Monday, March 29, 2010 - [i'll win the war for me and you.]
I was going to blog about 6 people in my life who have made it really up and down, but maybe I'll save that for another day,
you told me you wrote something, so I checked it the first thing when I came online. And my brain stopped functioning after that.
As I'm browsing through all the photo's I received from you,
each of them felt as though they were speaking to me..
I was thinking about how you'd live your life everyday
and the trials that you face, putting up with your dad
almost every day even though you praise him infront of your friends,
your fears of results whenever doomsday is near,
your happy moments when you're dancing away like a spaZ!!
how'd serious you can get whenever you're stuck
studying on one topic and how'd you would
prepare for school and do your usual routine that is inevitable ^^.
Your different emotions that changes every now
and then when you're at home and outside be it
No matter how tough life can be I'm sure
you'll make it through the rain XD
because you're a great thinker,
strive for the very best because you know !
Sophisticated images running through.. XD
When you're feeling sad and blue,
don't you know that I will always,
Be here for you.
When everything just makes us go out of our minds,
just know that I will always,
Have the time for you.
You say that I am your influence.
You should know that you inspire me.
Now until the end.
I'll help you get through the thick and thin
and I know you'll remember when.
I say.
You are strong, strong as a soldier.
Even when winds are tough you'll always keep it together.
You are strong, strong as a soldier.
I know you'll get through anything.
'Cause you're strong, strong, strong as a soldier.
When the waves are crashing down. Can't get up. Just know I'll,
Pick you up from the ground.
When it feels like everything goes wrong,
just remember to listen to this song.
You are strong, strong as a soldier.
Even when winds are tough you'll always keep it together.
You are strong, strong as a soldier.
I know you'll get through anything.
'Cause you're strong, strong, strong as a soldier.
Don't you worry about the obstacles to your happiness.
If you let them get to you, you'll endure just like the rest.
I know your'e better than those people who get in the way.
Just remember what I always say.
You are strong, strong as a soldier.
Even when winds are tough you'll always keep it together.
You are strong, strong as a soldier.
I know you'll get through anything.
'Cause you're strong, strong, strong as a soldier.
You are are strong, strong, strong as a soldier.
Strong, strong,
strong as a soldier.
thanks a million...
bits of me revealed at ..
10:30 PM.
Sunday, March 28, 2010 - [emotional weekend.]
This is going to be a "Daddyness" post, he's gonna appear everywhere in my post.
Woke up early in the morning, to go to school for the RSSP briefing, daddy said we leave at 8am, we'll drop Haslinda off at work. I said fine. I waited and waited outside their door, heard the baby screaming away in there, so I supposed they were getting ready. I waited until 8.15am and daddy came out and said, it's early, let me have a cup of tea and 2 slices of bread.
Okay, so I would be late wouldn't I? nevermind.
In the end, haslinda didn't come with us.
hate me that much? ._.
I hate you just as much, don't you worry.
Okay so went to school, I shall not say anything about the RSSP, it's quite indescribable. you have to be there to experience the... anguish sarcasm and ironies of the whole session. All I could say that Mr.Koh's attempt to sensationalize his little speech and gain the favour of the parents was a total failure. Probably no one bought in all his crapologies.
Parents kept bombing them with questions haha and the HODs all had lightning in their eyes. Daddy just smiled to himself the whole way and I asked why, he had such a good answer.
"Because this whole progam sucks."
Okay, after school, went to JP for lunchiie and to watch "When In Rome". I know it's 2 movies in 2 days, very scary, but it was really purely to kill time, cause 10.30am briefing ended, 3pm was CIP. The movie was greatttttttttt [:
more my type compared to Kidnapper which Dengyin claims is her favourite movie of all time haha!
Went for CIP with Sharm, swy, mantou and yeejin cause we all met on the train along the way. We look literally like Hei se hui, cause we were required to wear black. haha! We reached so early and in the ended started around 5pm, 'cause the WSSS kids were lateeeeeeee.
And jeez they're soooo big sized, like giants manz, we all felt overpowered T_T. But anyway my team had super cute 2 boys and 2 girls ^^
One boy called Ray ate nonstop, one boy all mingshen looked so cute and innocent and the way he conducted himself was really funny (more later) and Georgie was really sweet and the other girl looked damnnnn shy.
So what we had to do was go around asking people to make a pledge to earth hour, by just writing an eco-friendly tip and letting their photos be taken. Then Capitaland would donate $1 for every pledge made woohoo, who wouldn't do it? you'd be surprised.
So what funny thing did mingshen do?
He kept saying, aiya you all do so slow, lemme do it (grabs the boards and runs to every person along the street to ask for pleges)
then he comes back and says, EHHH you all never do anything! (shoves boards into our hands)
Awhile later the scene repeats.
Meanwhile Ray is seriously, eating and eating, his food supply finished and he said "I WANNA GO SHOPPING!" and I'm like "You can afford stuff in Takashimaya?"
he said "maybe?" and I asked, "Where you wanna go?"
"7-11" .
dots.... LOL.
and he did and spent $21 buying food, grabbing literally everything.
Funny kids.
But anyway, many took the pldeges anyway, photos will be up another day, if not you could go to, but no pix there yet either.. [:
it was really nice walking around trying to convince people, then watched the Singapore Dance Delight abit and took advantage of all the crowd, so many nice friendly danzers made pledges, haha daniel came too, woohoo, after much persuasion :x
Daddy in the meantime, I could feel him nagging at me, "you should not be doing all this, you should be at home studying!" and he said "come home before 9pm!" before I left school. Sighs, daddy what if one day I became a social worker, I would be doing this kinda stuffs all day. Even though I told you, you didn't come to support ):
At least I bothered to update you about my whereabouts and when CIP ended.
Came home soooo tired, but there was oh no... a bbq I completely forgot about going on! AHHHHH, I was .. comtemplating just going to sleep straight away, but I wanted to see who Poodle, the DC lewd dog was, so I showered afap and went to say hi :D Poodle was playing com -.- I thought she would be downstairs making noise or something haha!
kay met so many new people, not new in DC, but those in DC that I've never seen before~
here are the pixs taken by rijichou [:
hope I spelt that right.
went online after the cake-cutting for Jojo, 3months belated though :o and yy had an emotional breakdown which in turned affected me as well, through her sad posts and smses, I was getting stressed over the same issue as well @@". Daddy kept yelling my last night to stop going online and said "you've been out the whole day, why can't you go study now".
A side note, I like BBQs, for the same reason [:
happened during the 5n steamboat too~

sighs, daddy's really mean today.
Don't know where he went in the morning, for a walk a drive? whatever, I was up and studying early in the morning, and all the way for about 3 and a half hours until early lunch. And he came and just looked at me, but his expression said "So you're finally studying, I've never seen this scene before." He and his damn sarcasm, he's said that to me so many times, like what, am I seriously just some dumb daughter who never studies?
Then when results come you'll always say the same thing as the school,
your PSLE score was so high and blah, stupid crapology.
I ignored him anyway and continued studying with my sister banging clanking and talking singing to herself with all her toys in the dining room. zz. irritaing.
Then I ate lunch early so I could shower and prep. for tuition class and my dad came and asked me "Don't you have tuition today?" like please just shutup about my tuition already.
1. You said if I need help, go get it.
2. I already found the centre, and enrolled, so fullstop.
3. Stop suspecting me for skipping tuition and going out, because I CHOSE TO GIVE UP MY WEEKEND FOR THESE EXTRA CLASSES.
4. You might use the excuse that I used to skip chinese tuition in lower sec, because I WAS UNWILLING TO ATTEND in the first place. you forced me.
He offered to send me and while trembling,
I said no straight away.
"No. I don't like the way you talk to me. You always assume I'm some wild girl, whenever I have to go out for school stuff, you always assume I'm up to no good if I'm home late. You never ever encourage me when I'm down. You don't say congratulations for good grades, you just criticize and think that everyone can be like you. You say I'm always wasting time and doing unimportant stuff. Unimportant to you, important to me. Respect what I do.
You only offer to send me when the centre is so near by,
why don't you make the sacrifice of sending me to school instead,
still dare to ask me why I'm home so late every day. Even better, go dedicate your time and energy to teach that dumb little girl."
So I scolded him before leaving, but not so much, this was all I wanted but couldn't bring myself to say.
And.. worse of all. he laughed as I left the house.
you seriously don't know how often I praise you infront of others, because I believe you are really that good, but your EQ sucks. You should learn how to speak to me and imran better.
And besides, since you told me today "Is it a must for you to blog everyday?" I assume you read it, so please stop ignoring how I feel. goddammit. Stop making me pissed all the time.
sighs, jumping off-topic,
Tuition was kinda fun.. realised Joel's in floorball too, maybe he'll meet RVFBT❤ one day. I like maths more because of Mr.Chia, he let us play who wants to be a millionaire today [: with all the lifelines and sound effects and visual effects hehe, nice one. [:
Decided to walk about 3 bus-stops distance and took the bus home, to put off going home so soon..
but, when I regain-ed reception, I received something from you that seriously made me smile the longer way home, 'cause it's really cute and funny.
"bomb shelter protect you from all the big monsters!"
as I approached home I realised I had been biting myself really hard.
I wonder if anyone remembered what I said about how rough your tongue looks = your stress level, because you subconsciously bite yourself when you're stressed. I was feeling so tense today that I really looked in the mirror and got a shock at how much I bit myself... and it was painful eating grapes just now ._. sighs. relax aye relax...
Daddy decided it was really fun to annoy me and when I JUST came home he just asked "are you going to study now?" -.-
I went to sleep.
2hours later, again "Go study now."
I went to eat dinner and stared into space for awhile, then went online.
"What are you doing now, go do some work."
sighs.. please.
leave me alone..........
I really fear for my exams myself, and I do not need any external pressure from you. Yes you are successful, so is mommie, so is imran, so are many people in the world, my schoolmates my school teachers.
I fucking have enough stress.
bits of me revealed at ..
7:59 PM.
There is only one you. There is no one else like you
and there will never ever be anyone else like you.
You have a gift to offer that can touch the world in a way
that no other person’s gift can do. It is not the gift
but it is you.
The whole world would be denied experience
of that gift without you.
No one else can take the place that God has purposed
for you to express the uniqueness and beauty of you.
God never create extras or substitutes.
Every person is significant in their contribution
no matter what it is.
God has a special purpose for you that only you can fulfill.
You were created specially for it and all the talents,
giftings and even your entire unique personality
was given for the fulfillment of that purpose.
The fulfillment of your dream, the resources
and all the opportunities have been reserved
for you and you alone. No one else can take them away
from you or cause you to lose your place.
It is always there waiting and all you have to do
is open up yourself to receiving it
by following your heart’s desire.
If you look at all the products in the world, you will see
that there is only one product of its kind.
Each has its own unique packaging,
style, name, brand, design, quality and characteristics.
No two products are identical even though they are
being promoted to the same market.
Each product would be made perfectly just
for a particular person or group of people.
There is always room for your unique product or service
in this world. We would never know what
yours is if you never allowed yourself to bring it.
quoted from [: blog of a friend's brother!
bits of me revealed at ..
12:14 AM.
Friday, March 26, 2010 - [survivingthefirstweek]
"You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back." - William D. Tammeus
Before the normal post. ._.
I'll just make a little notification about editting this post a few days ago.
sighs, if something on my blog really bothers you, you can always tell me, it's not like I can't remove it, the sidebar already says so.
about the sudden emotional post last night,
Just felt weird haha, no I'm not angry at my dad, it's just a super mixed feeling probably excited about seeing him, and upset that when he came home the first thing he said to me was
"Go and ask Haslinda whether she enjoyed her trip"
instead of any old
"hi how have you been?"

Thursday's Nuggety Expression,
woohooo, chemistry ftw!~
During literature Cheehooi got kinda bored and ... here come a series of unglamity pixs!

I kinda like this twisted expression (Y)
My hp kinda makes her look flawless haha :D

Sweet [:

Yeejin got pulled into the fray!
hahaha, okay now we may move on to today :x

Since the number of boys in our class has depleted from last year, here's NuggetBoy.

and he has a girlfriend, NuggetGirl :D
Had quite an intensive today T_T because shifted many lessons up, so our day ended at 2pm instead of 3.30pm or something.
During econs lesson, we were interrupted yet again by announcements.
Poor MsLee, she's so passionate about teaching Economics, always putting in soooooo much effort to make lessons interesting and making sure we understand every itty bitty part and also teaching us extra stuff.
She makes special cheesy worksheets for us and is kinda animated during lessons (Y)
Love it.
TQ h.o.t ms lee [:
her tutorials are ALWAYS interrupted by some announcement that moumou student has to go to the General Office to meet Mr.Koh.
Sometimes it's some detention stuff, or some parents looking for someone or whatever shit.
"Will the Year 6 students who were invited to participate in the RSSP whose parents cannot make it tomorrow please come to the general office now. The principal would like to speak to you."
when half the class had to go down, ms lee's face seriously darkened.. she looked so sad she was gonna cry or something. But then, Ms. Seetoh was outside to insist we go down rather than wait for lesson to be over..
So we trooped downstairs only to listen to some of Mr.KohYongChiah's bullshit. (I'll try to quote as exactly as I can)
I hope chu understands that the schools is trying to actuallys
offers uhh help to chu.
Why chu are chosens, I'm sure you knows.
The school feels that uhh, chu might not
actually make its to the universities.
If your parents are rich, then fine, chu can get uh..
DDE and get into a so-call Australian Universitys.
[And just the other day, Mr.TanKaySong said
we weren't chosen based on results. Bullshit]
I think some of chu didnt even actually tell your parents
about this uhh programme, or maybe chu told your parents
chu don't want them to attend this so-call briefing tomorrow.
[Hello -.- my parents CAN but DON'T WANT to come, stop assuming.]
Buts, this uhh RSSP [Residential Student Self-study Programme -
where we stay in the school hostel and receive extra help from
teachers during the night which is why-am-i-not-surprised,
not free of charge] is meant to actually helps you to study better.
We will engage external tutors to helps you if we need to,
but of course it will incur extra fees.
[Whats the point if you aren't offering help FOC,
I'll pay for extra tuition outside myself,
since there's no incentive to take up this programme anyway]
I know some of chus, maybe are so-call financially not doing so well,
I mean your parents not doing so well. So the schools is
willing to offer sponsorships and subsidies to that
chu will pay at a much lower prices.
[yeah, only for those under FAS right?]
I hopes all of chu are willing to consider this uhh so-call RSSP,
I hopes you will go home and talks to your parents again.
If I don't see chu tomorrow, I will take it that chu are opting out of
this uhh RSSP and don't need any so-call help from the schools.
So I will tell your teachers, tutors that chu don'ts need any
helps from the school, because you already know what
chu going to do. Chu know how to prepare for the
upcoming A-levels exams yourself.
This programme is not meants to embarrass chu, maybe you feel
embarrassed about being in this so call RSSP, and maybe your friends
will laugh at chu, but so what? Its the end that is important
[Then he rambles on about some hero story]
So I hopes to see chu tomorrow if not I will tell your tutors
not to bother about chu or help chu anymore because
chu already know what to do.
.. and alot more blahhhh along the same lines and wtf is his problem? Issuing at ultimatum? Fineeee, daddy will go and debate with him for me and the rest of 6n (:
fear not! wahahahaha
Anyway, he's so full of crap,
please, the damned hostel is sooooooo expensive, like $550 a freakin month? there's no air-con, the wireless internet access is only on for a couple of hours, there is a bleeding curfew where all the lights will be off at 11pm.
I might as well use that amount and rent out somewhere else right -.-
> What if I study at night?
> What if I need to do research at night?
I have to wake up at 8am even on weekends and 6am on school days just to eat breakfast?!
> What if I don't want any.
> I can just walk down from the hostel at 7.30am and be at the track for assembly by 7.35am, why the hell must I wake up so early?
The dumb curfew for reaching back to the hostel each day is 8pm, so if I was doing similar CIP like the one tomorrow which is 3pm to 9pm I can't enter?
Seriously, let's do a comparison with NTU.
NTU is a university, with obviously a higher demand for the hostels, which are bigger and air-conditioned and of course there are international students. You would expect the prices to be higher there, but hell no,
it's $160 a month.
Who would choose RV hostel over NTU's?
The school is dumb seriously. just pure dumb.
You want to offer help, here's some damned suggestions.
Firstly, give us a shorter day, so at least we can do home and get some work done, rather than our days ending at 4 to 5pm each day and we get too tired to do much at home.
Apparently the 4H2 students are really much smarter than us, and some even take 4H2 and 1H1 or even H3, so wooooww, they obviously can manage their time well and study better than us, so give THEM the longer days. I'm sure they can work their way around it.
By giving crappy timetables, we don't have time to consult teachers anyway
How about actually removing bloody PE lessons from our school days right after nafa test? We definitely don't need to waste our time/energy making ourselves tired and drained.
PE makes us late for lectures too. hahaha, you like that?
If you really insist on the RSSP thing, at least let us stay in there for free? Rumours say that the school is really rich, yeah half a million dollars on artificial turf and another half a million on the indoor sports hall, so you can't spare the money to pay for our residence at the hostels?
By the way, how come only the teachers can stay FOC and with air-conditioned rooms?
We're the pioneer batch, the most important students to you now, we will set the standard for RV amongst JCs, could you please spare more time and effort to improve our learning environment?
ahhh whatever mannzx, lazy to talk about the school anymore!
A final bit to my post,
watched "Kidnapper" very unwillingly today.
And I cried from start to end and actually didn't regret it after all [:
The show's so touching and scary at times, but Dengyin says it's funny. Rahhh, I love the director's order of events and how there are like a million peaks in the show, every time I try to calm down and stop crying, 30seconds later something thrilling happens!
Gosh. it's a ... life-changing movie ._.
watch it naoooooooooooooooooo!~
bits of me revealed at ..
8:46 PM.
Thursday, March 25, 2010 - []
“I start to feel like I can’t maintain the facade any longer, that I may just start to show through. And I wish I knew what was wrong. Maybe something about how stupid my whole life is. I don’t know. Why does the rest of the world put up with the hypocrisy, the need to put a happy face on sorrow, the need to keep on keeping on?... I don’t know the answer, I know only that I can’t. I don't want any more vicissitudes, I don't want any more of this try, try again stuff. I just want out. I’ve had it. I am so tired. I am twenty and I am already exhausted.”- Elizabeth Wurtzel
saw my daddy after 2 weeks.
suddenly felt a wave of emotion and started burning a fever. song's been on repeat from the time I left school 'til now.
how come I was anticipating his arrival home for so long..
but the moment I saw him I felt so agitated, so upset, and locked myself up immediately and ignored him ..
going to sleep to forget about everything
bits of me revealed at ..
8:40 PM.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - [wednesday :x]
Congratulations to RVFBT for winning RJC 9-1 ~ woohoooooo [:
There's no nuggety expression for today =o
we remain crying =[
okay, so all my darn test results are back.. T_T ... let's take a look.
GP 26/50 (-____- once again, language mark is 11)
Econs 13/25 (which is really sad 'cause it's highest in class -.-)
Maths 11/30 (fml)
Chem 16/30 (yay?)
Elit B- (tentatively, no numerical value though)
howhowhowhow ))))))))))))))))))))))))):
Okay anw, IDP came to talk to us about Australian Uni, sounds damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn interesting [:
I feel psycho-ed hahahaha!
Okay CCA was fun and so on...
the only real bad thing about today was ...
Ran almost almost 3rounds the school. see my lovely drawing of our running route.

(took so long to draw!!!!!)
Time to go!
bits of me revealed at ..
8:00 PM.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - [food for the soul]
"And what is a man without energy? Nothing - nothing at all" - Mark Twain
I wanted to blog about my failed zoo trip with my sister but nevermind, gonna scrap the idea, cause there are so many pictures for that.
I seriously now believe that FOOD GIVES ENERGY!I mean okay, people always say food has sugar, carbs, sodium whatever and what not that give you energy~ I never really bothered but today.... yes TONIGHT, I was intending on reaching home, taking a shower, dinner then plop into bed. immediately.
like really desperate to sleep!
But magically.. after eating dinner, I was re-energizedddddddd :DD so here I am to talk to myself, and let people see me talking to myself.
Okay so Monday's overdue nuggety expression.

adapted from the friday before before haha. okay anyway, no chemistry, so Monday was thaaaaat hiong and didnt get back chem papers so no real need for the angry face haha!
But seriously, as mentioned before.. PE + 3hours of dance + climbing up and down stairs in school and home~really killed me.
Even now.. like it's toooesday night! I need 999 strips of salon pas to mummify myself.
Another treacherous session of PE....
Oh god.
Today.. coming to school aching all over, complaining like a grandma 'cause my ahgirl didn't carry my bag and help me cross the street/ overhead bridge... complained how youngsters these days don't give up seats for the ahma in the canteen!!!
Ahma had to go drag a chair herself T_T.(in case you're lagging.. im the ahma -.-)

See, all you bad people made ahma cry.
Okay anyway, so it rained like crazy in the morning, too bad no PE today. darn it, rain like that tomorrow please please please, all i'll bengkui soon.
The whole school was ... flooded? everywhere was wet, all the walls the grounds, like the canteen floor was filled with "puddles of love" (since it's world water day week) within seconds. woohoooo~
Didn't see the waterfall though :o
Then... a good samaritan called CheeHooi came and helped ahma climb stairs and braved the rain to the LT.
imagine if ahma slipped and fell !!!! no one would care about me DD:
Alrights so much crappp.. went to Cathay to get free Ben&Jerry's icecreammmmmmmm [: went for tuition where Mr. Au really made me laugh and laugh and Sijie and Yushan were so silly I laughed until I cried, and my abs really really really killed me. @@"
Took so longgggggggg to go home RAHHH, but I spent the few minutes walking home gazing at the sky littered with stars. this is why I like Serangoon ^^
Kay. time to concuss.

Sisterly love [: and particularly yy ❤s ahma :DDD!
ahma ❤ you too yy, i've been suicidal too, but I'm still here,
because I would really hate it that I've already come here,
just one darn big hurdle to cross before
my life can proceed the way I want it to..
just awhile before freedom~
don't let what we've done so far go to waste.
One life, live it, live it good. [:
ahma will always be here!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤
bits of me revealed at ..
10:21 PM.
Monday, March 22, 2010 - [damnz.]
i feel terrible.
feel awful.
dilemma dilemma..
but it seems I keep making the same mistake again and again and again and againnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
bits of me revealed at ..
11:29 PM.
"You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy" - Eric Hoffer

realised I forgot to put quotes in many recent posts..
anyway, today was the first day using the new timetable and bleah, more complaints from people, yes it's tiring I admit. but aiya... no choice.maybe i'll go stay in hostel ._. PE killed me.sprint sprint,jumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumpsitup situp situppushup pushup pushupsitup again felt like i gave birth to triplets -.- 3 sets of 20 situps after pushups and bicycle thingy and chem lesson, no chem test results :omaths was.. ._. boring, though I like statistics more.breaks were spent dancing ~~like 3hours of dancing woohoooo [:love the studio!then watched "Proof" during literature, bleah, kinda boring :x
bits of me revealed at ..
7:56 PM.
the happy feeling,
when you connect with someone [:
new friends are good for the soul.
bits of me revealed at ..
1:00 AM.
Sunday, March 21, 2010 - [an angsty world.]
This is an angsty world.
and this is gonna be a post that will probably invoke more um.. strong emotions.
Many many many people are complaining about their timetable.
content removed.
I wonder why.
See the complaints come from those who have OddCombi,
do you see people from PCME classes complaining much?
so RV was kind enough to let us have ALMOST any combination we wanted at the end of sec 4,
so people like me who take ECME, have only one other classmate with identical subject combinations, and some others are like the only ONE in the whole level with that particular combination.
So obviously, by not following normal combinations, we would also not have normal timetables, so tadah!
Here's mine~

I have no complaint whatsoever to my timetable, never really had any. see the red blocks are my breaks.. and the black lines indicate the end of my day.
Monday - 5pm,
Tuesday - 2.30pm but tuition at 6.30, so will reach home around 10pm .
Wednesday - CCA to about 6pm?
Thursday - 4pm
Friday - 3.30pm
There's nothing great about my timetable, plus taking into consideration I need an hour and a half to go home...
it IS kinda bad.
But there's no point in me ocmplaining, getting upset, bitching to other people about the timetabling committee of the school or even trying to petition for a better timetable.
School's school.
some parts of it are good, some are bad.
it's give and take!
Remember econs "Allocative Efficiency" --> can't make someone better off without making another worse off.
k pardon me, if you dislike Econs :x
If I were the president of a town, obviously I would make the majority happy, i.e the PCME combi ppl, and have a small bunch of unhappies, rather than the other way round.
wouldn't you?
Not that it's fair to neglect the minority,
but hey, life's like that.
School starts tomorrow.
shall prepare my ears for a series of complaints [:
bits of me revealed at ..
9:18 PM.
more songs for the mixpod heehee!
bits of me revealed at ..
12:41 PM.
Saturday, March 20, 2010 - [cardioooooo [:]
a good day.
it was the 4hours dance practice day [:
the 6 of us, have no decreased to 4 of us, terribly hard to figure out nice formations but oh well~ dengyin stayed over from Wednesday :DDD
learned RDD throughout the night~
which made us really really really tired on thursday x_x
The next morning, we continued to learn "Untitled 1" dances.
Recalling... the CIP at the victoria theatre~

we revised what we learned there ~
worked on formations and refining..
but RAHHHHHHHHH still alot alot alot alot alot alot of room for improvement!
Okay, for your entertainment.. ~
Original Video - More videos at TinyPic
Blogger really sucks at uploading videos..
After danzzzz, we went to watch Alice in Wonderland wahooooo :DDDDD
I just loveeeee the mad hatter and the cheshire cat, shall go read the book someday soon ^^ if only wonderland exists haha, I wouldn't choose to go back from a magical place.
*sticks out tongue at Alice*
I now know where the dance group "Jabbawockeez" got their inspiration from hehe! google them!
I wonder if anyone will get inspirations from the mad hatter, to start making hats, like the people of Venice making masks ~
the real world has far too many problems! RAHHHHHHHH
Had a wonderfully spicy dinner at Thai Express, ate the whole bowl of seafood noodles without drinking any water at all.
said hi to Aaron at SexyDiamond [:
really long time nooooooooooo see~
then went home happily to catch
"Whose line is it anyway?"
because this post is realllly short. I shall add something nonsensical called "it's a k-pop thing". i saw it 1 month ago, but here it is now, ps for lagness ~
when math doesn’t make sense anymore. 7-1=0, 5-1=0
to know the correct answer to the question, “What time is it now?”
to learn the Korean language solely from music and dramas
when you start comparing every guy’s body to either Taeyang’s or Jaebeom’s.
to make it your life mission to see TOP shirtless
to want to be older, just for Taemin.
to believe that Rain is the person who actually makes it rain
to love Korean cellphones better than American phones
to refer to your favorite idol as your husband/wife
to enjoy fan service provided from “couples” within a group
to randomly break into “ssanti” dances
for boy bands to be loved
for boy bands to have straight guys to dress up as girls
to know every single name of a group with an outrageous number of people
when bad news about your bias makes you want to shoot something
when you start pronouncing LEADER as LEADJA
when you start spelling SHINY as SHINEE
when your grammar becomes so horrible, you say, “WHERE U AT?!”
when you want “Wedding Dress” to be the song you walk down the aisle to
when BIG BANG is not a theory or a TV show
to get everyone dried mangoes for Christmas
when you have no idea what’s going on in Hollywood
when you think Edward Cullen has nothing on Jaejoong
everyone knows your ideal type of boyfriend/girlfriend to be Korean
for your family to look at you funny when you laugh at the computer to think that Seung Ri is cuter than Justin Bieber.
to spam tweet anything that’s Korean
when you want to move to Seattle
for girls to be good at rapping
for idols to be eccentric and different
for colored skinny jeans to look amazing on guys
when you try to start a flash mob
when you go from wanting to travel to Hawaii to South Korea
when your phone goes RING DING DONG whenever you receive a call
when you have a folder on your computer specifically for your favorite artist
(credits to janice ^^)
bits of me revealed at ..
9:19 PM.
its raining..
was supposed to go for Photography Club outing, but couldn't cause had to bring sis to the zoo..
woke at 8am,
"damn its raining, we'll go later."
woke at 10am,
"it's still raining.."
baby comes knocking
"jiejie! we going to the zoo"
"it's raining, all the animals will be wet"
"so we wait for the animals to dry?"
*goes back to sleep*
baby invades the room and starts watching cartoons and starts screaming.
*hides under the blanket*
baby crawls underneath and comes real close to me and says
"jiejie do you like me?"
it's 12.12pm.
still raining.
"oh well, we'll go to the zoo tomorrow then."
"because the animals wet?
"ya. are you sad?"
"okay. im going to get up now."
"huh! jiejie going zoo now?"
"no. going upstairs."
"okay. i going downstairs."
on this cold morning.. all i wanna do is...
eat condensed milk on toast..

bits of me revealed at ..
11:54 AM.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 - [my happiness is not to be.]
im happy. im happy. im happy. im happy. im happy. im happy. (*\^0^/*)
who am i kidding.
bits of me revealed at ..
10:39 PM.