Friday, February 27, 2009 - []
if I still have any readers left..
I'll upload soon teehee,been very busy in school with tests and etc. and tolong leh, it's so tiring to go to school T_T
bits of me revealed at ..
8:49 PM.
Saturday, February 21, 2009 - [I'm gonna eat some worms.]
The only excitement I've had this week is seeing sexy Trinity teach 35 girls Reggae for an hour or so..
Otherwise.. I've heard about a boy marrying a bitch - some tribal group married their 1 and a half year old boy to a female dog to ward off evil spirits. That's absurd seriously .. like it's more like degrading the boy than helping him.. people are so backward sometimes, I mean traditions are important, but that's plain dumb.
How the heck do children at 8 months old get kidney stones? Milk powder has done it again! Or so it seems .. Hmm.. that must be really painful for the kids, innocent consuming of a French-Brand Milk Powder can cause kidney stones.. Euww.. And they're melamine free O_O.
Ever wondered why dead bodies can be presented at funerals? It's all thanks to some remarkable person who is willing to embalm them - extracting slimy and sinewy veins and pump out 70% of their blood and replace it with some thingie (I've forgotten the name) But that's so gross X_x poor guy doing that for a living.. must be un-afraid of ghosts.
I am so bored .. lemme share a song that goes on and on and on and on..
Nobody likes me,
Everybody hates me,
I'm gonna eat some worms.
Big, fat, juicy worms,
Long, thin, slimy worms,
I'm gonna eat some worms.
First you bite their heads off,
Then you suck their guts out,
See how they wriggle and squirm.
Nobody knows,
How fat I grow,
Worms 3 times a day!
Oh ~~
and you repeat the whole thing again :D
kewl song ain't it ._.
kudos to Siyao for teaching me!
bits of me revealed at ..
8:59 PM.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - [Anagrams.]
Someone out there..
has either
- too much free time
- dominates the Scrabble world
Just look at this.. the last will amaze and amuse you :D
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
[ I love this one ]
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
Someone with waaaaaaaaaaay
too much time on
their hands! (Probably a son-in-law)
Strange coincidence though right?Labels: how fun language can be
bits of me revealed at ..
11:13 PM.
I shall dedicate my attention to fluffing up my room ^^
Lately I've suddenly had the motivation to redecorate my room entirely whoooooo !!!
but first..
need.. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
bits of me revealed at ..
10:48 PM.
Sunday, February 15, 2009 - [All about love :D]
Saturday, February 14, 2009 - [Strange News.]
Because I'm a good and non-ignorant girl, I've been reading the newspapers :D There are actually some funny articles amidst all the repetitive news about the global economic crisis, news about Obama or news about some countries ties with each other etc..
1) There was an article about the Facebook Fad - 25 Random Facts about me.
About how over night it spawned 1.25million notes. Someone commented about how it makes people appear shallow or how some put the weirdest things to impress others.
2) China shooting cloud-seeding missiles.
That was an interesting one. Ha, lately there's been something wrong with the Earth, like the blizzard in Europe compared to the blazing hot weather here in Asia. Australia's probably the worst, to top the scorching weather there are some psychotic arsonists burning the place daily. I wonder if those missiles really can bring rain, it sounds cool O_Ov.
3) Introduction of the Google-Phone
Sometimes I wonder how people get their ideas, other than that, there's also this new thing called "Wikinvest". People just love outdoing each other ._. .. Google will conquer the world one day.
4) Circle Line to open 5 Stations on May 30th
I guess you were half-right Daddy. Daddy predicted the government would set a really late deadline for the completion of Circle Line, then wow the nation by completing it way ahead of schedule >_> .. I personally look forward to the opening of not only the Circle Line but the Downtown Line as well. But the 5 stations that will open won't do me any use because I don't frequent those areas .. urghh..
5) Is digital cheapening Photography?
My goodness, just 2 days ago Mr.Choy was asking us this during CCA. The answer is NO !!! (:
Since today's the dreaded or anticipated St. Valentine's Day.. should we stinge on gifts because of the recession or spend to save the economy, is the spirit of Valentine's Day really that priceless that we can't compromise on celebrations?
I just love this cynical article by Phin Wong.
"Love in the First Degree"
VALENTINE’S Day. Good gosh, I can’t even type the words without throwing up a little in my mouth. .
Remind me not to have curry for lunch again. It burns the back of the throat. .
“Are you going to be celebrating Valentine’s Day?” a friend SMSed, quite innocently. .
“No,” I replied, right after I had swallowed my meal for the second time. “I hate Valentine’s Day and the stupid couples who dress in stupid colour-coordinated outfits with their stupid bouquets and their stupid stuffed toys and their stupid public displays of affection.” .
“Hahahahahahaha,” she replied, “You’re funny.” .
Darn it, woman, I was being serious. .
Love is often viewed through the eyes of the insane. Okay, that’s not entirely true. Love is also sometimes viewed through the eyes of the really dumb. .
Take, for example, that incongruous Eagles song, Love Will Keep Us Alive. “I was standing all alone against the world outside, you were searching for a place to hide,” the dude sings. How lovely — he’s a social misfit and she’s probably got mild autism. .
“Lost and lonely, now you’ve given me the will to survive,” he continues. Wonderful. He’s suicidal as well. What a catch. This one’s a keeper, ladies. .
“When we’re hungry, love will keep us alive,” he proclaims. Yes, it will, sweetheart. Love will keep you two lovebirds alive — but only with a healthy dose of cannibalism. Mmm. Human — the other white meat. .
All the other big love songs aren’t much better. You’re Still the One? I’m sorry, were you expecting someone else? When a Man Loves a Woman? So, you’re heterosexual. What do you want? Applause? Can’t Smile Without You? Serial killer psycho stalker. How Do I Live? Eat something. Just the Two of Us? Oh, good god, you’ve killed my family. Breathe? Gee, thanks for the tip, Faith Hill. .
Of course, love isn’t always portrayed as idiotic. In Hollywood, it’s usually just superficial. .
Walking out of the oddly soul-less Curious Case of Benjamin Button, I overheard the gentleman behind me coo to his friends: “Aww, that’s so romantic. She stayed with him even though he was getting younger while she was getting older.” Well, duh. He was aging backwards to becoming a sunkissed Brad Pitt. I’d say that’s incentive enough. Would the movie have been as “romantic” if he was becoming Steve Urkel? I think not. .
In fact, what’s so curious about that? Most women date older men when they’re younger and it isn’t unusual for older women to enjoy getting biblical with younger stud muffins. Demi Moore — google her. .
I’m not a love Scrooge with a black hole where my heart should be. Far from it, really. I’m most definitely a romantic. .
Even as a child watching Annie, I knew all Carol Burnett’s wretched Miss Hannigan needed was a good man to love her (and a good 12-step detox programme) to turn that frown upside-down. And Daddy Warbucks just needed to get laid. .
What I don’t appreciate is the effect these love songs and sweeping silver-screen romances have on real people. Pop culture has an indisputable effect on society. But isn’t it bad enough that your neighbour’s Chinese kid thinks he’s a gangsta rapper from da hood? Why on earth would we want to end up romantically retarded because of Celine Dion and her Duracell heart that goes on and on and on? .
Which brings me back to Valentine’s Day. (There goes my gag reflex again.)Feb 14 is the culmination of every asinine idea of what love is supposed to be according to the sacred Book of Aniston. The misguided belief in “The One”. The little blue box from Tiffany & Co. The bed of roses. The fancy dinner. The happily-ever-after. The kiss in the rain. None of this actually has anything to do with love — it has everything to do with being in love with the idea of being in love. .
Get a grip, people. There’s a not-so-fine line between reality and entertainment. You didn’t really think Michael Jackson was “bad” did you? .
But, hey, I’m not delusional — I know we’ll never be rid of the cash cow that is VD (admit it, Valentine’s Day is as contagious and harder to get rid of than crabs). .
So with everything else in life that we can’t change — like natural disasters and the refusal of the Survivor series to die a dignified death — I’ve learned to take a more constructive view of the situation. .
Valentine’s Day is a wonderful way to sieve out the people you shouldn’t date. If your boyfriend is dumb enough to spend $600 on a reheated set-dinner for two and a ridiculously tacky bouquet the size of a walrus instead of taking you on vacation, your future child has a 50 per cent chance of not being the brightest bulb in Ikea. .
Love is grand. Genetics, however, is everything.
bits of me revealed at ..
9:40 AM.
Sunday, February 08, 2009 - [Fun in the Library.]
I'm gonna keep my promise, ya'll gonna laugh for sure.
We were supposed to study.. hehe.. I was armed with my camera for the day and many files and stationary and music!
Siyao whipped out her CNY money and started showing off :D
Picture worthy moment!

I just prepared the camera while she counted..

And captured such a lovely expression :D

Even though my battery was dying, I decided to just leave it on.. just in case Siyao (who's great at making faces) really made a funny face..
True enough, good things come for people who wait..

I can't stop laughing. dammit.
The smiley function!

Apparently the camera thinks Siyao's "High Class" pose is a smile. LOL.

A quick group photo and we'll do our work!!!!
We got bored like.. in less than 10 minutes, so let's take more pictures!!! Battery running really low x_X
It's the money face again LOL.

I love the next two pics ^^

LOL it's dayuum cute LOLLOL!

Siyao's showing the world she can be a mugger too :D
Brace yourself for the funniest moment..
Are you ready?
You sure you're ready?

Warning: Siyao gets violent if you snap her mugging.
Okayokay, we tried to copy this cute stacking photo :D

I think we're quite cute too LOL.

Aiya, Siyao forgot to put on the hood.
And you can't really see Pamela's pigtails
And.. dayuuumm my hands aren't in good position..
Oh well..
My camera's battery died..
We got chased out of the library..
for being too noisy..
by some psychotic woman..
probably experiencing menopause..
poor thing..
So we continued playing with Pamela's phone 'cause it can take internal view :D

This is so lame.. 1 2 3 4, can you spot the 4th finger from the top?

My camera came back to life suddenly in MacDonalds.. oh by the way, Siyao was all grey yesterday.. actually her jacket is grey too, refer to above pics ^^.

To make sure no one has a bad impression of my dear Siyao, here's a cute picture of her :DDD

Now all of you "Right-Click Save" it now. rawr.
Siyao had to leave for her class, so we decided to end with a group photo..
Take 1: Pamela looked funny.

Take 2: PAMELA!

Take 3: Pamela... ._.

Take 4: Finally okay :D

From here we can deduce Pamela is attention demanding. Hmm..
In the end...
I managed to do my Chemistry Tutorial, Maths Tutorial, Economics Tutorial as well as Elit homework.. pro aren't I?
Pamela did her ELL and Economics.
Siyao .. only did Chemistry..
"A Friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature" --Ralph Waldo Emerson
bits of me revealed at ..
10:41 AM.
Nobody likes to read a post with a lot of words, so there'll just be captions ^^. Anyway since the title has "Photography" in it, it suggests many pictures, and that's right! :D
Precious pictures of the Year 5 Orientation and my short time with 5M (:


Feet Off!

Who's that?

J & J :D

Dexter: Is this class meh?

A gleeful JunHao.

Shane: Walau why Mrs.Chan take so long..

HuiXian trying to contain her laughter =x

Orh horrrr .. !

Tsk MingJie.. lesson hasn't even started and already you're sleeping..

heehee, don't tell her.

Ms Lee: Okay everybody, takeoutyourcamera!

Ms Lee: I keep telling you all.. must keep a record of all your pictures.. next time ahh..
A series of Candid shots hohoho~

heehee don't tell them =x

After a presentation by the 3 Musketeers, we had practice session! Muahahahaha!

Mr. Brian Tan vs. Ms. Lee Wei Min

Practice on ourselves HAHAHA !
There's this smiley function on my camera, it automatically detects smiles and snaps by itself! Coolness ^^.

The focus was supposed to be Pamela, but as we can see..
Tuyan and FengHan are smiling too! :D

I tricked Ms Lee into taking pictures muahahahahaha.

I don't see what's so great about the "Landscape" function.. ohwells.

This is a camera pouch. how cute xD

Macro OFF.

Macro ON.
hehehe, coolness.

TuYan: Okay everybody, I'm going to teach you about the "Rule of Thirds". See this is Timmy over here.

Draw a box JingJing ~
More PrAcTiCe on Rule of Thirds~ [ Join our club to find out what it is muahahahahaha ]
Hi Pamela.

Hi ZhaoWei.

I love this picture! A picture of a picture being taken!

A bad demonstration of Rule of Thirds =x

TuYan ends our Photography session of 1 and a half hours.
*laughs evilly at those who end CCA at 7pm*
Okay these are just some random shots, I didn't know a cheat sheet was allowed for Geography!
Good lord, look at the tiny handwriting..

The prowess of the Macro function..

4J has an interesting notice board.. I see Robert Pattinson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be a nice girl and explain what Macro is.
Macro OFF - Background is slightly focused, foreground is slightly blurred.

Macro ON - Background is blurred, foreground is super focused.

If you wanna laugh, watch out for the next post!
Here's a clip of my adorable but annoying sister..
"You don't take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it." -- Anonymous
Labels: i carry my camera everywhere :D
bits of me revealed at ..
9:26 AM.