0 wish I wasn't so lazy, but too bad I am. or maybe I just procrastinate too much.. nah it's both. kaey nevermind, I'm gonna skip all the nice details and go straight to the main stuff that happened .. :D
attended Korean Music Wave 2011 last friday night ! :DDD was suppperrrrr HIGH 'cause I love Kpop and it's my first ever concert,waaaaa damn happeyyy to see BIGBANG and 2NE1 and FT island and U-Kiss! :DDD if only f(x) and B2ST came! would be perrrfect! :D
The next day I was grounded... but heck, still went out for a hotpot dinner with alex joyce weihao and bryan! then the guys came plus joyce and dengyin all came over for a sleepover! :DDD played twister, watched movie, chilled, truth and daredd... zomg :x but sadly daddy was in a pissy mood and they all took the first trains homeeee~
had to wash alot of soft toys and pack my entire room again @@
Joyce stayed with me though, and we went to Glenn's house in the day time to help prep for his 26th BBQ :D was damn fun, ran in the rain, nearly broke glenn's bed, littered his house with gold confetti and went down to blast music and BBQ the night away ^-^ so much for being grounded :x
Monday ... I still wasn't kept at home :x in fact... I even left the island! Had a super good piano lesson and rushed to the checkpoint and off to Malaysia with Tanna, a different Eugene and Joyce.
I swear it was the most last minute outing ever, got a message from Joyce the night before to bring my passport out ! O_O !
The trip was much better than the previous one 'cause NO QUEUE at the customs! and we managed to make all our shirts and collect within 2 hours! Lookie lookie! :D expression tees and custom-made ones and Mr.Men :D

Eugene and I also came up with our very own Street Names woohooo~

He has the Locking Genes, born to lock! and I actually thought of Funkkaye but .. that would mean I only danced to funk music which would be .. locking only? D: but NO! I can do hiphop and reggae tooooo xD and abit of others here and there bleah! so GrOovEy it is with a crown ! (which you shall see later!)

haha lucky the shop doesn't care about copyrights!

this is my 'farewell' gift to yammy, alittle too late? AIRMAIL!
So within those 2 hours of shirt-printing, of course Tanna had his hellokitty and joyce's alex's tees were made tooo.. so Tanna did NEON PINK highlights!

After so much activity... I thought I'd be tired and be a good girl and stay home... So since I'm home.. the fun will come to me! :x And fun came in the form of dengyin! who came over and we learnt the Reggae audition routine together~ and we had our own karaoke session with me playing the piano and she struggling to sing along LOL. funny stuff.
Eventually we did leave home :x to our second home! to session more :D and I mysteriously left at 8... to meet Alexander the Great! haha or more like Alex Doink, who so kindly customized a Carls Junior burger for me... our very own homemade dinner :D

triple patty plus 8slices of cheeeeeze? zomg! FAT DIE!

alotta cheeeeze but don't like like 8slices leyyyy :x
so after a super super heavy dinner ... we went to watch Transformers 3 ! :DDD wa i was much more awake this time and I realized I did fall asleep the first time 'cause I was darn tired from TBG. soooo was good :D then cabbed back... for NIGHTCYLCING!
omg now that I'm writing about my days I really feel like a Duracell Bunny @@ doing so much in a day! though I fail to mention I wake up at.. 1pm daily :p
kaey.. so we cycled around, had icecream and we even entered a house that was being renovated! :DD wowee nice glass house! I can just sit in a furniture shop and imagine my home next time [: this house was darn pretty, lucky residents!

Took a photo from the roof balcony :D can you spot my house? :p
Today morning, yes.. super lazy to go out, really had every intention of staying home.. but .. D: sorry I just can't be kept in one place! After getting really annoyed at blogger HTML editting I gave up .. but you all should try the dynamic view blog thingy, super cool ! :D
played alot alot alot of the Xbox Kinect Dance game with dengyin and dinnie and flora and even Jack :D also learnt half of the HipHop audition routine with YoongShin. had dinner etc :D dance dance more, until we were all very tired @@ woop I broke a high score! and DY unlocked new songs too wahahahahah so addictive!

tried out Artease bubble tea! :D not bad at all ~
then went to Pontian to doodle :x

a disturbing apple capsicum thingy

aye.m.GrOovEy ! :D

Jazzyin !

Jack SUCKS! LOL zomg who wrote that?!

yoong shin's lolli O_O.

part of the family :p
yay I'm done I'm done :D:D:D and guess what... I have so many things lined up tomorrow and friday and saturday and sunday and monday... haha totally not gonna allow myself to be grounded :x. lalala.
bits of me revealed at ..
12:04 AM.