It's so magical to listen to this song, when it's a quiet and calm night, I just sit on the swing, when I'm feeling so tired and reluctant to climb the stairs into home, I don't wanna do anything. So it's just me, the swing, the never-ending night sky and the saltwater room.
Owl City's songs are aweeeeeeeeesome, especially from "Maybe I'm Dreaming". I guess many of his songs seem eccentric and really random, but after searching awhile, I guess this interpretation seems pretty good.
I opened my eyes
last night and saw you in the low light
lowlight: a particularly bad or unpleasant event, detail, or part
he saw her in an unpleasant way he did not want to see her in. He discovered a part of her personality that he missed before... this time he saw her in a negative or sad light for the first time.
Walking down by the bay, on the shore,
staring up at the planes that aren't there anymore
In every single song, Owl City mentions some mode of transportation as some sort of metaphor. In this case, the planes represent bygone memories that the boy& girl are reminiscing together, late into the night.
I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold
Like an introvert, I drew my over shirt
Around my arms and began to shiver violently before
The lyrics here suggest that both people want more warmth/heat between their interactions, despite their history.
You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me
Running into the dark underground
All the subways around create a great sound
To my motion fatigue: farewell
The singer always links himself to modes of transportation so the tunnels around him are probably the relationship choices the girl can make that involves him. However, all solutions to work towards a relationship seems grim ("running into the dark underground"). The guy is getting tired of the limbo situation he has with the girl... dating, not dating, dating not dating, fighting, making up, etc ("to my motion fatigue: goodbye"). He either wants to take initiative and make this relationship finally work or give up.
With your ear to a seashell
You can hear the waves in underwater caves
As if you actually were inside a saltwater room
With their imagination, the the relationship would be idealistic. However, Owl City reinforces that this idealized picture of relationship is different from reality ("As if..."). When you press your ears against a seashell, you can pretend you're by the ocean and underwater paradise. Perhaps here the singer is talking about a long distance relationship; when you talk to a person online or on the phone, you can pretend you are also somewhere else... with significant other.
Time together is just never quite enough
When you and I are alone, I've never felt so at home
What will it take to make or break this hint of love?
They keep telling themselves that with more time, they will eventually make everything work. However, due to long distance, they never get to spend enough time together to make the relationship concrete and stable. However when they are together, they've very comfortable with each other. THis is why they think extra efforts in making the relationship work is worth it. However they're tired of staying in the gray area.
We need time, only time
When we're apart whatever are you thinking of?
If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?
So tell me darling, do you wish we'd fall in love?
All the time, all the time
Whenever they're apart, they feel a bit lonely when they carry on their daily activities. They wish there could be a fair chance at love. No distance, no time constraints, no past history.
Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn't let me sign on?
All my islands have sunk in the deep, so I can hardly relax
or even oversleep
The guy feels lost. He feels like he's losing his mind/sleep over this relationship (or lack thereof).
I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights
The ship lights (note another mentioning of transportation) might represent hopes of the girl/boy being together... or perhaps the counting of the lights just signifies that the time they spend together feels so natural.
I guess Ill never know why sparrows love the snow
We'll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow
The guy thinks that they'll never know what will happen if the relationship is given another chance, but he decides to enjoy the present, in the presence of the girl.
Sweet right? Anyway today was a pretty boring day, slept alot.. played abit of lateral thinking with my brother who kept giving up despite all my clues @@"
Oh well, went to bake my sister cake.. it was going so well... [: anyway j0yeex asked me to take pictures, so while me and Seri were baking, I had to keep stopping her to take photos @@" when pouring and mixing and etc, had to keep whipping out my camera to snap away~

Starting mixture, looks like an erupted volcano hahaha!

this time the mixture's not soooo watery! Infact its thick and gooey hahaha!


will not make a phailed icing this time! (ohman now I'm starting to spell fail and phail too, HAHAHA the pail joke ._. !) anyway I have much better equips to help me with the icing~

Tadah pink play dough!

This little thing is the culprit that made me look like I murdered someone..

just one teensy weensy drop and my shirt, fingers, toes were stained ):

strawberry icecream~

Actually... had to heat the icing to make it more frothy and stirrable, then add in a tiny drop of colouring then.. pink icing ~~ though it says red on the bottle @@"

But then.. after taking the cakeeeee out of the oven, I dropped it when I tried to take it out of the baking tin... and therefore...

You know, Seri even had the cheek to say this..
me: aiyaaaa, I go buy another mix, tmr morning we bake again!
seri: then this keep where?
me: throw away lahhh x_x!
seri: take picture?
LOL. ohwell, nevermind, tomorrow.. I willllll bake again~
bits of me revealed at ..
11:37 PM.
Today is my favourite dayyyyy of the year!
it's 31st july! hehehe I have no reason for liking it, nothing special happened to me ever on this day but but.. the date just sounds nice :x
but if I must really force something, then it's HarryPotter's (not Daniel Radcliffe) birthday!
After posting the advertisement video last night, I was laughing away away away like this dog here, like imagining the responses of people~

feeling gleeful and cheeky, but I ended up getting 'scolded' by my friends ):

but his expression wasn't that honest :x So I went on my merry way to the skating equip shop he brought me to once, to get cones. Coincidentally he went to another skating shop to get new wheels, what did I say about chemistry? :D
Okay so anyway, that time we went.. he said he liked the pink cones, because no one used them, but bleah I didn't really like them, so redbluewhite instead! Colours of America~ hmm..
red -> his favourite colour
blue -> my 2nd favourite, because thr's no purple ):
white -> we both liked it
I'm so thoughtful wahahahhahaha
Anyway I've realised that out of my little photography experience, I enjoy taking pictures of inanimate objects most! @@" So bear with me, I was actually very happy taking photos of the cones ._. !

This is papa cone, I love it! But it's mineeeee, definitely not for him :p
Okay I must talk about my failed mission ):
See, daniel told me his brother is perma at home and his maid is most likely always at home, but on weekdays his parents would be working, so I was like hmm.. the only day I'm free-er than him is Thursday~ because it's an awfully long day for him, so I'm like perfect timing!
So on, Thursday I happily went to take 181 to his house, but... -.- neither of them were home! I initially thought okay maybe in the shower or something, so waited awhile, ring ring ring the doorbell, then started calling his house phone. He once said his brother hated the house phone and gets annoyed, so the evil me purposely called many many times and let it ring foreverrrr.. in hope to annoy his brother so much he actually answered the phone~
But... PHAILED ...
So when my phone battery dropped.... substantially, I gave up and felt superrrrrrr shi bai and unhappy and emo and etcetc..
life was so bleak....
Then I asked Daniel 3 times consecutively whether he would be home in the afternoon the next day, and he conveniently avoided them all.
me: will you go home in the afternoon tmr?
you have guitar and skating rightttt
daniel: yupyup tmr's a busy day.
me: oh, I thought you 'graduate' from one of your guitar already?
Anyway you will go home in the aftn tmr?
daniel: huh? what graduate?
me: you perform already mahh, so I thought no more lesson?
Will you be going back home tmr?
daniel: nooo that's Sunday class.
me: okayyy, answer me! Will you go home in the aftn tmr?
Or be around boonlay area?
daniel: yah I willl?!?! at night.
tsk. blur king.
Anywayz, I succeeded yesterday, and added 4 little post-its around his room and one in his living room, although him being very blur, I don't know if he saw all of them hahahaha! Thank goodness I called when I left school, 'cause his maid was about to go out! @@"
Oh, to the people to asked me about his reaction, it was past midnight when he got home and he freaked out when he saw the note on his door. HAHAHA!
Okiedokie I'm done, shall let some pics entertain ya'll.

SMILEY BREAD! maybe this would make me like eating bread more..

Pokemon love!~

looks yummy @@" ..
but me no like bread ):

I willll, chompchompchomp!

hee cute

new age transformers~

heehee this chocolate is real! I have it~

Okay toodles!
bits of me revealed at ..
10:58 AM.
I'm not here to say I'm sorry,
I'm not here to lie to you,
I'm here to say I'm ready,
That I've finally thought it through,
I'm not here to let you're love go,
I'm not giving up oh no,
I'm here to win your heart and soul,
That's my goal.
bits of me revealed at ..
9:03 PM.
disclaimer: if you do not understand this post,
do not ask me,
just think about it yourself.
Today Mr.Au taught us the chemistry behind falling asleep in a vehicle with the engine left running and dying after a substantial amount of time. (ask me if you wanna know! :D)
On the way home, it made me think about bigger things in life.. like intangible stuff. I began to wonder what its like to be a teacher, how do you fully justify the truth and convince your students? How can you just throw facts at them and expect them to believe it when everything could be sheer coincidence?
Then I thought about how I would teach my children stuff about the world about life in general.. it's so difficult and I thought maybe the easiest way is by analogy? or a story? I thought of a story on the bus home..
There's this hugeeeeeeeee school, with only one principal. The principal single-handedly built the school because there were no school existed then. Being very clever, he decided he should built an institution to educate everyone. He sourced for people whom he saw intellect in, and taught them everything he knew. At any one time, he only taught one person and only about one subject, and that person became specialized in that particular subject. Slowly he had many many educated people in his school who were all equiped with all the knowledge of a unique subject.
These people became the HODs of the school and then the principal openned the doors to everyone. The school was available to everyone, regardless of gender, age or race. Once a baby was born, he would automatically be enrolled into this school. Every student could only choose one class to attend, which would mean one teacher and one subject only. There was no limit to the number of students per class. By default, children would attend the same class that their parents went to. Being naturally curious, the younger students would attempt different classes until they finally decided to settle in one class permanently.
As time went by, the HODs retired and students took over and became teachers of that subject, so there were more classes offering the same subject, but it was still restricted to one person one subject. After recruiting a final HOD, whom the principal imported on the final bits of his knowledge to, the principal left the school compound, but continued to monitor it from afar. He instructed all the HODs to maintain the school and said he would come back only when the last subject he created had only a single student studying it in the entire school.
One HOD found this system unfair, and decided that he could take over the school and be the new principal. He gathered the other HODs and tried to persuade them to join arms and overthrowing the principal. However, in the battle of wits, those that opposed the principal failed and were all fired from the school. These ex-HODs decided to create their own school and made it much more fun and attractive but not many students transferred over.
One by one, other HODs began to retire from teaching and went to join the principal and live in his glorious castle and continue to watch the students grow up from afar. The new teachers (once students) were left in-charge, and chaos broke out.. some students decided to entirely skip attending school, some went over to the more fun school..
In the big school, some of the students made friends with others in different classes and so longed to be studying together in the same class, but because of their different interests, they were unwilling to give up their subject to study another one. As they graduated from school, some were allowed to join the alumni and they too could live in the castle and meet their principal finally. (The principal never appeared on campus in front of students, only the HODs could see him while he was still there) There were those who failed in school and were sent away to repent about what they did wrong. After enough repenting, they were allowed to join the others in the castle where life was a total bliss.
Now there's something strange about this school. Every new subject was linked to the previous one.. it was just an "updated" version of the previous subject. So logically speaking, the last subject created (just before the principal left) was the most "correct" set of syllabus. But why.. do students still insist on going for the other classes? Many do not realise they are studying older syllabuses which are no longer relevant. Many who know about this refuse to believe it and think their class was the last one created...
Maybe they had very convincing teachers?
Maybe they were the good children who never questioned what their parents studied and just followed.
Maybe some friends wanted to change classes but couldn't adapt to the new syllabuses.
So let me ask you now, are you in the right class?
bits of me revealed at ..
8:36 PM.
Hereeeeee to update properly about the weekend! actually just Saturday, but before thaaaaat, some little things that happened today ^^~
Queenie saw my Eeyore and the only way I can describe her reaction is "ai bu shi shou" <<<>squishing Eeyore ): later he deformed howww.. T__T

Eeyore's too cute!
Today in chem class, Mrs.Phua also noticed Eeyore, just that she pronounced it as "E-O"! and she sounded like an excitable kid proudly telling us about her collection of winnie the pooh cartoon plushies on her desk. ahahaha, cute. [:

Okay, now this is something I have to mention! Ever since we watched "Prince of Persia - the Sands of Time" dengyin and cheehooi have been insisting that Ben Kingsley, the actor of Uncle Nizam looks like my dad and I'm here to screeeeaaaammmm that
This is him as Nizam .
This is him as the young Doctor Parnassus from the movie "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus"
actually im not sure if it's him, but sure looks like!
and and and this is me and daddyyyyyyyyyy~

Maybe they both lack hair buttttttttttttttttt, ben kingsley looks so much fiercer leh! just look at him hereeeeeeeeeeeee ..

I'm gonna have a nightmare now. @@"
So I better change topic!~
Alrighty, Friday night and Saturday morning was kinda hectic, received so many calls and sms-es about complicated arrangements for Cheechee's birthday. It was planned, settled, cancelled, rearranged, re-cancelled, and finally we just decided LET'S GO!
So much unhappiness and confusion between guys and girls and etc. @@" aiyaaaaa nevermind, the main point is that the day went on!
Cheechee actually came out 3 times to HarbourFront, aiyooo so I rushed down as soon as I heard that the beach outing was reconfirmed!~ While waiting for Sharman and Kexin to arrive, me and cheechee had lovely frozen yoghurt from "Yigloo"

It's so awesome, it tastes like ice cream!
(cookies and cream with kiwi, strawberry, peach and aloevera topping)
Minor advertisement for "Yigloo", it's like self-service unlimited toppings, of course you don't wanna be like a cheapo and keep refilling right? yeappp it's soooooo deeelicious as compared to Yoghurt Place or Yami, which are both hei-dians ):
Okayy so met Sharman and Kexin and went to buy food, Cheechee decided to buy a whole chicken hahaha wowww, bread pieces and tuna, lotsa chips, 7d mangoes and I really can't remember what, but he were carrying loads of loot to the beach hahaha [: !
"Plotted" to dissuade cheechee from buying the cheesecake 'cause we asked wenyi to bring a cake as a surprise!
Took the monorail~ and the mini-bus to Siloso Beach!
Then just as we settled down, Dengyin arrived! and kexin and cheehooi went to lay eggs in the washroom. LOL .
Thennnnn, they came back and wenyi arrived too, all just in time~ (kexin contrasted all the pics!) I must mention the dumbness of the 6 of us as none of us brought a camera, and the only one had no battery left so, it's up to kexin's bb!

Present from mantou, kexin, sharman, wenyi, yanyi and ... ? I can't remember @@"

We happily played volleyball with each otherr~ played the frisbee, played with water and dodgeball!~ It was amazing, 'cause the weather was perrrrfect, my spammage of sunscreen was unnecessary! It was windy and the sun never seemed to appear! It was a cool day ~ ~ ~
Dengyin, who usually dislikes sweating joined us as well, and everyone was like "whoaaa dengyin's running!" I'm sure she had loads of fun tooo [:
Exercizing with friends in such great weather isn't so bad now, is it?
hahahha dengyin can't wait to go play beach volleyball again, believe it or not ! Actually most of the time was spent laughing at each other [:
Indescribable Fun! (too bad for those who weren't there! :p)
To get drinks from 7-11 dengyin and I walked the entire stretch back to Beach Station 'cause the dumbbbb tram was slower than our walking! hahaha was shocking to see such determination in Dengyin to walk the entire way! But of course we got the tram back! Squueeezyyy though!

Daniel: we look like a family here!
Then went to Central for dinner and said hello to Jamie @ STICKY!
bits of me revealed at ..
9:29 PM.