
Sunday, November 30, 2014 - [Alive Museum]

Got lazy yesterday, as always. 

Woke up and got dressed to go to the Alive Museum. It's also called the Trick-eye Museum? I'm not sure if it was renamed or it's a different place but its a place where the walls are painted specially to create illusions.

It's not even a museum really, it's inside a mall, like .. a special room you walk into and tadah~ 

Anyway, arrived at Suntec City Mall and there was me sister, sister's 2 friends (who appeared at our house in the morning) + haslinda + haslinda's colleague and her daughter and dad who came to replace another colleague whose daughter fell ill. 

Why does everyone have daughters? 

Are you ready? 47 pics inc. 

This was just the scene at Suntec as we arrived, the cast of Running Man meet and greet session. I only heard "Let's welcome Kwangsoo !" before I went deaf for a bit. 

There are actually plenty more photos from the museum, after yesterday I've decided I'm horribly un-photogenic and I shouldn't be in photos. It also doesn't help that I was made to wear a baggy cardigan over my jumpsuit ): Dad says I can't bare my shoulders as it's indecent I'll seduce men.

Also .. there are pictures of my dad here because I want to demonstrate how bad he is at taking photos. 

In we go!

Prime example of my dad's bad photo-taking skills below.

 I didn't do this one very well, it's supposed to look like I'm sitting on the dragon.

Thanks for not informing me to move because the beam is casting a shadow on me ._. 

There is no illusion in the above picture. 

If you're wondering there's actually posters near each wall to show you how you're meant to pose to create the illusion. This one below was a very hard picture to take if you can imagine you have to see at the right angle on the yellow circle and raise your hand exactly to look like you're holding the club which is about 1.5m away from the wall.

Superman's got me :3

This was a very bad fail by me too. Such unrealistic grabbing of the ladder D: 

This cat photo was taken about 4 times, the first three my dad stood on the right side and you could see my body and legs hiding behind the cat's paw...

This was one of the coolest walls :3

I'm not actually defying gravity, I'm lying down :3 

my part-time job.. 

There was very pathetic fan behind Ryu's cut out to blow our hair for dramatic effect, but I repeat, it was a very pathetic fan. 

I quit the mascot job to join the circus.. 

Finally able to do a split after 21years C: 

Am not sure why the sample photo had their hands like mine.

The fake sit was so hard with my thighs burning after the cycling I did. 

Thanks again dad for not informing me my hand wasn't positioned right. 

This photo is intentionally left smaller because from afar their faces look like ET's eyes.

I'm so proud of this photo, very impressed by the drawing.

What an amazing handstand! How is he doing that without his shirt falling down! 
Wot is gravity??

It was really quite a fun day C: there's more pictures but they're not that well taken, here's my favourite picture, very glad this one didn't fail!

 Today was a chill day, I met up with SinYean and watched the Mockingjay Part 1 with him and my brother ~ 

Was pretty meh, the entire time I'm just really disturbed by Jennifer Lawrence's face, I'm sorry but I really don't like her face, plain or made up, but I think she looked good in Xmen~

To end here's a couple silly pictures of my dad, who after visiting Japan more than 10 times told me "Kawaii means Beautiful" . (That's completely unrelated to the photo, just chucking it in)

PS: if anyone's interested, I actually added 2 pictures to the post about cycling! :3

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bits of me revealed at .. 5:12 PM.
Saturday, November 29, 2014 - [today was better.]

Today was a better day.  The only down side was probably my mom texted me again (btw the previous post was not everything she said, was much much more) and said so when are we going to go out? 

TRUE TO MY WORD, I replied with "who wants to spend time with an immature disloyal sinner?" and again she said I was being stupid and troublesome then I said "Well then I'm making your life easier by refusing to go out with you so you don't need to be around someone stupid and troublesome" 

etc etc 

I took pity on her and agreed to go out anyway. Probably gonna regret it. 

Enough about her, had a better sleep last night because I got my bed back and my overly efficient father has heard my complaint and there's a new mattress today C: which my little sister and her school friend are using. Sleepovers at 8 .. not even her first. So lucky. It's also past 1am right now and they're still awake screaming away. lol. 

Dengyin came over to visit me for 10minutes, bless her soul, came all the way just to say hello ~ she had the cutest shoes on. Damn you. 

Dad has finished work for the year so he came back around 3pm and said we're going cycling ~ [To dy: That's why he was back to early and he will either be on leave or he can go to the office for a couple hours until the end of 2014 'cause he's done ~ so expect to see him around, but hes cool!]

Played some league til it was 5pm and off I went to cycle with dad. 

But first here's a selfie. (My dad actually apologized for not having his selfie stick with him. WOT)


I had to use my sister's bike, so she's 8, imagine how small the bike is, while dad cruised on his $1000 shiny new bicycle I was struggling to keep up. 

It was a very scary experience because we had to cycle on the main road for 15minutes during 5.30-6pm that's like peak hour or the beginning of peak hour. (You guys who live here, you know how crazy Upper Serangoon road is!) I was so terrified + I couldn't keep up so I was worried my dad would go out of sight. The roads are really noisy so my little bell could not reach him.

We reached the Punggol Park. Here's what it looks like .. 

There were many people there jogging and cycling so yeah these pictures are lying! But it was nice and relaxing (not really cause dad was so fast on his super bike). 

I was half dead when we covered 7.5km. Sweating all over and my dad's like "wanna stop? I haven't even broken a sweat" I was panting and my butt was so sore from the tiny child bike and my legs .. were sad because they couldnt stretch properly. 

He sped off again and I struggled so hard and I said stoooppppp but he just laughed and carried on ): 

On our way back it was mostly uphill so I was already beat and I had started cycling from home at gear 7 and I had to drop it to gear 3 as we reached home because .. slopes are OP (game slang for over-powered) and my butt was splitting into pieces

My legs trembled as I climbed the 4 storeys to my room~ No time to rest, shower and out we went to the Nex mall. 

Even though it was a 10minute walk I insisted dad drove there and he goes "Oh you're more than half my age and you can't walk" )): why am I so unhealthy! 

Oh fyi we cycled about 15km today! 

We went to Bali Thai to go see Haslinda, my stepmom because she was having a farewell dinner as one of her colleagues was leaving the company. I was so apprehensive but dad just drew up a chair and joined the 5 ladies so I had to too. 

Strangely Haslinda was really nice and her friends even said "I heard that you were .. your mom says that you ... " (I flinched when one of them said "your mom") WOW WOW WOW she actually talks about me? Then why does she behave like I don't exist when I'm home. Never speaks, never eats at the dinner table, never comes out of her room really. 

Anyhoo dinner was really pleasant and dad was talking about how he has been cost-cutting.

"My electricty bill is only $190 last month! (we have a 5-storey private house)"

'Oh wow, I only have a HDB (a little goverment flat) and my bill is $250 minimum'

"Cost-cutting! my new favourite word. That's why I'm here for dinner, getting a free meal from you" 

He paid in the end. lol.

C: I really enjoyed spending time with dad today. I found out that he reads the TRS (The Real Singapore - some sort of complaint website run by locals, you'll see stuff like "Dear TRS, today I gave my seat up on the train to a pregnant lady and a foreigner took it!" or "Dear TRS, my company has hired 5 new Chinese workers, they're taking over the company soon!" or something like that. It's hilarious but sad as well. It is true actually, I've only been back 2 days and from what I see there's MORE foreigners than locals every where now ): .. so yes he reads it dilligently daily and comments ! Comments with his REAL NAME!) 

Oh dear god he's criticizing our government on a public website with his real name! Soon he's gonna be arrested.

Aaaand on a final note, my dad is still very cute, he's over 50 and im over 21 and he still held back on swearing, it wasn't even a 'severe' swear word. 

(one of Haslinda's colleagues just bought a new apartment)

*in the car*
"That lady, she just spend 680 grand on a 1 bedroom apartment. Holy shii-smokes (schhmokes~)!!

See how ridiculously expensive Singapore is, don't come here guys, come for a holiday and stay far away! 

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bits of me revealed at .. 1:33 AM.
Friday, November 28, 2014 - [PARENTS AGAIN. -____- ]

I know I'm not supposed to say this, but sometimes, I really wish my parents weren't around. SOMETIMES, like tonight. 

So .. went to watch Big Hero 6 with my sister today, was an amaaaaazing movie, loved it a lot C: thought I was having a good evening but.. nope. 

It began in the morning where as mentioned in the previous post I didn't have a very good sleep and my sister barged back into my room after her lessons and asked me what time are we going what time are we going to the movie! It was gonna be at 6.50pm but when we went there it was sold out so we went back home .. (The mall is just 10minutes from home)

I had heard about the crazy storm back in Brisbane, the house had water coming in, there were hailstones the size of tennis balls, some power lines fell and the power went out in several places and also saw that the pole gym was soaked and badly damaged as the roof leaked.

I felt .. relieved I wasn't there but a little sad because Zac's all alone and he has to deal with all this and also kinda annoyed 'cause nothing exciting happens when I'm there but yeaaa more worried :p 

ANYWAY texted dad and he insisted that we went for the 9pm show instead, I thought it might be abit too late but he insisted so ok. Back out again. Dad even said he'll come pick us up since it will end late but how will he know when ... ?

[I have no phone because somehow the telecomms have decided to remove sim cards from 7-11 so I can't buy a prepaid card anymore for just 1month. yay -- more on that later, and I have no watch on me because I really have no idea where it is in my house in Bris, and my sister has neither too ] 

The movie was great and we walked home. 

Got home, unlocked the door and the hallway light turned on .. dun dun dun ... 

Dad standing from the 2nd floor and looking down at me and said 

"Why bother coming home now?" 

*closes his room door*


I was perfectly happy staying at home, doing my pilates, playing games and watching the next Harry Potter and you said GOOOOO, because your sister is busy over the weekend, so gooooooo~ 


Whatever right, I go to my room and my phone is blinking furiously. 
Guess who?

[To get a new simcard I have to show my IC, which means identity card, which is with my mother because she needed a photocopy of it to apply for a house with my name, because she needs a 2nd name for the house. So even though, I have a stack of photocopied ICs in my cupboard where I directed my brother to take one from, he was so lazy that he just took my IC and gave it to her. Okay. So now I have to face the dragon and get it back. Thanks. Also thanks stupid telcos for being so scumbag and removing prepaid cards from 7-11 what if I was a tourist?! I can't get a temporary card for my visit here? HUH HUH HUH?]

So remember mom was going batshit crazy about the London thing.. 

*All the stuff in brackets is what I would say if I was around when she bombarded my phone. 

I have had it with this woman, I swear, I tried, everyone knows I tried. But it's not working so fuck it, I'm not going to care. Really.

Going to meet her, get my goddamn IC and get the hell out. 

But you know what, I'll see her .. looking silly and turning in circles looking for me .. and I'll wave and smile and THEN EVERYTHING THAT I KNOW IS HORRIBLE ABOUT HER WILL DISAPPEAR FOR A MINUTE THEN I'LL AGREE TO GO HAVE LUNCH OR SOME SHIT AND THEN SHE'LL START HER BITCHIN' AND I'LL GET MAD AGAIN. 

I wish I could bring someone with me to ensure that I acquire my card and leave. 


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bits of me revealed at .. 2:15 AM.
Thursday, November 27, 2014 - [Back to home! :3 ]

It's been a year since I came home ~ I think alot has changed within my family since then. For example, my brother is recently engaged, my sister will be starting new classes next year, not sure about my parents, maybe a new car or something soon? 

Every time I fly out from anywhere besides Singapore I always wonder what is it that makes Changi airport so superior in terms of service. I don't get how Changi can operate super fast and others can't. It took me 20minutes to check in my luggage but 30seconds to get out of immigration at home. 

Anyhoooo, I managed to pack 21kg of stuff, so I have 9kg of extras I can bring back so that's good. It was annoying having to pack stuff for hot SG weather and the cooold London weather. It's even more stupid 'cause I came home and dad said "oh, you didn't have to bring this stuff, cause you can borrow Saf's."

(We're going to stay at our relative's place in London because when we arrive there, they're off to KL and Phuket :o) 

The flight was pretty turbulent and had bad food ): Sadddd.. there were also three kids a couple rows infront of me and boy one wouldn't stop going "mommy this mommy that" another was singing really loudly and the third kept crying every few minutes. On the plus side I was 4th row from the front so I could disembark really quickly. I hate flying. 

Saw "The Other Woman" on the flight back, it was really funny, a different kind of chick flick. I recently watched "Tammy" which was a really stupid show, but this one was so much funnier C: 

So I arrived, my sister was jumping up and down greeting me as usual. She kept calling me "Bubee" I have no idea why, it's irritating me. She just said it nonstop in the car "Bubbeee, Bubeeeeeee, BAAABBEEEEEE" and every sentence she randomly chucks this word in. 

So I've been told I have to bring her to movies, go to see some museum with her and her friends? We're also going to see a football match here in SG and in London (D: why ...) Not sure whether I'm going to meet my mom after she went batshit crazy on me. 

I got home and 2 seconds later my brother came back from work and my sister immediately screamed "IT'S BUBBEEEE, LOOK AT BUBEEEEEEE!" oh god. I could barely he talk to him, he just ran up the stairs and into his room and started playing Dota O_O . K bro, not like I missed you over the year I've been gone. Guess we'll catch up over the weekend (after I finish the museum and football game D:) 

We started watching Harry Potter because I want to make my sister excited about visiting the studio in London ~ really not sure if she understands the movie at all .. .. I had to sleep on the floor yesterday which I usually like, but not yesterday because there wasn't a proper mattress! It was just a thin .. cloth, like a carpet but .. so thin and it just hurt my back and bones lying there. 

My sister's tamagotchi was also ringing every hour because it was hungry ._. I just mashed all the buttons in the dark but it still rang again an hour later. 

I was "saved" by my helper knocking on the door to bring my sister down for her piano class. So I got my bed back but I also had to listen to her banging the keys wildly. T_______T. I sound like a bitchy elder sister but she really is very active and noisy. 

So after all that she came back to my room and started listening to my ipad and singing really loudly, while I was still trying to sleep. I gave up and went downstairs for lunch. My helper filled me in on all her naughty antics like leaving fingerprints on the piano and sliding doors she just cleaned, she was dropping food on the table and floor intentionally, refusing to do any of her homework and lying to our parents. 


I was looking at her homework (school's out so her homework is literally extra stuff my parents make her do which is very normal here in SG but completely nonexistent in Bris O_O) My sister already has piles of assessment books which are mostly empty.. because she refuses to do them. One of them is a composition book with model answers .. and all she's meant to do is copy out each story. [I don't know what school is like in other countries, but here in primary school, kids get a series of 4 pictures and they have to write a story or essay or composition as we call it about the events in the pictures] Even that she made spelling mistakes, missed out paragraphs .. it's just so slipshod I don't understand what goes through her brain.

Okay that's all for now. Bye!

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bits of me revealed at .. 1:37 PM.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 - [mom rant. ]

Okay, it's time for a ranty post because.. stuff happened. 

Was minding my own business, just sitting and playing league when mom texts me saying "hey I've booked you in for a facial on the 27th for you and your brother" 

I immediately know I'm fucked. I'd been dreading this moment for a couple months. With the heaviest heart I said "I have bad news, I won't be in Singapore during 17-30th dec" she casually thinks I'm going away with Zac, oh wow I would if I could but no, my holiday is with the other half of the family. 

Instantly she transforms into a demon and starts showering me with disappointment and unhappy texts about my disloyalty to her, saying I should help her waste my dad's money, and teach him a lesson for flaunting his wealth. wuuuut? 

She says I should just refuse to go, like what, sit in my room and lock the door and just not go? 

She says I'm a disappointment and I've betrayed her. Okay .. so when I go on holidays every year with her am I betraying my dad? When I spend time with her am I betraying my dad? 

No? Cause he's not a retard and thinks that I exist only for him. 

Mom is always wishing ill upon others like my dad who "used her" to get citizenship to Singapore, made her work her ass off and didn't spend a penny on her. Really ? We moved house twice in my memory, we got about 4-5 car changes, we travelled many times as well. But I guess all that means nothing to my mom.

I don't get how she thinks my dad was stingy and selfish and mean and blah and says he wouldn't give her money. She of all people should know by now how hard it is to start up in a foreign country without contacts and a roof over his head. How can you expect to have a wealthy life immediately.

So he's worked for 20+ years now, doesn't he deserve success? Why do you have make my life hell because of HIS success? Do you expect me to live on the streets, break off my ties and discard everything he gives me just to prove my loyalty to you? 

You hate him for the way he treated you. He's a Muslim, therefore you hate all Muslims therefore you hate my brother's now-fiancee. So .. he had a bad relationship with you he does sorta hate Chinese but not as extreme as you, and he only trusts muslims. I'm not dating a Muslim, how do you think he feels?

BETRAYED maybe? 

Does he ever say he's disappointed in me? Does he say in disloyal? Does he say "my heart is bleeding because I have bad children"? 


My mom's just crazy and unable to forgive and holding on to her past to tightly even tho the divorce was a decade ago. 

Maybe I should just be as brutal as my brother, just stop talking to her, ignore her calls - "are you still with that slut?" ignore everything, because there's no pleasing either side really. Just forget I have a mother .. 


Sooner or later my dad's gonna come and rip me away from Australia probably (unless I have a kickass job) which means goodbye everyone I've met here. 

I wish I wish I so desperately wish my parents could just be happy for me and be supportive and trust me on my own decisions. I dont ignore their advice and suggestions but seriously it's my life after all. 

I don't even know how to face my mother now, and there's always my creative stepmom who has god knows what up her sleeves. 


bits of me revealed at .. 4:41 PM.


Ayesha Hamid.
Chinese mummy + Indian daddy + Canadian born + Singaporean raised + Australian university education. (yes I speak Mandarin too)

a girl who loves to smile, dance and NOMNOM. She cannot live in a world of black and white. Favourite animal? Horse. no not obsessed, Pegasus over Unicorn.

she laughs uncontrollably,talks very
animatedly with all sorts of actions, careful she might hit you.

she'll space out suddenly
and you never gonna know what she does next,
but that's just who she is,
take it or leave it [:

The reason why this blog sounds and looks as childish as it is, is purely to preserve the memories I had as a kid, and compare my life then and now, no matter how embarrassing my past may be.

her many nick names!
Asia ..
Scarlett Skyterror~
The Serangoon Friend

She's gonna be a film producer one day!
Currently in Queensland University of Technology
with a double degree in Film and Advertising.

graduated from the "nurse" school
River Valley High in 2010
had some of her worse life experiences there
but met some of the world's greatest friends too ♥

She's generally a really gooooooooooood tempered person [:

But I do warn you, she can be very unpredictable at times!

If you think you know her, think again.

The only witness and the only person who can judge her life is herself.

She likes to take pictures, if you think she has uploaded a picture of you or there's something somewhat offensive and you can't sleep knowing it's there, tell her.

You're not obligated to stay and read, if you hate it, goodbye and have a nice day.


Production Diary

100 Happy Days Challenge

Personal Tumblr


✖ The SIRENS ✖
Music Beats

LEGO HOUSE - Ed Sheeran


*produce a superhero film w Paramount Pictures, or work with Marvel for their upcoming Superhero flicks
*produce a Funkstyle based dance movie w Jon. M. Chu
*be in production of LOTR or GoT productions. (if there are any more after Hobbit)

*Meet Behati or become a VS model *write a $5m cheque to my mom and dad with the money I earn
*meet Taeyang and SNSD in person [:
*Have twins ♥
*Build my own house with a lovely swing, a pool, pool table, dance studio, mini theatre, DDR machine and live with my friends!

*Ride in a hot air balloon
*Swim with dolphins
*Drive down Route 66
*Watch a concert at MSG (Madison Square Garden)
*Visit the Playboy Mansion
*Visit Walt Disney Studios & Harry Potter Studios
*Play at Six Flags with all my RollerCoaster Kakis
*Harry Potter Themepark
*Pyramids in Egypt
*Scuba-diving at Great Barrier Reef
*Climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty
*Take photo at the HOLLYWOOD sign
*Skinny-Dipping at Maldives
*Watch bull-fighting in Spain
*Tomato Festival in Spain
*Wear a Yukata and enjoy the Summer Festival in Japan
*Stonehenge in England
*Watch sumo-wrestling live in Japan
*White-water Rafting
*Taj Mahal Tour
*Watch a show at the Sydney Opera House
*Ride the Japan Bullet train
*Gamble at Macau
*Gondola in Venice (again)
*Climb the Eiffel Tower (again)
*Lean on the Leaning tower of Pisa (again)
*Picnic in Hyde Park (again)
*Visit a castle
*See the Temple of the Gods (Greece)

✖ The JUDGES ✖

Imran a.k.a MISH!

3Leprechauns & 4LOUDspeakers!
3.4 LOUDspeakers!
#07 SiYao #15 Peggy
#16 LiLin or LiLin's LJ
#17 Winnie
#19 QinYu
#32 YongHong
#34 Merwyn

5Nothing & 6NerdyNuggets

Funky EL Drama Club ~

Kee Meng
Tiang Peng

What's Yours?


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September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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May 2007
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September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
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October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
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April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
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✖ Her THANKS ✖

designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem