hey folks, it's been about 3 weeks and boy have I been busy like a bee. It's so hard to squeeze time to do anything T_T . Thus this is my third time working on this draft post. D: at least I've finally managed to get internet on the lappy, so I can blog from the comfort of my room [: It's seriouuuusly effing hot these days, urghh, I want Singapore to transform into an air-conditions snowglobe!
Anyway I'm super thankful that today SinYean managed to sub me at work, 'cause firstly I've just been through 4 consecutive days of dance and I'm absolutely sore all over and secondly I had plans on which somehow all got cancelled and so I stayed home to catch up on my sleep today! And also did organized my files and backedup every single doc, mp3, mp4, flv, avi, jpeg, gif and pdfs okay. Sweeeeeeet.
Finally unpacked my precious 1TB external HDD [:
here's to many more nights of TV shows and Movies!
And I'm also thankful because today was an awful day at work due to the extreme late press and inadequate courier services at SPH . x_x..... but anywayz more shit to come this week, thanks to the LianHeZaoBao promotion....
mon-fri: 8am to 9pm
sat&sun: 9am to 5pm
overtimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee arghhhhhh
and probably I'll fall sick and be useless for another week. bleah! choichoichoi. @@
Anyway this post is completely unchronological and jumps around completely randomly!
Let's begin with me exploring a new shop called "SMIGGLE" newly openned at B1 of PlazaSingapura, it's an awesome colour-coded shop that sells alllll kinds of unique stationary, not like artbox or stationary island though. I really sells foolscap, notebooks, staplers, pens and such but they're all kinda unique. Besides it's run by caucasians so maybe our western friends use slightly different stationary?

they have pretty cute packaging, though they mention
"made from bamboo, one of the fastest growing plants...." REALLY?! I thought bamboos grow at a glacial pace...
my one and only takeaway from SMIGGLE is this octopus USB port, yay me, I can attach my wireless keyboard sensor, my external HDD, mouse, ipod charger, phone charger, camera SD card reader and webcam at one go now. HURRAY !
Earlier on I said I thought them whites had different
types of stationary but .. hmmm
outstanding. that's something you don't see every day.
The 2nd of May was my first year anniversary with Daniel, so I decided to make a tee-shirt for him ^-^ and fold a bottle of hearts but I have no idea where's the photo for it! It's supposed to be here...
rather plain design though!
well we had plans to do many stuff, but no time in the end, we just danced,
had dinner, watched movies, ah the usual :pp
gotta squeeze more time in .

Anywayz the boy's in Thailand now for his Slalom Compy,
I wonder how's it going hmm..
about 3 weeks ago I attended a birthday party for
2 year old Samuel who's my dad's colleague's son . aww.

a pool party!

and a monkey decided to join in, and it literally jumped into the pool and snatched up toys D:
bad chimp !

and also the past 3 weekends, my family has been giving the home a facelift! so much painting going on, almost every room has been repainted except mine, and the living room and hallways, whoopeee~ painting's awfully fun, brushabrusha with the radio blastin' ~

my dad's too clean back asked for it.

Alisha's terrible splattered wall @@

and yes, goodbye to my long fringe that evening .. D: oh well, right now, my fringe's almost back to that length! Jeez! Just a few more walls to finish and our pretty home is complete~
Dance has practically taken over my life, like this week, we had sessions from wednesday to saturday, my goodness, do we have stamina or whaaaaat!
Joyce, Eugene, Dinnie, Daniel, Alex, Tanna, Agnes, Natasha and Jack have become like a family to me ❤ they're always so welcoming whenever anyone turns up, with lotsa hugs and fistbumps and of course.. food supplies! HAHA, I seriously feel like a garbage can swallowing up sooooo much food whenever I'm out with them, and ofcuz it's also thanks to monstaaa Alex who alwayz has cravings!

Introduction time: big green dude front and center is Alex!
Bboyer and Popper,
currently working aka my chatmate @ work and iz awaiting enlistment.
Alex is hugeeeee at 184cm and is a foodie woopwoop.

right dude with the geeky specs is Eugene! Joyce's Innova JC's classmate,
locker and hiphopper and popper and voguer. Currently serving our nation and
trying to watch his weight therefore.. not a fellow food monsta D: !
teeny tiny purple huairen is Natasha! Currently studying Biomedical Engineering in TP and Stuck in the middle of bboying and locking,
alex tryna pull her to the dark side,
we're trying to pull to the funkay side.
Natasha is absoluteeeeeeely adorable, looks 14 but iz actuallayyyy.. a 92 baby too! ❤

KO-ed on the floor is Tanna! pronounced tan-nuh, but people like Natasha like to yell TAAA-NAAAAA, which sounds really awful but HAHA who cares. Tanna is also.. a jumble of bboy waacking locking popping. He's an absolutely joker and loves orange! He's also damn damn damn damn damn slow at eating. :x

My butt bump mate is Dinnie! who's Eugene's girlfriend, who is Eugene? I bet you've forgotten! Scroll back up now! Dinnie is a master of buttshaking and threading, or izzit spelt treading? yikes, anyway she does all sorts of girly moves :pp Dinnie's younger than me but sometimes... I feel so childish beside her D: ..

Lockeroo-addict is Jack! Jack is also... younger than me :o ! shocking and loves photography too. Jack likes to stone....... really. Sometimes we'll all be so noisy and then I'll wonder.. where did Jack go? :o ... haha his favourite colour is turqoise, seriously fanatic!

we are all a big loving family ^^

Dengyin also got to meet the gang on Saturday and we forgot to give her the welcome-to-the-group present D: darn! Next time DY!~ but well, we'll probably pull her over to the funkay side, muahahahahahahaha. Reggae class starts on Thursday, woohoooo !~
Next up! Toothpick :D

Ain't he cute, I've learnt to pick him up, after he was so stubbon and refused to climb up my hands I just grabbed him up! And he's not thaaat painful to carry. I love bathing him hahaha, he can float and swim around, freakin' cute. I only have him for another 3 weeks and he's going back home to his master haha.
Now what reminds me of a random fact, what does HMV stand for?
answer shall be posted at the bottom! :D
Recently, my family's has been into skating! Three cheers! So we went down to SCAPE and grabbed four pairs of skates, ready everyone? Let's ROLL~

mineminemineminemine, so pretty ! :DDD Time to Urbanzzzzz. ECP to ChangiVillage and back, 6hours on wheels. wahahahhaha. I think I'm krayzee.
Okay lastly, the other weekend, over LabourDay, me and the circulation peeps had a mini movie outing... k it was just me and bk and sinyean and suneeta ~ but we had a thorsome time together [:

Today's Mother's Day. made two cards for both moms ^-^ and had a yummalicious dinner @ Changi Village!
and so this concludes my update.
HMV: His Master's Voice. betcha didn't know that!
bits of me revealed at ..
11:20 AM.