What a tongue twister, try and say Porotokotan as fast as you can as many times as you can! HAHAHA. Poro = water lake, toko = village, tan = big. Haha so cute ‘big lake village’. We saw bears and ainu dogs and the tribal costumes and watched their tribal dance and their tribal instruments which sounded exactly like a Didjeridoo.

LUNCH TIME! we had an awesome misosoup steamboat, and I saw giant Krabbys and Kinglers oooh. Shells as big as my head and legs as long as my hands D: ! mutants @@. Teehee, we were so lucky, salmon for our first meal! :D

Stop 2: Hell Valley, the Sulphurous boiling pond Jigokudani
What an awfully smelly place this was! D: but it was all worth the sacrifice because near these geysers(supposedly hot as hell) were Sakuras in full bloom! Wooot.

Stop 3: Noboribetsu Manseikaku Hotel
As we suspected, the beds were futons! Wahahaha so comfy and soft, and we managed a 3hour nap before a horrible-to-me-buffet-because-i-doubt-much-things-are-halal-so-just-ate-icecream dinner. Cup noodles to the rescueeee ~

What comes to mind when you think of JAPAN??
Our hotel had both an indoor and outdoor one and jeez you know you really have to enter the spring butt naked. And there I am with my long hair falling over one shoulder, tummy flat from a sad buffet dinner, clean from a shower. However everyone else there startled me, ‘cause they were mostly old ladies with triple rubber tyres, sagging boobs, mini jungle down there and messy bobs of hair .. good lord I felt like a model. So away with my self-consciousness, I just dropped my clothes and dived right in. Ohh boy the water is soooo heavenly, it made feel like jelly after I came out, soft and wobbly..
I guess it must have been the temperature change from Chilly outside to warm indoors to soaking in hot pools and then back to the cool hotel room, which made me dizzy and dehydrated and about to pass out anytime.
Thus ends Day 1, we embark on our lovely journey the next morning to the Ninja Village! But thanks to mommie, we were late! and oh dearie me, the bus left without us ): and had to back up and make a round to pick us up! Well done mom.
Stop 3: Date Jidaimura (Edo Wonderland)
Good lord was it cold that day, 12degrees in the day! And with the merciless wind, it dropped to 9degrees. Oh godddd, and I was just wearing a skirt with leggings, a teeshirt and a jacket! Ahhh *freezes* So this ninja village is a reproduction of a feudal-era village. We watched a ninja show in their theatre. Like wow! The ninjas moved at lightning speeeed zoom here and there! Swish swish phwiiing pah!

I bought Shurikens for my dear dancer boyszx: Alex Tanna Eugene and JunHong, so heavy and sharp and .. pricey haha. You know what, the most troublesome part of holiday to me is actually looking for gifts for friends @@”.. haiyo always can’t decide what for who and whether it’s good enough or not, but hell, if you guys don’t like the shurikens give ‘em to me and I’ll hurl them at ya !
Then, (as per requested) my brother bought a super cool ninja-sword umbrella which he carries around looking absolutely awesome and macho like a real samurai. So in times of need, he swiftly whips out his ‘sword’ to defend against falling water!
LUNCH TIME! we had a wooden boat of steamed food, haha literally steamboat. Quite similar to the lunch before, but there’s chicken this time! :DDD instead of salmon and lotsa veggie and mushies and tofus. Kinda bland but chilli came to the rescue!

Might I add that in Japan, well at least in Hokkaido, there’s a tonne of vending machines! And they sell all kinds of things! Like zomg look at this.

Stop 4: Kiroro Flower Farm
We stopped here to do fruit-picking at ‘Sakuran-bo-yama’. June’s the season for strawberries! Soooo many, so overwhelming! Full to the max and this was right after lunch! Waaaa. *feels tummy* .

Stop 5: Bear Ranch
OHHHHmygod! THE BEARS ARE MAD CUTE!! There’s baby bears and big bears! Wow-O-wow! There’s such cuteeeee raccoons too ! :D they stand up and clap their paws when they see the biscuits/apples in our hands. Awww!~

Stop 6: Lake Toya & Mount Showa
We went to this hugehuge lake with a mountain behind it, haha literally shan-shui scenery, double whammy! It’s so peculiar that this mountain is orange while the other parts of it are green. Apparently it used to be a farmland but evolved into a volcano in 2 years. O_O!

Checked-in at Toya Sun Palace, woohoo another hotspring, but not as fabulous as the previous one D: aww heck the yukatas are darn comfy to wear

Had a horrible night with mum and bro arguing and both started crying. Sighs. Stupid family.
Next morning!
We head to OTARU!~ 2hours drive zomg, sleepy max, I can never listen to the guide, despite all her interesting stories, the coach is simply too sleep-inducing. Anyways Otaru is awesome, the sun is up and the fog is goneeee, good good weather *likes*
Had a mini pitstop for our busbus to nom some food then it was our turn to nom, yet another seafood steamboat again :D bought stuffies for my fwenzzah: Joyce Dengyin Eeling and Pamela. Ahh left with Dinnie and Natasha D: WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY FRIENDS?!
A short ride later, we reached..
Stop 7: Otaru City, the most picturesque Japanese City!
Goodness gracious me, it’s like stepping into an entirely different world! There’s chimes playing through the streets like Disneyland and so many pretty buildings and lampposts and benches whooopwhoop!

LUNCH was seafood again but yumyum there was fish and hoho lotsa wazzabeeiii

We entered the Music Box Museum: Otaru Orgel Doh which is like stepping into a dream. There’s also this steam clock given by Vancouver to Otaru, powered entirely by steam! Phweeet!~ We drove about an hour to check-in at ….


Soooooo grand and had the most lovely hotspring ever! Besides me, only one other was at the outdoor bath, and I sat there and soaked myself, staring out into the wilderness hoping to see a wild bear but ohwell only some little birds [:
The hotel lobby also had free laptops with internet access, thus my little notes to my dear peeps whom I miss dearly~
Itzah good early morning on Day 4. Mommie snored soooo much throughout the night I almost went deaf. Jeez, so harddddddd to fall asleep sleeping with a bear. ._. Okay so up at 6am, early start to an incredibly boring day. Bleah.
Stop 8: Asahikawa Otokoyama Sake Brewery
About 2 and a half hours drive away, good to catchup on sleep heehee. We sat in the coach for soooo long but the actual visiting of the place was about 20mins. -.- ‘cause the wine is only made in the winter season, so only the museum section was open where we saw the olden equipments like their barrels and wooden sieves and etc.

Stop 9: Douwamura Takinoue (Fairytale village Takinoue)
Coming to this little hill took another 2hours or so, oh dear god, my neck hurt sooooo badly sitting in that stiff position trying to snooze. Okay so this place is actually just a big meadow… or like a big hill. Just big grassy plains and a small town surrounded by more hills . what makes it special is only only the 2weeks where the shibazakura pinkmoss blooms, towards end of may and early june. Otherwise the rest of the village looks pretty normal. So this special pink moss started from a single tangerine and spread across the entire hill. Yuppp, quite amazing but so sad that it only lasts for awhile.. so.. what do the people working there do when the flowers aren't in bloom?

So you know what that means? It means that only a handful of Singaporeans, specifically 105 of us from the 3 batches of NamHo Travel will ever get to see this mass of pink flowers in 2011 !
Stop 10: Ginaga and Ryusei Falls
These two waterfalls are like representative of “husband and wife” one broad and one thin. The rapids were beautiful but sadly it started drizzling there so we just snapped a few shots and hurried back to the coach.

And that’s it! Zomg right such a boring day … lemme talk about what I like about Japan.
Their toilets are soooo awesome, seriously beyond awesome, it makes the pooping session enjoyable you know! See firstly everything is so clean! The floors are never dirty, the seats are clean, the toilets can flush magnificently well, always completely gone, not those leaky flushes yuckkkk. And then the toilets are all stocked with many rolls of tissue, about 4 per cubicle, and there’s also the sanitizers inside. The toiletbowl itself is also a nifty contraption, it can detect your presence and the seat comes up, it auto heats up and it can spray warm water at your butt too :D awesome right. I kid you not but even in those secluded little village in the outskirts of town or up in the mountains the toilets are simply spick and span!
AND there’s the Magic Mirror as well! Japanese peepul sure are ingenious! In the bathroom the center of the mirror has a heater behind so when you come out of a steamy shower, only the sides of the mirror are fogged up, so you can still see yourself ! wow or what!
ahh, the last night of hotspring wasn’t that enjoyable either! It was somehow mad hot in there though the thermometer showed 42degrees, the same as the previous night.. hmm.. weird.
It’s ze last day of da tour.
Stop 11: Biei Potato no oka
Hmm.. actually nothing here, not that spectacular view but ohwellz its supposed to be a photostop on our itinery. We tried the Lavender icecream, brrrr sucha weird taste, some steamed corn and the famous rockmelon of Hokkaido. Naise!

Stop 12: Furano Floral Farm(Tomita Farm)
Ooh what a flowery day, another flower-viewing place, but this place was much more awesome, I spotted red and yellow tulips! :DD and some pretty flowers of all sorts of colours! "eye candy" woot.

Look at the cute map :D just dashes of colour!

After lunchie, we said byebye to the wilderness of Hokkaido and headed to Sapporo City! Longlonglong journey, neck hurting again @@..
Ahh in Sapporo we can finally see people walking around, the previous days were pretty .. lonely? With only us tourists and some village people, but Sapporo looks normal haha, like normal city life. So our city tour begins!
Stop 13: Odori Park
This is sucha pretty little garden in the middle of the streets, like flowers blooming everywhere, Pink Tulips! :DD there are BMXers and skateboards and happy couples walking around. It’s just smack in the middle of two roads with staircases leading underground to a shopping alleyway. Cool, like citylink but abit… more spacious :o

There’s also the Sapporo TV tower at the start of the garden.

So we drove past the old parliament house and pass the historic Tokeidai Clock Tower, a Russian style monument built in 1878 by students of Hokkaido University in gratitude to the Americans who founded their school.
Yupp, so we had a barbeque dinner to conclude our day [:
Stop 14: Okay, so the next day is supposed to be free & easy day, turns out it wasn’t, haha we went to another garden, hooo I have no idea what’s the name of the place, ‘cause its out of the itinery, but it was a pretty place, lotsa tulips woooo!

bits of me revealed at ..
10:54 AM.