Sunday, January 31, 2010 - [the unknown.]
please don't let it happen.
bits of me revealed at ..
9:16 PM.
Thursday, January 28, 2010 - [POCOYO Therapy. ❤]
School is draining me every day.. so when the going gets tough and I need something to refresh me.. I watch, POCOYO!

POCOYO is a spanish/british cartoon ^^ I once walked by the TV when my sister was watching it and fell in ❤❤❤ instantly with POCOYO!

Because the cartoon is so simple and cute.. it's different from other flashy cartoons (:

AND. POCOYO just has too many adorable poses and faces!!!!! *squeals*

lololol~This is an episode of POCOYO! He seems to talk quite alot here.
Hehehe, wasn't that cute? :xThis is a special episode made by someone else I think =o it's just the silliest thing ever, it totally takes my worries off my mind for a moment (:
Okay, so few interesting things have happened over the past two days.. let's see, Wednesday, we played some strange 'thesaurus' game during GP lesson.We were given a card a sentence related to "Arts and Culture" our new topic, and had to explain in around 70words to the class and let them guess.
My group's card:An Art Collector who just got a grant for a coffee table book.
Make any sense to you?
If I told you:I am someone who likes designs, paintings, sculptures and frames, I keep as many of them as I can, the more pricey they are, the better.Recently the government gave me a sum of money to publish a thick set of readings, often hardcovered. These publications can be displayed in my living room on the piece of furniture where I put my nescafe, cappucino and Starbucks. I usually sit infront of this piece of furniture and watch TV.
mm.. not easy at all eh?
Okay.. for assembly we had a student forum to feedback about the school.. and some strange stuffs were raised.. apparently our bunch of students had more interesting comments to say.. these are just some of the more significant ones.
1. Can we please be allowed out of school at 11am if our lessons end at that time?(like seriously, why not? why wait 'til 1pm)
2. Can the school allow us to leave school during long breaks like if we have 3 hours of break. For those who live near maybe could go home and come back for classes.(we're 18, we're obviously responsible enough to come back for classes, if we don't it's our own loss isn't it?)
3. Rearrangement of timetables so we don't end at 4pm on average.
4. Would the school kindly relax the rules for Year 6s, getting caught everyday even though you're in your best attire can ruin your mood for the day..
Is it very pleasant to walk down the corridor to your first lesson and you hear "Eh, girl, come here." and you see the dreaded face of... Mrs. Look. ._.
(who for the matter is very extremely biased towards students because of bad track records. Out of the million girls in our school, thousands have rebonded their hair and only I get caught? One girl in the L class i think, has so extremely striking dyed hair and never gets caught? Does Mrs Look simply love hearing the voice of the particular few of our parents?)
yikes bad sentence structure. Anyway, Mrs Look is a bad bad DM, not 'cause she catches students incessantly, it's because she never catches goodygoody Student Councillors, or those smart students. So you're not in the best class, means you're a bad student?
means you deserve to be caught?
I become an SC today, I can play truant?
Screw this.
Of course, someone who felt there is a need for a completely unbiased third person objective requested for a poll at every suggestion. The same someone disagreed to almost all the above. I can only say that the someone is very self-centred because she obviously has no thought for the welfare of other students. Thanks alot.
I am very confident that these feedback from students will be taken lightly and therefore it would be as though the forum never happened.
As always.
Okay, pushing away unhappy thoughts, Photography on Wednesday, despite a mere attendance of 17 and 3 of them being juniors.. (severely disappointed! :p) so no chance to bond with them ._. oh well~
So we played games, discussed more about the project and upcoming compeitions and etc. did a forfeit, screamed "Photography Club Rocks" at the Guitar Ensemble, who were tempted to yell back "Guitar Sucks!" so Eeling says. ahaha!
Come over to the dark side.. Join Photography! ❤
Okay, today was a hectic day, I hate Mondays Thursdays! My longest day, 8am to 4.30pm full of lessons and a mere 1hr break. RAHHHHHH
To make it even more exhausting.. there was a chemistry revision test today... DD:
Okay, anyway, surprisingly, today's chemistry practical was fun, even though it was QA ._.
I generally dislike QA! but... doing unknown compounds seems fun O_O. This was one of our tests for PbI2, it produces golden crystals haha!

pretttttty ! ❤
Mr. Azmi taught us to fold our filter paper like this rather than the conventional way to make the filtration process faster hehe,
top left, mine!top right, PoCheng's!middle, TzeTeng's!

Mickey Mouse ^^
Alrights, enough said today (:
"I know the world isn't fair, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favour?" - Bill Watterson
bits of me revealed at ..
8:13 PM.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - [Music Saves My Soul.]

Nothing today! except more songs to the mixpod~
.. and something I missed out the other day about the forever upgrading Singapore..
Serangoon Central will have a new mall come end-2010.
The six-storey mall will be the epicentre of the integrated transport hub comprising a new 16-bay Serangoon Bus Interchange and the Serangoon MRT station.It will offer a range of shopping and entertainment features, such as a 24-hour retail and food and beverage zone, a 10-screen cineplex. games arcade, pet lovers' enclave and unique balcony dining establishments. There will also be a 500-seat food court, a 60,000 sq ft hypermarket and a 50,000 sq ft department store.
Designed as an eco-friendly mall, the yet-to-be-named mall will be set amidst lush garden enclaves and landscaped sky terraces.
Gold Ridge - which counts institutional investors from USA and Europe as shareholders - is the developer and Pramerica Real Estate Investors (Asia) is the investment manager for the mall investors.
Total investment in the project is estimated at $1.3 billion. Hurray for Serangoon!
bits of me revealed at ..
8:47 PM.
Monday, January 25, 2010 - [Monotonous School Life.]
The recent few days have been really monotonous.. climbing stairs so many times, running round the track, climbing all over the school .. makes me so exhausted that I can barely pay attention in classes, therefore, I use my time more constructively by drawing ._. random stuffs.
I used to have a collection of drawings... where ever have they gone~~
After troubleshooting the terrible new scanner about 4 times, managed to get the drawings done
Okay, first one is always ugly ._.
x-RINOA! yanyi's IGN in AuSEA ^^
because she's my desk partner, she gets the privillege of being first :x
most people couldn't see that this spelt ADNA, they were thinking.. GI>ML??? some nonsense, but its actually... abstract art! hehehe :p
by the way, school organizer's papers are boring, so I added tint and varied the saturation, contrast and etc to get the diff colours ._.
I like this one most, and spent the most time on it,
and my brother just said.. eeee.
-.- ''' thanks.
Tried my best to make the two E's look nice tgt... the I is abit weird but.. aiyo ran out of ideas!
Poor YY, get well soon! see squally was thinking of you in school =[
Dedicated to my mini pooh bear. Fudge. ._. Winnie the Fudge.
Why such a strange name? Because I was thinking..
me: Pamela! Pooh is such a common name, help pooh think of a better name!
P: mini pooh? small pooh? baby pooh
me: -.- ''' wow.
hey you know, I watched Bandslam, and there's this girl called Sa5m, and its pronounced as Sam, the 5 is silent. Then she became from outcast to ms popular, so everyone copied her like Soph1e.
P: so pooh is p00h, if the zeros are silent then, phhhhh(ffff)
me: sounds vulgar DD: ... pooh isnt vulgar!
P: F..ff...ffffuuu... FUDGE! it has quite an impact like the f word, unlike what... fish?!
thus, pooh is now called Fudge. Winnie the Fudge bear. :D
Speaking of bears.. im really sorry, I just had to take this picture.
Papa bear, ravenous, clawing away at the tiny bowl
Mommie bear, gave her bowl to Baby bear, sighing to 'herself'.
(Unsatisfied) Baby Bear: "Daddy! Give me your bowl too!"
Okay.. enough rubbish :D
today was such a terrible beginning to the week, because, the first lesson was PE and had about 8 rounds round the track... den after running in the sweltering heat.. had to climb up to the LT, where....... alas! The air-con wasn't working... !#@%#$&W$*^!@#%!^ It was so stifling, cramped and packed with people, how the heck am I supposed to absorb anything?
I have a secret hideout! Okay not so secret, I've been going into the auditorium every day, to see it's progress, it's already my favourite place in school .. I really wish we could have lectures in there like the year 5s. =[
It just looks beautiful, exactly like the artist's impression I saw last last year.. (:
"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"" - George Bernard Shaw
bits of me revealed at ..
8:56 PM.
Saturday, January 23, 2010 - [Time waits for No one.]
To realize the value of One Year,
Ask a student who failed his or her AP exams.
To realize the value of One Month,
Ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of One Week,
Ask an editor of a weekly magazine.
To realize the value of One Day,
Ask a daily wage labourer who has six kids to feed.
To realize the value of One Hour,
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of One Minute,
Ask a person who missed their train.
To realize the value of One Second,
Ask the person who survived an accident.
To realize the value of One Millisecond,
Ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.
bits of me revealed at ..
4:37 PM.
was sick on thursday night.. been slowly recoverying at home ^^
read the newspapers today. So many new things springing up. Will SG ever run out of ideas?
Advertisements for new condominiums splashed across the pages.. and Singapore's Condos all seem to have very nice names, totally unrelated to their location :o
The Shore Residences.

Duke Residences


In terms of shopping malls, I don't have to say much, town area is being upgraded every second, the construction of Orchard Central, ION, 313, expansion of Heeren and even more projects coming up..
In the West, the new Jurong East Entertainment Centre has been given the green light to rebuild, it will boast a new Olympic-sized Skating Rink and have a total of 5 storeys of 3 basement levels to walk around.
Of course the most significant new entertainment site in SG now, the IR ._.
More underground exchanges are being build as well~ CCK, Tanjong Pagar, Boon Lay and NEX at Serangoon. wowness. I thought Dhoby Exchange was like a ghost area.
Education-wise... my school just moved into a new site, and there are plans for more IP schools?! good god ._.
Even in transportation, new roads, the MCE is under construction, the Circle and Downtown lines for our public train system.
There just seems to be no end to upgrading Singapore!
On a side note... LG has released such a cute new handphone :DD called the
LG Lollipop!

although my brother insists it was copied from his Sony Ericsson W980

like how LG Chocolate was copied from the iPhone, then again, everyone's copying the iPhone! maybe except HTC? which someone told stands for "Htc's Total Crap" O_O.
Sighs.. LG's phones are always so pretty, if only they last.
Okay, toodles! (:
bits of me revealed at ..
11:15 AM.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 - [Trial.]
A short post on what happened in CCA :D
Ms Lee volunteered to start the ball rolling and posed for several pictures, because many people were taking her photo... she didnt look at the camera directly at all!
(photos requested to be removed)
But of course, the only one she where she was looking... had to be an unglam shot! :x
(photos requested to be removed)
Other people decided to pose but I was watching Siyao and Mr.Wong photoshop different people in different backgrounds so didn't really take many photos.

Passport photo: $4 for 8 copies!

The president and vice president of Photography Club!

lalala goodbye now.
“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise” - Oscar Wilde
bits of me revealed at ..
8:26 PM.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 - [the worst.]
when someone is uncontactable for a while.. someone who is important to you.
it's just unbearable thinking that you might lose that someone.
bits of me revealed at ..
7:55 PM.
Monday, January 18, 2010 - [Happy Birthday SuperGirl! :D]
Before I begin. This is awesome~! hehehe, taken from someone else :x [shall stop the music from auto-playing]It looks so nice, I want one! DD:Okay, anyway, I've dug up some older pics while uploading the ones I took over the weekend! wheee, sadly there's barely any humans in the pictures, its all THINGS. :DDDThis was me doing PW.. 2 months ago.. wahahaha

Sweet memories.Pardon my messy room! :xAnd I also found the xmas prezzies I gave my family hehe ^^For Daddy:
Just in time to be put to use, flying to switz!For Stepmommy:

She wanted a fake Starbucks Cup so badlyyyy.From the same shop,For Big Brother:

It's just something eccentric I had to get for him! :DFor the puzzle-lover, my sister:
For Irene the cat-lover:

It actually staples paper tgt without using staples! :DDOkayy.. now lets zoom forward to last weekend~Friday was RV's 54th School Anniversary, haha my last chance to watch the concert so I stayed wide awake! I liked everything yayyy, even though the performing arts ppl were criticizing their own performances, oh well~Had 2 hours of really restless Chemistry lessons, like who wants to attend! rawrrrr! Mr. Azmi was blabbering away with like less than 5% of our attention on him. Just copying notes and answers blindly :p Sorry hahah!After schoooooool, went to watch "The Spy Next Door" was supposed to watch "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant" but Cathay cheated my feelings !! DD: The timings online don't tally with the ones at the cinema, whatever lol. I loveeee Jackie Chan ^^ ~ At least this movie didnt have soooo much action, it was pretty funny all around.I went to find prezzie for Cassie 'cause her birthday is today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERGIRL!!!!Literally, some love from me!

Pop into the box and off you go to your new owner!
Went to Pamela's house after that, sole purpose: Free Swimming!Pamela now has a sofa bed in her rooooooooooom :DDD wheeee ! it's meant for me, because I always crash at her house at last minute! wahahaha! She has such a cute family :xDid some work.. and walked around Lot1 the next day,saw this cutesy eye err.. patch? LOL.Apparently my sis likes it too. :D
Also got a giant pluto yayyy :D
Okayy.. so that's pretty much all that happened over the weekend. lazy to type more.. x_xOH yes and for today, the No-Speaking Challenge.It frankly wasn't very challenging, it's quite okay to be quiet and listen to others and laugh at what they say hehehe, but of course I decided to start talking during the 2hr40min break 'cause it's just weird when two people are alone and not talking for so long. Eeling tried to interpret my wonderful sign language and started laughing at my actions. Bleah!Okay, I really don't wish to say more :x
I shall end with another video!
“My dad always used to tell me that if they challenge you to an after-school fight, tell them you won't wait-you can kick their ass right now.” - Cameron Diaz
bits of me revealed at ..
9:34 PM.