"Trusting is giving someone the power to completely destroy you but believing that they wont"

not that I mean eeling's gonna destory me, but woooo I (L) eeling! :D been so longggggggg since I went to school again!
I've been busy...
lazy to blog ):
I've decided I shall nottttt blog about the birthday or LanternFest, shall just look and pictures and recall fondly how much I enjoyed the two occasions, maybe if I do get very absurdly bored I might write something about it!
Was doing chem paper 1 in the canteen today and Mr.Chua bent down beside me to look intensely and I was just doing electrochem calculations thinking to myself
"You're an econs teacher, what would you know about chemistry anyway?"
Then he tsk-ed at me for taking more than 1min30secs on that question and started telling me about time management @@" he checked for my electrochem answer and nodded in approval, hurray then he left and the 6P girls with me said "No, he's a chem teacher!"
ohmyholy... how dumb of me LOL but thank goodness I solved it successfully, wooo I love electrochem.

yummy homemade icecream that I got from Pamela :D!

me weikai eeling and adna were discussing the "Newyork Newyork Giant Yankee Burger" Challenge and how me and wk would like to win it and be on the hall of fame at Citylink! So we're discussing intently, over recess which I ate this...

Because I intended not to eat from 10am to 5pm (and I really didnt!). The lady looked at me in bewilderment, thinking, wow she can eat so much?!
Hohoho, that would be NOTHING compared to the challenge!

eeks, it's 20cm in diameter, 10cm in height, and the fastest dude in Singapore has a timing of 20mins52secs and you're given one hour to finish all this, meant for 4, by yourself!
Do ya'll think I can do it? :x
Tomorrow, 1stOct is Childrens' Day, wheeeeee :D choc from HOT ms.lee

Look at this!!! :D

I love McAfee now, seriously!
My brother said it blocked his StarCraft II so he get annoyed and totally deleted everything away. what the hell. Then I come home thinking I have a super virus on my com that destroyed McAfee as well. ohmygod and I hurriedly back up everything -.- Then my stupid brother says he thought it was just a trial, but its a 3year subscription! But anyway the technician initated a chat with me, and someone could get my system info? and he immediately helped me get it back .
yay I ❤ mcafee, so high-tech!
I have devastating maths results, it was my unit number in VillaVerde. ): but its an improvement over MYE, which believe it or not, I got 17/100 for Maths. wtf right?
I think I might actually miss school T_T
bits of me revealed at ..
9:07 PM.
"Definition of sex: its an injection with affection to the mid section from a projection without any objection hopefully no infection"
how long has it been since I quoted at the start of my post? This is from Irwin [: don't know if it's really composed by him ahhahaha, and it's been sooo long since I sat and blogged nicely, but I still can't because I'm waiting for birthday photos from Pamela and Mid-Autumn Fest Night pics from Daniel :o ! So... just some other stuffies that have happened ^^
That night of the HariRaya Party, received a Swarovski Pendant from a secret admirer, wahahahhahaha! whoopz no picture of it, about 8boxes of Ferrero Roche and 2boxes of these sweet stuff from Hilton(below), it's effingly sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, I couldn't finish half of a biscuit..

Soo... exams are over, and boy studying literature is fun [: I never ever studied so hard to literature in my life! and I couldn't have done it without all my trustee notes from prince and meeyuusiic!~

green is pretty ^^
had a celebratory meal with cheechee after the lit paper on Monday! hurray!

and had the most awful sushi ever from NTUC *gulp* after chem paper 2 on Tuesday~

and thennnnnnnn it was Wednesday! The last paper overrrrr wheeee :D
byebye prelims!

estactic look :D (did I spell it right? @@)
OldtownWhitecoffee-d with cheechee,wenyi and mantou!

hahaha oh god, we just happened to turn away at the same time!

"chee: Ayesha! Take a pic of all the chilli and oil!!!!!!"

They make everyone wear a kimono!~

hahaa it looked so shiny and smooth after about 2hours @@" this photo does no justice to how my hair looked!
*went for Mid-Autumn Fest Celebrations*
which I'll blog another timeee. On the way home I met this crazy woman... (I didn't film this though!)
tmd it was 11plus and I was taking a damn long journey home from Chinese Garden and this freaky lady started yelling away, and yelled at a young couple alighting and then proceeded to scream with her annoyingly high-pitched voice and the other commuters, and then after yelling she lay down on 5 seats, when the train reached Outram Park Interchange.
fuuuuuuucking inconsiderate.
Anywayz... Thursday was a pretty stone day, slept from midnight to 11am, and then 2pm to 6pm again, then went out for dinner with mommie~ I love mommie, she's awfully cute and she made me a brownie cake on the spot hahaha [:

The samples were deeeeeelicious! wheee I can't bear to eat it ):

hair suckz after walking in the rain -.- went to peekaboo at Sembawang after that, and Daniel showed me a magic wristband. :o !

pretty pretty moon [:
Today went out for lunchie and yada yada, so boring, sat and stoned at DiningCodes, had a yummy bowl of Strawberry Milk Ice!~

then was dragged to watch "Devil" with Daniel, haiyo, another scare for me, although it's not a horror movie @@" damnn I'm too chicken ):
then went to pass time at Zone-X before heading home! Daddy burst my little bubble the other day, so I was kinda unhappy and didn't wanna stay homeeee, so I went out to jog about 5km, haven't exercised in half a year?! and god I can't touch my toes anymore ): !!
I wanted to DIE after 1 round, but it was better running than going home anyway..
and now Should I go surprise Daniel again at Sembawang? hahaha :p !
my bruise is getting bigger I swear... and I don't even know where it came from!!!!!!!

ouch? ):
bits of me revealed at ..
7:58 PM.