
Thursday, January 29, 2009 - [:(]

miro is sick sick sick.. over CNY :(

miro's daddy is sick too.

miro's sister is falling sick too.

miro's sister has been very naughty lately, refuses to sit still and study her ABCs and 123s.

miro has however been very guai and trying to complete all her homework and sacrificing her sleep. T_T .

bits of me revealed at .. 8:25 PM.
Sunday, January 25, 2009 - [good hair day =]]

Hiii, okay it's been a while since I blogged seriously, 'cause like been in a bad mood and very overwhelmed with homework and yadda yadda,
so now CNY is here! oh yay~ we have moneylicious angpows and divalicious new clothes and yummylicious snacks and oranges, woohoo, who doesn't love Chinese New Year ^^

My plan was to chiong all the homework we have first, before kicking back and relaxing in a fullday spa, then a manicure, pedicure, facial ...... well all that and more in a 3day dream.

So I haven't logged on for a couple of days and boooom goes my email inbox with a whopping 161 emails. wowness..
Mostly it's from facebook and friendster.. ah well, then there's mail from "shopittome" and "StudioWu" Newsletter, "Mini Toons" and "N.U.M" promotions and Xanga subscriptions etc.

So to clear my email, I went to facebook first.. don't you just love the tonnes of applications facebook gives you?

Some things are seriously lame okay, like look at the second last one on the left "Whats your favourite request" -.- '''

hehe, so distraction from homework number 1: Facebook.

As I continuing clearing my mail, I see the MiniToons promotion, sometimes I wonder how people can think of so many variations of toys and cute stuff. It used to be just a Teddy Bear and Dog plushie..

Then it evolved to ..
Loony Toons
Lilo & Stitch
Mickey and Minnie (Black and White)

Soon they strayed away from recognized cartoons and made stuff like "Octopus, Mushroom, Monkey, Tofu, LOVE bunny", now they even have pile of dung. ._.

Good lord, I wonder how long they can come up with new toys to produce..

Kay, N.U.M adverts never fail to amuse me okay..

[ Click to Enlarge ]
Please check up http://www.235guys.blogspot.com/ for more (:

Then after checking all my mails, I got even more distracted 'cause one came from "clicknetwork.net" so I went to watch "Chick vs. Dick" and "XiaXue's Guide To Life" after that. She is so freakin' hilarious, you know the things she say, I'll probably never say in a million years.

I decided to push my homework to night time.. okay anyway let's talk about yesterday (:

On friday I went to BoonLay to pick up CID materials from year 4 from Siyao's house, meanwhile we walked around JurongPoint awhile too, then guess what, I went to JP again yesterday because few things caught my eye..

Daddy kindly allowed me to go out with $250, yay, I told him I had to buy books and files for school, which is true because I spent around $90 in Popular, lol, amazing right =x

I am a fan of knick-knacks, I collect all kinds of junk and useless things.

So a new piece to my collection is a "Crystal Jigsaw" from "Harris Bookstore" (weird, I know)

It's just 48 pieces of crystal but it's fucking hard to solve okay. =x

Lookie two little space shuttles HAHA!

Actually Pamela and I fixed almost the entire thing and the careless me broke in apart by pressing it too hard.. our hard work we took around an hour to complete, just flew apart like that D: ..

I suspect people who walked past us thought we were some Robotics Club or something, lil' kiddies were looking at us fumble with jigsaw hahaha!
(Sorry I don't have a close-up picture on the puzzle pieces, they're really kewl~)

After a grand 1 and a half hours of fixing.. a Moon is born!

I suppose the stand is a cloud? lol~
It's so pretty under light :D, yay me!

Ever since we went to India, I've been telling Daddy I wanted a new wallet, I think he's frustrated that I whine so much about things I want, so I decided to spare him further whining and went to get a new wallet ^^

I feel so glad whenever the item I pick is the last piece, because no one else can have it after me muahahahahahaha! But then too bad for me if it's dirty or spoilt, thankfully, this one is perfect :D just made for me =x

All stuffed with cards already ^^ I had to pick out around 6 cards to leave out T_T .. another hobby of mine -- collecting cards! makes me feel superior hehehe.

Okay another collectible would be this Magnetic Cushion-Letter thing.

It's actually an inflatable letter, see behind looks like a postcard, but you can't really see 'cause it's inflated with my carbon dioxide and I couldn't find where my maid kept my digital camera so had to use handphone's sucky camera.

My letter to myself is "=]"
short sweet and simple ^^.

This inflatable letter seems to love my HolePunch, you know, it drifted in the wind across my bed and got attracted there hahaha.

It looks nicer on my table wahahahaha :D

One day, my table will be flooded with junk.. Imagine if I have to move house one day.

Okay, because I'm a guai kia, I went to get a pair of sneakers to wear to school..

This week I've been wearing this shoe with shiny black laces =x, and I swapped my previous shoes with red starry laces, so I need a plain boring un-eye-catching shoe that Mrs.Look and Mr.Chua love so I can march around without a word.

I love these laces, but I'm contemplating which shoes to put them on..

Can you see?
Silver with blue stars ^^,

Okay, I actually got something else, which is this "Glass Chess Set" for my brother (: a month late birthday present haha.. One set is glass, the other is frosted glass and the board alternates squares with frost.

I don't have a picture of it, because he loves it so much he kept it away somewhere, so if he opens it and displays it one day I'll snap a picture (:

Oh and of course the "best" part of the day was sitting merrily on the train from BoonLay to Hougang just to go to the "Popular" which sells my "Kokuyo" brand Ring Files.

To my dismay..

they no longer sell it.


Bloody hell, I swear those are the best ring files ever.

Anyway, these will have to do .. a pathetic colour range can T.T no white no purple no orange no yellow.

Kokuyo is so much better, humph.

Anyway, I haven't posted any pictures of myself recently, so if anyone's dying to see me, now's your chance, if anyone doesn't wanna see me, then byebye.

Okay, around 3 years ago, I had this friend called Adelene ^^.

Isn't she pretty? She was 14 that time.
If any guys want her phone number, ask me ^^ if you're someone I like, I won't give the number, if you aren't then I'll give. Im sorry I lost her number =x.

Okay, once upon a time I have straight hair because I rebonded it, so yeah I had hair like that, for around 6 months, then I decided to give up rebonding because it's expensive, bad for you and it can't last forever. (Now you know, stop asking me to rebond my hair again)

So a couple of years later, I cut off alot of hair to become like this.

JiaHui says that fringe looks cute haha!

Then it grew again to what it was like yesterday.

Then.. I felt like chopping it all off because it's so hot to keep long hair unless you tie it, and I don't like tying hair. rawr.

So what to do?
Cut again!

I dislike hairdressers for a really good reason.
Whenever you enter the salon, you most likely look unsatisfied with yourself.
But when you leave, you look really glamourous or you're supposed to but it only lasts for a day or so. RAWR.
With the exception of guys who have to shave their heads for NS.

See the hairdresser just unpinned all my fringe and let it fall, so my current hair is supposed to look like that, but I can't go to school like that right?

Hairdressers comb your hair so much while cutting, so even though I just asked for her to snip off my fringe, it looks so smooth because of so much combing.

Also, the hairdresser used the blow-dryer to uncurl my hair with that circular comb..

It's so fun to flick your hair if it's long and straight and smooth.

One more thing, she layered the back so now tying hair is so easy :DDD okay but paiseh, bad camera-taking skills, so you can't see how nice the ponytail is hahaha!

Short fringe looks nice with a cap.
yay me!

A picture toast to the real "Mir0kii" from Maplestory, she loves taking pictures from the top (:

One day I hope to look like this.

Toodles ya'll

"The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart."

hasn't it been really long since I threw in a quote?

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bits of me revealed at .. 1:39 PM.
Thursday, January 22, 2009 - [Searing Pain.]

Fucking hell. My legs are aching so badly.

The severity of it being unable to even walk straight, urgh.. luckily my house has many railings to lean on, unluckily there are many many stairs as well..

It's so fucking painful I feel crying every time I take a step..

Ironically the easiest thing to do is climb stairs, strangely going down stairs is so tiring and difficult its like my legs are gonna give way anytime..

To the guy who said,
"Aiya, only run 6rounds what, where got so painful one."
I would like you to try Michael's ridiculously rigorous House class, and HipHop class immediately after that, do about half an hour of walking to D.G MRT from SMU + walking across the D.G Xchange + walking from Serangoon MRT to my house.

Then around 7 hours later, going to school, which requires walking again, climbing up and down from lecture theatres and then going for the shytty P.E lesson of 7 rounds the track, then telling me "Aiya it's only 6 rounds."

I feel crippled ._. even sitting down cross legged hurts. Jeez.

PS: I'm not in a bad mood, just trying to express the amount of pain I'm in x_X.

bits of me revealed at .. 7:30 PM.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - [Jelly Legs]

I'm so dead dead dead tired T_T ..

Had a really Physics day with a psychotic Physics lecturer, jeez, what is it with lecturers, even the Chemistry lecturer has some problems, not to mention the Maths one.. ._.

Had my first Physics Practical, eeek, the uncertainty values are driving me nuts !! Anyway, the most fun part of today was GP ^^ Mr.Wee is really entertaining, especially when Dexter and XiangLonn throw in nonsense. It's really hilarious, and it's a break from all the Maths and Science, so I shall look forward to every GP session, except that I have.. 6 Newspaper Reviews due Friday !~!~!

Anywayzx, Siyao was pigging out in one break, hahaha, she really amuses and amazes me with her huge appetite, her new classmates LuoHui and YiHui are stunned at her too lawl, the only thing is I've known her longer than them..

Had some little chat about blogshops within RVians and somehow ended up talking about Halloween and they're so excited about it, when it is.. kinda far away. LOL ! Trick O' Treating ftw!

Thanks to Michael who made us do 3 rounds of the warmup routine which he claims to be like running "2.4km".. (I mean, 1 round is like running 2.4km) I now have Jelly Legs, RAHHHH, and I didn't get to video down HipHop class because we were running late .. =o

I declare war with Thursdays.


I have every bloody lesson except PW tomorrow, goddammit.

1hr Economics Lecture
1hr Maths Lecture
1hr P.E (should I skip it? T.T my poor legs)
1 hr Physics Tutorial
1hr GP
*lol all one hour? so qiao*
1hr40mins Chemistry Practical ( ...diedie )

So unfair.. dismissal is like at 4pm plus every day !! CCA begins next week too, dear god save me !!

bits of me revealed at .. 9:50 PM.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - [Fermi Physics.]

Hello ._.

I have 3 wonderful Fermi Questions to solve. If anybody knows how I should answer them, please teach me T_T..

1) If all the humans on Earth are squeezed together, how much space will we occupy? [6.2 Billion humans]
2) How many water molecules are there in a fully filled olympic-sized pool? [50m x 25m x 3m]
3) Estimate the Kinetic Energy that Earth has as a result of it orbitting the Sun. [diameter of Earth ~ 10^7 m]

bits of me revealed at .. 8:07 PM.
Monday, January 19, 2009 - [RnB Fever.]

hohoho, I'm addicted to RnB ~! at least for now hehe.. hmm some things to talk about today hahaha (:

Firstly, my brother is giving tuition classes !!! So whoever who needs tuition can actually find him wor, I just saw one of his primary school students =o, well big brother can teach Maths, Physics and Chemistry from pre school to JC ba.. he's so smart, should be a piece of cake, hurry and grab his slots now =x and he charges like. $25 per 1 and half hour, cheap right? hahaha! Oh well, I don't know if he will raise it lol ..

Anywayzx, so I'll just talk alittle about school life bah, since now there's no like classroom allocated to us, so I can't exactly snap pictures of class activity like I used to.. even though handphones are allowed in certain parts of the school, it's still uhh.. hard to take pictures here and there.

Today was a really Maths day, 2 hours of Maths in a row, I have a very Physics day too, and a very Chemistry day LOL. don't know why they like to put 2 hours of each subject together in a day..

We're learning inequalities, I think Mr.Pang is kinda nice ^^, though his eyes are scary but.. he's really nice and patient and his handwriting I dare say is even nicer than Mr. Ong's. But of course, I miss Mr.Ong and the other teachers of 4L especially Mr.Suria and Mdm.Eu, they're dayuum cute!

ahaha, but then again, my current Physics and Chemistry teachers are nice too =P.

GP was really funny, every one was chionging the Commonwealth Essay, and of course almost everyone copied stuff off the net, so I decided to just write out my essay again, hopefully Mr.Wee won't suspect that it was almost entirely copy and paste because I swear I did change several points and put in my own examples and suggestions etc.

Mr.Wee was really entertaining today, we talked about Bias, Prejudice and Discrimatory, and it's really funny when he said, imagine if Jane Austen titled the book "Pride and Bias" LOL ! I don't really like the accepted discrimination we have here, like the education standards, I mean it's necessary but the way he puts it, it's really awful to hear.

Economics was nice too, I like Mr.Tan's powerpoint slides, so colourful and many cartoons to look at :D

Okay, I have a wonderful lunch waiting for me ^^


bits of me revealed at .. 2:25 PM.
Sunday, January 18, 2009 - [Moodless ._.]

no mooood to blog these few days,

I've been spamming dance classes, that's all I can say ._. Probably quitting in July, we'll see..

JC life seems pretty fun so far. I quite like all my tutors (:
*gloats to all Chem students that I have Sean Tan*

Ahh well, I'm sure my life is gonna become very stressful soon, like soon tutorials and assignments and projects will be piling up.. Right now, I've spent my weekend, sleeping and watching drama ^^, next time I'll probably be working all weekend away..

RAHHH, life is so repetitive, I need some excitment ._. which is why spamming dance classes is a good idea.

my blog is gonna die soon ..

bits of me revealed at .. 3:56 PM.
Thursday, January 15, 2009 - [Sugar Rush]

I need alot of SUGAR !! I need energy !!

After a rigorous 3 day Orientation Camp and going home at like 6pm, 10pm and 3pm, I was half dead.. The Year 5 camp was pretty fun actually hahaha, wonder how the SCs came up with so so so so many games! They were really fun to me (:

I know there're many people who don't appreciate the effort of the SCs, but at least I do ^^ I love the mass dance too~!

Just a pity our class, 5Myclass/MaMeeMO/MVP, has only 3 girls so bonding is a little tough, because the guys are all together and we three are like away from them haha! Guys are so nice to us though, they did all the embarrassing and challenging tasks HAHAHA !

I'm apologetic 'cause I have absolutely no pictures of the camp, but im sure our school webbie will publish it into at album soon, or the photography club webbie will have them ^^ My my, the photographers are really talented okay, the pictures they snapped were awesome. The expressions of the people and them jumping in mid air or just about to kick a ball and the hand falling down after flinging a dodgeball.


Anyway, past two days I've gone for HipHop and Vocal Pop dance classes, after lectures, so I'm like really really more than half dead.

Legs aching the whole day until I'm like immune to the pain RAHHH~

Yutaki's so cute ^^, my first Vocal Pop lesson was really cool, it's singing plus dancing, and the moves are a mixture of jazz, hiphop, popping and locking. Sadly the class will be removed in Feb.. ahahaha, many changes coming to StudioWuuuuuu~

Anyway I've got to chiong my tutorials, commonwealth essay and practical worksheet !!


bits of me revealed at .. 9:49 PM.
Sunday, January 11, 2009 - [God's making fun of me.]

Time flies just like that..

Just a few days ago, I was happily walking home from River Valley, so glad that it was the last day of school ..

Just last weekend, I had gone overseas on a wonderful holiday..

Just yesterday I went to my beloved 4L's class chalet..

Tomorrow is the reopening of school for Year 5..

God sure knows how to collaborate with the RV planning committee to make fun of me.. the absurdity of it.. a class of 18 students, with only 3 girls, tomorrow's orientation will be.. chaos and pandemonium..

Wish me luck ..

My longterm dream since the beginning of 2008 has be shattered.. but it doesn't matter.. 2 years will fly by, just like 2 months flew by..

I have cried so much today, it's enough..

I have to be brave and embrace 2 horrible years..

And before that, I'll have to deal with puffy red eyes at 5.30am in the morning..


bits of me revealed at .. 9:50 PM.
Saturday, January 10, 2009 - [The Storybook I Would Love To Be Trapped In]

Competition by Nuffnang to win InkHeart Movie Tickets (:

If I could be a character in any book..

I would want to be swept away in a world of magic ~

Where everything can be controlled by a flick of the wand.

I would want to be whisked away to "Harry Potter" 's world.

The story that rocked the world..

that made ever little kid say "When I grow up, I want to be just like Harry Potter! I'll kill the evil Lord Voldemort for you Mummy, don't be afraid!"

In Hogwarts, I would lead 7 wondrous years learning spells, enchantments and concoctions! Much better than my current education. Away with Trigonometry, Newton's Laws and Chemical Formulas!

Here comes Hippogriffs,


and Thestrals.

No more will I be calculating percentages and probabilities, figuring our what drives a motor or what compounds form esters and alcohols.

Instead I can transfigure an animal into a cup, summon things from far away, make a Boggart entertain me or scare away a Dementor with my elegant Patronus.

While my school canteen provides dull and repetitive food, I can feast on a self-replenishing buffet in the Grand Hall all day!

Instead of running from lecture halls to classrooms, I'll have staircases that move for me.

If I ever feel lonely in school, I can just turn to any wall and talk to a painting or wave at a passing ghost.
If I ever need an adventure, I can explore the cast school grounds or the nearby Hogsmeade.

If I ever feel tired of walking, just gotta swing my foot over a broomstick,

and take off to an exhilarating game of Quidditch!

When you can live in a world of magic, where every day is an unpredictable anticipation, what are you waiting for?

the train leaves Platform 9 3/4
at 11am
on 1st September!

Do watch out for Muggles though.

If I could be a character in any book,

I would want to transport myself to a land surrounded by "dust".

I wouldn't ever be alone because I would have my lovely daemon with me all the time~

Whenever in doubt, I could consult "The Golden Compass" for answers!

I, Lyra Belacqua, would fight alongside the witches and gypsies against the evil council and stop intercision, becoming the most popular kid around. On top of that, I get a pet and personal bodyguard Iorek the Polar Bear!

If I could be a character in any book,

I would want to be a "cold one".

Yupp, you got it right, Bella of "Twilight"! Then, I would be the luckiest girl alive. So what if I had a broken family, no siblings and live in a dreary place of almost eternal rain..

I would have Edward Cullen!

The Edward Cullen,
that leaves girls drooling across the world. I would have a vampire boyfriend who would do anything for me, his existence solely for me~

And as my story progresses, I'd end up becoming a vampire myself! I'd have good looks, super speed, super strength, a genius of a child and also the special power of being a "shield".

But be it "Harry Potter", "The Golden Compass" or the "Twilight" series, I might not end up being the main character. What if the writer made me the antihero with a happily never after?

Now that I think about it, maybe I should be a character of "InkHeart".. where I would be read alive, then I can enter the real world and lead my own life.


bits of me revealed at .. 11:33 PM.
Friday, January 09, 2009 - [4L Chalet pics.]

bits of me revealed at .. 12:44 PM.


Ayesha Hamid.
Chinese mummy + Indian daddy + Canadian born + Singaporean raised + Australian university education. (yes I speak Mandarin too)

a girl who loves to smile, dance and NOMNOM. She cannot live in a world of black and white. Favourite animal? Horse. no not obsessed, Pegasus over Unicorn.

she laughs uncontrollably,talks very
animatedly with all sorts of actions, careful she might hit you.

she'll space out suddenly
and you never gonna know what she does next,
but that's just who she is,
take it or leave it [:

The reason why this blog sounds and looks as childish as it is, is purely to preserve the memories I had as a kid, and compare my life then and now, no matter how embarrassing my past may be.

her many nick names!
Asia ..
Scarlett Skyterror~
The Serangoon Friend

She's gonna be a film producer one day!
Currently in Queensland University of Technology
with a double degree in Film and Advertising.

graduated from the "nurse" school
River Valley High in 2010
had some of her worse life experiences there
but met some of the world's greatest friends too ♥

She's generally a really gooooooooooood tempered person [:

But I do warn you, she can be very unpredictable at times!

If you think you know her, think again.

The only witness and the only person who can judge her life is herself.

She likes to take pictures, if you think she has uploaded a picture of you or there's something somewhat offensive and you can't sleep knowing it's there, tell her.

You're not obligated to stay and read, if you hate it, goodbye and have a nice day.


Production Diary

100 Happy Days Challenge

Personal Tumblr


✖ The SIRENS ✖
Music Beats

LEGO HOUSE - Ed Sheeran


*produce a superhero film w Paramount Pictures, or work with Marvel for their upcoming Superhero flicks
*produce a Funkstyle based dance movie w Jon. M. Chu
*be in production of LOTR or GoT productions. (if there are any more after Hobbit)

*Meet Behati or become a VS model *write a $5m cheque to my mom and dad with the money I earn
*meet Taeyang and SNSD in person [:
*Have twins ♥
*Build my own house with a lovely swing, a pool, pool table, dance studio, mini theatre, DDR machine and live with my friends!

*Ride in a hot air balloon
*Swim with dolphins
*Drive down Route 66
*Watch a concert at MSG (Madison Square Garden)
*Visit the Playboy Mansion
*Visit Walt Disney Studios & Harry Potter Studios
*Play at Six Flags with all my RollerCoaster Kakis
*Harry Potter Themepark
*Pyramids in Egypt
*Scuba-diving at Great Barrier Reef
*Climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty
*Take photo at the HOLLYWOOD sign
*Skinny-Dipping at Maldives
*Watch bull-fighting in Spain
*Tomato Festival in Spain
*Wear a Yukata and enjoy the Summer Festival in Japan
*Stonehenge in England
*Watch sumo-wrestling live in Japan
*White-water Rafting
*Taj Mahal Tour
*Watch a show at the Sydney Opera House
*Ride the Japan Bullet train
*Gamble at Macau
*Gondola in Venice (again)
*Climb the Eiffel Tower (again)
*Lean on the Leaning tower of Pisa (again)
*Picnic in Hyde Park (again)
*Visit a castle
*See the Temple of the Gods (Greece)

✖ The JUDGES ✖

Imran a.k.a MISH!

3Leprechauns & 4LOUDspeakers!
3.4 LOUDspeakers!
#07 SiYao #15 Peggy
#16 LiLin or LiLin's LJ
#17 Winnie
#19 QinYu
#32 YongHong
#34 Merwyn

5Nothing & 6NerdyNuggets

Funky EL Drama Club ~

Kee Meng
Tiang Peng

What's Yours?


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September 2008
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December 2008
January 2009
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March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
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October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
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✖ Her THANKS ✖

designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem