Yayy finally some time so sit down alone and type a long long blog post… ^^v!
No worries there are pictures!
Many many things to update, in chronology, oldest to newest.. so firstly~~~
PW Grouping!!
yes, I know it’s very laggy of me, but anyway, my groupmates are…. *drumroll*
PoCheng, ShiXian, WeiKai and Vincent!
First 3 girls and last 2 guys.. how clever of the school/SEAB !
I think they’re nice (:
But I’m duh-ly envious of Eeling D:
(SinYee, YunRou, WenYi and BinSing) sounds fun aye?
Okayokay, since we finaaaaaaally got our groups I guess I should stop complaining, anyway just a note here, Mr.Lum is really retarded, a few weeks ago he was whining about how we were wasting time away in during PW lessons ‘cause groupings weren’t released and lookie here, he delayed one week before releasing them to us ._. weirdo much?
Yay~ issue number 2 !
I’ve gone mad really, madly in love with Dance, more and more every day ~~~
I think it was two weeks ago that I took the MTV class with Cassie and Esther for the fun of it, and super sexy super cute Adrian taught us “Nobody” by the Wonder Girls~! whooppeee, it was totally cooool, but up til nowww, Adrian hasn’t uploaded the video yet D: D: so some other time then! (this was why I didn’t update earlier)
Anyway can’t wait that long, I already have such a long list of stuff to publish x_x..
Oookay, John Tan, my FT has become increasingly moronic and bastardy, if such a word exists ._. Again, this happened two weeks ago, (see how busy I am! loaded with homework and tests!)the asshole made us stay back just ‘cause Kenneth didn’t submit the A-lvl payment form. Ridiculous okay, the bloody form could be signed and submitted on the spot, but dear old Kenneth who happens to come to school around 3 days a week, max. came to school without bringing the form, so we had to either wait for him to go home and get it or someone to send it over….
How the hell is Kenneth’s responsibility related to us?
Furthermore, John Tan wants to implement this stupid “Let’-all-stay-back-on-Friday(which is the only day everyone can go home early)-to-bond-as-a-class-and-built-up-our-responsibilty-so-we-will-never-submit-administrative-forms-late-ever-again” session.
Crazy much? Yes I think he has many many screws loose.
Hmm, okay, then the past two CCA sessions have been very nice, we’ve been bonding!!! Playing many orientation games and having hands-on sessions for indoor shooting eg. dinners, birthdays, prize presentations, talks and events etc.
This is the reknowned Mr. Raymond Chua, our Photography coach.

Feng Han goes: PeekaBOO!
Photographer is obviously not scared by her ._. lol.

Let's meet our new principal - Phyllis!
Hoho, fyi, we were all up there to pose while people rotated to take pictures of ppl on stage, to learn different modes, the lightings and etc.
Any resemblance to Ms Ek? lol? Mr. Chua just picked her as the principal hahahaha!

Err oops =x XuXin, who got a special mention in the "Refleckshan" (Reflection) Competition! caught sleeping before CCA!
Mother’s Day came and went 10 days ago, went for a lovely dinner with my family at Seoul Garden. (very qiao ‘cause the next day there was a supposed class outing to Seoul Garden too

I had a mysterious 16 bites on my legs.. dayuum those insects, whatever they are. ._. ayesha wanna smacka your asses ah! bite bite bite so much grrrr.
My parents found a pretty lime green camera, the exact same model as the one I was using before the DSLR, hohoho!!! It’s mineeee, all mineeeeeeeee, it comes with a stylus yay! I feel bad but oh well, finders keepers right? =x
I don’t have to lug the DSLR around school anymore, unless Coach is coming hehe.. just for those who are secretly passionate about photography but don’t dare to join our CCA -- raymondchua.com take a peek!
I have a new idol now, it’s Kevin !!!!!
He’s the most entertaining dance teacher I ever had, three cheers for Kevin~!
Check out the videoooo~~
Chemistry Test was just overrrr, I wanna get an A. RRRRAHHHHHH. I love Chemistry, I hope Chemistry loves me too, just prove your love by giving me an A. A. A. A. A. that’s all, an A !!!!
Okay, just last weekend, we had our full-day CIP: Saucony 100plus PAssion Run! (insert commas where appropriate) It was reaaaally, although it was reaaaaally tiring as well, so tired I was absent for the first time this year on Monday.. =x Made some new friends, including a stalker called Johan ._. sianz0rx horrible pictures taken by him ..

Our new friend Alvin (:
The stalker with me and Eeling. EEK.

After the CIP on the first day, we went to have a class dinner (:
what a steaming couple we saw... LOL.

Hahahaha CheeHooi brightens my day..
Our deeeeelicious foood! Which we spend quite some time circling the area to finally decide on "Seoul Yummy"
YanYi insisted that she had to eat her chaofan... LOL.

Look how our scrumptious food compares to hers.. roflmao!

But we all had yummalicious desserts!!!!! (Forgot to take the guys ones =x)

And of course took pictures ^^

Okay I’ll end with random photos of my beloved 5N!

bits of me revealed at ..
6:45 PM.