Thursday, March 29, 2012 - [in-things.]
well everyone's going nutz about the Hunger Games, so I decided to get myself a copy of the trilogy because its been ages since I read D: and I must know about such legendary films heee
Life's pretty mundane here.. updated more pictures about SA week that ended on FB, and after that were was a poster sale at the KG campus wheeee~ everything from vintage posters to sci-fi to scenery to abstract art to movie posters to artists to TV show posters and etc.
got myself a couple [:

the batman one is 3D so its like the Joker's cards popping out and flying at you.
Next up this weekend, Friday Night - Hunger Games, Saturday evening - Swimming Carnival. Sunday - Mahjong! Monday - Film shoot! visited the rooftop area of my creative industries building to the Equipment Loans Centre and the Editing Suites. aww so excited for the rest of my course [:
Signed up for 4 events, think I'll pass out after the event, went for the a swim this evening, and felt super dizzy again and I even forgot to bring a plastic bag for the wet swimsuit so I just wore my clothes over and shivered on my way home. @@"
I've done quite a bit of work tonight, because I changed my entire story, I rewrote the project brief, wrote out a new shot list, camera plot and marked-up script. What's left is the story board D: sighz.. I'm so lazy to draw again.
bits of me revealed at ..
7:31 PM.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - [bitching post.]
I really don't wish to talk about this, but I shall just rant abit here and then I'll probably close this chapter because I really think this is very childish behaviour and it's seriously a very minor and stupid problem that can be solved very easily.
See the problem with me and my roommates is our cleaning duty agreement. Since I have only one lesson on Monday at 4pm, I chose that day because then my Tues and Thurs are completely free in case I need time for whatever engagements.
Every Monday I have been cleaning, although my timings as home are weird, it may appear that I leave everything there without touching them. False.
The reason why I'm always NOT at home is because for some reason unit 405 and 406 are extremely popular even with friends from the West Tower. So my apartment always has alot of people inside or people next door. Naturally it would very crowded and noisy in the apartment, thus I go elsewhere to study. Generally I like taitai's house because there's enough space and her roommate is quiet and even when her roommate brings people over they're not as loud as the ones in my apartment.
So nevermind that, it's nice to have people around as well, nice to interact, but it's the times when I'm feeling tired or I have a headache and I want to nap at home and my whole house is chaotic makes me feel upset and sometimes I even force myself to will my headaches away and get out of the house to study instead of sleeping.
So okay the root of the problem is not the noise, it's the mess in the house. According to the roster.
Monday - Me
Tuesday - Mikaela
Wednesday - Dana
Thursday - Sophie
Friday - Bronte
Weekends - ALL
cleaning includes the dishes, cleaning the stove area, wiping the tables and chairs and vacuuming the floors (weekends only)
Sounds fair?
But it really isn't because up til the weekend that just past, my roommates have been inviting friends over for parties and big dinners and they've left the sink with a mountain of dishes over the weekend and oh yay Monday comes, Ayesha does the dishes for us.
That's fine, I'll suck it up.
Yesterday, the sink was spotless in the morning, oh thank you so much for cleaning over the weekend, I left for class at 3.30pm and it was still spotless, hurray! But when I came back at 6pm, ohhhh boy it was all piled up. Okay I guess, dinner time you girls cooked so I washed everything scrubbed the stove and wiped the tables. Went out to study. Came back around midnight. Another mountain of stuff and dirt and crumbs all over the tables again.
what the fuck did you girls do seriously.
So I was very tired and emotional on Monday night, Tuesday morning I got up and cleaned everything because Mikaela was displeased about me leaving things overnight for her to do on Tuesday instead.
Good, I'm glad you feel that way, so you know how I felt the past few weekends and the amount of cleaning I did.
IGNORE ALL THAT, let's continue. So I cleaned up everything on Tuesday morning. I decided for once we should have dinner at my place, since we've been to vicky's, anna's and wan ting's. And so we cooked at home. Before our dinner was another crazy dinner at home, with about 8 people and their family with Dana chasing Warrick with a knife for not eating the vegs and stuff. It was funny watching their family with an adopted son, a gay cihld, lesbian parents and things like that.
And, Mikaela cleaned up immediately because I informed them my friends were coming, so that's awesome really. Thanks alot.
But then... after our dinner, we left everything there, because it's NOT my duty. So I have every right to leave the place messy right? And it's the first time since I've came here in February, don't I get any permission to mess up the place once? Don't I get to be noisy too?
Apparently not.
Because Wednesday morning, I wake up to see the filthy room, so someone hasn't done her duty, but okay maybe 'cause she had a late night, she'll do it later. Then I see this note left on the fridge.
"Dear ayesha, I think it's unfair to make me clean up after the mess you and your friends made, I cleaned up everything from the party we had over the weekend so you wouldn't be upset on Monday"
THE FUCK. Cleaning on SUNDAY is your bloody responsibility because I wasn't home and you guys wanna host the party you clean up, how is that even a valid argument? Nevermind, you think it's unfair, on Monday I also had to clena up 2 mountains of dishes and I didn't say a word about it.
And I have to emphasize again how it's my FIRST time inviting people whereas all of your friends come over almost every single day to mess up the place and make alot of noise and leave their clothes around if they stay over and shift the furniture and basically everything MINE didn't do.
All we did was cook, we weren't even noisy, you guys were even louder inside the room than we were outside. They didn't shift the furniture, didn't leave things lying around like all the clothes and slippers and containeres and wine bottles I always see every darn day.
I think this post is futile anyway because maybe you don't get it, you don't understand my unhappiness, it's your day YOU do it, don't even complain about what mess who created because on other days you have the damn right to mess up the place too.
If in the first place you guys weren't so messy and you cleaned up after yourselves, there wouldn't have been this roster and I wouldn't even clean AT ALL because I don't use anything at home. So in fact I'm doing chores for free when I'm barely at home for a cup of tea.
Now that I've fully ranted here, and also to many other people. I feel so much better. and I have lessons from 10am to 9pm today, so I won't even be at home. again.
bits of me revealed at ..
9:13 AM.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - [UBC FTW]
This is SOOOO cool ! :DDD what a happening school ! Bouncing castle, indoor pools and a helicopter?!
bits of me revealed at ..
11:30 PM.
I feel like such a bad person. The rate I'm going cause like.. a lot of hurt to multiple people. I don't even know what i want. don't know what's right or wrong. maybe neither. I've done so much, tolerated alot of shit, done things against my will. where do I go now.
feel like an idiot. after all the things I've done, still don't know if I've been doing it all wrong. Is it necessary to make me cry night after night. It's like torture, I don't know what to say, in case I say something wrong. Don't know how to respond or else I might offend you. This really isn't the way it should be.
bits of me revealed at ..
1:39 AM.
Sunday, March 25, 2012 - [welcome home shao ye ^-^]
Three things this weekend [:
met UQ girls on Friday night, had a great home-cooked dinner together with cheesecake!
spent more money on Saturday buying boots :pp and going to Sunnybank
mugged seriously the entire Sunday. Shao ye James is back too [: we all really missed him, hahah life is like automatically much more happy with him around. James treated me wan ting and vicky to dinner which probably cost about $60 altogether for all of us . wheeeee !! It's good to have a senior around to help us. He told us about his Japan escapes and we shared our dull life here.. but the crazy SA week hahaha [:
things are like back to normal now, because when he was gone for the week, it was like something was missing from me and taitai's lives ):
bits of me revealed at ..
11:44 PM.
Thursday, March 22, 2012 - [comparing lives.]
I came across a friend's blog, someone I've never quite understood but from all her stories seems to be a simple-minded person who appears to have a lot of complications in life due to certain circumstances. This person is actually very similar to me, just that I don't express myself as eloquently as she does and usually I just write about interesting things in life. But this post.. I would like to share, because I know many people actually feel this way too.
I am so tired. I can't keep this up much longer.
Very, very, very, weak.
I don't call for help anymore.
My heart struggles on its own. It hurts without reason. Once in awhile
on a night like tonight, the pain gets so overwhelming and I don't know
where else it is appropriate for me to say that I am really...
I don't even know. Really broken.
Why do I keep getting the feeling that I am missing out on this life?
Places I want to go, things I want to learn, people I want to see.
I can't say. I really have no words for all these feelings.
And even if I had words for them, they just won't get it.
I am so tired.
I regret. I really regret.
Maybe if I could, I wouldn't choose it again. Opening up a whole new world
to me, but I am all alone. I don't want to have anything to do with this
But I can't leave.
I am really so tired.
Familiar? It actually really reminds me of my old self.. I used to be moping around wishing I had learnt dance properly since young. I always hated that my family never supported me in what I wanted to learn like ice-skating or the violin instead of piano and such. I wished my parents had sent me to Mediacorp for acting classes when I was young, or made me a child model. Why wouldn't they let me go to Polytechnic instead, why didn't they let me go to NanHua Secondary instead?! I used to admire so many people and wonder why couldn't I be like them. After years of feeling sorry for myself and pointless hours of comparing myself to others, I gave up.
I know it sounds impossible, of course I still do look at other people's lives but now I also look at mine and think, other people don't have what I have either. Fighting for my freedom to be sent overseas is probably the pivotal point in my life. Because even though I can't continue dance or skating here, I'm learning so much more.
Meeting so many people, people who have quirky characteristics, resourceful people, people in my field and it's all happening pretty quickly I have to stop myself sometimes. I can't remember alot of things now either, because of the sudden cultural change. I guess it takes time.
Someday I just hope, when I become successful enough, I'll be the one making others admire me instead. And definitely I'll be that supportive parent for my children, so they won't have to 'suffer' like I did, and like what many other children are experiencing now.
bits of me revealed at ..
11:44 AM.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - [laugh.]
Things are back to normal again [:Whenever conflicts are resolved, you usually look back and laugh at what has happened and realize how dumb you were before.. so here's something to make you laugh. If you don't get it, then too bad.
bits of me revealed at ..
12:49 AM.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 - [numbed]
maybe we don't fight every day.. but it seems like we do it a lot. I wish it would stop, because we're always fighting over such small and silly stuff... I guess it's true that I've been taking you for granted, because the pain I feel now is unbearable, and if it wasn't for all the assignments I forced myself to do.. I might have just wasted today away as well. It's like a kind of numbness. I'm sorry, I really have been selfish and the moment you stop being nice, I start to crumble.
bits of me revealed at ..
1:13 AM.
my heart aches.. I can't talk to you directly. your call gave me a fright. I can't do this now.
bits of me revealed at ..
12:37 AM.
Monday, March 19, 2012 - [you've got mail !]
Sunday, March 18, 2012 - [against the world.]
sighs. sighs. sighs. I don't know what I've done wrong..
1. DAD
sent me a long angry text not call him father anymore because of the way I've disgraced him. Says that the way I dress is not appropriate and signals my loose character. Says I'm defiant for still wearing the ring Chris gave me. Says that other kids must more respectful and grateful to their parents and says I'm a disappointment. Seriously what kind of dad cyber stalks his daughter on FB, checks all her pictures and posts, email, snail mail, whatsapp and calls every day. Like a freaking stalker. I mean sure it's all good intent, but whats the point of sending me here to be independent when you wanna know what I'm doing 24-7. You have no trust in me at all and you obviously aren't giving me any freedom even though you're bloody 3400 miles away.
zz.. I don't even know what to say. Quarreling every other day because I don't reply his messages. It's not like I'm free all the time.. and I don't blame him when he's busy in his meeting and such. Same thing, I don't understand the need to know what someone is doing all the time. It's thoughtful and I'm appreciative that you care so much but please give me some space. I do tell what I'm doing daily, the highlights of each day, do you seriously need to know when I bathe or eat or change clothes or walk into the lift with no reception? Isn't it a litle too much? Then I might get annoyed and start raging at you but in the first place your tone isn't as friendly as you think it might be. But that's the problem with virtual communication, you really don't know how chill I am when I"m replying you or the seriousness of my words.
goshh... I don't really have any complains, they're all nice and friendly and helpful to me. Yes I love them alot, but seriously.. the major problem is the cleanliness of the house. I put my name for the duty on Monday but that doesn't mean you wreck the entire house over the weekend and expect me to clean up after your mess. This particular weekend, I did not touch a single utensil nor shift the couch or even take up space doing laundry.. So I wrote a note saying I wont be cleaning up this time. I hope they understand... sighs... not that I can't clean up, I really find things too unfair. Considering that I cleaned up last week and the previous weeks as well.... ._.
I don't know .. maybe there's something wrong with me instead... emailed Candice about rooming arrangements. If it's successful then DY CHEE and KX don't need to find accomodation when they come in May. [: yayyyyyy. Although it'll almost be winter by then and probably the fashion trends might change. ): .... nevermind I'll try to make it fun!!! :DDDD love you girls. I really need my heart to heart talks again.
OH yes.. I almost forgot.. my lava lamp spoilt ): x999
bits of me revealed at ..
11:36 PM.
Saturday, March 17, 2012 - []
bits of me revealed at ..
11:42 PM.
wanna know what I did today?
felt so unwell from yesterday's disappointing dinner at the Stamford hotel and even though we had korean hotpot after that I wasn't feeling my best. Maybe it was the cold weather, or the fact that my feet felt sore from the suede wedges I was wearing .. :x
Anyway I returned to vicky's apartment because my room card was inside when we were preparing together. I even straightened my hair nicely thinking there would be people to impress or connect with. But bleahh.. was a pretty boring night. So I was feeling dead tired from school and then that event.. then I sat on the lovely mattress and skyped with darling for a while.. before KO-ing there. I think it took 3 missed calls to wake me up to open the door for Vicky. @@"
The next morning at 7.30am, vicky woke me up saying it was time to go out because we had actually intended to go to the "Toowoomba Road Trip" organized by the SSA. But sadly vicky was feeling dizzy and I heard it as "taitai 8.30 already!" and I was like... shit 8.30 is the reporting time, there's no way we'll make it, sua! I flopped back down and we slept.. until 12pm... we woke up slowly and we realized we had a lot of missed calls. So we had to sadly explain our plight to our seniors ..
wan ting or wanjeong as we call our beloved daughter now.. taitai is the daddy :p was delighted when she knew we were home and not far away and came over to cook lunch (beehoon soup for sick souls) together. After that we well intended to study, but we felt tired and restless and watched "Harry Potter 4" ... we snacked on icecream and fried noodles .. midway we realized we needed to go to Woolies to get the ingredients for dinner!
So we braved the rain and bought our stuff and when we got back we realized the apartment was kinda in a mess so we cleaned up... and then.. we started to cook dinner. LOL
Curry rice today [: andddd... we were gonna study but we were really nuaaaa and watched "Running Man" instead and we were laughing, screaming and feeling so anxious for the characters. HAHAHAHA, and then we discussed about moving in together.. and ... ate more food.. and well that's it actually..
Sleep Eat TV. LOL what a chillax Saturday. I really HAVE to mug tomorrow, hope my persistent-since-morning headache goes away soon. On the other hand, the rest of CLV seems to be partaying .. smashed shot glasses on the corridors, food spilled onto the carpets, loud music blasting from a few levels and yes even a hole in the wall.. whew.
bits of me revealed at ..
8:30 PM.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - [master chef in the making]
Like what daddy says, da jie says and generally everyone says.. Its no good to keep buying food outside to nomnom....because it's expensive and unhealthy and etc.. although yuan's wok is a super tasty restaurant and they give giant portions to feed you for lunch and dinner for 2 days!

That day taitai overslept and so I had to deliver this yummy chicken fried rice and garlic prawns with vegetables to her doorstep! :x hahaha but its okay I love her so much [: and the food was awe-to-the-some! and because of the SSA privileges, I had free BUBBLE TEA! :D
and we had ice cream tooooooo ^-^

But since then... we've been having alot of
home-cooked dinners after being inspired by seniors living at Herston.. so we started cooking family dinners because our entire dinner party consists of ..
me vicky wan ting anna jared james and sometimes lindy.Thus we need big pots and pans. So over the nights..
1. Xin Zhou Mi Fen. (me + vicky)2. Vegetable Soup (Jared)

it was more like
Pepper soup, was horribly poisonous D: .. even
James couldn't take it..
3. Steamed Egg (Jared)
Looks like
cement right... D: JARED AH WHY IS THE WATER BLACK?!
4. Tomyam Tofu + Golden Mushrooms (me + vicky)
looks abit odd.. I know, but oh well the mushrooms were expiring so just throw in!
5. Char Kway Teow (me + vicky + wan ting)actually Char Yellow Noodle 'cause we forgot to buy guo tiao noodles

so much preparation..
cut garlic, cut veg, cut meat, cut carrots, cut tofu .. cut everything!

if you're wondering about my diet, that's mock meat, vegetarian bacon because poor wan ting has allergies to meat so we used fake meat. But thank god she can eat off the same plate of us even if we cook meat inside. and everyone has been so awesome by not cooking pork, or at least when I'm not around ~
6. Sambal Kang Kong + Prawns (me!!!)
my proud creation [: actually would have tasted even better if I could find the proper
prawn paste, we had to use shrimp paste 'cause it wasn't available, thats why the colour isn't as red-orangey as usual
7. Vegetable Soup + Omelette (wan ting)
Like I mentioned before, the weather's getting really cold.. so on
rainy nights, we had soup like this, which is really really awesome. I LOVE THIS SOUP SO MUCH.. I can probably drink it all by myself!!
This was the night we cooked like crazy.. imagine the preparation and the cleaning up after..
8. Laksa (me !!!)another super proud creation of mine ^-^ for today's dinner.

we didn't have taupok or beansprouts so we made do with potato, baby corn and chicken meat ^-^

made the hard-boiled eggs and had a mixture of noodles :p

bubble bubble toil and trouble

most yummy food I've cooked in my life !!! LAKSA FTW!
I'm going to be a
master chef by the end of four years, wait and see people!! [:
Book me in advance to cook for you when I'm back in SG! :x LOL
bits of me revealed at ..
9:00 PM.
Monday, March 12, 2012 - [extravagance much? LOL]
I suppose it's time I wrote about the weekend that just past, especially the Saturday where I went to Harbour Town, the Factory Outlet Mall area.
So the night before, I was trying out dresses at vicky's place, she has some really sexy and some slutty clothes ahaha ! and we (me vicky james jared and anna) watched 2movies together, Fame, the extended version and the Adjustment Bureau. Gosh they don't believe me about the micmacs movie ): I swear its darn good!!
Anyway after that long night, we slept at about 3am? and James happily KO-ed on the couch, I shoved Jared off the mattress and forced him back home, so I could sleepover with Vicky ^-^
I had a hard time making everyone wake up the next morning, but it was CRUCIAL because it was a shopping day!~ So me vicky and james set off!
cute? :x
we went to the farmer's market or KG market first (which only opens on Saturdays 6am - 1pm) they have alot of fruits and vegetables.. they have bread and pastries, coffee and tea and ohmygoodness THEY HAVE HARGAO and SIUMAI!
awesome breakfast ^-^
then we were off to the train station where we met wanting and anna, then james went back home. :o seeeeee we took the train towards the Gold Coast, it was about 45mins by train ride.
aiya... blocked the train title D:

my lovely taitai

after a longggg ride and spamming photos we reached ..

ITS A HUGEEE SHOPPING AREA!! like a thousand and one shops and I bought lotsa stuff wheeeheeeheee
I love Nike [: got my running shoes to go jogging ^-^ yay
thought of buying this slutty top.. but .. NO HAHA

after a loooonnnggg day of not-enough shopping, because we arrived around 1pm and everything starting closing at 5pm ... )): SIAN... need to go back there with taitai! [:
went back to the city reluctantly... and waited for Jared's friends to have dinner together~ saw a Hire Engine.. haha clubbing on the go !
and three stretch limousines :DD
went to a Korean place called MadTongSan for dinner :o though I think the food was better at FunnyFunny.
they tried the rice wine, looks really cool hehe, the smell was nice too but oh well I didn't try.
omnomnomnom ... I feel so lazy writing this post LOL. okay now for the stuff I bought [:

AUD $15 for this lovely tank, I like the laces there!!

$17 .. was 2 for $35 bought with taitai ^-^

I thought I saw $25 per dress.. so heart pain 'cause I couldn't decide which colour to buy )): ... so I really bought both... when I went to the cashier I realized it's 2 for $25 .
my running attire!!

$25.. I suppose 'cause its the Nike brand.

$120 !! .. worthy investment ba.. original price $250 ~

originally $90, got it at $40 although it was 2 for $60, too bad didn't have the black or red or pink one in my size )): even whatsapp-ed dengyin to ask if she wanted 'cause she's a wedge-lover.

These slippers were 3 for $10 ! and taitai bought 2, so phewww hahahah omg I love rubi slippers. wahahaha one for every single outfit.. it's good to have shoes in so many colours :p

Finally a covered shoe for school, 'cause my other shoes are kinda likeee... all high cut shoes or boots :o
This was from the day before at BigW, haha cute not! like a mini boot. SO CUTE I LOVE IT
If you've been keeping track... that's a total of 8 new footwear in 2 days. ohmygosh. Extravagance much?!
And to end off my shopping spree it's my awesome ♥QUT jacket ! :D
bits of me revealed at ..
8:59 PM.