 2011, I was so skeptical, I told the salesman to install Windows onto the Mac for me. He said take a leap of faith and try some change. 

I did hate it, I felt "labelled" after I bought it.

But after a couple years, not even, just a few months, I already loved it. The feel, the spacing of everything, the layout, the Command key. 

One of the biggest reasons why I'm holding on so tightly and insist I want a Mac again is because of the back up. The Time Machine only works if I plug it into a Mac, it'll restore every single thing, the way I arrange my icons, my files, my notes, my preferences for my apps. If I got the Razr .. ? I can't restore anything, everything has to be created again. 

I lost my data many many many times before. 

Early in 2013, somehow the harddisk that contained everything from the first time I owned a computer, every single photo I had in my life (those that don't exist in Facebook or my blog or anywhere) just broke and I lost everything. In late 2013, another harddisk of mine broke and I had painstakingly downloaded so much stuff onto it. 

"So what? Just download them again. It doesn't matter. Why do you need all the photos? Isn't Facebook a pretty good back-up for you already?"

I don't know how to feel about that statement really. 

It really makes me think what's the point of anything then? Does anything even have a value. Someday it'll just be erased or forgotten. Does the hours I spent creating playlists, the hours I listened to the radio and stupidly waiting in stores to shazam songs. All that is lost if I get the Razr. 

All the pictures I took, the times I had with people from Audition, the pictures of places that don't even exist anymore because they've been torn down. Faces of some people who aren't alive anymore. All those memories. Just gone. How much can you really remember about people, about events, even if they were significant. Without photos to jog your memory or someone to talk to, or an object, can you remember very much?

I've come to accept that I'll never get back my lost data from both harddisks but this one? This one that I still have in the Time Machine (it's a external harddisk with all the data on my Mac before it died) should I just throw it away as well? For the sake of saving some money and having a laptop that I probably will not love as much as the one I had (the one I could have?) 

Is it worth it to save that money.

Zac says he'll be able to repair it if anything goes wrong and I don't have to go to stupid genius bar and make appointments and pay stupid fees. But you know that's the thing I like about Mac. It has it's own store. It's own repair department. 

Have you seen a Razr shop, a Asus shop, a Dell shop.. by itself? Dedicated to it's own products and repairing and maintenance. That's what I find special and convenient about Apple. And is it wrong for a device to break down? 

If one day your teabag tore and the tealeaves poured into your mug, making your drink unpleasant would you swap brands immediately.

If your DVD is scratched and won't play properly anymore, do you stop buying DVDs completely? 

If you dropped your spectacles and the lenses broke, do you not go back to your optician? 

If your shoes wore out, do you stop buying that brand? 

Today's been a difficult day somehow, though I've not done much, just things people say and an emotional movie can affect my mood so very much.. 

Humans don't like change. 
I didn't like moving to Australia at first, but I did and it isn't so bad. I didn't enjoy cooking at first, but I got used to it and I like it now. I didn't like mixing with 'non-asians' but I tried and it wasn't bad at all. I didn't like adjusting to a Macbook when I first got it, but I did and it wasn't so bad. 


I don't like the idea of converting back to Windows
Sadly there is absolutely nothing wrong with Windows, I grew up with it and I don't feel strange using it (a little bit unhappy that I can't swipe the trackpad of this laptop)


But if I was forced to, I would throw a tantrum for a week.. a day.. a few hours and get on with life because life is like that.

If I have to lose all my data again, I'll cry for abit and .. what else can I do? I'm sure it'll happen again. 

If I do get a mac and something goes wrong with it, everyone will laugh at me and say "I told you so" but I wouldn't be mad, because it was my decision. 

If I get the Razr and it malfunctions and Zac can't fix it. Then.. I might smash something...

You ever watch 500days of Summer? Did you think much about it? Isn't it nice that they showed a man recovering from a bad relationship. It's always the girls, the girls and how they cry and feel sorry for themselves. Then they start to want revenge or something and they motivate themselves to become better and get a good job, or get in shape and become successful in every way !!! 

But not Tom. 

He tried, to forget her. 
He tried to restart his career. But failed and failed.
He just failed his interview and he sees Summer who has just gotten married, who laughs and appears so carefree.
Life sucks doesn't it. So many things can go wrong..
I'm sure many people are like Tom. 
Trying hard to get their goal, become an architect, but fail and become a greeting card writer for years .. until you crack and quit your job and probably regret it and try doing something else..
But Tom is just a character so yea.. he'll probably get that final job, or at least if he doesn't there's a hot girl he just met who's agreed to grab a coffee with him. 

But then there's reality. 
Where you go and give out 50 resumes across the city, and then faint from dehydration in the city and have to cancel your prior plans to be sent home. 
And you don't get a single call back. 

yes that's me. 

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bits of me revealed at .. 1:56 AM.
Monday, April 07, 2014 - [shopping therapy ]

welcome to a my self-absorbed post :3

where I said I'd post about the stuff I bought yayyyy, now that I've taken the pics I realize it's really hard to take good selfies of clothes, to show the features of the fabric, buttons and etc, well duh that's why there're photographers and models. 

Hmm.. also the mirror was very dusty, I assure you the Samsung Note 3 has a great camera I was just lazy to clean the mirrors. Got lazy after a few clothes so I didn't take the entire pile because the wig would get messy everytime I changed ): . . . I just .. I just .. it's just all so hard..

Okay I really like polka dots, I also really like stripes. I don't know why I've always liked stripes but not the tiny stripes that are close together and kinda hypnotic. My mother had this shirt with Blue and Yellow thin stripes, something like this, but even thinner stripes

It disturbed me greatly because when she wears it and moves it looks green and I hated not being able to tell the stripes apart. (I'm sure that must be some subsection of OCD) I really did want to rip the shirt off every time I saw it. GAHHHHH. So my kind of stripes are like this top :3 

So pleasing to the eye. And it's blueeee and whiteeee, good colour combi. This was the first picture I took the other night so the wig looks the best D: it's just gonna get worse from here with constant changing and hair flipping :x 

Okay next up is Batman pullover. 
I just can't.
I love all things batman-related, so I have batman glow-in-the dark stickers, batman towel, batman underwear, batman placemat. UGHHH NEED MORE. I WANT DA BATMAN HOODIE FROM MOVIE WORLD. Also need batman mug and shot glasses because they're so adowable. 


The next one is a cape, for winter~ I really am looking forward to winter so much. It's the most exciting thing about being in Australia :3 different seasons. Sick of sweating while sleeping in the room. Then Winter will arrive and I'll complain endlessly about how my feet and nose and everywhere has lost feeling and how I can't get out of bed because it's too cold and also refuse to get out of the shower etc etc. STILL, hurry up winter! 

It's lace and denim. :D It's much nicer in real life. bad photo is bad. 

Hmm.. next is the "Get Out" cap, which says "Get Into" on the underside, not sure why that's there, but I didn't know it was there because the pictures online did not show the underneath of the cap.. 

Damn I wanted to be like G-Dragon

Okay scratch that, I just googled it and it IS the GD cap, okay I honestly never saw the "Get Into" in his "One of a Kind" MV. So I bought a random cap online, the next day I wake up and suddenly realized that GD wore it in his MV! 2 weeks later receive the cap and write this blog post and realize.. SCORE!~ I got a replica :3 

Well that shirt really needs some ironing, the shirt's new too, it's a strange, it has long tails poking out with no button or button holes, so I guess it's meant to flop out to look lazy and slightly sloppy. New checked skirt because, I love red, I love checks, I love pleats. This skirt defines me ♥

CAPPPPP ! So pleased with it now, oh hello giraffe :3 
I swear I've bought the blouse below once, it was exactly the same in colour and design but had an elastic band at the hem to have the "tucked-in" look by itself, but it's lost somewhere in between moving houses in SG and moving apartments in Briz .. so.. nothing wrong with a new one XD

Oh I just realized the wig is covering the cute peter pan collar D: ohwells everything with peter pan collar is amazing and cute and needs to belong to me. 

Another winter coat, SHOOO FWUFFFYYY~

Got a new cardigan too :p sick of wearing the same black one for 2years! Well actually I think I have two black ones which are very very similar so I think I only have one. Anyway redddddddd ! 

Okay I guess that's all, 
all that I bothered to try on ehuehuehuehue. 
Shopping is really the greatest therapy (:
actually there was another wig in the package but I can't seem to put it on nicely ): I'll try again when I'm in the mood. 

Funny how I've grown as a person, never really liked the colour Red, now I'm in love with it. I thought wigs were creepy and horribly fake but I'm enjoying them so much now. Also didn't really like clothes with fur and floral prints but my tastes are changing ahhh :D 
life is wonderfuuuullll ~ 

GoT Season 4 starts todayyy ~~ 
needs moar dragon scenes! and hurry up with the royal wedding too ^-^

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bits of me revealed at .. 8:54 PM.
Saturday, April 05, 2014 - [RAGE POST .]

Today is a shitty shitty day again. 

Actually just TONIGHT, right now. It's just one of those days every fucking thing goes wrong. 

Can't cut a piece of paper straight.
The table is too high
The chair is too low 
The knife isn't sharp enough for cutting
My body casts a shadow over my work every fucking angle that I sit
It's bloody hot in the room 
Turning on the fan makes every thing fly up 
There's fucking dog fur and fluff every where 
My back hurts from bending over the table so much 
Pen has no ink 


ALSO time for me to rant again about how retarded this country is. WHY IS NOTHING OPEN PAST 5PM. WHY CAN'T STUFF STAY OPEN. WHY CAN'T PEOPLE GET UP AND WORK ON WEEKENDS. 





BOOKING APPOINTMENTS AT THE DOCTOR TAKES A WEEK. (HELLO PEOPLE CAN DIE IN A WEEK) DOCTORS SHOULD FUCKING BE 24HOURS. wait I'll just stop the disease from spreading while you decide to rest over the weekends.

really retarded here. 

bits of me revealed at .. 6:32 PM.
Thursday, April 03, 2014 - [mega update: party, makeup, goodies ! ]

So much has happened recently ! ! ! 

Not even exaggerating, mm where to begin where to begin. 

1. Laptop is still not fixed ): so sadly I'm using Zac's one with the wonky trackpad, I've just procrastinated too much on blogging, I really want my macbook back T_T .. Speaking of which, probably getting a new one which is $2,399, or $3,199 whoopee doo. Just why did you have to die on me, what did I ever do to you ): I know everybody's gonna tell me not to buy a Mac again, like whyyy? One just died on you and you wanna buy it again. I've just really grown used to it and I really like it. SO SHHHHHHHHH. 

2. So recently let's see, I had my first ever Super Smash Brothers Melee tournament. I didn't exactly sign up for the Singles division but I played anyway O_O Was a pretty small place, a trading card store I believe. I can remember some faces now hurray. So because it was our 1st year anniversary Zac said he would team up with me in Doubles ~ Naturally we lost 4 games in a row. XD I even wore Mr.Woxy (the giant bow Dave got for me) to the tourney! D: didn't bring me much luck. Mr. Woxy is powerless without Dave ! DDD: 

Of course the loss is entirely my fault, but in my defence, I haven't touched the gamecube controller in months my fingers felt weird and I was never good in my history of 1hour of playing Smash. Also picked Peach which I barely use just because I thought she'd be easy to float around and survive but nah, I shoulda used Marth all the way :x [All the while before this day arrived Zac's like "oh yea, we probs make it to top 3 or so" so that went well :3 Sad that he had to forfeit his Grand Finals round because we had other engagements, so the mighty Syke finally didn't emerge Champion at a tourney XD] 

Also second big excuse for playing badly is that I was given the Orange controller. 

I really wanted the Mario one ): which Zac claims is his tournament controller but about a couple months ago he tried to sell it on eBay. Actually he did. It sold and I scolded him for selling such a pretty controller. Give me to me if you don't want it. He ended up telling the buyer that our house was robbed and the controller was stolen or damaged or something like that and apologized. 

The buyer gave him a 5star rating saying "Honest seller!" 


(I don't know why the picture is blur) 
The funny way humans behave around material things. lol (:

3. Because of assignments .. been going out lesser recently ): I miss our Wednesdays. Also my timetable's changed abit so .. .. .. ): 

Assignments ARGH.
I'm sure I've said this already, but the workload feels significantly bigger this year than the previous years. <s>So after slacking for 4weeks,</s> I've been doing work consistently now, keeping up with lectures, doing my own revisions and chipping away at assignments each day. 

Especially with Film Analysis class, the lecturer makes so many references to movies I've heard of but never seen or never heard of. He plays lots of clips in class to demonstrate the mise en scene, symbolism, narrative structure etc. There's also this dude in my class who raises his hand every minute and asks a question of inserts a comment. I'm sure both the lecturer and my tutor are pretty annoyed by him. He seems to have seen every movie show shortfilm documentary thingy ever and knows every one in the entire history of film. It makes me worry alittle. I mean yeah, I wanna produce so I probably need more people skills, time management and negotiating skills than all that knowledge. But still... that dude's scary.

Been watching a movie each night, or trying to, sometimes I'm just really sleepy.. actually I watched 2 movies in a night other night. See I'm so hardworking. Watched the more famous shows like Titanic, Pulp Fiction, Forrest Gump, and some other films like Juno, Red Dog, Princess Bride and The Great Gatsby for analysis. Maybe some of you think the films aren't that great but when you have to dissect each frame of the film: why this line or particular word was said, why the director chose to focus that one extra second on this object, why the objects in the background are arranged that way, you realize how truly amazing they are. 

I think Zac's been enjoying my film homework because he's always scooting over to watch with me :3 

Yeah.. we finished Titanic at about 4am. lulz. But I enjoyed in thoroughly despite being sleepy. I used to study Literature in school, mind you I was total pro :3 And sometimes when I have to do analysis I feel so disorientated, sort of. I keep thinking I should really be reading the script or the original book and analyze that instead. Because stuff like themes and motifs are probably not created by the director but it's in the original story and the director has to put that in otherwise the story isn't properly translated to film. 

People always ask the tutor, was that really meant to be there? was that just a coincidence. From what I've learnt in high school and junior college. There is no such thing as coincidence. 

4. 60s themed 60th birthday 

It was Zac's papa's birthday the past weekend, after the Smash tourney, also our anniversary XD (I enjoy saying that alot because it feels like we've been together longer than a year, but no it's only been a year :o) So we got him two books but this one didn't arrive in time, so it's currently sitting on our desk. I flipped through it and it's pretty interesting but I have my own lecture slides to read so maybe another time ):

Thankfully the Playbook arrived, he received alot of AFL related gifts though, so why not one more sports related gift

I didn't think there would be a present unwrapping ceremony at the part :x I guess I should reserve the multi-layer giftwrapping for Dengz hahahaha :P Oh yeah got him 2 Harry Potter Blurays to add to his collection.

So this party. 
Zac was legit freaking out over the costumes so on the day itself we went to hire a set of costumes. Not that we're last minute people, the shops in the city unexpectedly closed at 4pm on a Friday, supposedly late night shopping on Fridays. And the other stores we tried to go to had closed down. Now isn't that convenient. 

First thing that caught my eye were those boots on the left of the picture. AHHHHH . I got a pair of white ones because I HAD TO !!!


This outfit was so comfy and well cut, I wuuvvvv it ! I guess the pictures don't do much justice to it, Chris (Zac's brother-in-law) probably has some better ones after all he only took about 600 photos that night XD

Zac hired the Austin Powers costume. Aww he's so cuuuteeeee ASDFT@$^#&Q#%!?

Did you know it was our anniversary that day? Which is the 29th of March, which was Good Friday in 2013. 

It was my first time going to the Mehonoshens' house. I really stopped myself from taking pictures after someone told me "You know, people generally don't like pictures of their house taken". So I'm sorry the beautiful place shall remain in my head and unknown to the internet. I think they did a splendid job of hosting the party, the layout of the party was nice, the food and drinks were good. The girls baked deeeelicious cupcakes for everyone!

Intially this was covered by a cloth and I thought wowwww Len gets a 3-tiered birthday cake! Red Velvettttt, if you know me, you know I dislike pastries, cakes, breads and stuff, except I like donuts and pies. But I usually never eat sweet stuff, so if I do eat it and I say I like it, you've really done well :DD 

5. I was left at home alone for a couple hours the other day, and I was procrastinating so I went to play with the little make-up I have. I really need a new liquid eyeliner, and a white eyeliner and blush and some new eyeshadow brushes and probably a nice red lipstick - yes steph I still haven't gotten my Russian Red ): I should probably get a tube of mascara as well because the only tube I have is probably dried up and yeah.. I think I should get some bronzer and better concealer lol. THAT'S ALMOST EVERYTHING! STEPH HALPPPPP ~ 

Anyway I did my best, sorta, I didn't try to draw the perfect curve or tail actually, yes so I did my best with the wig, eyeliner and brown contacts. I also finally managed to put on fake eyelashes hurray!! I usually take 10years to put it on and then I give up because it's always threatening to fall off and looks like it's poking out and feels weird and my eyelids are stuck together.. etc etc . I'm so happy I succeeded. Also I can always put it on the left eye and never the right. God that's so weird, I'm right-handed but the left eye's eyeliner will always look better and I can always draw it in one smooth stroke but I colour the shit out of the right eye -_____________- 

Anyways so fun being a girl! 

Do I look Anime yet, will Senpai notice me? 

The wig is soooo fabulous, I really want to wear it out but Zac and Len said "NAH! Doesn't suit you" *ultimate heart break* It feels good too, 'cause I miss having a fringe after having a fringe for about 5 years I decided to grow it out last year :3 

6. NEW THINGS AGAIN ! YUSSSS, I've recently received gigantic parcels and several small ones to the point that Zac's like "EH WOMAN, WHAT IS ALL THIS. YOU STAHP SPENDING RITE NAO" 

but really everything I'll show you now added up to $200 D: But before we get to my stash .. Zac bought a new bag!! :DDD It was 40dorra from Typo. It's very amazing and I have to talk about this because Zac never buys anything unrelated to Computers or Games or Consoles or ... stuff like that. He doesn't buy clothes or shoes or normal man stuff, I have to make him get them lol. Although he was frowning at me alittle saying .. "It's so cute ! But it's .... $40"

was priceless. lmao. Just buy it you dopey, I'm so glad you WANT to get something for yourself. 

He's very in love with it now, he carresses it a few times a day :x

Also our fabbbuuuu new sheeets ! 450dorra reduced to 180dorra. Hurrraaayyyyy !! The sheets seem to get softer with each sleep (: 

And the blue is so pretty. Sleeping in the ocean :x

My turn now !! 2 of such packages have arrived and other mini ones ~ and one final one is due to arrive ehuehuehuehue ! But really only $200 in total for everything

That's all clothes, and a hat, coats and stuff :3 one lovely package from Sports Girl. I'm just so lazy to go buy it from the physical store :x It came by express post the very next day anyway!

Yeahh umm so that's the stack of stuff that came in the mail, also bought 2 new dresses they day I got the new sheets but that doesn't count :x

One of the mini packages carried my new giraffe phone case! LUUUCCCC IT'S ADORRWAABBLEEEEEE and has a really nice texture too :3 

Kay I only took 1.5hours to type all that.
yay me I updated!
Probably this weekend I'll go put on all the new clothes for the next post XD and if I complete my film assignment by then I'll post my Stripboard which took an immense amount of effort to complete X_X ! 

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bits of me revealed at .. 2:03 PM.


Ayesha Hamid.
Chinese mummy + Indian daddy + Canadian born + Singaporean raised + Australian university education. (yes I speak Mandarin too)

a girl who loves to smile, dance and NOMNOM. She cannot live in a world of black and white. Favourite animal? Horse. no not obsessed, Pegasus over Unicorn.

she laughs uncontrollably,talks very
animatedly with all sorts of actions, careful she might hit you.

she'll space out suddenly
and you never gonna know what she does next,
but that's just who she is,
take it or leave it [:

The reason why this blog sounds and looks as childish as it is, is purely to preserve the memories I had as a kid, and compare my life then and now, no matter how embarrassing my past may be.

her many nick names!
Asia ..
Scarlett Skyterror~
The Serangoon Friend

She's gonna be a film producer one day!
Currently in Queensland University of Technology
with a double degree in Film and Advertising.

graduated from the "nurse" school
River Valley High in 2010
had some of her worse life experiences there
but met some of the world's greatest friends too ♥

She's generally a really gooooooooooood tempered person [:

But I do warn you, she can be very unpredictable at times!

If you think you know her, think again.

The only witness and the only person who can judge her life is herself.

She likes to take pictures, if you think she has uploaded a picture of you or there's something somewhat offensive and you can't sleep knowing it's there, tell her.

You're not obligated to stay and read, if you hate it, goodbye and have a nice day.


Production Diary

100 Happy Days Challenge

Personal Tumblr


✖ The SIRENS ✖
Music Beats

LEGO HOUSE - Ed Sheeran


*produce a superhero film w Paramount Pictures, or work with Marvel for their upcoming Superhero flicks
*produce a Funkstyle based dance movie w Jon. M. Chu
*be in production of LOTR or GoT productions. (if there are any more after Hobbit)

*Meet Behati or become a VS model *write a $5m cheque to my mom and dad with the money I earn
*meet Taeyang and SNSD in person [:
*Have twins ♥
*Build my own house with a lovely swing, a pool, pool table, dance studio, mini theatre, DDR machine and live with my friends!

*Ride in a hot air balloon
*Swim with dolphins
*Drive down Route 66
*Watch a concert at MSG (Madison Square Garden)
*Visit the Playboy Mansion
*Visit Walt Disney Studios & Harry Potter Studios
*Play at Six Flags with all my RollerCoaster Kakis
*Harry Potter Themepark
*Pyramids in Egypt
*Scuba-diving at Great Barrier Reef
*Climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty
*Take photo at the HOLLYWOOD sign
*Skinny-Dipping at Maldives
*Watch bull-fighting in Spain
*Tomato Festival in Spain
*Wear a Yukata and enjoy the Summer Festival in Japan
*Stonehenge in England
*Watch sumo-wrestling live in Japan
*White-water Rafting
*Taj Mahal Tour
*Watch a show at the Sydney Opera House
*Ride the Japan Bullet train
*Gamble at Macau
*Gondola in Venice (again)
*Climb the Eiffel Tower (again)
*Lean on the Leaning tower of Pisa (again)
*Picnic in Hyde Park (again)
*Visit a castle
*See the Temple of the Gods (Greece)

✖ The JUDGES ✖

Imran a.k.a MISH!

3Leprechauns & 4LOUDspeakers!
3.4 LOUDspeakers!
#07 SiYao #15 Peggy
#16 LiLin or LiLin's LJ
#17 Winnie
#19 QinYu
#32 YongHong
#34 Merwyn

5Nothing & 6NerdyNuggets

Funky EL Drama Club ~

Kee Meng
Tiang Peng

What's Yours?


August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
August 2007
September 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015
March 2015
May 2015
June 2015
August 2015
September 2015
October 2015
November 2015
December 2015
January 2016
February 2016
March 2016
April 2016
May 2016
May 2017

✖ Her THANKS ✖

designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem