Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - [girls and the guy [:]
had a tough chemistry paper with Mr.Azmi looking amused standing beside me [:
lunch and chat w the girls (L) daniel came to join us after awhile :DDD

3 papers down, 1 day of break and the final paper -- Maths. @@"
went to Daniel's to watch PercyJackon&TheLightningThief !~

funz ❤
ohyes, I have a nice hairstraightener, yay. looks cool ~
bits of me revealed at ..
10:55 PM.
Monday, June 28, 2010 - [econs+lit MYE]
18 pages of blood, sweat, tears.
bits of me revealed at ..
11:00 PM.
Saturday, June 26, 2010 - [mcfly!]
hehehe I recently found two very old songssss which I loveee alot
both by Mcfly,
I've got you and I'll be OK!!!!
and I'm too lazy to post videos, so go google yourself if you're interested :x
bits of me revealed at ..
9:45 PM.
Friday, June 25, 2010 - [sinful?]
I don't know what happened, but I just had the scare of my life.
came home feeling grumpy 'cause I was tired and wanted to sleep and my brother banged my door so many times, like hello, wait for me to unlock? -.-
daddy also ask me to write in the 2 cards, still tell me "There're 2 cards! I need to bring them overseas tmr." I know goddammit, I bought the damn cards, stop asking me to write so many times, you didnt even write in them yourself and requested for a big big card. tmd.
Sighs, I guess the lock on my door has no purpose.
Anyway I woke up at 7pm, which is like 5 minutes to prayer time, and still snoozed another hour because I was just too darn tired. and I regretted that.
My religious teacher/daddy/uncle all told me that "dusk" (in plain terms) is the worst time to go to sleep, because it's when "spirits" (in plain terms) start to come out.
(aiyo maybe some of you don't believe in spirits so err, byebye don't read)
there are both good and bad spirits.
the make little children like my sister cry every evening until they can no longer see them (ahhh and this was true and super freaky, everytime she cried, we had to close all doors and windows and she'll slowly stop, if we took her to the garden/backyard she would scream and thrash even more)
Okay so, once I also couldn't bring myself to get up and went to sleep and got the most scary nightmare ever. and swore never to fall back asleep/go to sleep at that time, must sleep a couple hours before or after.
And damnn I really should have stoned for like half an hour or something and went back to sleep today but I didn'tttttttttttttt, and the nightmare came. (because the spirits enter your dreams and twist it according to my teacher, it's also why breakfast time during fasting month is then)
my nightmare was just me being trapped in a big place, like a mansion with toooo many rooms and I couldn't get out. And there was this girl, who kept coming after me, trying to hurt me, like a sorcerer, not physically hurting. What's more freaky is I know the girl, I mean it's someone I actually know in reality. Ohmygod, this is super bad. ):
(please don't ask WHO it is, I'm not telling, ever. Until until.. maybe a long time from now
or maybe I'm thinking too much.
and and I also think I should finally close my mind to all the religion stuff. I feel sooooo overwhelmed. From the beijing trip, mommie has been nagging at me about becoming a buddhist, daddy still tells me to remain faithful.
So many people on the other hand, are christian. ohmygod.
daniel & his family, joel & his family, weikai, charmaine, mr. au gillian&grace, joyce, my neighbours and a billion other people. I still live in front of a church and see so many people every sunday morning.
it's just too much, I cannot listen to all this anymore!
and I really don't like it when I read blogs/news or even hear people talk about my religion and say all sorts of things which aren't true and when I ask them to substantiate their claim they just shuddup immediately.
and especially the terrorism stuffs, it's just so painful to watch the world go by like that.
focus ayesha,
what's important now is studies!
bits of me revealed at ..
8:11 PM.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - [dino goes rawrr]
had chem lesson and watched karate kid today [:
im not emo
im not in a bad mood
stop thinking so much [:

bits of me revealed at ..
10:29 PM.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 - [errorrrrr.]
dengyin's being naughty now ):
me: rmb thrs chem tmrrr!
dy: Error in sending message. Message undelivered. Please try again later.
me: (nearly fell for it) Funny. LOL
dy: Oo. I nvr go today leah.
me: For your tuition? Why not :o
dy: Error in sending message. Message undelivered. Please try again later.
me: Tskk dy! ):
dy: Error in sending message. Message undelivered. Please try again later.
me: Dy I dun give you present le ):
dy: Error in sending message. Message undelivered. Please try again later.
mehhh lazy reply her alr! D: in case you're wondering what prezzie.. hehe
dy: Ahaha im going to play now!!!! =)
me: play what? O.O
dy: Going marina square now. =) bowling? Kbox? Kiapkiap?
me: Eeeeeee lol later I gng cck! Pamela's hse to stay!
dy: Haha. Too bad cannot see me! dun be saddddddddd
!!!!%%.@.)":?#?=='|:%%?|!]'* =) (I actually quoted that exactly!!!)
me: LOL okay lahh, be excited for your present :D
dy: Rahh!!! *rip open* yay !! you bought smt for me !!!!! =))) heehee.
me: you chee adna and yunrou all same present, but diff colour
ahahaha, cute but you all sure won't use it one LOL.
dy: Lol. Pen??? Thongs!!!!! Yay. Got one thongs!!!!
me: LOL keep thinking haha
dy: Haha. Pointy bras. Yay. New collection!
me: LOL whatever
dy: Haha. Edible panties? Condom durian flavour? Getting sicker..
me: LOL ehhh, you think I can go into those shops meh?!
dy: Ur bro and ur mom. Above 16 can buy condom liao wad.
Rmb what day is it today?
bits of me revealed at ..
9:06 PM.
"Raindrops fall from such a great height, so why don't they hurt?"
I realised I haven't really blogged properly since I came back ~
I miss them! ):
"Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?"
The day I came back... I went out to study at FoodGallery with Daniel, yummyyummy food and a very cold place actually @@" thennn studied more at PlazaSing.. and went to SG river to watch the boats pass by... ~
Felt good to be back hehehe! [:
Then tried to sleep more that night but faillled.. 'cause used to waking up at 6-7 plus during the tour, so couldn't get alotalot of sleep bleahh, so nevermind~
Friday wassss tuition day, waaa felt so blur and lost in lesson, Joel went for diff classes ): okayz nevermind I forgive you, then then after trying to catch up what I missed, I went to Pamela's house! and oh oh that daddy conversation took place before tuition, so I was pissed anyway, so all the more didn't wanna go home! But actually already intended to go Pamela's house 'cause had to make somethingggggg hahaha [:
Daniel was being sweet that day, came to Bishan to pass me his jacket until I replaced my lost one T_T but okay, shall guard this one with my life! and we took a long bus journey to JE tgt, apparently he was very tired as well! =o
yayyy going to Pamela's house again has that wonderful familiar feeling [: was feeling tired and cold and hungry and Pamela's mum's chicken soup was deeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious! :DDD x999!
we went to get this done!

I swear I was being very particular haha! couldn't decide the colours, RedGreenWhite? @@" not nice together! I made him draw the M 3 times :x hehehe, but I feel so happy, 'cause I remember longlong ago when Daniel saw the one I have
He said he neverrr saw it before and wanted one that said "Magicalneo" so tadahhhh [:
wish granted!
had a warm but nice sleep on the sofa bed hehe! and in the morning I saw jubbies on Pamela's table and asked if I could have one!

Hmm.. I know she likes neopets and last time I tried to ask for the "Aisha" she objectedddddd, like they're her precious collection y'know? So I was expecting a "NO!" from her, but she really gave it to me, yayyyy [:
Daniel a.k.a Jubbie, named by his fellow monster lent his to someone who conveniently lost it for him D:
so he's like really heartbroken ahahaha, but now Jubbie has re-entered his life ! :D
I feel so resourceful :x
Okay anyway, made apple pieeee in the morning! Tasted mildly like the MacDonald's one :x hehehe but veryvery flaky haha, nice! Then went to Wilkie Edge (my new favourite study place) with Daniel to studyyyy~ did many many Econz checklist questions @@"
brain dying!
Met Chloe to get her prezzie while Daniel went for BBoy! (Oh I forgot to mention, daniel gave me TBG tix :DDD hurray!)
okay then 3 of us went for dinner at 313 and lijie came to join us! ahahah he's always soooo free!~
dopeee peepul ❤
hmmm.. what happened next @@" ...
Ohohoh, the damn 147 took half an hour to arrive and it's like been ages but that night Daniel sent me home, yay, pluspoints for him [:
But I feel so bad, 'cause it takes soooooo long for him to get back. ._. I shall go home myself from now on!~
hmm... Sunday, another tuition day, and Joel wasssssssssssssss NOT THERE again ):
so boringgggg.. and apparently he met yanyi? O_O? wonder how that went. hmm.. felt abit dumb carrying the mounting board for chloe to tuition and back home and out again! Because I decided to go home put stuff down before heading to Chloe's.
lalala, because of my bad bad coordinates, I had to go JP find Daniel firstttttt, then take bus tgt to Chloe's, ahahaha and that mounting board was seriously !#%@$#^ wish I could fold it and stuff it away.
Chloe has a lovely house!! I want a TV room too ): I'm soooo gonna have one next time! RAHHHH!~
had a nice time there though didn't talk much, =o went to eat supper ^^ and talked 'til around 4plus am? haha a few quick hours of sleep and it was time to rise and shine againnnnn DD: !
tsktsk, I have to get proper sleep soon. Daniel went home around 2am and swung by again at 11? I think. damn, it's so nice to live near friends ):
I haterzx living in the North. I need a teleporting machine to zoomzoom around.
Sooo, monday afternoon, we were off to visit the ScienceCentre Pixar Exhibition!
whooopz flash!
the kaleidoscope is cool ehhehe.
Honestly honestly, frankly, from the bottom of my heart, I don't think it was terrifically interesting, but it was inspiring to meeeeeeee, because I'm going to make movies next timeeeeeee I swearrrrrrrrrr! [: !
I wonder where the mirrormaze part of the ScienceCentre went to =o
the place with the counter, which says to inform staff when it hits 999 999 999 999. and all the little things to play with ):
The day didn't end there ahahah, took a long busride to vivo to watch ToyStory 3 ! Today's a Pixar day!
cooooooooool, isn't his jacket cool? :DDDDDDD
vivo lacks pretty lights @@" and my camera's too lag -.- !
hmm.. if you've noticed, I've spent 5 days with Daniel since I came back! (Y) And today's a stay-at-home day besides walking to get bubble tea eheheh ^^
Okay, this are just some random funny videos I watched.
I hope my future cat can talk too :x
this one's sooooo funny as well, Can I Have Your Number? ahaha
mybrother started imitating him so much
"So listen, can I have your number? Can I have it can I have it?"
then he asked
brother: What if someone did that to you?
me: uhhh, I'll be damn freaked out.
me: nono wait, I'll give your number :D
brother: what the heck? so evil
Anyways I'm actually feeling ABIT sad, because I feel helpless DD: because my skaterboy's feeling unhappy and frustrated and I can't really do anything
me: don't be unhappy, you can do it! must motivate yourself
to improve k! 'cause you got competition to prepare for!
dan: I don't wanna talk to you already, you're not helping.
Hush now don't you cry
There will be a better day
I promise you
We can work it out
But only if you let me know
What's on your mind
Baby, you thought it was forever
Through any kind of weather
But some day you will find what you're searching for
Try again
Never stop believing
Try again
Don't give up on your love
Stumble and fall
Is the heart of it all
When you fall down (down)
Just try again
Smile now, let it go
Hey, you will never be alone
I promise you
If you can't fight the feeling (Oh yeah)
Surrender in your heart
Remember love will set you free
Baby, you thought it was forever
You would always be together
But someday you will find what you're searching for
Try again
Never stop believing
Try again
Don't give up on your love
Stumble and fall
Is the heart of it all
When you fall down (down)
Just try again
Baby, when a heart is crying
Its sometimes feels like dying
The tear drops fall like rain
Baby, you thought it was forever
You would always be together
But someday you will find what you're searching for
Try again (ooh yeah)
Never stop believing (oh no)
Try again
Don't give up on your love
(Dont' give up on your love baby)
Try again
(just try again)
Never stop believing
Try again
Don't give up on your love
Stumble and fall
Is the heart of it all
When you fall down
Just try again
Not really appropriate I guess, but don't ever give up! 'cause you're the one who encouraged me when I was down too, remember we're strong soldiers! [:
bits of me revealed at ..
12:48 PM.
Sunday, June 20, 2010 - [8hrs a week..]
Dad: What did you do with the money I gave you two for China?
You did not even buy a souvenir for your sister and kak lyn while
your lil sister cried for you everyday. How heartless can you
and Imran be
Me: Mummy took it. I didn't use it
Dad: I gave it to you two. How did she lay her hands on it.
Did you get a soft toy for Alisha
Me: I did not. How do you expect me buy anything without her
asking? And how do I tell her I need to buy a soft toy for my sister?
Hello. She hates you guys to the core
Dad: But my money she likes. I saw a toy panda on your bed,
can't you give it to the baby? Never must she set foot again
in our house even if I am dead.
Me: Fine take it.
Dad: You will give her yourself in front of Has
Me: I don't care. You want it you take it, if not it's going to someone else,
not like has cares about me. Ask me say bye to her, she just
smiled simply at her computer screen, I still said take care
while I'm gone and etc, told her where I was going and for how long,
who's more insincere?
Dad: Sorry I asked, two wrongs does not make one right
Me: Besides you buy them everything they want, you can get toys
for her even though she has tonnes already
Dad: It is my duty as a father to look after all. As if you are ignored.
You are the most expensive to maintain of all. Stop complaining and
comparing. I am a fair dad and don't want to hear you
repeat these untrue words again.
Me: Fair?! you know yourself best.
Dad: Who is Daniel and what is your relationship with him?
Z. annoying.
That all happened on my merry way to tuition, and yay he really sent a message to Daniel to stay away from me. (Y)
Who cares?
You made a mistake doesn't mean I will too. Even if I do, it's my problem not yours, you can laugh at me all you want for being stubborn next time k. -.-
Tuition time again. ._.
bits of me revealed at ..
10:21 AM.
Saturday, June 19, 2010 - [._. aimless]
"We say that people don’t really know us..
But do we really know who we are?
Do we really know what to do now?"
just alittle something, until I'm in the mood to blog again.
maybe I should just start doing aimless stuff .. learn to juggle more than 3 items maybe, learn to hold my breath for 7minutes or maybe some skills... learn wakeboarding, learn kendo, learn to play a pipe organ.
my life sucks. right now. Z .
bits of me revealed at ..
10:47 PM.
Friday, June 18, 2010 - [my most expensive bill]
yay, first of all, I feel so glad that after one week of rest, my computer's all ready and working again, lucky Dell, no scolding from me :x
kay anyway just a short update 'cause I'm gonna be late for tuition.. and and my computer might just die again later, so better hurry! umm my trip wasn't thaaaaaaaaaat good, kinda boring and some quarrels here and there. Weather there was really dry, all the palaces look the same, food wasn't to my taste 'cause all non-halal, what to do? ):
The only thing I enjoyed was climbing the great wall, and oh, the Olympic Stadium was really pretty tooo [:
I can't really spot anything that will make me want to visit BeiJing again, but anyways I'll blog about each day in detail after my MYE, 'cause my mommie took away the camera SD card, to make sure I don't spend time blogging about it @@"
Sooo, before I left I wrote a letter, for the first time, yayyy :D had to keep asking dy for help hehe.

Me felt so accomplished after writing it, though alot of it is nonsense. Turns out I got 8 letters in return which are filled with so much cute stuff, I shall quote some of it in some other posts ^^
Anyway when I returned to SG in the morning, daddy was having his regular cup of tea and reading the newspaper and I said "Hey, good morning!" very cheerfully in fact! and he said "Please don't use your phone to surf the net without a data plan, you have a $193 phonebill"
my heart stopped. omg. I didn't use it !!!!
Then I went to unpack and saw the bill, and ohmygod
it's $490
holyyyyyyyyyy. T_T what am I going to do~ ....
at least he didn't nag about my lost ipod, *sighs*
time to rob bank ._.
Then, I also realised that daniel actually planned to meet me at the airport in the morning, and failed miserably :x oh mannn, LOL funny but sad. ahahaha, but it's okay, it's the thought that counts, okay I guess I can't display the prezzies I got for peepul, so nevermind, shall post them another time!
Had my phone repaired, 'cause the contacts wouldn't load and damnz I lost ~60 contacts but aiya heck! It turns out my phone like auto uses the internet ever since it was bought, thus my exorbitant bill. -.- !
Okay time to go tuition nowz.
bits of me revealed at ..
10:40 AM.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010 - [spongebob me [:]
It's funny that the last time I went overseas I was sick the day before, but I think today was worse... totally lifeless just now, but sighs, probably my own fault for going out so much and always getting caught in the rain .. @@"
At 5am tomorrow, I'll be up and on my way off.. so in the mean time, here's something for entertainment. (credits to Chloeeee)
"This is Me.."

when I’m BORED.

When I’m HUNGRY.

When you talked to me.

When you DIDN’T talk to me.

When I saw something that HURTS.

When I didn’t get our Math lesson.

When I’m procrastinating.

When you broke my heart.

When you told me something that wasn’t good to hear.

When you lied to me.

When I’m REALLY excited.

When you told me I LOVE YOU.

When someone hurts my best friend.

When I’m with my friends.

When test results will be out tomorrow.

When I’m with you.
wasn't that cute?
and now a song dedication to you-know-who hahaha even though you sent this to me :x
The sky has lost it's color
The sun has turned to grey
At least that's how it feels to me
Whenever you're away
I crawl up in the corner
As I watch the minutes pass
Each one brings me closer to
The time you're comin' back
I can't take the distance
I can't take the miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm callin your name
But I can't take the distance
I still believe my feelings
But sometimes I feel too much
I make believe you're close to me
But it ain't close enough
Not nearly close enough
I can't take the distance
I can't take the miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm callin your name
I brave fire and I brave rain
To be by your side I'd do anything
I can't take the distance
I will go the distance
I will go the miles
That's how much you mean to me
'Cause I can't take the distance
I can't take these miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm calling your name
I can't take the distance
It's hard to remember
As long as you're away
When I find solace
There's only one way
After thinking and thinking so much,
maybe separation is a good thing after all.
can temporarily escape everyone and everything
See you all on the 17th [:
bits of me revealed at ..
9:08 PM.
Sunday, June 06, 2010 - [ihatemyself.]
I woke up today and tried to find my jacket to bring to tuition.
'cause I haven't seen it for a few days, I thought it was in the wash.
then Ayu dropped the bomb on me that she also hasn't seen it for a few days..
which naturally means I've lost it.
My whole day was spent thinking about yet another loss.
3 objects of sentimental value have been lost within a week.
murder me please.
Felt so depressed throughout my 6hours from 10.30am where I made my way to tuition, until ~5pm when I left the centre. Tired. Cold. Hungry. Unhappy. Cried like rain after tuition and couldn't take it anymore and called mommie ..
at first she was very shocked to hear my choking on my words and after that started laughing that I was being silly crying over a jacket, she said she'd buy me another one soon. yay? But that's not the point.
I really hate myself for being so careless. Sometimes I wish I had Adna'a luck, but I guess luck is limited, I really have to be more careful. T_T.... At this rate, I'm going to lose everything valuable to me and very soon I'll really sink into depression and then... >_>
went to Wilkie Edge to find daniel and chloe and starting teaching Chloe maths, even though mine isn't very good, but its P&C yayyy and Functions, 2 topics which I sorta like, and it's definitely much more relaxing than the intensive Integration I had earlier~
Was still thinking about my lost jacket all the wayyy..
Sighs, another problem is dengyin and yanyi,
who knew that a change in seating would result in such a catfight,
aiya it's so dumb.
After saying so much, it's down to character/attitude problems,
and maybe some imperfect information..
so I guess, just try to be a nice person luh,
being stubborn and trying to defend yourself will get you nowhere anyway. ._.
aiya heck la, soon it will be a small matter I can look back on and laugh about.
wanna say thanks to someone (even if you might not read my blog) who regularly checks on me [:
although you always think I'm feeling emo, ahahaha, but it's nice that you give me surprise calls to ask how I am ~
bits of me revealed at ..
10:50 PM.
Saturday, June 05, 2010 - [#500]
absolutely addicted to this.
B2ST - Take Care Of My Girlfriend (Say No)videomaker apologizes for the lag :o
bits of me revealed at ..
11:49 PM.
you said something.
that seriously pierced right through me.
break all the bones in my body and the pain wouldn't compare to heartache.It's so funny now,
when I realise how dumb we were [:
bits of me revealed at ..
12:59 AM.
Friday, June 04, 2010 - [im in a bad mood.]
"Let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
So we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off
Cause we'll know just what they're thinking, just what they're thinking"
I honestly feel bad for not going for Famine Camp, because last night the dear CIP rep of the class came to ask me whether I was going, and I was very excited about it when I heard about it a few weeks ago, and readily signed up and now...
it's not a really valid reason, but I really don't wish to miss my 4hours of tuition and find time to make-up all over again.. sighs.
I know that she's extremely unhappy, maybe 'cause I was really really on for it, but anyway many people bailed in the end. At least on my part I'm sorry for not attending and I know you always fret over CIP for the class and fervently seek out CIP loopholes and chase them.
and I know how frustrated you feel when people come ask you about a particular CIP, and it's not that you didn't do your job, it's that the organization didn't reply..
sighs anyway, no point saying all this, after 6years, you must be really sick of it.
woke up at 10.30am.
received two sms reminders about tuition at 12 and was like holyyyyyyy I have no more time.
went to do some chemistry TYS.
hey Mr.Azmi hope your daddy's feeling better yeah! I'm being a good girl doing your work and shall work out that who-to-present-answers schedule soon!
went to record my piano song that I really hope to master soon,
and it sounded soooo awful, but I shall just keep it and film myself again after I'm better then I can laugh at myself for being so silly, getting frustrated at the keys. [:
Anyway, ate half a bowl of porridge and zoooooooooomed to tuition and was right on the dot! :x
saw Rodney the green-tea man and another guy from my class, who said he lives at Serangoon too! said he took circle line too! said he walked to the front cabin of the train too!
and I didn't see him?!
Okay anyway 4hours of tuition was really brain-draining, me and Joel were like zombies the whole way.. anyway I love singtel now, because it gives me reception underground! unlike the bad bad money-extorting m1.
after tuition, the little angel Joel asked his mommie to drop me and the station ^^ and then, it all started.
"She's so pretty but she doesnt always act that way
Her mood's swinging on the swing set almost everyday
She said to me that she's so happy its depressing(stressed out that its soothing)
And all I said was someone get that girl a mood ring"
I don't know what caused it, maybe the weather? maybe I was tired? maybe I was too hungry? maybe it's just another dumb mood swing? but my bad mood kicked in, all the way up 'til now. I'm not even angry/unhappy at anyone or anything in particular, I'm just NOT happy, NOT smiling or laughing or showing any emotion at all.
What's even more annoying, is that I don't know why. tmd I'm so mad at myself for not being normal. I can't even force a smile on myself. fuck.
Anyway. went to sleep 'cause was feeling tired and hungry but didn't wanna eat anything so sleep, the best thing.
then my phone buzzed so much and I replied as short as I could and didn't reply some people. sighs. Wished I could have slept in peace. the only good thing was a nice dream~
although I wonder why I could dream of something sweet despite the foul mood.
if I don't reply messages/reply a one-liner.
-> 80% of the time I'm in a bad mood, not necessarily unhappy with you or anything, just don't wanna accidentally scold you.
-> 15% of the time I'm unable to reply you, eg. in the shower/in the car or dinner with the family (daddy has this rule that we shouldn't use handphone in the car or when dining together 'cause we should be bonding together, and he'll give this unhappy look when someone calls me/bro or we start smsing. more often than not, it's haslinda or him on the phone anyway) or I could be asleep.
-> 5% of the time I have no idea what to reply you.
"Cause when its black it means watch your back because you're probably
The last person in the world right now she wants to see
And when its blue it means that you should call her up immediately
And ask her out because she'll most likely agree
And when its green it simply means that she is really stressed
And when its clear it means shes completely emotionless(and thats alright i must confess)"
Okay anyway I slept for half an hour only and forced myself up to go cut hair, 'cause experience tells me that usually there are many people and it takes awhile to queue despite being able to jump queue...
lucky for me, I jumped queue.. once again, unintentionally! I had a clear mindset that I would wait for all the 4 people sitting on the couch before me. oh well, they called me first, what can I do?
Once again I didn't get my favourite guy but he stood infront of me and smiled away watching another lady cut my fringe from straight to slanted. Anyway I bet you're gonna say there's no difference at all.
this is before.
I took this afew days ago when I also intended to cut my hair, at least there's some facial expression, but nevermind, I went to take a photo after coming back,
and like I said, couldn't force a smile,
so ...
I really tried, but if you're moody, you're moody. can't help it.
Now you're probably scrolling between the two pics and saying
"there's no fucking difference -.-"
I kinda agree,
but actually.. there is. maybe you gotta see me to tell.
then anyway, bought a new flavour of bubble tea today, Caramel Oreo (Y)
walked home.. saw some guys putting up new advertisements for the NEX mall, and it looks real pretty, it's quite interesting to see them put up the big advertisements, stood there for awhile, the 3 guys grinned at me and I instantly felt... much better.
too bad it didn't last.
reached home and saw my sister and as innocent and cute as it sounds.. she annoyed me.
I just sat down on the floor to have dinner and watch tv.
she came and put her chair beside me and kept sliding her chair towards me
like hello? the floor's so big and you have to come and push me away. -.-
and she changed channels to all her cartoons and I felt sick of life, sick of watching her dumb mr.bean cartoon and shaun the sheep, got up and left.
So here I am, typing out my utterly boring day, and hoping my mood lightens up soon. I shall end with 2 random pictures I took when I just woke up a few days ago. I feel I look best after waking up, though most people shriek at the mirror in the morning thinking they're having a "bad-hair-day"
I swear I can't even force myself to make that expression in the top picture. ._.
"Mood ring oh mood ring
Oh tell me will you bring
The key to unlock this mystery
Of girls and their emotions
Play it back in slow motion
So I may understand the complex infrastructure known as the female mind"
happy birthday to dhika and kahsing~
bits of me revealed at ..
8:06 PM.