So Lunar New Year, biggest event in SG (: it's traditional for the Chinese to buy new clothes and new things for the New Year, so since I'm part Chinese and my mother is a very proud one, I get to enjoy this tradition free of charge every year :p It's the year of the horse! My mother always tells me how the year of the horse is greatly auspicious and wants a grandchild in the year of the horse. Looks like I'm going to be busy in the year of 2025 or the beginning of 2026 ! XDD

On Sunday we had a whole day of mother-daughter bonding and shopping so let's start from top to bottom. Honestly I was feeling very .. "cin cai" which means.. "any how" which means I was not interested in anything. I had nothing I wanted to buy so I was there just for the sake of it. It's just one of the times in my life that I feel I have everything I need and the things I want are all sitting in my firefox's favourites list so I would have very much preferred receiving money and being able to buy those things online myself :pp
Nonetheless I did manage to pick up some nice and sorta kiddish stuff. BLEAH ! Growing up is no fun, I want to stay young ~
First up, the tops
Momma was very insistent on going to this particular store she always visited in Bugis, so I went and I picked out a Mickey Mouse top XDD . Oh yes, was far too bored and insomnia-stricken so BOKEHHH EVERYTHINGGGGG, but of course I have the original non-filtered pictures if someone wants them... for whatever reason ? .. Ok back to Mickey.
It's a pale yellow top and I did not realize until I got home that Mickey is handicapped! One hand and one leg ! D:
Oh well. It's still cute to me (: Pair it with some shortz and sneakers and a cap woooo~ Next one also from the same shop, a Black faux leather studded top. Now now, my dearest friends who have met my mother and have seen all the things my mother gives me, I think you'll all be just as surprised as I was that she had reserved this piece for me ! It's probably the prettiest thing she's ever given me and will ever pick out for me HAHAH
you have to pardon all the pictures in underwear because it was just so hot hot hot in my room D: The top is grey but has black sleeves and studs at the elbow area
I just wore that skirt with it because the skirt is new as well! But it's from Malacca the day I went out with my family .. which I will write about .. sooon :x Yay for striped skirts . I really do like this top (: yay mom!
The next one is for my dearest Zac (: A baseball tee, white with red-orangey sleeves because he just loves wearing this kinda shirts and my mother has taken a liking to Zac so don't be surprised if she starts buying you whole outfits! Also picked out the same design but grey base with red sleeves for my brother who after 3 days has yet to unfold it out of the shopping bag and cut off the tags ._______. Imma just steal it away if I see it lying there untouched on the 19th of Feb. *you have been warned!*
The last of the top series are my 3 Snoopy tees which are probs home-wear or maybe Zac will wear them haha :p Uniqlo makes me happy ~ Uniqlo you need a franchise in Brisbane ASAP.
Moving down the body to the pantttsss and pantssuuu, these two pairs of jeans are from Malacca too :3 Might as well just add it here since it's all part of CNY shopping. Uber comfy and very easy to match colours hurray. Now I proudly own 3 pairs of jeans. XD
Recently I've had an obsession with underwear I've literally favourited 20 000 pages of underwear online from all sorts of websites and I don't know whyyyyyyy I just feel so happy when I purchase new underwear. Just a phase mebbbee... how do I look ! Fit to be a VictoriaSecret model? XDXDXD these cute ones are from Topshop.
It's BuzzLightyear. I just had to.
I like batman (: and ironman (: because they're not born with powers they make their own power ~ Aren't they just the most inspirational characters everrrrr !! yes. yes they are.
I wanted the one that said TROUBLE but my mom's like Noooo, why do you want to invite trouble? So lucky then :3 gosh my hair is so messy from behind and my butt looks a little fat ):
Running pants! Sleeping pants! or .. just pants! I mean shorts!
Because one can never have enough shorts and sleeping pants . I might wear these to go jogging or when I finally decide to go for some Yoga or Pilates class (: wheeeeee ~
Down to the feet, a pack of socks for both myself and Zac because he just steals mine when he can't find his and he has like 50 pairs of SINGLE socks ._.
This here, is the best buy of the day IMO . The thing that I actually saw and wanted so badly. Sneaker wedges! It looks so funky too (: dancers love funk. I dance. and I do funkstyle like Locking therefore these sneakers = gold. My mother approved of them because she thinks I'm short and these will aid me in appearing taller :D [readers who don't know my mom can just ignore what she says. I'm 45kg and 160cm tall and she pinches me every time and says I'm fat I'm fat I'm soooo fat. So yea.]
We actually went through some trouble to get a hold of these sneakers travelling to different outlets and asking for stock . But the effort was all worth it ^-^ From Bershka if you want them but I highly doubt there's any leftttttt ~ ehuehuehuehue
I know I recently bought a HelloKitty wallet but I found another one today ! It's so tiny and cute ! I did not bloat it up with all my cards this time sorry HelloKitty looks like you have to retire even before I started using you . Random American flag tote bag I got impulsively :p
You must realized by now that I buy a lot of junk and here's the final item which was from Legoland (which I definitely will blog about when I acquire the pictures from my father) A bento box :D or a container for anything . They can actually stack like lego pieces and they come in a smaller rectangular box to keep .. medicine? or some small accessories and a larger storage kind of box for .. whatever stuff that needs to be stored.
It's CNY eve today (Thursday). Have you all completed your shopping? Ready for the Reunion Dinner, family visiting + non-stop eating steamboat and CNY goodies and collecting AngPows! :DD D I know I won't be busy because I won't be visiting my family members, haven't been since the divorce. But I will visit friendddssss and bring on the gambling WOOHOOOO ~ :P
Labels: bershka, chinese, horse, legoland, lunar, mickey mouse, new year, shopping, sneakers, studded, tops, topshop, tote bag, uniqlo, wedges
bits of me revealed at ..
12:24 AM.
Yo ! My week has been great so far, I've gotten several things on my to-do-list out of the wayyy ~ Let's start from yesterday, Monday!
I began the day by heading to ICA to collect my new passport ~
I had intended to go there at 10am but <s> I snoozed far too much and </s> I reached the place at 11.15 or so, and it was embarrassing because I was supposed to meet Eeling, my dearest friend who I always refer to as the angel, because she's really such a sweetie, never heard a bad word or anything negative coming from her. (: So I was meant to finish my business and go meet her when her school ends at 11am D: It ended up being her reaching the ICA at 11.20 and waiting for me ):
88 people in queue. WHEEEWWWWWW
It actually only took about 30minutes or so to get to my turn (: and we probably left the Immigration office at 12. So we took a bus a couple stops away to go to Bugis ! Because Bugis was just one train station awayyyyy ~ I'm too lazy to get a map, if you do a quick Google of SG's train (MRT) system, you'll see Lavender (where the ICA is) is beside Bugis (a major shopping area) and also lots of food available ahahahaha. But, nothing exotic, I wanted PAELLAAA
Unfortunately.. there's NO Paella on the SG's Nando's menu (mega disappoint) so we had a platter for 2 instead (:
Nando's had some really strange promotions and giveaways .. This one sounds like Kickstarter ( a platform where people advertise their projects and get donations from strangers )
Or like.. a secret santa sorta thingy, you can write an anonymous letter to someone that you're not that close to or feeling shy and want to confess or something ._.
Just FYI, only these promotional cards are written in comical Singlish, their menus and other business related menus and booklets are written properly
Giant whole chicken set arrived!
Because we were waiting for Dengyin to end her classes at 3pm, we sat and ate this for 2 and a half hours, who cares, we had unlimited drinks anyway, and chatted nonstop :DDDD Feeels sooooo gooooooood haven't seen her in ages! Probably even longer than not seeing Cheehooi and Kexin the other night!
Dengyin decided to drive past Bugis to avoid the tax barriers and drove to Serangoon instead ( my station! Okay almost every station in Singapore has a mall built above it so going to Serangoon means going to the NEX mall that's built above the train station and bus interchange; similarly, going to Clark Quay station means going to Central Mall and going to Yew Tee MRT means going to Yew Tee Point etc. So we're not just hanging in a train station. To Brizzy people: Imagine a Myer Centre above every train station with underpasses connected to the station )
So we took 2 train rides and transferred ( Google the SG maps if you're really interested ) and found Dengyin at the top floor of nex :D we started delving deep into some personal problems and sharing our experiences and opinions for a while and then we decided to go play at the arcade! :D
MaiMai !! ~
my fingers look so looonnng
And we played 3-player Bishi Bashi and Beatmania and etc rahhh all the music and spamming games XDDD Jubeat machine was broken ):
Then they went off because Dengz has her regular 7pm tuition classes to give. I went to buy a Zhao Cai Mao, means Fortune-Bringing or Fortune-Waving Cat. In Chinese this type toy is called a 不倒翁 ( non-falling person ) which means that no matter how to roll the cat it'll bounce back upright :D Honestly have no clue what this kind of toy is called in English. So it's a un-fall-able cat that brings fortune ! XD going to bring it along with me when I next go to play Mahjong AHAHAHA
Okay Tuesday, today! K GO!
Dengz had planned a few days ago to go to the Board-Game Cafe today! (bet all of have been waiting for this post because I keep talking about working there and how amooiiiizing it is so now you know!) Before that .. I had to go to the Canadian Embassy one last time this morning to show them my new SG passport and had in the Oath I took and IT'S DONE. I don't have to return to ICA or the Embassy anymoreeeee HURRAYYYYYY my job in Singapore is done, nao fly me back to Australia pleaseeeeee!
Okay so the Embassy was 5minutes from Clark Quay station, so walked back to the station and like I said, there's a mall called Central Mall above it and I went in there to get some KANDY ~ I really like Sticky Candy because it can last forever and it remains yummy forever ~ Even tho it's hard candy, it melts and you can chew it after a few seconds.
If you are curious enough can be bothered to see this ..
become the hard round candy, you can just youtube Sticky Candy Making to find a 10minute clip on how this candy is made and how the different patterns are "printed" into the candy. I've watched the whole thing live so I know (: you actually need a shitload of strength to make this candy
FREE candy for us after I bought 3 jars.
Love Mix for me, because it's all the berry-flavoured ones, Sour ones for Zac and Rock Mix for my mates at QUT eTV !
The solid coloured candies are tastier than the multi-coloured ones IMO, but I like them alllllll, multi ones are chewy-er :x
Okay we got to the cafe and Sheep and Dinnie came to join us shortly after~ So what does this mysterious Board Game Cafe look like you ask? The cafe I used to work at has closed down but had about 1.5x the selection of this cafe so I couldn't spot several games I enjoyed before ):
Game One: Dixit
This is a picture game where you just describe the pictures and it's also a guessing game, I really like it, it's very easy and I'll probably buy this some day soon (: No one's gonna remember if I describe the game here so ... there's always Google if you're curious or you can text meeee (: Maybe because I was a literature student or maybe because I like looking for beauty within things I actually stared at the cards and found them very meaningful, meanwhile everyone's asking me to hurry up XD
DO YOU LIKE THE CARDS? Are you as intrigued as I am? Can you tell a story just by looking at them. YES YOU CAN. I know you can ! :D
Game Two: Jurassic Jumble
This is a party game with lots of screaming shouting and people will get hurt XDD I love this game so much because it's so brainless wahahahaha. *mustplayeverytime
We played another party game
Game Three: Ugly Dolls.
Also involved screaming snatching but it's a more of observation, memory and quick reaction game.
We decided to play a more challenging game, so Strategy game next!
Game Four: Sequence
We played girls vs boys, as you can see the board is made out of poker cards, so you draw poker cards in your turn and you pick a card and take turns placing the chips and try to get 5 in a row twice. The two rows of 5 must be parallel to each other or adjacent. So somewhat like Reversi because you can block your opponent and stuff. We took 45minutes to complete this game ._.
Game Five: The Resistance
This was a much shorter Strategy game, similar to Saboteur, it's about sabotaging a mission as planted spies in a team. You can manipulate others or take away other people's rights with power cards, pretty cool. But Dengz and I lost, therefore this game sucks XD jk jk jk jk ( how can we ... ex-game masters at boardgame cafes lose?! )))): ego-blown LOL )
Game Six: Cash & Guns
hilarious party game of snatching or trying to settle the score diplomatically if that ever works XD
That's all, 4hours of gaming with unlimited flow of drinks at $8 per pax at Settler's Cafe, $6 with Student Pass. WORTH? YYUUUUSSSSSSS. Easy entertainment (: I think Boardgame Cafes are dying out, so hurry go to one while we can.
When I used to work at the cafe I always joined in to play when players were lacking and basically the job is serving food and drinks while teaching and recommending games to the players (: SO FUN !
Labels: Beatmania, BishiBashi, Boardgames, Cafe, Cash, Dixit, Dolls, Guns, hard candy, Jumble, Jurassic, kickstarter, Maimai, Nandos, Resistance, Settlers, Sticky, Ugly
bits of me revealed at ..
11:19 PM.