Sunday, September 25, 2011 - [overworking.]
maybe tmrw I'll blog about previous events, kinda tired and got stuff to do, so quick update on the past week.
Been worrrrking alot alot serioulsy haha, now I'm like stuck to Jason! Seeing him almost every day 'cause now we're working together for Hotel Banquets otherwise we go locking :DDDD wooo loving it more and more every day! :D
The past two days were seriously HELL.
friday - skate at Northland Pri (yishun) - skate at Maha Bohdi (eunos) - go home for half an hour - go to PanPacific Hotel Atrium (bar&kitchen) to work (extra workforce needed for F1 crowd!) worked until 1am, waited for the transport to send us home which made me reach home around 2.30am x_x stupid drivers, kept smoking and slacking until 2pm before starting their rounds!
saturday - wake up at 7am to 11.30am, skate at Junyuan Pri (tampines) - went for lunch and met dengyin chilled at home until 5pm - work at PanPac again (even more hectic 'cause it was Qualifying Rounds) went home again around 2.30am.
The previous days were at Novotel! haha what a nice place that is, the colleagues are nice and the ballrooms are reaaally pretty too, of course not top-notch but good enough for me! :DD wa I never knew carrying a tray and just 3 glasses of drinks could be so heavy, I can't imagine the guys carrying a full tray @@"
waaa seriously damn you Jason, the bastard actually saw G.D & T.O.P walking through the PanPac Atrium AND DIDN'T TELL ME. D: haterzx you x999 ):
ANYWAY, some pictures from PanPac Kitchen! :D


yummy muffin snack :p

HAHA chef Harry said Macdonalds tastes nicer. LOL.
Actually there's alot alot more yummier food but was soooo busy, couldn't take pictures D:
But whaddya expect, 5 star hotel !
Obstacles @ Junyuan!

steady steady..


"Cher, give harder ley!"

deng deng~

not bad, some can glide through all (Y) keep going students~ wooooop :D
bits of me revealed at ..
11:23 PM.
Monday, September 19, 2011 - [birthdayweek]
I wanna blog about last week. but nobody uploaded any pictures for me to put in D: . . . so let's wait together.
bits of me revealed at ..
1:34 AM.
Sunday, September 18, 2011 - [stop along the way]
it's always said that the journey is more important than the destination. But I kinda wanna disagree. Sometimes the journey is horrible, tiring, arduous, makes your go in circles. Sometimes you give up, you cheat, you take short cuts. And when you finally reach the destination. You feel so relieved, so accomplished. And it makes you proud you made it. You earned the title.
then you realize the journey doesn't matter. Who has to know what you had to go through.. who really cares what you did. Even if you used underhanded means or nearly died along the way. People only remember the ending. All that matters is that you got there.
bits of me revealed at ..
2:47 PM.
hi everybody!
in response on all the messages saying "WHAT HAPPENED?!" because of my tweet (the blue one)

Okay, short explanation to kill all your cats.
I was innocently at home, online on MSN, and youtube and twitter, minding my own business. I didn't turn on any music because it was 3am. And my dad suddenly swings open his room door violently and stomps up the stairs
He turns off the fan and lights (I bet he didn't notice the air con was on :p) and yells at me
and yay he grabs my phone on the table, my poor phone looked like it was gonna be ripped into two cause he just yanked if off the charger and stormed back down into his room.
Idk if I should laugh or cry, because I wasn't on the phone.. I was on MSN! and FB chat! -.- and ... even on nights when I'm on the phone, I close myself in my room or the glass room... So anyway after that I still stayed online...
You know what's so stupid about this .
why on earth must I sleep early? fine if you don't want me online, I can grab the lappy and continue in my room, are you gonna bang my door down then? or I'll just stay awake in my room doing whatever.. or I'll go out for supper. what are you gonna do.
and even though I seemingly get up at noon, just because I'm in my room doesn't mean I'm always sleeping -.- can't I stay inside in the morning? and one last thing, despite how late I sleep, I can still wake up at 5.30 am to go coach at faraway schools, so please just leave my body clock alone ._.
and .. I'm not the one who uses the computer the whole day from 7am or so until 2am or later every day okay, if your bills are high why blame me? Like you say, I'm never home anyway.
sighs.. parents are lame. ._. right worm?(on a random note, this GroupOn Text Enhance thingy is annoying, how the heck do I remove it.. or am I the only person who sees certains words in green and double underlined.)
bits of me revealed at ..
1:09 PM.

Idk if y'all can read it it says
Have you (ever) come to the stage where you are afraid to be close
or to get close to some one for the fear (to go through the phase)
that they may leave you like how those previous one(s) did?
I saw my friend post this and I thought about you immediately.. and plus seeing some people's tweets and your FB updates, suddenly made me very mad . I was in very good spirits the whole day actually, but I thought about you and I seriously wanna slap your face so hard.
But nevermind I'm gonna rant awhile, when I'm done, I shall resume my happy thoughts.
ANYWAY. it reminds me what a fucking asshole you are. and kinda pathetic as well. When we were still talking and kinda close in fact, and you whined about all your ex-es and how they treated you badly and stuff. It seems like you're just as bad to me, supposedly "rejecting" girls around you like you're some kinda god and everyone likes you. oh please.
Okay fine, I know you can be nice and all, like you were to me until you suddenly changed, like why the f did you become like this I have no effing idea and I've thought pretty long about it and I can only conclude you're an arrogant bastard.
But good for you, at least I know one person who will defend you upon reading this, but even that person will probably give up on you soon.
I hate you now because you lied to me. You promised me things you wouldn't do and you do it right in front of my face and smile like an idiot . fuck you seriously, I don't care how miserable your life was, I'm not gonna console you ever again. Because I did and you took it for granted and you just disappeared suddenly when I needed you around.
Remember that night infront of my house and you actually put your fucking arms around me and hugged me because I was so troubled and you said "you'll never leave me alone if I had problems, you never want us to fall apart even if you found a girlfriend or found a job and became busy" AND of course how can I forget you telling me "Don't fall in love with me okay? I wanna be best friends with you."
fuck you and your bullshit. _I_
Anyway I also am angry at you because you set so many goals for yourself and didn't even put in the effort and thus you failed at almost everything you told me you would do. job well dumb.
I'm not gonna waste anymore time and effort typing about you, you're just a super short chapter in my life that has pretty much taught me that I should trust my first impression. I didn't like you in the beginning, and congratulations I still don't like you.
yeah apparently now you're doing fine and you're happy with other people. Good luck to you, hope you don't screw up again, because unlike you I'm human and I have a heart and I genuinely hope that you can open your fucking eyes and realize who cares about you. But let me tell you now, I DON'T ANYMORE. Because to me you're a piece of shit, I trusted you. When everyone was mocking you I put all my belief in you that you could achieve your dream. TOO BAD. I'm just gonna sit and watch you struggle and see if you EVER accomplish what you wanted.
bits of me revealed at ..
1:30 AM.
Saturday, September 17, 2011 - [MDD Founders Reunion]
yo! today I went out with my founding-MDD friends (Muzical De Dans - I can't even remember what this means!) aww, from 5 years agooooo, okay but before that had a super funky session with Jack and Jason, seeeeeriously sweat a few buckets, my hair was like.. flinging sweat around. YUCK I know. LOL .
But anywayz, I felt damn happy today, somewhat accomplished from dancing.
kaey, then went to Bugis to meet Sunny, Mel, Jojo, Joseph and Kitat + GF, awww man miss them sooooo much~ we had a yummy steamboat where my inner dino was growling like mad .. now I bet its gonna be muted for about 12hours maybe :p
Had so much leftover food had to play zhong ji mi ma to make losers eat. LOL . and mel and sunny reenacted their crab scene from 5 years ago. WAAAA TIME FLIES! I really cannot believe how young and immature we ALL were. Damn fun talking about stupid incidents in game, in forums in real life and all the little scandals teeeheeee.
Alvin d3 swung by as we were about to leave the House of Steamboat and we went to jalan around Suntec and talked to an emo girl LOL . funny stuff. ahhhh [: feels good to grow up together!
and I kinda miss being called mir0kii, I think maybe I should keep that name, it's like a super old name with a story behind it [: and I used it for so long and it's still famous in Audi :xxx teeheee, Locker Miro ~
bits of me revealed at ..
11:54 PM.
Thursday, September 15, 2011 - [memory boost!]
wow so many things can happen in 12 days! :DDD im here to blog.. I need to borrow TonyTonyChopper's power ball thingy, and brain boost! memory boost! finger typing boost! x_x.
well, here goes,
we shall begin from We Lock Together on ... 3rd September! first time attending a dance battle event! and it was purely locking ~ sweeeeet. It was a very hiiiigh event 'cause all the classic locking songs were played, hehhh, the Emcee and Judges showcase was like superduper nice also, go youtube WLT okay! all the videos are awesome! So proud of all my friends who took part like Clarence & Janine, Ice & Jun Zhe and Chris & Daviest!
Ceekay said it's been a while since there were 2v2 battles, so this event was to bring it back :DDD haha oh yes and I remember the judges speeches were epic. HAHAHAHA
must watch videos.. but don't watch too much
practice basic look at mirror, freestyle don't look at mirror!
U-Lock when you recover we must tagteam and choreo together and take part battle if there's the chance okay! ~
The next day after WLT, I went to watch another show! A Jitterbug Kids Showcase, to watch my lil sister do HipHop in a Buzz Lightyear costume. CUTE TTM. :DDD But it was quite lame actually.. 'cause it was around 3hours of watching little things bounce here and there, like they're too small to catch the real steps.
Alot of tap dance and cartwheels and jumping and more jumping. :o .. BUT it looked like super high budget, 'cause all the costumes were super nice, the stage the lights and all, they even had a video film reel inbetween every 4 performances, haha idk how to explain, it was some olden day effect thingy ~
The next day.. I think it was the next day.. or night more like it, me went out with my mommie first who dumped alot of stuff on me like food presents .. which reminds me! Mooncake Fest is over and I didn't eat the mooncakes yet D: (greentea and choc flavour ! ❤ yum) okay anyway, yes after that went to NYP to look for Ceekay YY and K-Lock! they were session-ing and I was a bored nearby girl. Instead of session-ing, I was there playing with K-Lock's skateboard hahaha! So wobbly @@.
We all went for supper after that, with a new girl and Mianbao who came down from home haha. wasn't really supper.. was dessert time? LOL all nom-ing icecream ~ then listened to K-Lock and Mianbao rahrahrah for very long, and then they suddenly diverted away and to YY and Ceekay and it was just very fun listening to everyone talk about funny events, their past, their friends, their work and life. [:
It was damn funny 'cause like the mac staff even asked why weren't we going home. lol ! in the end we left around 2plus and K-Lock kindly sent every one home, awww I wonder what time he reached back. lolol. Serangoon Sengkang Tampines Sembawang and back to Balestier. (Y)
The next day again.. once again I think its the next day.. whatever I know the order of events so next day, me and TDY went to visit Eugene :D ~ we spammed potato chips at NTUC and in the end... we didn't eat a single one.. LOL ! But had a darn nice time just chilling with the two of them, watching TinTin and magic shows on telly. ^-^
Hope you recover ASAP U-Lock I NEED YOU PARTNER! D: tag team~ oh yes we also did the Poker Card reading thingy, haha oh the plot thickens.... LOL. It's so... cool how the cards can really tell you what's going on.
Okay.. my list says I went to session after that.. so I'm assuming its the night where I went to Scape with Din and I boxsplit failed and was in so much pain that I sat and watched LCL practicing and they started to bboy instead .. hahaha okay *flashback*
ANYWAY I remember now that last Thursday was a super dancey day, went to try the USS auditions, fail max -.- LOL . but it was damn fun, then went for Reggae Open for the first time with my Reggae Course peeps and then went for LCL session at night and tagged with Jason. LOLOLOL. Ceekay diao face was a sight to see. HAHAHA!
Okay, I'm going to stop here, because ... confirm very boring without photos, but I'm damn lazy to post any photos :x just go to facebook ! :DDD shall continue alot alot more things that happened when I get home tonight ^-^ ! (still gt.. bowling day, natasha studio surprise, birthday night, going malaysia etc! stay tuned! :p)
bits of me revealed at ..
12:16 PM.
Saturday, September 03, 2011 - [stomachflu]
can't drink a can of milo
can't finish a cup of bubbletea
can't finish a half a bowl of noodles
can't eat a quarter of fried rice
can't eat one-sixth of mifen
hungry but won't eat, tired but won't sleep.
body what's wrong with you?!
just when I thought it got better yesterday, the nausea is back again. damnyoutummy.
bits of me revealed at ..
12:37 PM.
Thursday, September 01, 2011 - [seeyouagain]
bits of me revealed at ..
1:47 PM.
[: I wish you knew how you make me feel.
bits of me revealed at ..
1:33 AM.