Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - [more new people!]
hmm what to write about today... ~
I had economics lecture today at 2pm. and I think I only woke up at 12.30 because I was seriously so .. tired. I don't know why I woke up at 10.30 and snoozed so much! My goodness. I wasn't hungry or anything. I really think I eat very little nowadays. ._. So I took the school shuttle to Gardens Point campus. [: I'm so glad there's the free bus service ~ I can go to the city and back for free every week day ^-^
Right. Met this Lebanese girl outside the Lecture Theatre, 'cause she looked so intensely pretty I could not stop staring at her, I had to go talk to her. :x God.. I really can't remember her name now @@" .. I hope she contacts me soon or something .. Anyway she's a 3rd year law student. wowwww and she wants to further studies in U.S but she says she's scared to go away herself.
Which made me think.. about my journey here, I was excited and super scared and cried like a baby for 3 days. But I'm alright now.. and in my entire family, I'm the only girl who's ever done this, so I guess there's a lot of pressure for me to do well .. hmm who cares. Anyway, I also wanna go to Hollywood and meet the stars, apparently, one of my lecturers has actually been on set and worked with Steven Spielberg himself! My gosh.. my dream come true !! I can't even remember if I've already written about this another day, because.. I kinda mix up what I tell people I meet and what I write here and what I tell my lovely SG friends.
There's just a million things on my mind, I wanna share with everyone and I wanna hear about everyone's stories and stuff. AHHHHHHHH brain overload. Just now Dinnie asked me about what buses to take to Upper Thomson, I'm amazed I can remember and give her directions to walk as well. Good job brain, now try to remember the hot girl's name....
Then at my Economics Lecture, met a girl from the Phillipines who grew up in Aussie, Jessa. What a pretty name and a pretty face. [: The econs lecture was kinda boring because it's all stuff I've done before in JC, I HOPE I will do well for this module then [: Micro and Macro econs crammed into 13 weeks of school . whoopee doo.
Since I was at the city campus, went to the city after that, to get my lovely Cha Time Milk Tea ^-^ and I passed by this Korean Mart and found more Asian stuff there and yessssssss I found the "Kerasys" brand of shampoo inside there for $10 . holy :o !!!!!!
The guy at Cha Time actually recognized me and said "Hey you're the girl who wants to work here. Singaporean right?" Ohmannnn, I hope that's a good sign, please hire me soon to let me feel better and at ease that I will at least have some sort of income.
went over to room 406 for awhile, Hannah, Sophie, Athena (WHAT A COOL NAME RIGHT?!), Catherine, Dana, Warrick, Dave, Zak and Glenn were all there, wheeeee family gathering again haha. It's good to see everyone together. Today I realized Hannah and Warrick were both studying Psychology and Criminology, awww dengyin!!!!!!!!!!! ):
and they were arranging study dates and all, Hannah is super pretty, I think she's the prettiest girl I've met here, I love her hair and eyes sooooooooooooo much @@" they're mesmerizing I swear and she's such a sweet girl. Y I NO LIKE THAT? D:
Catherine said she did a HipHop class today. These people are so lucky ): they're studying dance! It's so amazing and fun to do that! Ahhh... oh well my life shall be full of excitment some day when I've mastered my filming skills .
Went for my first tutorial, for People and Practices and met Dr. King. wow .. Dr.King travels alot because he likes to . Hehh so shiok, if only I could travel around without a care in the world. So basically it was a talking session, we just interacted with the entire class, broke up into groups and discussed an article called "Gamers Succeed where Scientists Fail". It's about scientists who were trying to identify some protein chains to help cure AIDs and they couldn't match the protein links together so they were unable to come up with the virus model . Someeeething like that, so they created a game where you match up the protein links and stuff. The gamers succeeded within three weeks to identify various virus models.
So I thought yeahh.. since I play games as well I suppose the more you play, the better you become and there's like motivation to take up the challenge of the game, whereas the scientists will be like .. this is my work, I have to solve this, and they get all stressed and are unable to function lol.
So I met people who were doing Film and TV as well, told them how I was very fascinated by the camera like aerial shots, how I like action and Sci-Fi flicks because of the special effects. I like those fantasy movies because they always have amazing soundtracks and it's really cool that Dr. King shared that the sound of doors openning in Star Wars was created by rubbing sheets of paper together. I mean would you ever think of that? And the sounds created when people throw punches at people, the proper way is using pigs. Isn't it so fascinating !! @@" During my first film lecture I watched a clip that was all shadows and I was like "How'd you do that!" Gosh I'm going crazy with excitment.
Met alot of wonderful people, like Holly, Ophelia (who has a Singaporean boyfriend and she pronounced Toa Payoh, as tow-uh pay-yo, lol so cute! XD) and I met Nathan and Alexander and Leon and Jamie and Theresa and ... gosh I really can't remember them all. Everyone's so nice and friendly yay! Holly actually has a friend called Ayesha as well. WTF same spelling as well ! Holy shit!
Well I was trying to write notes for my Economics earlier, but my fingers are like sore from 3 pages of notes, because I don't like reading notes online and I like to rewrite them so it gets instilled in my mind and I like handwritten notes. The pains of not writing for 1year. D:
Alright, that's it for today.
bits of me revealed at ..
9:54 PM.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 - [A friend from China.]
Hello there. me so tired of blogging every day D: maybe I write too much.. too much detail, but I can't help it ): once I start... I have to fill in everything... heh. my brain is a paradox.woke up at an ungodly 6.30am, to prepare myself for my first lecture at 8am. D: It was very boring because it's the unit "People & Practices" . So basically I'm gonna learn how to use the right skills to find the right job, and be able to adapt to changes in my field and change my skill sets respectively.Strangely this course has 1hour lectures and 2hour tutorial sessions while everything else in school is the other way round. O_O. So not looking forward to tutorial tomorrow. Anyway~ came back and napped until mid-day. Woke up to see Mikaela making this awesome Fruit Salad so I threw in some grapes and kiwis for her ^-^ I'm going to make this for myself soon!soooo healthy.. and I love fruits!
So the highlight of today was actually.. going to the Apple store at Chermside. and this is why you need to have an appointment..else they won't entertain you at all. Chermside is at the North of Brisbane, so me and Ben (my new friend I met at the lab when I was in great distress. Ben's from Guangzhou and yay someone to practice my mandarin with. I know many of you will be like whuuuuut 'cause I always refuse to speak Chinese at home, but I think he's just as relieved as I am to be able to use Mandarin and he didn't laugh at all [: or be like those who say I sound weird in Mandarin.) took a 25minute bus journey to the North.He was really nice, carrying stuff for me when I needed help and he bought me drinks, woohoooo they have the awesome Ice Lemon Green Tea here, but in a different packaging, but its just as aweeesome. My CBA bank card arrived today ^-^ FINALLY! But.. I have to wait like 2 days to receive an SMS to confirm my activation and pin number. bleah.So ... I needed a face cream and it was funny that we arrived an hour early, and we were walking around and this Jericho manager comes up to us and decides to 'spoil' us with all her creams and bath salts. In the end ... we both bought facial cream/salt/scrub thingy, because we both apparently were looking for a good one. It was originally priced at $90 a bottle, but amazingly we got it at 2 for $100. Ahhh.. the benefits of being a student and an international innocent-looking one. :x !Then... to the Mac store, where we waited and waited for our turn despite already making an appointment.. tsk! So the dude couldn't solve my problem ): so much for being a genius. So basically what happened is..initially my HDD was working fine on my mac, because it had been recognized by the Mac. I lent it to my friend and after that who uses a Windows OS, the hdd became Read-only for my Mac. So that means I couldn't transfer stuff in and out of it. So I was trying to change the security and permissions of the device and I had no idea I had to reformat it to be compatible with mac/mac + windows/windows only.The apple ppl said the windows pc will force the format of my HDD to NTFS, sooo.. my mac can't write on it anymore, then i tried to dl this software NTFS-3G to enable it to work on mac because STUPID ppl in the mac forums said it would work. But somehow it locked everything on my mac, all my permissions were gone, even the mac internal HDD was locked. Like i cant acacess it anymore, I was like what the fucccckkkkkkk so I went hoping they could restore my mac by one day because i didnt use time machine at all before, because i didnt know how it worked. And even the apple genius bar ppl couldnt remove the NTFS 3G, like it cant be uninstalled .. So I have to reset everything and i have to format my own HDD for it to work..blahblahblah.So after all that .. craziness, oh yes I was wearing the super cute pink Nike Dunks and they were biting me sooooo much and I was in so much pain DD: I nearly died .. my ankles nearly bled D: ... (this fucking lappy can't even reset now WTF !!!!!!! god.. I hate this.)haiz... demoralized. sad..So I walked in pain and went to this Little Singapore Restaurant in the city.Good menu, has indo, malay, chinese and the local delights.
Actually the design of the restaurant looks like Old Town White Coffee to me.
Ate this.. Sliced fish soup with vermicelli~ was nice, but there's no red chilli here ):
Ben had prawn noodles . I think.
Okay the point of this horrible next picture is the serving size, look at the bowl vs the size of the chilli saucer thing.or maybe look at my hairband.. it's a bloody huge bowl !
so went back.. and there was a fire alarm in the other tower. lol never heard it before and suddenly everyone in that tower was evacuating . Meanwhile Mikaela cooked this Spaghetti Bolognaise. looks yum eh?Haizz.. so I've created the Time machine backup on my new HDD, which cost $130 ): and ..I kinda fear it I were to restore my lappy after resetting it.. the bloody NTFS-3G thing will appear again and I will probably smash my lappy to pieces ._. because .. it infuriates me so much that even after going to the apple centre .IT'S NOT RESOLVED. FML. I hope the idiot who posted in the forums dies a fucking horrible death. YOU SUCK SO MUCH I HATE YOU . HOPE I NEVER MEET YOU BECAUSE I WILL SMASH YOUR BLOODY COMPUTER AND BACK UPS TO PIECES AND LET YOU CRY THERE .
bits of me revealed at ..
9:04 PM.
Monday, February 27, 2012 - [time and money..]
Hey everyone [: my apologies for being too emotional yesterday, I barely did anything in that state but sit and stare at the walls.
Sunday, was my last day of my extremely long holidays since end of A levels in 2010. That's like ... December 2010 UNTIL yesterday 26th February. I'm finally going back to school [: So on my last day of holidays, ironically, I went to look for jobs. hahaha, I mean I have to, because.. I really need to ): tell you why later.
So instead of online applications and looking at advertisements from the newspaper like what I did in Singapore, here you kinda just print and dump your resumes everywhere. If you're lucky you get a call. So I redid my resume and dropped it at .. 6 places in the city,
1. Cha Time (Bubble Tea)
2. Easyway (Bubble Tea)
3. Chocolate Boulevard (like Candy Empire)
4. Funhouse (Arcade! I saw DDR machines!)
5. eVent Cinemas
6. Famous Footwear
Actually I wanted to go put some at retail stores I liked.. but it's funny that I was looking all around for Cha Time and saw the Famous Footwear shop, and in the morning I realised one of my flats had a hole in them ): so I went in to look for a new pair and... found these instead!
which looks like this, but without the strap (sorry for my bad photography)
at $40 which I've been like searching in SG. ohmytian ! So happeh! :DDD and I also found myself a new pair of red flats at 20bucks. Ahhhh [: contented sigh~ Now I can wear them and be as tall as my roomies hehehe. So the people there seemed really nice, so I just put in my resume too [:
(OMG, I'm so excited suddenly, because while typing I'm like super active in the QUT SSA (Singapore Student Association) FB group and I'm like getting to know my neighbours in the campus village and hopefulllyyyyy MAHJONG KAKI !!! :DDDD omgomgomgomg, must attend SSA BBQ next week to meet them, 'cause apparently the S'poreans don't like to come out of their rooms, unlike me.. forever in the lab/library/walking around)
My last resume was for the Lilypad Thai Restaurant & Sushi Bar around the corner from my hostel
Speaking of sushi... when I came back from my jobhunts, I met Dana and the boys from 406 and we went over to chill [: and Dana and had this most awesome Chicken Avocado sushi, which is extremely yummy like best sushi ever created.
We played Skyrim and Dead Space on Xbox, haha I've never played Xbox before even though I have one at home. Then we decided to go out for a movie, but then... we all decided we were too lazy ahaha. So we settled for Burlesque in the apartment.
Warrick cooked us his vegetarian bacon (super yum) and vegetarian hotdogs. Zak made a wonderful chicken salad, Glenn fried some beef hotdogs for me :p and ... we ate chips and biscuits and stuff ^-^ It was nice. In return, I made Milo for everyone :DD everybody loves milo~
That night I was free and all, but some stuff upset me which I shall not dilvuge. I just think that if you're not confident of information, you shouldn't mislead people. Don't tell others what you think you heard, don't talk about other people based on what you think they would say or do.
To try to recover from my turbulent state, I decided to destress by playing LoL. But then I lost 4 consecutive rounds. ): nevermind I still felt better.
(I really can't write properly now @@ too distracted, I must write super quickly) Today went to Woolsworth to pick up groceries, and look what I found!
RP for LoL hahah!
This is the hugeeee baking section in woolies, so much more variety vs SG mart. haha this will be like paradise to eeling :x
So anyway I bought alot of stuff and with great difficulty lugged it all the way home ALONE ! @@"
Unlike Warrick, Jake and Glenn who stole a trolley and brought it all the way to their room and proudly claimed that they paid for it for $2 .
bought this bath scrub just because its too cute :p teehee, this makes showers more fun. you know what I mean [: I think .

heehee, okay so anyway packed did ironing and stuff, pheww so tired.. then I went for my first lecture! Introduction to Film, Media and TV production ! :D It was a very inspiring lecture because we watched the projects of 3rd year students and just basic briefing of course overview.
One of the projects was super cool, it was about this guy who steals people's imagination and seals them into a book. He tricks and lures them into his laboratory, shows them his inventions and they trust him. Then he asks them to sit in some capsule and imagine their life while he captures it and sucks them into a book. wow ! The plot, the filming, the effects and THE MUSIC was super awesome.
Then.. talked about the first assignment which already constitutes 10% of final grade. So it's just telling a story of a personal event for 1-2 minutes and it must have like conflicts or tensions and proper beginning, transition and ending. haha who can guess what I'm gonna talk about ..
After that went to print out a hell lot of course materials and bind them and then I decided to contact the SSA people because I suddenly remembered them. I was thinking with my double degree coursework, doing part-time work (hopefully they call soon!!!) and the household stuff, I don't think I can join any clubs or so, I definitely won't have time to learn dance here.
So my dear laogong, please be prepared, I will force you to learn ballroom dance with me when I'm done with school! you have 4 years to mentally prepare yourself and train your body etc. LOL.
So okay. I have to mention how much money I've spent in one day, it's so scary. $57 on groceries, $40 top up printing card, $13 on stacks of foolscap, $2 binding notes and $50 for my Guide to Producing Film. I don't even dare to look at the price of my business course books, I DON'T WANNA SPEND ANY MORE )): I feel sooooo bad already. Even though it's essentials but still ... !!
What a crunch.
Life is tough people, life IS tough. I NEED A JOB!!!
I think I'll be soooooo busy from next week on, I won't even be able to watch all the movies everyone passed to me and all my own TV show downloads and stuff D: ... god bless me hope I can cope with everything.
I think I'll depend on SSA for alot of help with like moving out of KG-CLV (kelvin grove campus living village) and other school-related stuff.
bits of me revealed at ..
6:02 PM.
Sunday, February 26, 2012 - []
so fucking offended that something like this just happens.
Next time I just shouldn't tell ANYONE about personal stuff, because I can't fucking trust someone with a secret.
.. I don't even know what to say anymore, beyond outraged that you put words in my mouth, and angry that it created even more mistrust. Every time things are smooth and all some dumb fuck screws it up.
and .... what the hell .... .
I'm just so upset I can't even put it in words.
bits of me revealed at ..
8:31 PM.
Saturday, February 25, 2012 - [rainy days.]
Hello all. I'm not in a happy blogging mood, I was actually very happy, because I completed every thing and I was free for about 5hours and I intended to write properly and then happily skype with everyone. BUT... I went to do something stupid and screwed up my macbook so it's completely not working now. And while I'm typing, I'm trying to back up all my 100gb over stuff from my lappy to my external HDD through a the school free desktop. BECAUSE my mac can't recognize my HDD. and I have to use this tiny USB of 2.5gb space to slowly transfer here and there ):
sighs.. what a sad state I'm in ): pity myself~
ANYWAY! I'm gonna cheer up and try to type happily because my baby asked me not to be so upset over it, hopefully on Tuesday, I can get it all done. It's such a strict system, you MUST have n appointment otherwise you can't take your equipment for servicing D:
So the earliest is Tuesday and some kind Chinese student has offered to bring me over to Chermside to get it done. phewwww, I think its about half an hour away by bus. I feel blessed to have such nice people around to help me when this disaster struck.
Poor baby, he's worried for me that I'm going out with a stranger on Tuesday, heheh nothing will go wrong !!! [: Speaking of him, I always feel so happy talking about Chris to my friends here ^-^ They're all so cute like "OMG you're engaged?!" and they all wonder how we manage this long distance relationship thing. Oh well, we still got a longggg way to go, and our number one problem is kinda my dad.. stubborn dad, but I don't wanna elaborate on that. I just feel so lucky because I know there's someone waiting for me, someone always concerned about me every single day. [: heehee and he gave me his cologne and big Scrump and his company jacket so I can 'remember' him . I'm so lucky I'm so lucky! :DDD
Okay back to topic. On Thursday~ we drove to Gold Coast City. But sadly it was raining, and it continued to rain for 3 days in fact... it's been super cold and I'm got a cough ): but it's pretty mild. First headed to the Movie World~ Since it was drizzling, we didn't sit on the rides, but we sat on indoor rides, watched the 4D shows and the outdoor shows like the Hollywood Stunt Drivers. That was really awesome because they had to do it in the rain as well, the grounds were wet and all .

wooo I love batman, I was only interested in batman souvenirs, there was this lovely tanktop with the yellow batman logo on it but daddy refused to buy it for me T_T. sadness....... nevermind! If I ever go again,
I'll get it for sure! Met Scooby-Doo, aww he's so fluffy and nice to hug! :DD They really look like the characters and properly proportioned as well in terms of size and height of the characters. Great job! The Scooby-Doo indoor coaster was a big shock to all of us though..It looked like an innocent kids ride with not-so-scary ghosts appearing at the sides of the tracks, but.. surprisingly it plunged into darkness and it's actually a really big rollercoaster.. the tracks were broken off, and elevated and went backwards, went downnnnnnn backwards. HOLY SHIT, it was so unexpected, then it turned really fast at the corners and you felt like you were being thrown up 'cause the turns were so sharp! Then downnnnnnnnnnnnnn again and whirly twirly, corkscrews and all. But the cart we sat in looked so innocent .
would you think this was a scary ride???
Anyway it was raining abit heavier after we came out from the rides, so we had these $16 ponchos! damn good quality... duhh. Hahhaha I've kept it for future use :p
There was this awesome HarryPotter shop there, I so wish I could have taken this from the display and openned it and whispered "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." and watch the magic unfold... ~
Bought this souvenir for my sweetheart [:

haha it's simple and common but he loves it, and I found one for Glenn as well, but too bad it spelt "Glen" haha.. well sadly I can't custom make them for names like deng yin. Kash said he even saw my name before! Wow!
So we left Movie World because of the rain and we didn't go into SeaWorld or the other themeparks, instead we went to explore Gold Coast City, the Surfers Paradise and the malls and we had Cold Rush Icecream, mashed with chocolates of our choices. Super awesome!!
And... if you've been looking at FB often enough, you would see how we three attempted to prank everyone. There was a CSI shop.. well not really a shop, an experience, like you go in and you survey the scene and try to deduce what happened, so outside the CSI shop there was a fake dead dummy, and my dad took a photo and captioned it,
"almost got robbed but in the confusion, the robber got shot dead instead."
Nobody commented... So we tried again, my dad just randomly checked us in at "Sin City Night Club" where supposedly the incident took place, because it would seem more likely.. then it was so coincidental that we saw some police cars parked adjacent to the street, so we decided to snap a photo of the police and make our "fake robbery" more real. Then ... everything just fell in place because the police cars were actually parked outside the police station and there was an ambulance parked as well AND.. on the other side of the street... was Sin City Night Club. LOL! So we got photos of everything but.... I think no one fell for it D:
Anyway saw this game shop inside one of the malls and they have almost everything I saw when I worked at Pitstop. woohooo and it's cheaper than those sold in SG and a much wider range!
bless my soul, they even sold mahjong tiles!
Oh when oh when can I play again~ Nobody here knows what mahjong is .... ):
Went back home and re-organized my stuff, 'cause we bought new things like the lava lamp! :p
So that's that, the rain was much worse on Friday, much heavier and we intended to go to the Sunshine Coast but failed... we drove to Coolum beach and that failed too.. we went past the Australian zoo but.....
so we kinda wasted 5 hours of driving around in the rain through the motorways and the outback areas of Australia in the rain... I was sleeping all the way though :x
So they brought me back to Kelvin Grove, 'cause I was gonna attend the Toga party that night~ I had to prepare for it. Yuppp. Basically it's an attempt to break the Guiness World Record, a competion between UQ and QUT, to see who could gather more people, the record was set at 5000, but QUT itself sold out 7000 tickets! wheeeeee~
Okay so it's a MUST to wear a white toga, and what most of us did was to grab white sheets white towels or just random white cloth to drape over ourselves. So daddy actually took a spare bedsheet from the apartment and gave it to me. Kate and Ester helped me to cut the sheets and tie up the toga strap and faster every thing together. They even gave me a free gold belt awww. Love them!
I actually made the skirt shorter on the right side, and made it slant to the left, but it doesn't show in this photo.. LOL. (btw Kate is the one who can sew her own clothes, and Ester is training to be a professional dancer at the Australian National Ballet and she's only 17! wowwww)
The party was kinda.. bad? It was wet and raining and ester rachel and lucy, all the lovely girls from west 647 who went with us, peed in the bushes 'cause it was dark and deserted on the way to the Brisbane Riverstage. What an experience!
So we danced in the rain and the girls were pretty drunk from the pre-party drinks and we played Have you ever, and you really discover lots of funny stuff from that game ahahaha! So after about half and hour, we were all wet through and our shoes were horribly dirty from the muddy fields but it was fun overall [: we went back to dry off, then Dana went out clubbing again,, while I joined Kash and dad for a movie.
was a pretty.. farfetched movie, but kinda scary as well because ... oh well it's like those kidnapping shows, it just makes me scared . But anyway daddy puked towards the end of the movie, I have no idea why, maybe it was the scene but he said he was too worried for me and felt sick. O_O?
After the movie, I amazingly skyped 'til 4am, had supper with Dana, taught her how to make milo with condensed milk, milo powder and sugar, and she was soooo amazed, haha, looks like someone else has fallen in love with Milo.
Saturday morning... I had to struggle to get up, and went to see the market, which had been set up right outside my campus village! how convenient.. sold fruits, vegs, bread and even dimsum! But they're not super cheap or anything, it's about the same as going to the supermarket, but this is just so much nearer woohooo~ Every Saturday I'm going to wake up to get hargaw! Because I saw Mikaela nomnom-ing it and I can't believe I missed it!
There was a coffee stall and they made such lovely coffee for me [:
So after our breakfast, dad and kash left for the airport.. and that's that. Hello independence! well some people thought I'd go wild and crazy once I'm here, but .. I went to clean my tables, vacuum the carpets (the entire hostel is carpeted, even the school canteen has carpet!) and did my laundry. Amazing huh huh huh? This spoilt brat can do housework!
when I woke up.. I ruined my laptop. and that brings me to an end. Bye!
bits of me revealed at ..
10:56 PM.
super distressed.
macbook didn't recognize HDD,asked for help,tried to do what the people on yahoo and google did suddenly everything became locked
all applications cannot run
didn't activate time machine backup previously
want to factory reset my mac, but the mac doesn't recognize my HDD!
wtf am I gng to do now..
bits of me revealed at ..
8:17 PM.
Friday, February 24, 2012 - [too much stuff]
I swear I've been so busy, sorting my timetable(double deg courses keep clashing! arghhhh) registering for paypal, yes optus, netbanking, everyday rewards card, OSHC and a TFN.
I bet you don't know what half of that is, but yeah I'm damn busy. will blog tmrw, promise! It's finally the weekend, dad and Kash are going back tomorrow so I'll be very free, finally x_x .. and there's no more orientation except the mascot bash, but I think that's at night... phewww I'm probably gonna be sick tomorrow morning.
Sneak peek(if you would say) into my previous two days: Gold Coast Surfers Paradise, Noosa, Coolum Beach, Guiness World Record Attempt - Largest Toga Party & Contraband.
bits of me revealed at ..
11:17 PM.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - [Buying the Essentials.]
HI! Today's post will finally have pictures again! and I wanna tell you how pro I am, I carried my lappy, my siberia headset, my lappy charger, my harddisk, my old phone and new phone and the USB cable for both phones to the 24hr lab IN THE RAIN!
Had to run like a silly person to reach here with everything dry.
Lappy and headset is for skyping, while there are photos in my HDD and two phones to use on the desktop, see how nice I am to write good posts? :pp
Yesterday night we had supper in room 406, with Warrick, Zak, David, Glenn and I have no idea who's the last roommate, but Kate and Catherine were there too with my own roommates, so it was like a mini supper party ^-^
Dana was the mommie of our mini family there, she made all the pancakes for everyone!! It's really easy, like there's this pancake mix, and you just fry a small drop and add milk and water (if you like) and it slowly expands into a mini pancake like the size of a digestive biscuit, I guess if you put a bigger ball of mix it can become a full sized pancake [:
So we added lemon syrup, maple syrup, sugar and nutella to our pancakes, sweetness overload!
In addition we had popcorn with nutella and oreo cookies in milk and stuff, it was reaalllly nice to have such a supper until someone came and said we were too noisy D:
Slept late again after skyping with baobei.
Today~ I accomplished alot of things, because I finally bought all my essential stuff. I also found the Singapore Student Association, like my first CCA here heeheee, met 2 singaporeans but I was in a hurry so I just took the sign-up form and they have like Singaporean outings etc whee~
Kashif arrived last night so he drove here with daddy (they rented a car from the airport) in the morning and unloaded my final piece of luggage. It's this lousy china $5 bag which tore in the airplane. LOL hope nothing important fell out of it though :x I didn't notice anything missing so far.
So we drove about half hour to this extremely large mall called "Westfield". Inside there were like giant marts like Kmart and Big W where I managed to get my bedsheets, quilts, laundry basket, washing powder and electronic standing fan. This is my awesome LOVE CONQUERS ALL quilt cover!

After that we went to get my phone done, which is a super chio coral pink Samsung Galaxy SII phone !!! Happiness Overload! :DD and we openned a Bank account here, incase anyone needs to know it's a Commonwealth Bank Account, and the Swift Code is CTBAAU25 so if you ever wanna transfer money to me in Aus you need this code thingy and my account number :pp
They're quite amazing here you know, I have two accounts, a Complete Access account and a Savers account. The savings account cannot be touched by ANYONE at all, not even if I go to the bank tellers, only I have control of the account and it has 5% interest rates! And that's like the minimum amount it can rise up to 8% or more! :DD
The access account is for withdrawing and transfers and purchases etc. So anyway the phone line is actually by ....
They've set up their own serivce here called Optus. ^-^ and I have unlimited text and $750 worth of calls. How am I ever gonna use up all of that, and the best thing is I have totally free incoming calls EVEN from overseas!!! :DDD So people from home can call me muahahahaahaha but you all have to pay :x
Hmmm.. that's about it, then we went to another huge place, I can't remember the name of the place, but it's like a big furniture shop but it's not like Ikea, I don't know how to explain, but it's a damn cool warehouse-like place, with alot of outdoor equipment and.. err.. household things I guess! You have to see it, I can't explain it D: !
Papa bought this awesome BBQ set for 200AUD, it's like an American BBQ pit, damn awesome la! :DD Now I can't wait to go home and BBQ with dy and glenn and chris and whoever who wanna come heeeheeeeee!!!
We went around the city as well, saw the surfer shop, it's like Billabong, Ripcurl and Roxy and similar brands all combined into one big shop.
I'm so gonna learn how to SURF while I'm here, a board's like 300 to 400AUD, which I guess is reasonable! :DD WHEEEEEE~
I also found the local bubble tea here~ Cha Time! The other day I saw Easyway It tastes super nice and thick I love it!!~ I think it's even nicer than in SG :x hahha sian I sound like a betrayer, but I still love you gongcha~
Oh yes I also saw this Bikini Top at the giant mall that I reaaaallllly wanted to buy from NewYork online, but it doesn't deliver overseas ): and then daddy wouldn't let me buy this T___T !!! And I can't even sneak back here and buy it because I have nooooo idea how to go back to Westfield myself! )):
Okay that's it for today! ^-^
Tomorrow I'm going to the
bits of me revealed at ..
9:01 PM.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - [ASIAN PARENTS!]
Maybe the reason why I don't have passion in life
is because whenever I have one, it gets turned down and unsupported.
Now I just stop looking for one that will pacify my parents,
it's tiring.
bits of me revealed at ..
11:21 PM.
Because I'm really tired for being in this computer lab for like... 5hours already, I'm going to make this a quick and short one.
today I skipped the orientation stuff 'cause it's some pub crawl and coffee crawl where the seniors take you go the pubs and coffee and hotspots nearby so I decided I'll slowly learn the places myself or get my roommates to help me.
So anyway, today I went through a super tedious process to get my enrollment completed, I had no idea I had Creative Industries Orientation today as well, it's like I have 3 different orientations, the two faculties I'm in and the campus living one, and thursday and friday I have business orientation which I think I'll skip too because the campus one is so much more fun :x
Anyway! I went to my faculty building, got to know my unit coordinator and all the important people around, then I took about 3 hours to sort of my classes and some of them are sadly full because international students arrive late and can't enroll earlier like the domestic ones. So nevermind I've sent out emails to my heads to help me find slots.
I had to travel to the city campus because the Business faculty is there, looks like I'll be travelling alot throughout my week for my various classes in Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove Campus. whheeewwwww. That's also good in a way, I can find work in the city and its more convenient if I wanna buy things like I can get stuff after my classes in the city.
Had a very late lunch at 4.30pm when I settled every thing, got the school calendar as well so I know my holidays now! Bought a pair of sunglasses, because there're not many trees here like Singapore or high-rise flats, or the MRT lines, so you really need them, everyone wears them! Mine's pink! ^-^ Finally located an "EasyWay" which is the local bubble tea here! Ooooh boy, all asians working in there, hope I'll get a job there too!
Anyway I've lost all my happy mood to blog because I told my dad the internet stopped in my room and im stuck in the lab and he's like
"You're not supposed to be hooked on your friends in Singapore,
concentrate on your work here, and if you
don't breakup with that ahbeng I won't pay for you.
I'm going to speak with the accomodation manager to
make sure you don't get more internet access."
What the heck. -_____-
Anyway I just saw what my dear DY posted on FB, which is so fucking true I shall dedicate a post to it above this.
okay bye.
bits of me revealed at ..
10:35 PM.
Good evening ^-^
it has been extremely difficult to type this post because 1million people are talking to me on FB, and I'm kinda going crazy trying to send emails to my Uni coordinators, sort out my class timetable and trying to remember everything I've seen and heard so I can write it down for all of you~ haha but its all good [: I like to chat and I'm very happy to be occupied, it sucks to be free and bored.
Monday was an incredibly long day for me, woke up at 9am and set off for my school at Kelvin Grove, which is about 10mins from the city by bus. So this is a different campus from the one I saw the other day with Daddy.
The campus and village is soooooooo beautiful, so much nicer than the city campus, and its a really pretty school, I never imagined my school would be like this. I met my roommates, they're Sophie, Dana, (pronounced as donna in madonna :p) Bronte and Mikaela. They're all domestic students and they're really helpful because I'm like a lost sheep scurrying around finding things and they're so calm and collected. Hehh.. and they're all 17 going 18. My god I'm an old granny.
So I'm allowed to bring guests into my room, for free and I don't even think there's a time limit for them to stay or a limit to the number of people I can bring in, of course my roommates might mind, but wheeee who wants to come?! The only downside is that there's no air-con but its quite cool at night with the windows open and no bugs fly in, so that's damn awesome ! [: and there's always the fan~
I went to get my GO card(EZ link) and print my Student ID which is super ugly, Dana put on a pretty dress and make-up and the most beautiful rose hairband and hers looks super nice. im sad D: ... Then I went to set up the internet in my room which is like $50 connection fee! and I have to keep paying $70 per month for data usage. Sighs IDK how to pay because me no have a paypal, me no have credit card... so how?
Paid for orientation, $28 for the package, there's this shoulder bag, which stuff inside like the school map, some coupons, a hot-dog eating competition sign-up form, house party invitations, a sports drink, biscuits and... Condoms. LOL.
I walked around the campus village, saw the laundry room, the common rooms (there's pool table, wii station, table hockey and some arcade game stuff heehee but it's kinda empty, I think no one has time to go there acually, or like my roommates like to stay in) Saw a Thai restaurant and a Yuan's Kitchen with Chinese-speaking staff, woohoooo! I really don't want to forget my Chinese. Actually I feel abit silly, because I'm struggling to remember all the stuff in school and the places, the buses, the timing of places, and I really don't wanna forget the stuff about Singapore as well so my brain's on overload now. @@"
Found the supermarket on campus, its called "Woolsworth", it's a hugeeee mart, hey Alex if you're reading this, they have the Monster Energy drink here, lots of it! For Cheechee they have practically ALL the Herbal Essences shampoo, so I got mine which says "Tousle me Softly" haha sounds so sexy.
I found milo here. my life is saved, I can survive on just milo every day.
After getting some groceries, my dad left for the apartment, which means.... I was alone . . . . . . So.. I went to jobhunt with Mikaela, she wants to work in a bar. :o I was just looking out for Asian places I could work at, apparently you just print your resumes and leave it at the counter and they call you for the job. So easy.
So we were at Normanby because there were many pubs there, which is just one bus stop away, I think their transport system is abit different, they go by bus routes not numbers, so the top of the bus just shows the route number and there's a map at every stop. The train isn't like our MRT, it goes to major suburbs so it's not really a subway kinda train. Maybe that's why it appeared expensive to me on Saturday.
We got alittle lost in Normanby, failed to jay-walk and eventually made it back to the university LOL. was really great bonding time because I told her alot about Singapore and she shared about her hometown Toowoomba and life in Brisbane cause some of her family lived here. So it's great, I asked about the driving lessons here, gosh she said usually you have to clock in 100hours of learning before you can take the test, and 1hour of lesson is about $50. WTF. I hope I don't need the logbook because I'm international D:
So when we got back to the room, I did some more packing, my room is atrocious, I'll upload pictures when I've got it all sorted. promise!
Before I forget, I must tell you how excited I am for the week, on Wednesday there's the QUT amazing race, going to the Gold Coast on Thursday, Friday's the day QUT collaborates with UQ to try and break the Guiness World Record for the largest Toga Party. Happening or whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Anyway the first thing I did for orientation was the Speed Meeting Session, although the first orientation item was the pool chill-out session which you can see on FB, but I was busy making my ID and jobhunting etc.
So Speed Meeting, its this awesome thing where there are two lines of people. You get 30seconds to introduce yourself and get to know the person opposite you, then a bell rings and the line moves, and you meet someone else. It was soooo crazy and loud, everyone was yelling to hear each other and it was damn fun 'cause you meet people from everywhere in the world and they study all kinds of things even things I haven't heard of.
This is how I finally met a Singaporean, 'cause I saw her Asian face and jumped the line to shake her hands. HAHA. :x but only 30seconds so I barely found out anything about her, I can't remember her name even! D: But... I met other lovely people from Aussie, Hongkong, Taiwan, U.S, England and etc~ All hunks and babes I swear!
Some people were very striking like
Rachel the mini dancer, she's so small and cute and very pretty.
Louise the surfer, who grew up on Byron Bay, so I'm definitely gonna go there some weekend to SURF and SKYDIVE and PARASAIL !
Kate the one who can sew her own clothes
Hayley the crazy girl, fellow specs-mate
Warrick my neighbour in 406 who sadly got hurt
Jake the super nice guy
Hannah the super pretty girl with super nice hair
Terrence from HongKong, he has a damn cute smile
Leo from Guangzhou, he was pretty shy so I don't know much
So funny Terrence could tell immediately I'm from Singapore and he copied my Singlish :o !
After Speed Meeting we had to change into our house tees, I'm in BLUE house Wentworth Police Officers! Oh yes on Friday there's also the dressup party so whichever house dresses most like their mascot wins, I think my lovely roommates will make sexy cops. My roommates had their Vodka Jelly and drank abit before the games hehehe so entertaining watching them do shots.
Dana invented her own "Dana Shot" I can't remember what the alphabets stand for but its a combination of drinks. I only remember N for Nourish, so the third glass is Orange Juice + Gin.
Anyway so we set off for the Mega Games Night. There were alot of games around but the team games were three main stations. Number One was the wrestling station. You sit on this horizontal beam on top of a float, and you have giant bolsters to whack the other person until they fall off the beam and bounce away. It was super fun, and I think my house won that station though I failed miserably. I was laughing all the way and seriously it's not easy.
Then again alot of people here are much bigger sized than me, back at home I feel bigger, here I'm like an ant. Easily squashed. :x But my opponent looked roughly the same as me but with a meaner looking face LOL. I tried my best, it was fun but I failed ! HAHA .
Station 2 was the velcro wall.
This was really fun because you wear this giant suit made of velcro, and you bounce on the castle and try to jump as high as you can and stick to the wall. So if you hit the marking you get points. Actually there are photos of all these stations somewhere in my friend's facebook, so... eventually they will get tagged and appear on mine I think. Heeee. Anyway it was so fun bouncing and bouncing and trying to jump onto the wall. Terrence was like a bird, he really flew up the wall.
The fun part is actually when you get stuck, you have to struggle so hard to pull yourself off the wall. It's damn funny watching other people struggle and some people can squeeze out of the suit and jump off then try to yank the suit off the wall. But you usually will pull so hard you fly off the wall and bounce and bounce~
Of course by then we're all screaming and chanting each other's names and stuff so I went to get a drink, but I have a great fear I might have drank alcohol yesterday )): Because there's a huge dispenser of Fruit Cordial, but the lid was open so someone could have poured stuff in. Everyone was carrying their own bottles of alcohols and glasses around, so I just took a risk, so I didn't feel any different after drinking the punch so it should be fine~
The last station for team games was the horizontal bungee, like what's that? I know right, when I heard it I was like huh.. how do you jump off sideways. It's the absolute coolest station I swear. Again you're on this inflatable platform, you strap yourself to a bungee, and you run as far as you can and try to hit the three markings, all different points depending on how far you run. If you let go you'll fly backwards LOL. Being me... small me.... I totally had to strength to pull against the bungee, I tried to crawl and pull the sides and force myself further and I just flew all the way back. LOL. I tried to sprint super fast and flew back again. Fucking fun I swear.
But it was this station that I have no idea how Warrick injured himself and the ambulance had to come get him. )): But everyone's like super supportive, carrying him and helping him onto the stretcher and the whole group of us applauded and cheered as he got lifted into the ambulance. It's so nice because everyone's so nice, like I get hugged by so many people, some random guy came and said "Hey beautiful!" then he kissed my hand and skipped away. WHAT! So random! Many random people smile and cheer with me and it's a really really awesome environment here.
After all the games went back up to the room, and my roommates tried to get drunk again but only Mikaela succeeded, the rest were somehow still sober, yupp we chilled with Jake and Hannah come came over and talked about the next day's plans, while I decided to shower and Skype!
Skyped with mantou and chris baby [: He was soooooo darn excited and happy. Had a really good night, talking until about 3am because I had to pack my room otherwise I couldn't sleep 'cause I threw 4 luggages of stuff onto my bed :x and he accompanied me through it and yeahhh felt damn happy so see him and hear his voice again.
ANYWAY, I think the internet data thingy has been used up that's why we got cut off, I think tomorrow I have to ask Daddy to pay again ): I'm going to beg him for unlimited usage per month at $70 because seriously.. I cannot live without internet, and I don't really fancy being stuck in the com lab forever, imagine skyping in the lab, it's public! Even though there's only me and another dude now (for the past few hours.. he's not making a sound, no typing no clicking, no idea what the hell he's doing here, maybe I'll go make friends later)
Yuppp so that's what I did on Monday night, although there was a house party up on 7-11, haha I seriously was like blurr... people asked "You going to 7-11 tonight?" and I'm like "Umm.. maybe?" Because I honestly thought they meant the store HAHA, but it's floor 7 room 11. I am sooo dumb, well I couldn't hear anything from my room 405, and Bronte reported around midnight that everyone was still sober upstairs soo... ohwell, I slept around 3am and she wasn't back from the party yet so it must have been funnn~
bits of me revealed at ..
10:20 PM.
Sunday, February 19, 2012 - [My first cricket match]
HI ! (nahh I don't like the big font anymore, so NO MORE! squint your eyes people!)Blogging seems to keep me alive.. and sane.. and connected to home. So I suppose I will be blogging diligently every day, although I think its abit too early to say that I’ll be so free every day, but I’ll try my best to blog, for myself, for people at home who read [: and for whoever else who stumbles upon this blog. So the first night was a very disturbing night because the neighbours were hosting a party and there was music booming all night along til about 2am here. There were whistling sounds, hollering and even police sirens. Wow. Happening Saturday night eh. So this morning, we walked to the city, the distance seems much shorter now that we’ve walked up and down a few times, there was a free bus service to the Gabba Stadium, so awesome, Singapore doesn’t even have such services on National Day. (which I actually suddenly remembered during the match, I’m going to miss National Day! D: and all the songs and etc. bleahhh) Anyway daddy got some pics, so I guess I’ll finally re-accept him as a friend on Facebook to get them.So many amazing things about watching the Cricket Match India vs Australia. There were many many rounds of Kallang Waves or rather it’s known as Mexican Waves here. There were beach balls bounced around the stands. Mascots and costume contents(the winner gets to go to the West Indies to watch the next match!) Many people painted their faces and carried big flags. Haha actually all this I’ve seen before at events like Chingay, F1 race and well.. on TV. But something new to me was the "Kiss Cam" !!! It’s so cute, the camera flies across the stands to a random couple with a heart shaped border and if they kiss on screen the entire stadium cheers!! Awww~Actually the Australian team didn’t play very brilliantly, 289 runs in 50 overs, that’s 300 balls. For the Indian team it was even worse! It was such a disappointment for everyone because 10 of the batsman were bowled out and the match had to stop at about 40 overs. The star player Sachin Tendulkar who used to hit 200runs alone in his prime surprisingly struck out at just 5 runs. OMG. What a massive let down. Of course there were other good players, but once the Captain was knocked out, you could see the stadium slowly emptying, and even though this match was hosted in Brisbane City, there were much much more Indian supporters than Aussies.I should probably clear the stereotype in your minds, the Indians here seem to be very well-educated probably because most of them have studied here or are still students, and they’re all very well mannered as well. Quite a different scene than Singapore. Dad and I didn’t eat at all the entire day except sharing one bag of chips which we didn’t even finish and half a bottle of 1.5litre water. The Aussies in front of us probably drank like 5 or 6 full glasses of beer. I just saw them refill their trays again and again and bought a lot of burgers, fries and hotdogs.It really makes me wonder whether people here are rich. Because one packet of fries was $5.20, which is… SGD$7 and the serving size is like a MacDonalds Medium fries. I mean I understand it’s a huge sport event and of course food at the stadium is more expensive but seriously how can almost everyone afford to keep buying and buying food throughout this 8 to 9 hour event. I don’t want to end the post on a sad note but I have to, because other than here, I have no other avenue to rant. (and hopefully more of my friends read this so I don’t have to tell them one by one when I finally get my phone and skype access from the hostel) So my dad talked a lot about having a relationship. He kept asking me to break up with Chris and focus on my studies. He kept insisting that there’s no hope for me if I marry a Chinese, like how his own marriage failed. He says there’s no way he will ever approve of us. He says I’m wasting my time and I should give him my ring and he’ll return it to Chris. My heart ached like crazy and he just had to tell me all that halfway through the match. I couldn’t cry in such a happy and lively stadium. So I just stared at the field and tried to focus on the game… Sighs, okay, today I saw a lot more people than I did yesterday, yes I saw many buff and handsome guys, but none of them interest me at all. No double-takes no shy smiles. I think my mind and heart is really fixed on Chris and I desperately want our long-distance relationship to work out. I want to show my dad I will succeed. I want to show my mum, and my brother and everyone else who has a mixed-race relationship that it CAN work. The free bus back to the City from the Gabba actually went past … the University of Queensland (UQ). Hahaha but I guess that doesn’t matter anymore. Anyway today my cramps came and went and came and went, and I’m restricted to a maximum of two painkillers a day so that’s abit sad because I’m in pain and I can’t do anything. ._. Hmmm.. actually I think I didn’t get my period yet, it’s just some minor bleeding, from I have no idea what part of my body and I just dearly hope it’s from the operation and not something else that went wrong. Last night I cried a little before I slept, thinking how wonderful hugging Chris to sleep every night, Scrump is quite an appropriate toy, big enough to feel comfortable. I think I will not cry anymore. At least I’ll will myself to be stronger [: I CAN DO THIS. I WILL SURVIVE 4 YEARS BY MYSELF!
bits of me revealed at ..
10:14 PM.