Thursday, April 29, 2010 - [how to make her smile.]
today was a good day.
although I thought it would be a bad day.
I finally, for once in my life managed to complete my Econs essays during the 45mins test, like seriously, when I finished there was like 4min57secs left, so I can deduct away the extra 5mins of planning, woohooooo, I feel very proud of myself and my nimble right fingers :DDDD
and then, had Chem Mock Spa, where I could answer every thing and had a very zhun zhun graph with all the points joined together, so yayyy [:
Okay, I have more to update but I'm too lazy, so another day! ^^
but I'll leave something insightful to read, some little thing from FB ~
When she walks away from you mad
[ Follow her ]
When she stare's at your mouth
[ Kiss her ]
When she pushes you away
[ Grab her and dont let go ]
When she start's shouting at you
[ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
When she's quiet
[ Ask her whats wrong ]
When she ignore's you
[ Give her your attention ]
When she pull's away
[ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst
[ Tell her she's beautiful ]
When you see her start crying
[Just hold her and dont say a word ]
When you see her walking
[ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]
When she's scared
[ Protect her ]
When she lay's her head on your shoulder
[ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]
When she steal's your favorite hat
[ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]
When she tease's you
[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]
When she doesnt answer for a long time
[ reassure her that everything is okay ]
When she look's at you with doubt
[ Back yourself up always tell the truth no matter what]
When she say's that she like's you
[ she really does more than you could understand ]
When she grab's at your hands
[ Hold her's and play with her fingers ]
When she bump's into you
[ bump into her back and make her laugh ]
When she tell's you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold ]
When she looks at you in your eyes
[ dont look away until she does ]
When she misses you
[ she's hurting inside ]
When you break her heart
[ the pain never really goes away ]
When she says its over
[ she still wants you to be hers ]
When she repost this bulletin
[ she wants you to read it ]
-When You Say The Same Thing At The Same Time, Then They Say "I Love You " ♥
- Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
- Tease her and let her tease you back.
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.
- Give her the world.
- Let her wear your clothes.
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
- Let her know she's important.
- Kiss her in the pouring rain.
-When You Hear A Lie "trust them And Don't Listen to what others say about them"
-When you want to go shopping he says " I'll come with you" and he holds all your bags and doesn't moan
- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;
"Who's ass am I kicking babe?"
.♥....And Remember to Say I Love You All The Time Enough Is Never Enough ......♥
bits of me revealed at ..
8:30 PM.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - [imperfectme.perfectyou.]
"my head is going to split into two if this damn headache doesn't go away"
somehow, forgot to wake up for school today. O_O.
half an hour later.. ayu came with knocking with a puzzled look
"ayesha no school?"
chionged like mad, and still made it on time [:
but strangely, the alarm was scheduled to ring, but was turned off, which means the alarm woke me, I turned it off and went back to sleep, or maybe I sleep-wakeduptooffalarm-ed.
no floorball for P.E today, played a really insane game of captain'sball, I don't know which I did more, scream or run or laugh. but it was... insane. ._. !
watched the FBT play against some other year6 girls, tsktsk... :x
my stupid headache came right after PE lesson and its still keeping me company despite swallowing panadol -.-
): x999
for CHAMPS (don't ask me what that stands for) today,
we learnt about "Treats or Threats?"
which is about BGR, once again.
so we talked about
"where we would meet our potential special someone, how to meet and etc." and the discussion lead to "Cyber-wellness" about cyber bullying and meeting people online, meeting them in real after that, and is "Facebook/Twitter" a good medium to meet someone?
(so much attention on me during that section, >_>)
the more interesting part was writing down, 8 adjectives about yourself, and then 8 about your dream person and then... seeing if they're opposites and sharing with the class.
8 adjectives about myself(in no particular order):
so it seems.. they aren't very good traits, but its okay, I still ❤ myself enough.
then, the 8 adjectives about my dream guy, hehehe,
I wrote more than 8 but whateverrrr(in order!):
1. charismatic
2. funny
3. faithful
4. sweet
5. resourceful
6. imaginative/creative
7. protective (but not too extreme)
8. spontaneous
9. organized
10. trustworthy
11. good cook (Y) x999
12. rich (Y)
I should just cancel everything and put.
1. perfect
hmm.. initially, I only wrote 1-8... dengyin took away my little paper and announced "ohmygod, he fits your requirements!"
.......................................................... maybe. [:
although the two sets of characteristics look quite opposite ._. !
bits of me revealed at ..
9:19 PM.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - [this and that [:]
"I have come back from the pasar malan w a huge harvest. I hv ramly burgers and tea-leaf eggs and kebabs and mock sharksfin soup and goreng pisang and fried chicken and the world's nicest garlic bread. I shall feast tonight !"
"damn youuu im coming over right now!"
"Im waiting sweetheart. The food is damn good i luv it! (L) I will bring the garlic bread tmrw. If i wanna stick to my $25 budget I only hv $2.20 left to spend for the week hahahahahahahaha"
"... "
This was written a few days ago..
I realise its a diminishing trend among my friends
that siblings talk to each other :o
howhow, thats so sad.
last night, my brother gt hungry and asked me
"you wanna order macdonalds?"
"mm, not today lei, although I haven't eaten that for very long."
"I order for you."
bro's been playing audition like mad recently because of some
2x exp event, giving him extra 4x exp so he can chiong levels~
then I looked at his avatar and said,
"I think if you were born a girl, you'd be really pretty."
*turns and stares... blinkblink* "why?"
"cause you dress your character so nicely,
so must be nice in person also. ^^"
"hey, my friends don't talk to their siblings, isn't that bad?"
"you know, they gt 2 or 3 or maybe 1 sibling,
but don't ever talk to each other, like hate each other,
aren't you glad we talk everyday?
like imagine if I sit here and don't talk to you at all!"
"i'll just pretend you're in school"
"nooooo, like I walk around and just don't talk to you."
"how come you have no opinion about anything?"
"im looking for the tissue paper."
(L) my brother [:
and this very point in time whilst typing this, I'm actually quite mad at him zz. *throws ice cubes* .. if only I really could without receiving retaliation.
okay, shall not let him affect my mood.
shall pick up where I left off from saturday night!
on Sunday, did my routine morning studying until it was time for tuition.. made a detour on the way to tuition and was almost almost late, thank god everyone else is always later than me, which makes me early :x
but tuition wasn't very enjoyable 'cause Joel was missing againnnnnnnnnnn. floorball tournament? maybe. hmm. and RV played against his school recently ... and won too :x, muahahahahahaha, but any girls and boys team are different, oh wells, so my talking mate was not there, so I paid alot of attention instead [: !
although the ACboy and CJgirl sat behind me finally..... they're so... umm.. passionate in class >_> all the timeeeeee, nonstop talktalktalktalktalk, laughlaughlaugh and .... and usually they're infront of me and Joel and aiyoo.. always leaning back and hitting stuff off my table ._. and behind me is not much better, keep kicking infront.
Anyway yay, 'cause Mr.Chia's finally gonna move on to my most most most most devastating topic Complex Numbers next week, hurray, I look forward to gaining enlightenment! Anyway did I mention on the 5th of May, I have a wonderful Maths Test, testing on COMPLEXNUMBERS, AP/GP and distribution.... i'm gonna see U again, meet U again, and cry over U againnnnnnn~
Okay enough of mathematics tuition talk,
after that, went to meet daniel and we were only too excited to take CircleLine, and so we did, to Stadiummmmmmm. My life got threatened a few times by him along the moving staircase... T_T....
and so we arrived.. me still alive and kicking~
For me, I've never been there by public transport and only been there once during p5 for the NDP preview and for him.. he's been there a million times ._.
In my mind it was
"why the heck are we going there? we gonna sit in the stadium? isn't being demolished?"
In his mind was
"nooooooooooooooo didn't bring skates today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
In the end, we didn't go into the stadium nor to the rink, we went to the Kallang river instead. hohoho, I've never skated at Kallang before, eeeeeeeeeeeling, it's time to go there!
I was on the total receiving end that evening,
because I was just sitting by the river, watching the sunset, daniel entertained me by playing his guitar (albeit many broken songs) but it was niceeeeeeeeeeee ^^
and of course there was a whole army of ants saying hi to me, according to daniel the ants there are nice 'cause he's never been bitten before, meanwhile I was going *stompstompstomp die ants dieeeeee*
After that, we walked across the bridge so see the other side of the river ~ the condo looks cool, I wanna see the helicopter!!~ and the restaurants had pretty lights changing every 3 seconds >_> and the blueeee lights and the bright lights from the bridge, the moon the stars, the space station/satellite.. it was a pretty sight. I guess it's the nicest place I've been to in Singapore since time began...
I live under a rock.
mm then..
we went back to town because daniel had to go comfort an upset friend while I had to buy dinner home for my brother~
To the friend who's upset, must jiayou okay [:
emoing ain't good for the soul, but I think it's really awesome to have a friend who will like ditch everything and run to your side when you're in need. I've been thinking if I would ever be such a friend, seems really... difficult. ):
anyway, ayeee has a song for you!
I never really try to be positive
I’m too damn busy being negative
So focused on what I get
And never understand what it means to live
You know we all love to just complain
But maybe we should try to rearrange
There’s always someone
Who’s got it worse than you
My life is so cool
My life is so cool
Oh yeah
From a different point of view
We’re all so busy tryin’to get ahead
Got a pillow of fear when we go to bed
We’re never satisfied
The grass is greener on the other side
We're so distracted with the jealousy
Forget it’s in our hands to stop the agony
Will you ever be content
On your side of the fence?
My life is so cool
My life is so cool
Oh yeah
From a different point of view
Maybe you’re the guy who needs a second chance
Maybe you’re the girl who’s never asked to dance
Maybe you’re lonely soul
A single mother scared and all alone
Gotta remember we live what we choose
It’s not what you say It’s what you do
And the life you want
Is the life you have to make
My life is so cool
My life is so cool
Oh yeah
From a different point of view
I really have to agree, because to you maybe you're life really really sucks, but someone else might trade his life for yours. We all just have to accept circumstances and pick ourselves up and keep going! [:
On the other hand.................. I got a scolding when I got home -.-
Daddy says I'm too obedient and let myself get pushed around by my brother and I'm dumb and he's gonna get a heart attack soon.
That night, I really didn't think I would, but I really did get a phonecall, meant to disturb me, but sorry it failed! I wasn't asleep muahahahahaha.
we talked and talked and talked until my battery died and thankfully this time it's 'cause the person genuinely liked my voice rather than all the people who say I sound like a 10yr old on the phone ._.
3 guesses who.
So.. with only 2 hours of sleep... I still managed to drag myself up for school and how lovely it was to have PE first thing in the morning.

Sharman's nuggety expression for the day!

Eeling has an absurdly cute pencil box now :D
Although it says bear on the side, and rabbit on the tag, I swear it's a raccoon! maybe a superly cute mutated panda even...
*squeals in delight*

Adna's vandalism on chee's book hoho
anyway anyway,
poor yy was sick ):
and still came to school, and had a tournament the next day, which is today, so it wouldn't make sense for me to say jiayou now ):
anyway the girls' bowling attire is like wowwwww. must cover all the guys' eyes. :x
Monday's the day with 4hours of breaks, so it passed quite nicely,
flying chess ftw!~
eLit was initally very quiet because everyone was scribbling like crazy from the slides until little.miss.sunshine beside me drew this...

and I immediately laughed and broke the silence and... continued to laugh until I cried
and then the class wasn't so stagnant anymore.

got a free non-working watch from cheehooi as well.
after school, it would only make sense for me to home and sleep right, 'cause I only had 2hours of sleep and like there's school the next day and monday ended at 5pm, but oh dear.. I didnt' go home. ._.
my life is full of spontaneity~
maybe only when one particular person is concerned.
but whatever, I went out anyway~ went to watch BountyHunter [: !
was absolutely freezing in the theatre but that's besides the point, 'cause the movie's aweeeeeeeesome~ everyone plz go watch it nao! (Y) x999
smsed daddy
"home late today, don't wait for me~"
"okay apple pie."
apple pie?!
cute daddy (L)
however he wasn't so cute when I reached home... I went upstairs to charge my dead ipod and heard .. agitated voices from my dad's room so I sat outside there for awhile and picked up a few lines from his and haslinda's conversation that wasn't very pleasant but.. =//
ohno ohno,
though I won't be affected all that much, poor daddy can't seem to find happiness
): x999
was the day my lack of sleep really affected me super duper detrimentally. from the moment I woke up until right nowwwwwww I've been feeling so extremely sleepy, was sleepy before the first lesson, during lessons, after lessons, inbetween lessons, on the way to tuition, during tuition I consumed more than 10fruitplus sweets to stay awake, then on the bus home and... oh god, even a cold shower didn't refresh me, so I'm going to sleep very soon.
I shall end on a slightly disturbing note.. ._.
I swear there's something majorly wrong with my body. I have to pee so many darn times a day! The first time this ever happened was last year after SeoulGarden, ohmyholyyy, I peed 8 times in an hour and my brother was like ?!?!
then recently, I keep keep going to the bathroom . freaking hell it's so irritating.
I really forced myself not to drink anything today and I still went 6 times in school and twice at tuition, wtffffffff. where does all the liquid come from!?
okay anyway, I have decided to end with something thought-provoking. someone left this on the 6n board.
bits of me revealed at ..
10:10 PM.
Saturday, April 24, 2010 - [friends cars photography]
"A: don't worry, I've talked to pluto, he swears to protect you (:
D: don't be scared! cookie dragon protect you!"
funny how two very different people who do not know each other at all can say the same thing to me.
am so glad I can take part in SYPA [: x 999!
what is SYPA? it's this really irritating but seemingly prestigious competition,
"Singapore Young Photographers Award"
where I think the entire population of Singapore below 35years can take part, so wowness, it's gonna be one tough fight.
Have to send a compilation of 6 photos from a list of these themes, and at least 4 must be from different themes, oh god.
A. Abstract
B. Architecture
C. Children at Play
D. People at Work
E. Nature
F. Portrait
G. Still Life
H. Night Scene
hard? that's not all,
to make things moreeee complicated, each photo must be developed to S8-R size, which is like $5 a photo? and must then be mounted individually attached with particulars and a short description.
everyone's like
"haiyo! who wanna take part! so mafan!"
but nooooooooooo I wanted to take part so badly! 'cause it seems like an awesome competition, so I submitted 6 pixs to zhaowei, who then dropped the bomb on me on the day of "mySTAGE" that our school club wasn't taking part anymore because school don't wanna sponsor us. And I'm like T________T should I go take part as individual anyway? But the duedate was that day itself, so I would have to develop and mount and hand deliver all in one day! and "mySTAGE" was going on that day as well!
I was seriously ):
then then then,
on wednesday, zhaowei sent me a message that me metaphorically shoot to the sky. SYPA offered to develop and mount the pictures for us, so all we had to do was submit online, and wooooohooooooooooooooooo~
my day was made. ^^
awesomeeeeeeeee on the note of photography, I wanna take pixs like these!
(credits: from daphine's blog)

how on earth were they taken, seriously, if not editted.
okay, mm thursday..
had so-so lessons, maths is ._. getting somewhat better, statistics is fun :o
played flying chess a few times, it's seriously a game that unites the class!
there're fishes and alot more life in the school pond/eco-garden now [:
Mr.Azmi looked so happy during chem prac ahaha~
elit class was pushed forward that day, hurray,
went home and slept.
it's been ages since I got to sleep in the afternoon/evening before dinner!
went online, did electrochem
went to sleep,
thinking about the line I saw..
"what it takes to be one in a million is simply you" ❤
thennnn, the next day,
went to school and had such a nice conversation with cheehooi.
chee: what you gonna do this weekend?
me: me? im going home today to sleep, then I'll stone on saturday..
hmm.. stone on sunday as well, then it'll be
monday the next day and I don't have to worry
about my weekend anymore! ^^ *big satisfied grin*
chee: wow. tell you ah , mine goes like this.
Monday: damn, I just wasted away my weekend, must get
some work done this weekend.
Tuesday: I'm going to write a plan for my weekend.
Wednesday: damnz, there's just too much to do this weekend.
Thursday: god, I feel so tired, need to relax this weekend.
*cancels all plans*
Friday: TGIF! oh noooo, the weekend is here and
I have nothing to do!
Saturday: stone..
Sunday: tomorrow's monday already! no need to worry
about my weekend no more, 'cause it's school again tmr.
lmfao. (Y)
it was quite an eventful day after all.
before class started, listened to YeeJin's Roy-Story.
"please don't scold me, I reflected on myself after what I told you, and decided I should tell you the truth. After soccer that day, I didn't feel like going home, so I went to watch my friends play lan, watch only! I swear I didn't play! I watch them play, then I go home very tired already, so didn't do my homework. Sorry sorry don't scold me please ):"
hahahaa dayuumm cute, tried to quote as exactly as I could ahaha.
the day breezed by..
when it was time for econs tutorial,
the class size was greatly reduced..

mslee's nuggety expression!
in the first place, 6n is a small class of 17 people, with 13 H2 econs students,
then Sharman and Wenyi went off to play floorball match against YJC, and won
then Yanyi left school early for her dental appointment
then SweeCheng went for bball tournament
and Yongchuan was absent...
oh dearrrrr only 8 sad people left in class for econs but mslee strongly objected to postponing the lesson, so we carried on [:
After school...
had an extreme heart-to-heart-talk with
chee, dy & mantou.
felt like crying here and there, but seriously,
hthts are good for the soul ❤
talked about this person, that person,
what it takes to be a good person,
what's most important to each other in life,
the fragility of friendship,
the impossible-to-eradicate flaws of a person,
the difficulty of relationships (family friends bg) and
how terrifically difficult it is to maintain one.
talked about our future, our past,
how we were treated as kids,
other people's expectations of us,
what we swear to do next time,
what we experienced and won't do the same to
our children like our parents did.
occasionally the convo steered away from topic like observing passer-bys and etc.
and often I brought up examples of eccentric and unique or even mediocre friends I had and when I talked about daniel ... -.-'''
mantou: eh are you two together?
dengyin: cannot ask liddat! must say eh you two together already right.
chee: no la, just ask, so whats up, what stage are you two at now?
laughing answers everything [:
after about 2 and half hours of pure talking,
dy left for tuition, mantou went home, me and chee went to starbuckz to study!
ChocoChipCream is totally awesomeeeeee~

looks deeelicious and very sinful too ):
wrote a terribly longggggg econs essay,
it was 4 sides of the foolscap paper and worth 15marks, good god, how do I churn that amount of words (no graphs at all ) in 25minutes. I would have to think instantaneously of the whole essay to ensure coherence and write away like ... I think I can only finish that amount in 25minutes if I type @@" .
Taking the MRT at 9pm is wonderful, 'cause its so empty and quiet, but it's also very cold -.-''' .
although I was really really full, I thought about how long it had been since I ate at home.. and I really missed Ayu's cooking, so I decided, I will eat her dinner! and I did and it felt so heavenlyyyyy~
then I walked past her room and saw the bags packed felt a stabbing pain in my heart, 'cause she's leaving soon T_T .. ayuuuu ..
must eat at home as much as I can!
over lunchiie today, sadly Ayu didnt cook, but daddy did.. rawr! nevermind,
daddy came to eat with me, then bro came, yay [:
daddy: *sighs* going to Ubekistan on thursday, gonna fly singapore to istanbul, istanbul to ubekistan.
me: where's that?
daddy: somewhere near Russia
bro: *bursts out laughing like a maniac* HAHAHAHAH remember that time? on who wants to be a 5th Grader? the question was which country's capital is Canberra, and the person said Russia!
me: heyy.. I didn't know the answer was Australia either, I thought Aussie's capital was Sydney or Melbourne ._.
daddy: whats the capital of Ubekistan? 50bucks if any of you know. *smirks*
bro: *immediately*Kazakhstan!
me: *how can that be.. it's too easy*
daddy: wrong! Tashkent, will be flying there... you know I can't get the currency there.
me: O_O?
daddy: it's called sum.
bro: sum?
me: why can't you get it? (simultaneously as bro)
daddy: s u m, sum. no one goes there, can't exchange SGD for it, need to get USD and change it there.
me: :o ..
daddy: it's going to be a 24hour flight, goddammit.
me: *laughs inside*
lunch was nice [:
then our convo changed and we talked about ... cars.
because Daddy got a new car this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we're a BMW family ~
when I was younger I asked,
"daddy, how come we're always using BMW cars? what's BMW?"
"it's a brand name, stands for Bring More Women"
and my mum was tsk-ing away.
after a few years, we're still using BMWs and until my mum learnt to drive and had 4 accidents in a year and the police took away my dad's star award (no accidents in a decade) and the insurance company decided to break our bond. oh dear.
Daddy swapped to a toyota for less than a year, and I asked
"Why no more BMW?"
"Brings More Worries"
In my memory,
Car 1 - white subaru.
sat in the front seat on daddy's lap and he let me put my hands on the steering wheel and drive around a big carpark. ^^

Car 2 - Red BMW, 3 series? (must first mention that I'm not good at remembering/identifying car models, and I sincerely tried my best to find accurate pixs!)

Car 3 - Dark Green 4 series (the only photo I could find -.- maybe 4 series doesn't exist, but it was dark green and better than the red one)
Car 4 - Dark Green 5 series (the older 5 series, which I can't find the pic for)

Car 5 - Silver Toyota Harrier
Daddy told everyone it was a Lexus, sneaky.
first time sitting in such a high car, was really fun~
after half a year he said it's too girly and changed back to BMW.

Car 6 - Black BMW x5 (is this called x5?)
the car that looked like shark at night when only the ring of LED lights were on, not the xeon ones he replaced.
this car felt very lowww after sitting in the Harrier.
Daddy: I hope I can keep this car until Imran learns driving.
One year later..

Car 7 - BMW x5 (this is also x5?! I just know its an SUV)
had the high feeling again! :DD
big and spacious and wonderful to sleep in when going to M'sia.
Daddy: That's it, I'm keeping this car for 10 years, no more changing. No more.
me and bro: we'll see >_>
Yet another year later..

Car 8 - Mineral Silver BMW x6 (im quite sure this is the correct name)
not so high, but no so low either!
very very very comfy, daddy took me for a spin in it just now :DDD
it finally has beige interior after many years of asking daddy to stop putting black leather.
me: what happened to the 'Im gonna keep the car for 10years'?
daddy: that never happens, and you know it.
me: can bro drive this car? *hopeful, so he can pick me up sometimes*
daddy: *long pause* it has a very different feel.
hahaha cute daddy.
so happy about his new toy.
caught him looking over the front porch admiring the car many many times today!
told some people about daddy changing cars and daniel said
"Break My Window"
oh dearrrrr. lol!
At night, daddy drove me to bishan for the "Clean and Green Singapore, You and Me" photography compeition prize ceremony, met FengHan, who was also a prize winner, yay~
I have no idea where my pixs went to after I submitted them
dunno how, dunno why, dunno where in the world they went, and I'm not gonna restore my com to an earlier date to get them back.
Saw this as a winning entry for "Water Through My Lens" competition which I doubt anyone in club took part in, 'cause the compeititon theme was something like - show how newater has helped to enhance your life.

stoned for about 45mins at the place..

had a seat with my name on it :D!
said hi to the water droplet mascot, Water Wally I think..

and that's how the day ended!
PS: the ITE school of music and dance was damn pretty uniform!
Ipod shuffled to this on the way home
felt happy listening to it [:
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,
or even your year, but...
I'll be there for you...
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you...
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you...
'Cause you're there for me too.
You're still in bed at ten, though work begins at eight,
You burned your breakfast, so far things are going great,
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these,
But she didn't tell you
when the world was brought down to your knees
I'll be there for you...
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you...
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you...
'Cause you're there for me too.
No one could ever know me. No one could ever see me.
Seems your the only one who knows what it's like to be me
Someone to face the day with.
Make it through all the mess with.
Someone I'll always laugh with.
Even at my worst, I'm best with....
you - yeah
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,
or even your year, but...
I'll be there for you...
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you...
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you...
'Cause you're there for me too...
bits of me revealed at ..
9:37 PM.
Thursday, April 22, 2010 - [Siren Call]
"ayesha, you're so huggable! I keep hugging you everyday!
"you want a kiss too?"
"... umm, okay?"
"if I ever turn into a lesbian, you're my first target."
"what makes you think I'm not already one?"
life's a whirlwind...too much to do, too little time!shall be concise and zoooom off to do other stuffs.After the successful mySTAGE event, I've officially stepped down from PhotographyClub! yayyyy, and booooo, 'cause now I'm no longer tied down every Wednesday, but I'm gonna miss those fun timez! But wheeeeeeeee, received the pixs from mySTAGE! time to laminate them, and keep forever and ever and ever and ever and everrrrr~However, before that.. I was the one who had to go pick up the developed photos T_T. what an eventful day that was.Monday, after school, met daniel 'cause he was ever so free, and our adventure began! Hopped on a train to BoonKeng, where Siyao said"go to exit C, turn right, cross the road, walk straight until you see a small alley, walk down the small alley, then you see a handicapped centre, turn towards the centre, cross the road and you willl see a hawker centre, the colour lab is behind the hawker centre. thankyou!".. brilliant.we tried to follow that, but I saw no small alley or handicapped centre, but I did cross the road through an overhead bridge, and I saw not one, but many many hawker centres, but found the place after a long time.. in the rain .. T_Tand the wonderful shopowner said such hurtful words to me"I thought you wanted the photos tomorrow, they're not ready yet."horrors of horrors,my heart couldn't take it,I was gonna pass out,then she added"unless you wait for an hour or so."yes! instant revival.Okay, so walked talked with daniel for over an hour, made a new friend "Coach" the most adorable dog I've seen in ages.. until the pixs were ready, and it still wasn't done yet, ' my god.seriously... @@"kay, time for intermission, because it's Maths Week again, which was kinda fun last year [: ~ it's time to "fall in love with mathematics" so the Maths Society says..x = 1 , y = 1
therefore, x + y = 1
1. Multiply both sides by 'x'
x2 = xy (x2 = x square ._.)
2. Subtract both sides with y2
x2 – y2 = xy – y2
3. Simplify
(x – y)(x + y) = y(x – y)
4. Divide both sides by (x – y)
x + y = y
uh ohh.. what went wrong?
Kay, ms. Seetoh talked to us again, about our studies again, and so did Mr.Azmi... then I got really unhappy, because I feel, my real problem is travelling so much every day. My day is as good as 20hours rather than 24hours, because of taking the train and bus here and there every day!Do you know I have 7 ways? to go home, more actually, but these 7 are the most likely ways I would go home unless I want to overstay on the train. ._.1) MRT from boonlay to outrampark, xfer train to serangoon.2) MRT from boonlay to jurongeast, xfer train to bishan, xfer train to serangoon.3) MRT from boonlay to payalebar, xfer train to serangoon.4) MRT from boonlay to cityhall, xfer train to dhobyghaut, xfer train to serangoon.5) MRT from boonlay to aljunied, xfer bus 100 home.6) Bus 174 to SMU, xfer to 147 home.7) Bus 157 to toapayoh, xfer to 153/105 home.Every darn way takes so long and involves transferring somewhere, I actually wish there was some long long like, 2hour bus ride directly home ._. I would definitely take it.sighs.
Assembly the next day was finally finally switched to an air-con-ed location, the Auditorium, also the perfect place to snooze.

eeling's so cute!❤

wednesday was spent.. very spontaneously.watched monga with dengyin~was a strange and somewhat plotless movie but funny at many parts.went out with daniel after that, to the esplanade library, did some electrochem there woohooo, and he took like damnnnn long to find out whats wrong with that maths question above. then went to the roof of the esplanade to count the stars, but ... ._. nothing really to count, counted buildings and lights on the flyer!walked and walked around rafflesplace cityhall and to clarkquay.. saw pretty lights, the pretty river and pretty remote-controlled kites. I want one!!daniel's so nice to be around [:
and I now understand what it's like to be a siren/be under a siren's call. it's tremendously .. painful and exciting at the same time..
Today was a fairy tale
You were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand
And you picked me up at six
Today was a fairy tale
Today was a fairy tale
Today was a fairy tale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark gray t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairy tale
Time slows down
Whenever you're around
Can you feel this Magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
Today was a fairy tale
You've got a smile
That takes me to another planet
Every move you make
Every thing you say is right
Today was a fairy tale
Today was a fairy tale
All that I could say is now it's Getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense til the time I saw your face
Today was a fairy tale
Time slows down
Whenever you're around-Yeah
Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
Time slows down
Whenever you're around
I can feel my heart
It's beating in my chest
Did you feel it
I can't put this down
Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way
Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
Oh Oh Ooh Yeah oh
Today was a fairy tale
Cinderella signin' off!
bits of me revealed at ..
8:22 PM.