
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 - [big bada BOOM !!~]

hmms, de title of tis post came from de movie 'The Fifth Element' where ii watched in Sec 2 which was last year. From dat movie, it was said dat de fifth element was a perfect human.. kinda er xin.. bet all de guys would be weeweet, loads of cat calls, cuz de "perfect" gurl's body was bared.. @_@ Anyway.. in dat movie, dat gurl speaks some ancient language and she learns 'big bada BOOM' from tis Taxi Driver, forgot de name of de actor liia0 anyway in dat era, cars can fly !! Police patrol cars can fire missles at random as well... de fifth element was called an experiment, but since it was perfect, it was so unpredictable dat it broke free..

Watch it to find more bahhs, but its so old, ii wonder if euu can even find de CD... ii haf de impulse of changing blogs again.. rawr.. guess tats wad ii do wen im bored of looking at de same URL and skin.. im lazy to change skins and ii actualley like my current one, de song title matches its theme.. yayness.. (:
ii guess ii shall stop monolouging.. but tats wad de main purpose of de blog is.. come to tink of it, im actualley talking to myself.. o.o ... yeah.. ii feel.. ii juz can't be bothered to go do anyting else..
Todae was so boring. Ruo Lan was absent todae, and while im typing tis, she juz informed miie she was watching Hana Kimi while we were all falling asleep in classes.. nottie nottie laopo.. xP Jermaine my dear auntie ish wondering where my bro ish, and ii wonder why my bro calls her jiejie wen he ish older... ii shall take it dat older people are weird.. ehh.. ii tink im weird too, cuz ii call senior Celine my meimei... heck.. wadeva..
Due to influence from Dexter in our class, ii realise im saying 'dammit' very often as well o.o not tat it matters, im relatively glad, ii finished reading 'how NOT to spend your senior year' not long ago, around 2 and a half hours ago.. cuz its lykk.. 9pm now.. yeah.. ii missed my bus-stop while reading.. for de record, my second tym taking de 2 hour bus-ride on 100 from school to home.. x.x its so bad bad bad..
ii feel so listless now.. wondering wad im supposed to do, im sure there's someting but ii just duno.. so for now ii shall continue typing until ii haf no feelings.. or at least dun feel lykk typing.. its kinda irritating dat so manie MSN windows keep appearing. Some strange people take pleasure in nudging miie 10 tyms in a row fer no apparent reason.. god, some people love to use white fonts or light purple and im supposed to highlight de words to read.. even better are those who put lotsa smileys and ii cant read anyting. There are tyms ii dun wanna reply people, cuz they are miie rhetorical stuff and some ask plain stupid tings and ii cant be bothered.. and ii know and euu know wen im using tis tone .. someting's wrong wif miie.. anyone wanna venture a guess?

Alryte.. ii shall move on to todae's events.. first, reached school so early, but there are manie others even earlier.. cool.. ii actualley see Alena dere oredi, and she was practicalley late every day in Sec 2.. but well.. she claims to be able to go home in 4 mins.. and im reallie jealous. TT
Everyone was furiously copying homework, wen every teacher saes not to copy, ii feel they're wasting their breath.. well too bad.. Mr Teo seems to be de best, he gives 1 week to complete a single assignment, but Mr Suria ish ryte, no matter how long we are given, everyone pias de dae before, or end up copying on de date its due.. lmao?
Lets see.. we had assembly, supposed to haf Elit as first lesson, so while walking halfway, Siyao, Pamela and miie dashed back to get our necessary materials... we reached de library and it was not open.. ~__~ we were all proud we were all seated before Mrs Law reached.. at least tats wad ii tink we felt. =x
Elit was boring. ii reallie miss having Rendy Lee TT his lessons are reallie engaging and ii dun tink its possible to fall asleep in his lessons. Yes, he might be unreasonable lykk in Sec 1, writing de entire expository essay format in one and a half minutes. His first day wif us in Sec 1, was hilarious how he talked about Shrek and Incredibles and how de pitiful bee flew and hit de ceiling fan and... died.. Elit we discussed no, we analysed Chief Seattle's Speech.. all euu people not taking Elit, do go search for his famous speech in 1854, its reallie touching.. TT
We had Maths.. ii lykk Maths, but ii suck at it, strange.. anyway we were going at a slow-pace and upon hearing we had to speed up, ii was reallie doubtful ii would be able to follow.. cuz im slow, there ii admit, ii juz can't tink fast, prolly dats explains why im not outstanding at debates either. Maths ish nice.
P.E we had a horrible machine which measured our height and weight. Im horrified at de fact ii actualley grew shorter. Sec 1 : 157cm, Sec 2 : 158cm, Sec 3 : 157cm apparently, my growth rate ish,, terrible.. however dat machine made miie lighter ^^ But as eveyone knows, no gurl in de right mind reveals her weight.. lalala ~
Recess was nice, althought ii wanted to try wad Pamela had de previous dae, it seemed to bland todae.. @_@ ii had to borrow a belt cuz ii misplaced mine, but ii actualley found it later during Chinese period.. how lame.. and ii tink ii haf lost de borrowed belt.. cuz ii dun remember where ii kept it.. well too bad, ii haf never returned any borrowed items from de school =x lets juz ignore tat :D
See dat smiley :D, im totalley not happie, in fact im expressionless, ii haf not uttered a word out loud since ii parted wif my junior from CCA, means walking to de bus-stop from side gate, on de bus, walking from bus-stop to home, eating dinner, doing homework until now, ii juz finished my work.. so means i've been reallie quiet.. how nice..
Okae back to topic, ii seem to stray away very easily.. tats supposed to be bad.. okae, so after recess was Physics Practical, and im wondering now how ii can remember all these.. im not refering to de timetable or any tings i've noted in organiser, oh by de way, ii tore out a page out of frustration.. now ii feel stupid, cuz ii tore out de wrong page, and for de rest of tis week haf to use another paper.. dammit..
Physics was practical, okae i've gone off topic again.. ~__~ Our first practical of de year, it feels horrible to go back to Block A.. =x who cares.. Mr Suria talked to long and we had to rush through our experiment, and Claire claims dat her Pendulum experiment hypnotised her.. wonder if tats good or bad. ii planned to do de graph plotting at home, but ii realised at 8.27pm wen ii was doing Physics dat ii had left my graph paper at school. sadded.. means ii shall do it tomorrow morning..
On to drama lesson, we had alot of delays and half de lesson tym was gone.. aww sad.. we held lessons in de drama studio.. ahh.. CCA location.. ~__~ and de guys were gaying very happily dere.. it was reallie.. euww.. they honestly can't contain those raging hormones.. ii onlie remember we formed groups and had to hold hands and unentangle webs.. how wonderfulle.. for our first lesson... ii swear ii could haf cried on dat spot cuz de twisting hurt so bad.. TT
Last period was Chinese, ii recall sprinting from studio to class as it was incredibly hot, and Siyao and Pamela decided they could not take it either.. Chinese was soooo boring, we were still on same topic.. discussing dat flow chart.. and ii was folding de borrowed belt into roses again and again.. somehow de lesson passed...
EL was more cheerful, we did warm-ups ourselves, our props for SYF arrived, and we played a game of "Energy" in 2 groups, its kinda hard to explain wad we did, we form a beeg circle, wif lotsa space.. den one person starts to walk towards another person, looking directly eye to eye and doing neutral walk.. de person being looked at den walks out to another person, keeping his/her eyes on de person and oso neutral walking.. and it goes on, we are transfering our energy to one another, as de pace picks up, we end up running to each other..
Non-cast members were released after dat.. cool eh? :D (tats a genuine smile) but ii was happie at dat tym, ii still am remaining expressionless now.. tats if euu believe miie.. but why would ii lie about someting to trivial.. ~__~

ii did someting to our class, which will definitely be noticed tomorrow, and ii wonder if they know it was done by miie.. well.. lets see..
ii took de 2 hour bus-ride cuz ii was lazy to transfer to de MRT at HarbourFront.. and juz stayed on reading, and ended up missing my bus-stop, had to walk extra to go home, and ii immediately fell asleep, den woke fer dinner, shower and.. homework and now..
Enough said.. BYEBYE ~

Kafukuaririka -- Mir0kii

bits of me revealed at .. 8:50 PM.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 - [Jeremiah.. de Debate Coach... (:]

0o... looks lykk.. its been.. wad... ah 5 daes since ii blogged, wells, im beginning to realise ii onlie update on weekends, but wads de point of keeping tis internet diary den? So after finalley completing my homework, im here updating ^^

mir0 seems to be reallie lousy at physics.. and mir0 has received news dat darling maomao wanna leave MDD.. aww.. maomao cannot leave miie worrs.. !! Im so tired.. im very sure im gonna get all my physics wrong, cuz im so tired but still doing it.. and im done wif English too.. bleahh.. x.x
So far teachers seem to be okae ii guess.. lotsa guy teachers though.. ahh well, maniie tings happened but not exactly interesting, so im gonna blog about my first.. Debate Session, wif a proper coach ^^
After all its de most interesting ting ii feel dat has happened tis week, once again Ning Qian ish killing miie wif de suspense by forgetting to bring Gossip Girl again.. @_@ okae back to Debates...

First off, fer some weird reason, all those who turned up seemed to be mortalley horrifed by Jeremiah, which ii believe ish a name evolved from Jerry and Jeremy, by some ingenious person, cuz the name Jeremiah sounds nicest of de 3 (:
wad nonsense am ii spouting, okae so Jeremiah was reallie late, and ii was starving cuz de CIP briefing took up lunch time, and ii dashed off fer Debates TT.. ahh well, my first impression, he was exactly lykk a pai kia from a neighbourhood school, honestly, his style, mannerism doesn't reallie fit a 23 year old =/
So he's lykk a reallie beeeeeeg senior, dun wan sae old bahhs.. =x hmms, he had pretty interesting points, and im pretty sure we all enjoyed it, after all, we were all bursting into giggles all de tym.. sometings he mentioned..

Suppose our Motion was : Good looks triumph over Effort. (Jeremiah talks to himself)
He told us to take a super HOT babe, beeg boobs, perfect legs and sexy ass wif completely no brains versus a top law student who looks lyk she has been hit by a car, bus and airplane TWICE.
Tis is called truistic, cuz its very obvious tat de law firm would hire de top law student, but.. what if de employer was blind.
If de person ish blind, why would he earn a law firm?
Okae maybe, he met wif an accident and couldn't pay for lasic operation..
How can ?! A person who earns a law firm not rich enuff?

Tat was basicalley testing how fast we could react, he said it all too fast and ii took some tym to actualley register it.. @_@

Another one, he wrote some stuff on de board.. and we were all taking notes, Dorothy juz came in, so she took out paper and wrote her name first.. its.. normal right?
Jeremiah asked, what are euu writing
Dorothy said, my name ?
Jeremiah asked, why are euu writing your name?
Dorothy said, so no one will take it.
Jeremiah asked, why will someone take it?
Dorothy said, maybe some perverted idiot.
Jeremiah asked, and why would someone pervertic person take it?
Dorothy said, to see my name la! (feeling frustrated)
Jeremiah asked, so if you dun write ur name that person wun take it right?
Dorothy... bo wei gong liia0, just nodded and said eh.. ya lor
Jeremiah den asked all of us, so the moral of tis is?
All said dun write ur name
Jeremiah said NO! dun argue wif ur Debate coach ~

tats reallie lmao la.. !!

Some other interesting stuff we talked about lykk a Super Tomato ~ and evolution, bacteria to amoeba to fish to land animals to monkeys to humans... ii immediately drew a "O.O" on my notes paper.. tats so... so.. plain... weird..
Ahh well, we had some gossip session... hehe.. but aww nevermind.. lets end, im tired.. x.x

Kafukuaririka -- Mir0kii

bits of me revealed at .. 9:52 PM.
Saturday, January 13, 2007 - [SIANness]

hmm.. new class pretty nice ^^
kinda united and very guai.. yadda yadda, new class owaes.. liddat one .. after one year hor, year 4 all bad bad kia liia0s.. juz wait and see xD
Master Suria forced us to change seats.. ._. sad luhhs, im wif Alena now... lalalala, one good ting no PRCs in our class, yayee lesser pressure........................
SYF coming, coolness (: Renee selected our cast and crew ppl yesterdae.. yepps, im free to go debates.. ^^
ahh.. Audition is still more interesting den maple to miie, budden, cuz of school, so manie cant plae, im one of them oso ~____~ sad sad sad... bwaaahhh...
Honestly bro and Yong Han are improving their gaeness, everydae seeing each other.. fer a few secs, lykk just now in der morning, he came over to retrieve his "lost" wallet at our house.. ahahahaha, his photo is damn.... LOL
Fine.. im evil xP ii lyk it tat way.. finalley Merwyn admitted defeat and bought a hook to hang our class clock.. yay ^^ Our duty roster is up as well.. im arranging CHAIR on MONDAE.. how wonderfulle...
We had to build cars during Psysics, but OMG Jiong Rui ponned school ._. so our research came from smses... bwaaahaha our car was sibei CUTE, and oh yeah, one good ting.. NO MORE TFU, CT or ASK.. wadeva sai la.. NO MORE le XD
ahhh.. RAWR, ii dun wanna go Groove Parteyy ting hor, and MDD outing.. bwaahahahha ii shall go fer de sake of going, hopefully allowed =x
Mmm.. wad else.. okaes lets try smth new ba..



Kafukuaririka -- Mir0kii

bits of me revealed at .. 3:10 PM.
Sunday, January 07, 2007 - [GAO GAO beeeeg house ^^]

yippee, yesterdae, finalleyy went to de legendary house of gaogao xD...

Kkaes, it started of wif conference call de night before, yepps, again conference (: mmm, gaogao and ii were in audition at tat tym, so we secretly planned on fetching maomao from her home, and we told her some nonsense about meeting at Dhoby Ghaut at 2pm =x

So yeah, ii was betting dat gaogao would be late, so while we were supposed to meet each other at serangoon MRT at 11am, ii woke up at 11am xP

Surprisingly, gaogao reached dere a few minutes after 11am, SO HE'S STILL LATE !! and who said to come at 9am huh....... *desperately thinking*

ii saw gaogao's NEW hair, short and black... no diff ~___~ still de same spikey style.. just black in colour... needless to sae, he looked cool no matter what.. lolx tats expected of rich kids lykk him ^^

Hmm, we had brunch @_@ which was Milo Godzilla, which ii had recommended to lulu, gao and mao on de last 4 beast outing, ii cant believe they reallie drank it, but yeah its awesome, very filling though .. heck care lar its cool (:

We grabbed a cab and off we went to Katong SC... we decided to explore de shopping centre abit, but it was... majorly.... euuwwww... its lykk Chinatown Point, de disgusting shops or maybe Queensway SC, but Chinatown Point has a cute maomao shop and Queensway ish better... @_@

bwahh, we broke into maomao's house, and maomao claimed to have heard my evil laughter and thought her brother had brought gurls to de house... aiyo.. gaogao who suggested dat idea in der first place, decided to hide downstairs.. ~_____~ my daddiie abandoned miie !!! TT.. ii saw dat cute Stitch toy wif lights and sounds dat mel's papa got for her (:

maomao said we ruined her plans of telling her mum she was going for her school's sec 1 orientation party.. awww.. paiseh lar, gaogao and miie sacrified our sleep for euu =x put it tat way ^^

Okae.. we went to Parkway Parade, a shopping centre, a NORMAL one ^^ where ii gave mao and gao beeeeeeeeg lollipops (x den we proceeded to Cold Storage, we bought drinks, chips, strawberries =x chocolate and wadeva stuff, and ii chose most of de stuff =D

We got a cab from a very fast-moving taxi stand and went to a super ULU place known as Seletar Camp ... bwahhh so ulu derr... gaogao has an awesome house !!! its so cool @_@ he has a swimming pool in der back and those kind of beach chairs, he uses a projector and screen for a TV?! and his amazing mum has soooo maniie paintings around de house, his kitchen ish nice.. fake onions.. lolx, omg ii love his room !!! so nice larr TTTTTTTTTT... my god, ppl who know him, must definitely go to his house one dae... !!! He claims to have 79 Christmas trees around his house, and de beeeg duno wad tree outside his house has spotlights and those mini LED lights around tat makes his house look reallie pretty at night ^^

Okae... after exploring, we settled down to watch de movie 'Eight Below' and ii made my wonderfulle noodles and mao and gao thought ii was insane ~____~ its just a different way of cooking... bleahh... Eight Below wasn't emo enuff to make miie cry =x Den we changed to a movie which was supposed to be sexy and entertaining for mao and gao, but ii ended up falling asleep and so did gao after dat.. lolx.. den ii chionged into gao's room to see his computer.. check whether he had porn on it, but he pulled out de cable.. means he IS hiding someting !!! RAWR !!!

ii finalley got to see how SDO looks lykk.. and yeah we went fer dinner at a legendary Jalan Kayu, gaogao was owaes talking about... we had nice dinner ^^ but ii was too full to eat much, maomao and ii got a cab easily and off to home ^^ poor gaogao was left to clean up de mess... paiseh xD

Kafukuaririka -- Mir0kii

bits of me revealed at .. 10:55 AM.


Ayesha Hamid.
Chinese mummy + Indian daddy + Canadian born + Singaporean raised + Australian university education. (yes I speak Mandarin too)

a girl who loves to smile, dance and NOMNOM. She cannot live in a world of black and white. Favourite animal? Horse. no not obsessed, Pegasus over Unicorn.

she laughs uncontrollably,talks very
animatedly with all sorts of actions, careful she might hit you.

she'll space out suddenly
and you never gonna know what she does next,
but that's just who she is,
take it or leave it [:

The reason why this blog sounds and looks as childish as it is, is purely to preserve the memories I had as a kid, and compare my life then and now, no matter how embarrassing my past may be.

her many nick names!
Asia ..
Scarlett Skyterror~
The Serangoon Friend

She's gonna be a film producer one day!
Currently in Queensland University of Technology
with a double degree in Film and Advertising.

graduated from the "nurse" school
River Valley High in 2010
had some of her worse life experiences there
but met some of the world's greatest friends too ♥

She's generally a really gooooooooooood tempered person [:

But I do warn you, she can be very unpredictable at times!

If you think you know her, think again.

The only witness and the only person who can judge her life is herself.

She likes to take pictures, if you think she has uploaded a picture of you or there's something somewhat offensive and you can't sleep knowing it's there, tell her.

You're not obligated to stay and read, if you hate it, goodbye and have a nice day.


Production Diary

100 Happy Days Challenge

Personal Tumblr


✖ The SIRENS ✖
Music Beats

LEGO HOUSE - Ed Sheeran


*produce a superhero film w Paramount Pictures, or work with Marvel for their upcoming Superhero flicks
*produce a Funkstyle based dance movie w Jon. M. Chu
*be in production of LOTR or GoT productions. (if there are any more after Hobbit)

*Meet Behati or become a VS model *write a $5m cheque to my mom and dad with the money I earn
*meet Taeyang and SNSD in person [:
*Have twins ♥
*Build my own house with a lovely swing, a pool, pool table, dance studio, mini theatre, DDR machine and live with my friends!

*Ride in a hot air balloon
*Swim with dolphins
*Drive down Route 66
*Watch a concert at MSG (Madison Square Garden)
*Visit the Playboy Mansion
*Visit Walt Disney Studios & Harry Potter Studios
*Play at Six Flags with all my RollerCoaster Kakis
*Harry Potter Themepark
*Pyramids in Egypt
*Scuba-diving at Great Barrier Reef
*Climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty
*Take photo at the HOLLYWOOD sign
*Skinny-Dipping at Maldives
*Watch bull-fighting in Spain
*Tomato Festival in Spain
*Wear a Yukata and enjoy the Summer Festival in Japan
*Stonehenge in England
*Watch sumo-wrestling live in Japan
*White-water Rafting
*Taj Mahal Tour
*Watch a show at the Sydney Opera House
*Ride the Japan Bullet train
*Gamble at Macau
*Gondola in Venice (again)
*Climb the Eiffel Tower (again)
*Lean on the Leaning tower of Pisa (again)
*Picnic in Hyde Park (again)
*Visit a castle
*See the Temple of the Gods (Greece)

✖ The JUDGES ✖

Imran a.k.a MISH!

3Leprechauns & 4LOUDspeakers!
3.4 LOUDspeakers!
#07 SiYao #15 Peggy
#16 LiLin or LiLin's LJ
#17 Winnie
#19 QinYu
#32 YongHong
#34 Merwyn

5Nothing & 6NerdyNuggets

Funky EL Drama Club ~

Kee Meng
Tiang Peng

What's Yours?


August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
May 2007
August 2007
September 2007
February 2008
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May 2008
June 2008
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August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
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March 2012
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June 2012
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August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
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January 2015
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✖ Her THANKS ✖

designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem