Monday, November 29, 2010 - [PROM prep 1]
HI ~
watched harrypotter7 again todayyyyye, paid more attention to little details! dengyin teared at the end when dobby died @@" . oh dearrr. :x
nomnom meesua wooo~
found prom dress yayyy!!! a big relief!
dengyin found several, gonna pick one tmrw~
also got an entire makeup set which nearly made me cry at the price.. @@ dy was like "noooo don't be sad, you'll look pretty!" but haha i'm just guilty ._. !!
still more stuffies to get like shoes . ahhhhhhhhhh going mad.
TOMORROW, will be exploring the gigantic NEX mall with pamela + 'megamind' + contact lenses! my first ever wheeee ^^
bits of me revealed at ..
11:12 PM.
Sunday, November 28, 2010 - [Skateeeeeee]
The past few days have been pretty exciting! kinda lazy to upload pics to blogger, cause they're all from the DSLR and uploading to FB already killed me.. so look there! :x and I"m also lazy to type... soo just a little here and there~
went to Joyce's house to pei her study physics!!!
Got trapped in her toilet and screamed like a molested girl for helpppp! AHHHHHHHHHH
ate organic lolli recommended by chloe
completed 7/20 .. ever since it's been stuck at 7 x_x
met her neighbourhood kitty
carried many things including her skates! (THANKYOU!) and went to jp to find boyfriend
dinner @ LJS
cabbed home in 15mins , no midnightcharge! reached home @ 11:15pm, amazing sia, uncle sped across the island!
Finished packing my roooom (okay shall post pics soon @@)
skated and fell on the road, ohh I hate gravel T_T
played badminton instead with seri, lost 6 shuttlecocks which flew out of the house and some to our neighbours hahaha
off to JP again, to meet dengdeng for dinner @ LJS again, because her Alvls are OVER!
bus-ed to town @@.. headache
met a tired and disappointed boyfriend ): (I hope he isn't disappointed anymore! ^^)
spent 5 plus hours @ ChineseGarden, perming and dyeing hair. goodlord, woke up at 8am to reach there at 10.30am, didn't eat all the way until 8 plus

LUCAS! [: dy and chee are pretty pretty toooooo :DDD!
Rushed like crazy to SCAPE to support daniel but... ): his performance and classic slalom OVER ALREADY!!! -.- sianz.
met chloeeeeee for a teenywheeny while~

went to timbre to have dinner with CHEC peeps [: happy birthday MeiLing!~
climbed the stairs of death painfully ):
left house early early to SCAPE to surprise daniel who didn't get surprised because his friends always tell him, "hey! your girlfriend is here!"
aiyoooo ):
Okay anywayz, watched the qualifying rounds of Slalom Battle, missed his dance performance again ): haiyooo, but happy news, I got picture with KIMSUNGJIN!!!~ :DDDD

woohooooooo [: !
went hurriedly to ECP with my family and my turn to skate there, though my right feet's bleeding now ): I donnno whyyyy, but my left feet has no blisters or anything, but my right one is x_x
was worth it anyway, gotta get used to J's skates~
dinner-ed and daddy rushed haslinda off to doctor, she has lotsa hives on her, some insect bit her and set off an allergic reaction @@
bits of me revealed at ..
8:37 PM.
Friday, November 26, 2010 - [-___-]
Sometimes I wish people would just stick to plans, don't always back out or cancel or wow, cancel without telling, or change dates/venues without informing, I mean where's your darn basic courtesy?!
Especially for 'repeat offenders' , you really make me wanna punch you, you know.
Just because you're fickle and you want this, you want that. you wanna go out with other people instead. you wanna go clubbing, you wanna go a fancy dinner or whatever, doesn't mean you should treat me as a last minute thing. Why am I always your last option? Only when no one else has time for you then I become 'oh you're the only person who cares and understands me' but once someone else is available, I'm immediately invisible.
Plus, I always have my own time to handle. I have my own plans, why must I always accomodate you? You can't make it suddenly and I have to cancel my other arrangements to make time for you?! WTF please, you're not the boss of me and you know what, since you don't even value me as much as others, I shouldn't even bother to put up with you.
yeah don't try to mindfuck me and get upset and try and apologize, you just know you haven't changed since forever, despite saying 'I'm sick of all this shit, I'm not gonna care anymore' and blahhh you're always saying this saying that, but you know yourself, you know you're just stuck in a little circle and can't get out. Come on for crying out loud, move on.
I'm very agitated now, but still I can't keep all this inside anymore. You really take me for granted and I am almost at my limits, seriously stop being such an asshole. I don't care if this sounds mean, someone bloody needs to scold you. I'm damn fed up with your fussiness!
bits of me revealed at ..
10:19 PM.
revived my "tumblr" !
&plz visit doo-boo ~~
bits of me revealed at ..
11:56 AM.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - [[:]
had a lovely little celebration with daniel at sentosa wheeeeeee ❤❤❤
See, it first started off as I was gonna go buy stuff and he wanted to meet me for awhile, so okay, saw him at our usual meeting spot ^^ and wahahaha he dressed up nicely today! (ps this post has no photos :x) Okay so.. mm yeahh he got hungry after waiting for me to buy whatever stuff I needed, so we went to nomnom. Then he felt very full at couldn't get up from the table so we just continued talking there. hahaha, he was whining and whining about how the rain ruined his mood because he wanted to surprise me with a song today ! That explains him bringing out his precious new Taylor guitar!
yupp so, after much whining, like "I wanted to go to the beach todayyy, why did it rain ... I hate the rain I hate the rain!" then I'm like aww come on let's just go! and we did~
Thankfully it stopped raining, but Sentosa was all empty and damp haha, kinda weird, but he was sooooo eager! LOL damn cute, so he was all prepared to play me a song as a celebratory umm thing, like congratz on completing school! heee, so we sat on the rocks and he got ready to play.
What a silly silly boy he is, he stuttered and said "I can't play.. I'm shy" and pouted, omg hahaha! Then I'm like .. "hmm but you practiced alot right? so show me?" and he goes "yaaaa I could barely sleep last night! I was imagining a nice sunset and playing you a song, but haiii it rained.. "
The silly boy then turned around and said, okay he won't face me, and started strumming to the space beside him. ROFL . and it was so funny, he eventually turned back to face me and I decided aww I'll sing along, hahaha in the end he played and we both sang together wheeeeeeeee, with NOBODY around!!! :DDD wahooo. Okay then the sky darkened ~ so we went to nomnom at 7-11. [:
So mission accomplished! We went back to vivo and saw a giant giant pink christmas tree at the sky garden, and the little boy was soooo fascinated by it, and tried to take pictures but it was tooo big to fit the camera LOL . Then he went near it and said .. "ahhh I wanna hug the tree... I wanna pull the baubles off." really like being with a little baby. awwww :x
So that concludes my day! Of course the morning and afternoon was heavy slogging . Packed my house like crazy took 4hours and still not done! Need to continue tomorrow or another day x_x pictures soon!
bits of me revealed at ..
11:48 PM.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 - [my last time..]
Sunday, November 21, 2010 - [everything with fries please [:]
Friday, November 19, 2010 - [mugmug]
hihi ^^
I took really long to recover from my damned fever flu and I still have a little bit of cough, its on and off, I can suddenly go off in a fit of coughs urgh -.- haterzx it
So anyway, after much more sleeping over the weekend, my fever was gone pretty quickly so I could go out and study again, studied at wilkieeeee, saw Daniel and his CHEC peeps, daniel was feeling depressed and oh well I had no means of cheering him up besides my adorable smile so his trustee pals Jonathan and Justin helped me by bringing him to catch MEGAMIND!
It reminds me of how longgggg it has been since I last watched a movie T_T .. with daniel or dengyin/adna/cheehooi or my best movie buddy pamela D: ! A levels you big MONSTER! grrr! I can't wait to begin my uber uber long to-do-list after A's actually I kinda dread it :/ but still.. it's somewhat exciting to start changing my life @@"
Anywayz literature was moderate on Monday, wasn't thaaaaaat straightforward, but oh well, I'm always an extract person, so yupp, wrote whatever I could, and wow Mr.Prince, congratulations for spotting the poetry question, the exact same poem in our prelims! Bravo :D beer and hot nurses coming your way!~
However chem paper 2 the next day was absolutely devastating, it's the worst absolute worst paper I've done and I really hate to think about it, the result of such an awful paper was 3 straight hours of bigbangtheory. @@" Even so my heart still isn't very much an ease sighs.. chemistry has been terrible overall, hopefully the final paper won't be bad even though I'm always borderlining my MCQ paper . D:
Okayy.. the next few days were unproductive days of lazing around and moping over chemistry until I couldn't take it anymore! I needed PAMELA! and such a sweetie she is, came zooming over to my house immediately ^^
and.. enjoyed playing with my phone.

we went to NYP to study, last minute to the max, one day before the econs paper @@"

we were really focused there.
daniel bought sweets to encourage us :D yay~

Pamela is proud to say she was tried every single special effect in my camera app. wow even I didn't try them all heh :x
Had dinner together at a place I haven't been to in awhile =o

mozzz rice burger!

I know we're really unimaginative at taking pictures. [:

oh wait, I think robo, my hamster died ): he hasn't moved all day! and I tried tapping the cage T_T noooo no wonder he looked so thin today... I hope he's just hibernating though there's no winter here . x_x
OH and econs CSQ paper was weird, just downright weirdddd, there were 2 case studies but no micro at all? what the heck is "export expenditure"?! and.. aiyo there's such thing as a subsidy diagram? haaa, the paper was strange but I did what I could, please at least gimme a C .. ): though I don't want anything below a B, but for you... I'll lower my expectations a litte.. T___T ..
because I was a slowpoke, daniel abandoned our dinner date ))))))): and went for training. ohwellz thankfully I have bigbang and my lovely maid with her not-so-good cooking to come home to. [: !
please visit "doo-boo" on your way out! :DDD
bits of me revealed at ..
7:40 PM.
Saturday, November 13, 2010 - [sick.]
maths paper 1 wasn't good for me, but apparently it was really easy for almost everyone else, oh thats good, my maths was never good to begin with, but paper 2 was much much more gratifying, I feel alot better about paper 2.
Although I was half-dead sitting for paper 2,
it's probably the air in the CO room .. I just fell incredibly ill after maths paper 1, fever, flu, cough everything just struck me suddenly, and I couldn't focus at all when trying to study for paper 2.
Friday after the second maths paper, I cabbed home, and I kinda hate cabs but I had to, had to get home, and was knocked out straight away.
Around 3pm I was woken up because daniel drove over, aww sweet boy [: he took me out to eat but I barely ate half of it @@" even though I didnt eat anything the entire day, actually I didn't eat on Thursday either, so thats been a really long time, considering I'm practically a monster, because I feel I eat alot..
After that he drove me home and went off and I ate drowsy meds and slept all the way until today morning... goodness, then I got up and watched TV for awhile and slept againnnnnnnn. what's wrong with me?!
Since 5pm I've been awake and sweating and sweating, I hope that means my fever will go away.. I must go out tomorrow so I won't sleep anymore! I have never actually felt this sick before.. sighs, this is awful . awful . awful .
bits of me revealed at ..
8:32 PM.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010 - [3 papers done!]
quick update on A lvls @@"
was so terrified and unable to sleep until about 6am before the first paper, chem paper 3, thank goodness it was an afternoon paper.
Sadly nothing about Reaction Kinetics apppeared and some really unexpected and @@" questions did and overall ): because I really did prepare the most most most most for chemistry .. haha the forum about chem paper 3 is scaring me ..
Had GP today, great! I was happy happy happy like a shooting rainbow when I saw a question about books, and the compre delighted me 'cause it was about FOOOOOOOOOOOD! Stupid me saw the time wrongly for paper 2 and chionged the Summary and AQ in 30mins wtf, my hands nearly broke and then... then.. I realised how dumb I was -.- !
So 3 pages of AQ stuffed in 20mins, woohooo, am I great? :p I wrote on the blankpage.. hmm please accept it ): !
but I think the summary was awwwwful 'cause it's like tooooo much to fit into 120 words. oh well. *shrugs* I didn't find the short questions that easy either, though the passage was nice to read [:
Im truly sad for many many Singaporean kids because they prepared about food and poverty, genetic engineering, environment, globalization and none of them came out D: ! The common ones! Oh dear @@" how unusual.
Time for maths @@" the bane of my life.
bits of me revealed at ..
6:58 PM.
Monday, November 08, 2010 - [cinderella..]
the transition from october to november hasn't been good at all... I really hope with all my heart that things get better soon.
So tired of being so depressed over little things.. or big things... I wish I could switch off my emotions..
I wish I could fully understandwhy you do things the way you do
I wish I could read your mind and see how you feel when I've done something (right or wrong)
I wish you could read mine too.
I wish I could believe the lyrics, after feeling so so so much pain, I could get some happiness.
I feel like a soldier, that has been to war so many times, and survived each battle, coming home covered in wounds. Yet this soldier still reports for duty each time, and gets beaten down again and again... never had a victory.
I wish for so many things,
I need a fairy godmother..
I don't feel important to you anymore.
bits of me revealed at ..
11:59 PM.
in a few hours time, I'll be waking up (if I manage to fall asleep that is) and I'll be using a pen to decide my future. The next 2 weeks will be the biggest moments in my entire life. It could mean breaking free from this terrible situation I was forced into from young, or it could mean disaster in the future.
I attempted to sleep at 9pm today, but I failed miserably, because of the incoming smses from my friends/teachers.. I really want to do well, I don't want to disappoint myself or anyone. I want to be able to smile at my results and be able to choose my path from there.
.. sighs, I was ... disappointed, yet again this evening, but maybe it's just me.. maybe there's just a problem with me, if not why, oh whyy and I so depressed these few days.
My adrenaline rush for taking a national exam after 6 years coupled with heartache is definitely no formula for a good night's rest. What now... ): I will channel my awakeness to recapping definitions and nittygritty stuffies.
I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on
'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
bits of me revealed at ..
10:57 PM.
Sunday, November 07, 2010 - [sucky windows2011]
I wanted to draw on MSN, and realised the dumb new version doesn't have the handwriting option?!
So I uninstalled the whole thing and tried to redownload the old version .
To my great dismay, there's like a dumb conspiracy and no matter what the download just fails and fails, so I decided to just get back 2011 version -.-
so I still can't draw!
and I hate the annoying updates sidebar which cannot be closed!
I hate it that the nickname is just your own name
I hate the newer windows live gallery .
In conclusion I hate windows live 2011, unless it's just me who can't locate the new buttons/tools to do what I want.
bits of me revealed at ..
8:14 PM.
"Whats the best gift you've ever given?"
well i put in effort in all gifts that i give, probably the one that took the most effort so far was the 5th month card to daniel [:
bits of me revealed at ..
12:34 AM.
"What's your biggest phobia?"
so many ):
fear of failure
fear of lonliness
fear of sharks
fear of dolls
fear of losing somone impt to me
bits of me revealed at ..
12:32 AM.
Saturday, November 06, 2010 - [food [:]
im a freak, my exam starts in 2days and here I am, whatever.
at 12:59am on 5th november, I drew something for a friend because my friend was feeling troubled and appeared to need help. I felt so happy drawing and writing the note, but it's so dumb because after I gave it, I felt like, 'why do I keep doing stuff for people, and I get nothing in return.' I'm an asshole seriously, how can I feel that way?!
Grr, where's my sense of genuinity.. I can feel so happy looking/making a present for someone, but after it's done, my heart isn't at ease. -.- Stupid ayesha.
haii, I just hope its a fault of being human.
I walked home in the rain today to punish myself for feeling that way.. and the season of giving is coming, I better correct my thinking soon...
I've been carrying my camera around and snapping photos of FOOD recently, and I've been eating alot anyway, so watchout food, ayeee's gonna capture you and chomp you all down!

It started here.

NYP North Canteen ~

yummy hotplate.
NYP Koufu ~

curry fishball. O_O right? but it tasted pretty nice [: !
NP "Makan Place"~

AgarAgar! my childhood snack @@"
"Old Town White Coffee" opposite Bukit Timah Shopping Centre~

yummy ... I forgot the name. D:
but it was definitely super easy eating this especially with my sorethroat.

icecream toast! :x (byebye throat)
"LaiLai Chicken Stall" at Jurong Point level 3 ~

haha this is just a wonderful cup of green tea, but the food there wasn't bad [:
the wanton soup was mmmm.
So it seems I've been travelling alot? So I stayed at home the entire day one day, Wednesday or Thursday I think, and this was the most most most most scrumptious meal my maid has ever prepared for me!

It even smelt delicious! though it don't look like anything special, it certainly left me craving for more more more more more more moreeeeeeeeeeeee. AHHH!
I was home again the next day, daddy cooked this dish he calls "Tandoori Steam Fish"

doesn't it look incredibly evil?
dad: how's it?
me: haha not bad, never tasted anything like it. how come you're not eating your own fish?
dad: I don't like steam fish
me: then why'd you cook it?
dad: because you like it, and its your exam period.
me: ohhh.
dad: to be very honest with you, I tasted it and it was awful to me, very fishy
me: hahaha nahh its alright!
The 3rd day I was home yet again, boy was I bored of being home, Daddy cooked lamb chop! and very cutely sliced potatoes.

Finally I'm out.
"Just Acia" at Dhoby Ghaut Exchange.

Okay that concludes the food section [: ! Of course there was more, but I didn't take photo of every single thing I ate~
So today, I was at wilkie studying, and I was feeling what a warm dreary day it was, and then my dream walked past me and sat on the table beside. He was a caucasian and carried a thick bound set of scripts and was practicing them intently.
I stared and stared and felt a rush of inspiration and turned back to my own maths, and suddenly, I could solve every single question,
I was on a roll!!!!
Then it all happened so quickly, I looked at the time, 6:02pm already! and the actor got up, looked at me, looked elsewhere, looked at me again and smiled quickly and left. The little fire in my heart extinguished and ... I felt drained.. and then I stopped doing work ):
I carried baby pluto and went to meet Daniel after his bboy lesson and had dinner. My happiness meter dropped exponentially from 100 to ~10 ... haiiiiii ): then I wondered if its a bad thing to share my joy with other people.
Then a message from eeling perked me up immediately, I was about to cry, but the message turned the sad tears into happy ones, but I had to blink them away as quickly as I could @@" .
Oh here's baby pluto :D who is practically sold out islandwide ): ..

baby pluto is a present

for daniel.

because he wanted to steal mine away..

because it's too comfy to hug to sleep.

So now he has one, he shall never lay hands on my lovely pluto! ^^
After dinner, we went to the Singapore River to sit and relax.. ahh been so long since we went there, I just watched the boats go by, it's like watching your life go by.. it seems so slow when you're in the moment, but when you pause to look back, everything's gone, so fast, and you didn't realise it.

We stubbornly sat in the rain, until the heavens decided to play a trick on us, and all of a sudden it started pouring and we ran for cover @@" , hahaha that was pretty funny, pathetic but enjoyable too .
went home since the weather didn't permit us to sit and watch boats anymore.

Byebye pluto, you have to do your job as a bolster from now on.

The square at the bottom right says "Fine $5000" for misuse of emergency stop. HAHAHAHA, and I thought that was supposed to be "pass GO: collect $200!"
bits of me revealed at ..
10:25 PM.