Sunday, March 27, 2011 - [simcard]
Today I got down on my knees and kowtow-ed to my dad in thanks for replacing my sim card. [:
he chuckled hahah,
bits of me revealed at ..
10:36 PM.
Friday, March 25, 2011 - [overtime]
SPH promotion has got me going nuts.. working OT from 8am to 9pm everyday, even tomorrow saturday and sunday I'm being called back for work T___T ...
so tired.
throat sore
jaws aching
shoulders hurting
eyes tired...
we're so busy, we get over 2000 calls a day with only about 35 people picking up calls... and we don't even get proper breaks! we're just given food to chomp down as fast as we can ... ahhh .
I don't know whats wrong with my phone too ):
it keeps showing
"Emergency Calls Only" since 8pm today.. it was perfectly fine before that, zzz being at work means I can't do anything at all but sit and answer calls and .... this means I can't call Motorolla/Singtel or even go and enquire what's wrong. )))))))):
I don't even have time for my dear cousins who flew in.. sighs ._. .. oh well life goes on. Hope I can somehow attend the PAYM Appreciation Night tomorrow or I'll be .. well... sadder. D:
bits of me revealed at ..
10:54 PM.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - [workz.]
work has become not so fun ... after the shuffling of seats... ahh I finally have a day off tomorrow anyway. phew.
Sunday was a good day, Nora's birthday spent at Pistop! [: old temps like Shane and Esther came, and Brendan made a surprise appearance with the cake which saved the day hahaha, all's well ~
bits of me revealed at ..
9:28 PM.
Saturday, March 19, 2011 - [dancey]
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 - [pq 19]
bits of me revealed at ..
10:40 PM.
Sunday, March 13, 2011 - [fleeting]
just like Antoinette, my happiness is fleeting. just when something makes me the happiest girl on earth, another thing makes it all crash down again.
bits of me revealed at ..
11:02 PM.
Yesterday I attended the NTU open house with dengyin which was kinda boring, attended sleepy talks and had a campus tour in the rain @@ .. Today I went to the NUS one with my parents. We walked through the halls and saw half-naked guys hanging up clothes :o and my dad started reminiscing his times in Uni..
It was such a joke, my parents just collected all booklets and all sorts of pens and freebies from each counter and pretended to be interested and we left after an hour to shop instead. LOL .
Since my defiance last night, dad has conceded and decided, "My daughter's going away and never coming back" [:
Last night went something like...
*I come home from faraway NTU, climb the stairs wearily, carrying
alot of snacks to bring to office because I'm always so hungry
at work :x and I go straight to my room and dump everything down*
dad: (from across the hall) Hey, how was it?
me: I have nothing to say to you
dad: Why?
me: I'm not interested in anything there, it was a waste of time
*showers and goes down to watch Sex in the City*
*happily watching*
dad: (from upstairs) Ayesha, I need to talk to you.
me: (from downstairs) Why? what about?
dad: (shocked tone at my disregard) About your education???
me: Oh. Why should I talk to you? You don't listen to me.
dad: No, come and show me.
*lugs all the books from NTU*
dad: Not this, you said there's nothing. Show me what you have
about Ozee (how he spells it :D)
*I stand at the doorway stunned*
dad: Why are you standing there?
*I turn and run down the hall to my room, grab the QUT and UTS
booklets and ran back and start yammering like a machine gun
about what I know - coursework, career opportunities,
accreditations, environment, accomodation and school fees*
dad: Okay,that's good. So you'll be 50k a year and your brother
is 20k a year *dad laughs*
*I smile happily at his approval and continuing watching my movie
giggling to myself all night*
So today, my dad just talked about how he went to UK to study, how he was scared of everything and how he had to learn everything, and I'm listening so attentively to every word. He keeps telling me what I'll need to bring and all, but it's about a year away~ Haha he's so excited now. ^^ .
I'll be able to meet my relatives in Sydney, and school's gonna be an hour drive from GoldCoast! :D
Now now now daddy says,
"Okay, Ms. film girl. Work your ass off at SPH and earn money to buy yourself a macbook, the best darn camcorder and all your school books yourself, and I'll handle the rest."
(me: I don't want a macbook D:
dad: Don't be silly, everyone uses one.)
makes me wanna cry.
I'm just too happy.
bits of me revealed at ..
3:29 PM.
Saturday, March 12, 2011 - [gleeeeeeee]
bits of me revealed at ..
11:17 PM.
bits of me revealed at ..
11:15 PM.
bits of me revealed at ..
11:15 PM.
bits of me revealed at ..
11:14 PM.
Thursday, March 10, 2011 - [stats]
Wednesday, March 09, 2011 - [cheer up days.]
Finally I'm ready to blog!
abit unwillingly though, but I shan't procrastinate anymore!
1. A lvl results .
It began with a sleepover which started off with
dinner with me and dengyin.
A dinner which Adna was supposed to join but left house at 10plus so...

yummyz! Sleepover was pretty fun [: played games and
watched "3 idiots" . I fell asleep though :x but it was good,
Cheehooi turned up at around 3am!
and kept us worrying that she had met
some pervertic taxi driver who kidnapped her :x
The next day was just a blurr.. we were late for the presentation but managed to see Tan ZhiXiang top the country with 9 distinctions, damn good (Y) . My results weren't satisfactory to me at all, It contained all ABCD inside. -__- sighs
University is all I've been looking toward since young, always wanted to go to Cambridge and study there with my cousin, wanted to meet foreign students and be independent. Wanted to live with friends in an apartment and learn to cook and do chores together. Work part-time to pay off school fees and all.
Most unfortunately, I am able to attend the best film school in Australia and realize my dream of broadcasting shows live on TV, and have company because my best friend wishes to study there too. And the environment is as hygienic and safe as Singapore and ...... I'm not allowed to study film.
So how? My life pretty much has lost it's purpose, I might as well donate my organs to Science and die an honorable cause.
2. Therapy
To ease my sorrows, my colleague and his friends made and
delivered to me a
cheer up package!

to trigger my endorphins so I would smile more.
and also treated me to ..

But I was still...

3. New stuffs!
I decided that I needed Retail Therapy.
Within 3 days, it arrived from Korea in a beautifully packaged parcel.
and most satisfying was that I wanted it a few year back but it was
constantly out of stock..

I even received a free
Taeyang photo and Taeyang socks and a lolli
with the
Taeyang "Look Only At Me" Smiley Cap ~

Also to destress, I decided to go for dance even after my
somewhat disappointing results,
and decided I needed new shoes..
and so, superman to the rescue~

hahaha superman flew in from britain :x

left me skulls from the baddies he just fought.

gave me some sharp metal bits to kick people with :p

Some of my friends also required retail therapy, so I accompanied them,
and on the way tried a most harmless but awful-tasting-to-me
TWG macaroon. @@"

4. Distraction
My colleagues who scored beautifully and are allowed to pursue whatever they like decided the cheer up package wasn't enough ! So I had free lunch as well :o thankyouverymuch all~
I decided to take pictures at work to show everyone
the pretty office and the nice things there.
- 40cents Ice Tea.

- warning sign which really should belong to someone else :x

- pair pens from HK disneyland, shanying's and mine

- bears and cute notes left behind by SK whom I never got to meet.

fyi, PQ is really cute :D
- the CMIS dos system called the "BlackBox"

(I believe black box means where projectors are
placed in cinemas/auditoriums.)
this was taken at the National Library.
- tattoo from a Sports Bar with freeflow alcohol
on my 4th day at work

- inter-department love notes and the rdeaded complaint list

- animal friends ~

ah damn I wish my specs were still on Mr.Yellow...
and not left on the SPH bus..
- headset!

Valent my trainer, my lovely supervisor who never stops smiling!~

The vampire and self-procclaimed Brad Pitt ._.

ShanYing and Brendan behind ~

So far no picture of Adriel, Nora, Suneeta, Sofia, Kavitha, Lisa, Angie, Jamie, Josephine, Iris, SinYan, Brenda, Misa... and some temps left already ahhh~
8 of us had a Mac feast today ^^

and of course I have no picture with my best friend at SPH, Taufiq! who's a slowpoke and awfully nice to bully HAHA. [:
my workplace has tonnes of chocolate and I brought more that he gave me in the "Cheer up box" and it got snatched away like hot cakes haha!

my letter of appreciation :o

and I decided to bring "cheer-up" Pooh to make myself
every day at work,
despite my present worries,
and my difficult customers.. [:

bits of me revealed at ..
9:43 PM.