Thursday, October 30, 2008 - []
won't be posting 'til Monday, very very busy!Sorry peeps!
bits of me revealed at ..
7:43 PM.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - [6 out of 48]
YO IM HERE TO BLOG ! I know you're all very excited ^^ but anyway today's post should be funny =x so pay attention! and thank Audi for patching now if not I'll be in there now, HAHAHA! and Dear Dino I'll answer your roars at the end (:

I have good sportsmanship ^^v
Okay I know I left off at my movie with my brother and Irene right, see the wonderful me took pictures for ya'll tuh see LOL. Although it's pretty shytty pics =o

Aww don't they look cute together? :D
PS: there'll be a special picture of my brother later~
MY ROOM IS ATROCIOUS. IT's SO MESSY EVEN I CAN'T STAND IT, imma pack it after typing @@"..

My table..

The beds..

My still unpacked Birthday prezzies, gosh, my room really needs a mom. ._.
Tuesday, which was ytd, was the last official day of school! YAY! This week will be "window-shopping" which sounds really lame ._. I know. Trust RV to come up with some weird name to represent a series of sample lectures of JC curriculum. wow right -.-
And.. next week's Learning Symposium (: means NO MORE LESSONS WOOHOOO~!
Okay, well Class Photo's arrived, shall scan it for ya'll tmr (: I forgot to buy CCA photo D: lmao whatever and I went to read my own post and realised I made a mistake!!! That day I watched HSM 3 was with WIFEY not HUBBY! @@" !
I'm attached to too many girls ~
Okay! This is gonna be funny, prepare for a stomachache and a sore mouth.
We had a Chemistry Sample Lecture today, our first shop we went too =o. So the curriculum will be 40% Organic Chemistry woots, but that's not the point. So we're shown this chim displayed structural formula, and the teacher asked us to guess what it was. Someone guessed "nylon" but noooooo~
Then he continued to explain what it was 'cause I think someone asked, so he explained it was a stimulant for males to help them erect. Rofl, okay then he said there was a case when someone took viagra from a dcotor's prescription, and it had EXTREME REACTION.
He had a sustained erection for over 24 hours, omgwtfbbq LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
Stop laughing already? LOL okay, let's continue with Physics Sample Lecture. Mr. Wong had many many props with him to explain Momentum, which I wasn't paying much attention, 'cause I was hungry.. *pouts*
Anyway he was throwing balls here and there and he said "Shit, my ball control sucks." Okay, think wrongly and you'll find it funny (:
He tried to convince us on some theory LOL. He used a metre ruler and tennis balls to play pool ~ Then there was another 'experiment'. He placed a green car and a red car on this mini frictionless road. It's really frictionless! The car rolled by itself. Anyway then he started confusing himself.
"Green car be car A okay?"
"No maybe the Red car be car A"
"Aiya which one do you all want?"
"Okay nevermind, Green car is car A"
*does the experiment*
"Oh, which is car A?"
Roflmao, all along he was talking to himself and the audience was just going "How about we tell him, we believe him?" And he continued to do another strange experiment lmao! Took up so much time D:
Went fer lunchie with Pammy and Joker (Zhou Ke) after school, 'cause I had time to kill 'til danceeee and 5.30pm. So we walked walked awhile, and how funny, "I.P Zone" sells Doraemon merchandise! LOL.
Was really early for class, I fell asleep on the sofa at SMU, it was super uber comfy~ ^^ and I swear I nearly fell asleep in House class too. I know it's weird and abit hard to imagine that one can fall asleep in dance class, but for the past 2 days, I've been sleeping for only 3 hours, and I am frankly about to fall asleep typing as well @@"..
Okay, House is so repetitive 'cause people come once and get scared away and don't come again D: then we always have newcomers and cannot progress ._. But anyway saw Akiko today (: after a couple of months? She's still as pro as ever!!! *claps*
House drained my energy away, I was sleepy sleepy, but you know, seeing Andy woke me up! He's back already!!! But still has a neck injury aww.. Said he injured it tryna choreograph our dance, LOL!
So yeah I suddenly felt energized~! The moves were really nice, maybe I'll get the video, the music's my previous blog song, which I think ya'll are pretty tired of hearing =x..
My legs are on the verge of breaking awright.. I stood on the MRT and wanted to die die die .. they were already hurting from schweeming and running around and walking alot and then dancing X.X .. ultimate..
Okay, Siggy asked fer my brudder's pic~
So here he is!!! Topless in Red Shorts! Rofl.

He is so effing skinny right?
And lookie here's a guy who looks like him LOL.

Okay Noisy Dino,
I hid the music player 'cause I want it to be nonstop, muahahahahaha LOL, but I play nice music anyway D: Dancing Queen~ Young and Sweet~ Only sixteen~ O_O it doesnt go D: ! But oh well.. WOW you're the second person who wants to be a pumpkin! LOL, just like my wifey (: I think you'll look cute as a pumpkin hahaha! LOL anyway you're distant cousin was terrorizing the city of Townsville D: go claim him back!
Okay.. I shall compensate for my mere 6 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours ~ but I gotta wait for my horrible hair to dry first ._.
"If someone is too tired to give you a smile, leave one of your own, because no one needs a smile as much as those who have none to give" -- Anonymous
Labels: smile (:
bits of me revealed at ..
8:22 PM.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 - [It's a Paradox.]
I really hate this person okay. Let's call he/she, IT.
IT is a paradox, 'cause IT always makes no sense and exists anyway.
I'm so mad at IT, 'cause IT just loves to make-fun of others, spread rumours about others without caring about what others feel. Then later, bask in the glory and attention. IT thinks that It is very smart by deriving joy from other's grief and pain. IT probably doesn't have the word "limit" in It's vocabulary. What maddens me more is that, people actually think IT is very amusing and encourage it to continue.
I really can't stand IT. Academically inclined but so dumb in other areas. What has the world come to. I wish IT would just leave me alone, I don't talk to IT, but why does IT still want to irk me non-stop. I've never liked IT since ever, yet I have no idea what IT wants with me.
I have nothing to do with you, can't you fucking get out of my life already. _I_
Fine, I know I'm not very nice either, saying all this about someone else, it just irates me alot that I have to know such people.Labels: eff off already.
bits of me revealed at ..
3:53 PM.
Monday, October 27, 2008 - [schweeming!]
I've been wanting to post this for a very long time, but I keep forgetting, anyway it's the first thing of this post now ^^ It's a video of my dance class on my birthday, which is 10sept by the way =x
It's like that story "The Emperor's New Clothes", if you're smart, you'll know where I am (:
Music: "We Takin' Over - DJ Khaled" lead by Andy ^^
LOL I'm pretty sure my BGM interferes so .. you can always view it here LOL
Anywayz, there's another video I want ya'll to watch ~ intro-ed from my dearest brother ^^v
LOL okay, so today I went swimming (: been ages since I last went swimming @@" you know what was the weirdest observation at the pool? There were NO FEMALES. Except me =o . All old chikopeks you know! x_X Siyao will understand how I feel, 'cause she's like the only only only person who has seen my swimming costume apart from my stepmomma and whoever was there just now.
Anyway.. my arms are aching like hell T.T.
Okay, my lil' sis was so excited to go swimming you know, she got her float out and paraded around the house. She constantly announced "Mummie, I wan schweeming, JieJie, I wan schweeming" I was feeling really sleepy at 8am and she screamed at me "JIEJIE SCHWEEMING, I WAN SCHWEEMING"
So we went ._. and she continued on her "schweeming" until we reached and was super impatient and its not my fault she has such short legs and walks so slow -.-
We reached the pool and she was silent immediately, petrified of the water. She teetered at the edge and ran away. I tried to carry her into the water she struggled. screamed. cried. dots...
I went to do my laps with all the old uncles and chikopeks. So fun racing with them LOL, they're half a lap infront and I zooooooom past them :DDD There was this lifeguard with yellow and green hair O_O. coolness.
I tried again after 20 laps. There were other lil' kiddies in the kiddy pool and yet she still didn't dare to go in. A little boy took away her float and she started screaming at him to get it back, roflmao. I just shrugged and said, "Get in the water and get it yourself". The boy's parents returned it anyway, and he was younger than she as ._. tsktsk chicken.
Okay, soon I'll be going out with bro and Irene ^^ *to be updated*
bits of me revealed at ..
4:23 PM.
Saturday, October 25, 2008 - [Halloweeeeeen Costumes]
Am very tired.
was up on my feet from 8am all the way until 7pm +
goodness, my legs are giving way T.T
Well, due to unfortunate events, out of 8 people, only me and Pammy were free to turn up, bro returned late from work, Irene had to do project, Siyao was seeing her jiejie off, RuoLan lost her voice and etc etc. But anyway, we had a mission! :DD

I'm lazy to type, so lookie and e picchas. We went to a total of 5 costume shops. It's so not easy going costume shopping okay! and mind you alotta things were very very very unbelievably, ohmygawdly expensive. ._.
I was energetic in our 2nd shop - Masquerade

The ceiling

Racks of costumes


Hats and Wigs

Boots collection
Anyway the best shop was "No.1 Costume Costume" it was so huge, you can like get lost in it LOL. But I didn't take any pictures =P If you're curious, I'll bring ya there (:

Pamela finally found a pair of heels that made her taller than me, maybe even taller than Siyao.

Paws! Cute aren't they? LOL and they match what I was wearing!

That's me in a witch costume O.O LOL except the shoes which Pamela insisted I wore rofl.

Red Indian and a very sexy pirate

Tsktsk, Bruce, how could you just leave your BatMobile here?!
Anyway, you be at my place during Halloween to see what we're gonna be wearing ~
Toodles!Labels: picchas can talk
bits of me revealed at ..
8:37 PM.
Friday, October 24, 2008 - [long post D:]
^^ yo (:
Look at the title, it's gonna be a long post~
I forgot to blog yesterday, because it was sooooo boring x_x. I missed Latin HipHop class last evening 'cause mommie wasn't free to go with me =x. I think the Studio staff are gonna be so fed up with me for booking class and not attending so many times =P lol!
Hehe, last night was better than the previous one (: (Happy inferring)
Oh btw, the answer for the post before is $178.95 hahaha, I feel so poor now =[ Last night I was supposed to babysit Alisha with my bro 'cause Daddy and Mommy were gonna play staff badminton. Bro encouraged her to throw my precious soft toys around T.T and he got a little irritated after a while 'cause she kept hurling them at him. He exclaimed and she started crying. LOL. Then she was crying out "Daddyyyyyyyyy" and out of nowhere, Daddy appeared ! LOL. Apparently his badminton was cancelled, yay no babysitting, and I went to play Audi ^^
We had intended to make her sleep like this. (That's my wonderful bed in my wonderful room)

I was writing my xmas wishlist while playing Audi last night, I cancelled out some existing items on the list for example this..

and of course added many more things :DD LOL. Nathaniel said "Add me to your list! It might just come true." So I did, I wrote "bliss", me want happiness ~ joy ~ 幸福-ness :D
So excited about Halloween, imagine the adorable us like..

yayyy~ although I'm very doubtful that it'll be successful but planning it is fun already LOL.
This morning was so effing cold. I was shivering on the NEL train, D: my row was all empty, damn cold la, no human infra-red radiation .. Then the wind was so chilly outside and blowing constantly while I walked to the bus-stop, it nearly blew me awayyy~ my teeth were chattering away crazily..
OH I saw Mr.Shy Guy again. Do ya'll remember him? The one who was so courteous LOL. He turned and glanced at me and turned around, then as though he couldn't believe his eyes, he turned around again and looked at me again. LOL. I resisted the urge to stick out of my tongue, just smiled and he turned back lawls. Then when we reached the automatic door where we would go in different directions, he turned again! LOL, and I nearly burst out laughing and just contained it in a wide grin. (:
I told Pammy about my interesting convo with Nathaniel.
N: I read your blog
Me: Ohno! you know my secrets! Anyway I used you to tempt Pamela into playing Audition, to show her how fun it is :D
N: o.o
Me: You should know her, since you've read, my soulmate~ I tell her everything! If one day we fought, she would be my worst enemy, 'cause she knows everything!
N: I would never ever fight with you. If you're unhappy with me, or we have problems, we'll settle it in bed.
and Pammy said that sounded like Simon in our Literature book "The 100 Secret Senses" everytime he quarrelled with his wife Olivia, they would make love. LOL. How simple.
Lemme tell you another story about "BJ Lingerie". (I think Eugenia was intrigued by this story :D LOL)
Find out
those two words
ask. (just like RuoLan and SiYao did -_-)
^^ okay. So Daddy Tina brought an umbrella out one day 'cause it was raining. He randomly grabbed a plastic bag from home to keep the wet umbrella later. So luckily, he picked one with bold and capitalized words "BJ Lingerie". wowness. Everyone laughed at him and he said it was his mum's hoho.
Okay that was actually very funny, then..
Me: Guys shouldn't even bring umbrellas, be macho! Run in the rain!
Nathaniel: You just wanna see them with their transparent shirts.
Pamela: But there's no point. Guys always wear dark pants, and so what if their shirt is see-through, there's nothing to see, girls on the other hand..
LOL okay. Enough of stories :D let's get on~
Our class has a very nice seating arrangement now, lookie! rows of 2,5,6,2,2,3,5,5 LOL yupp and those are my lovely friends in class while the others went fer lunchie.

I fought a baby T-Rex yesterday (: It was an eyesore, so I decided to amputate its tail..

you see that lump of orange thing? I karate chopped his tail off :D Pro me. So beware, if anyone is curious, you many ask Nathaniel who incurred my wrath and got slapped furiously LOL. ^^v
SS lesson was pretty cool today, watched a few videos of the olden days, hahaha, loved the black and white film of "New Town Secondary School". It was freakin' hilarious 'cause it featured
1) Our old school campus (currently being occupied by Clementi Town Sec.)
2) Their wonderful uniform
3) How uniformed groups were in the past
4) Their hair! socks! specs!
My god. Funny. Funny. Funny. xDDD!
Just like Thursday, we had no P.E lesson again. -.- you know what? For P.E we're supposed to be graded based on 5 badminton games, and our umpiring. I haven't played a single game neither have I umpired any game and guess what? Next week there's practically no lessons 'cause of "Window-Shopping JC Curriculum" and the following week is the "Learning Symposium". If I fail my P.E I'll go after Mr.Tan with a frying pan, 'cause he made us run so much during P.E instead of letting us play badminton and grading us and then skipping two of our lessons and also was absent thrice before the EOYs. Thank you very much.
Mr. TanCL was so funny today.
1) RuoLan fired questions like crazy and jabbered away in Chinese like a machine gun and did that for almost every question in the paper. Poor Mr.Tan was dazed and exasperated explaining every question's marking scheme which she happily rebutted against. Poor RuoLan too, the marker doesn't like ya, must be your handwriting dear.
2) Siyao and I talked at the same time, and Mr.Tan was stunned and confused us, his reaction was super funny (Siyao sits directly infront of me) hahaha!
3) So many people bombarded him with questions, trying to get extra marks, poor guy, he answered almost every question 5 times, and couldn't answer some very cute questions like the one from CheeHooi -
"What if I wrote 他们 (them) by mistake instead of 他 (him)?" LOL.
Mr.TCL said the teachers loved us because ZhouKe used liquid paper and was penalized and I asked why it wasn't allowed. He said teachers feared students would forget to fill in their answers if they left it to dry, he says it's how teachers show their love. Aww, Mr.TCL should become Mr.TLC :DD
Siyao has contacts now, she thinks she's worthy of mention, that's why im mentioning her and her new contacts LOL.
Okay almost ending x_x, go get some chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate to spurr yourself on! ^^
We did nothing in Maths.. and we were released early and fyi, today's October 24th. You know what that means? It's High School Musical 3's release! ~ hehehe, hubby, soulmate and I went to Vivo to watchy (: ~ Boy, it was fully packed even in the Gold Class where ticket prices start from $30+ .. wowness.
We walked around in "Toys 'R' Us" and checked out the Halloween costumes there. Uber cool! So many other shops also had Halloween specials, even Golden Village Theatre. They had this super duper( x1000000) cute looking pumpkin basket. *squeals* OMG I'm such a sucker for cute stuff ._. It's becoming a weakness D: Anyway, I got a dreamcatcher! Coolness. Hubby tried to scare me with a ceramic lizard and I was so so terrified of it T.T .. buwee.. We also saw this vampire-ish guy, who was like wayyy big sized. Almost 2m tall and very bulky, you know like "The Incredible Hulk" LOL and with bloodshot eyes, his eyes were like red and black can't see the white part. Scared the crap out of me.
We eventually caught the move, Pamela was like an ice block and trying to molest me while RuoLan leaning on me was so warm.. LOL both of them tried to snatch me from each other lawls. The movie was good, very good, very very good, very very very good (: Me loves Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Gabreel ^^~ wooooot. If you're gonna catch it, notice at the start of the movie when the boys are in their locker room during the time out of their game, there's a locked labelled "Hannah". wtf HANNAH?! A guy called Hannah, wowness.
Oh well, my day ended with going to Long John's fer dinner. I skipped dinner and wrote this blog post on foolscap paper while my parents feasted.. See how much two people can eat.

Okay I've spoken typed so much already!
Toodles!"The key that unlocks energy is desire. It's also the key to a long and interesting life. If we expect to create any drive, any real force within ourselves, we have to get excited." -- Earl Nightingale
Labels: costumes~
bits of me revealed at ..
9:27 PM.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - [Day 5882: My Biggest Regret.]
My biggest mistake and regret was a very innocent one.
I kept a promise. A promise I shouldn't have made.
It was 2004, the night before PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) results. It was probably one of the most thrilling nights, with all that anticipation of a new start, new friends and what school to choose?
I made a promise to my best friend that night. She was crying on the phone and made a request: "Ayesha, even if we don't go to the same school, promise me that you'll always be my best friend". I know it sounds foolish now. 4 years ago, I laughed and cheered her up and yes I swore I would. 4 years later, my tears are falling and they can't seem to stop. I kept that promise, but I also broke it.
To keep my promise, I selected her dream school, instead of pursuing my dream. I got in. So did she.
Deep inside, I was engulfed with misery but I put on a smile and celebrated with her. We cried, for her, it was tears of joy, for me, I was confused and shed both tears of joy and sorrow.. Looks like we would be together after all.
A week into Secondary School, we were no longer best friends, barely even friends. She cried in school and there was a crowd gathered around her, she pointed at me. "You've changed." I myself wondered, who was it who really changed? I walked away without a single word. She had them, I was no longer good enough for her. Why bother? She looked at me with such resentment.
A fateful day in 2003, we were Primary 5, when we were assigned to be desk partners, a sudden friendship blossomed. I went to her house almost every day and we would chat about everything under the sun. (She lived right beside the school) After a few weeks of being terribly good friends, she admitted. In 2001, Primary 3, how she had convinced the class to turn against me, to ostracize me, for a stupid rumous which I never knew of and was never proven true - I was teacher's pet. They were jealous. Childish much? I was shocked beyond reason, all the hurt I experienced when I was 9 was because of a damnned rumour?! I went numb, conflicting emotions battling each other, she hugged me with tears streaming down her face.
They say loyalty goes a long way, mine was put to a test and didn't make the cut. The result?
I once read about how Secondary School Life were supposed to be the 4 most glorious years of your life. (probably applicable only to Singaporeans) My 4 years indeed have been glorious -- I"ve been bullied, harrassed, falsely accused, betrayed and humiliated. I've walked into my classroom and everyone erupted into cheers, I have too walked into my classroom and heard my supposed good friend bitch-talk about me. I've had friends I wished so hard I could be them, I've had friends I never imagined I would have, I've also known people I wished desperately to be friends with..
But it's all comes down to that promise.
Dear Hester,
if you remember all this, I want to tell you, that if I could turn back the clock, "River Valley High School" would never have even appeared on that slip of paper, let alone be at the top. That paper which changed my life drastically. I hate RV. I really do. I konw hate is a strong words, but I've always restrained my feelings infront of you, because so were so psyched about this school.
It was been nothing must a road of misery and right now, the present, 2008, my 5882nd day of existance, I have to come to realise, how must I regret making that descision.
As a conclusion, I want to say somethings so some people whether or not they every read this.
Hester - Thank you for all the joy you brought to me, but sadly, I'm sorry to say I would have rather you weren't so close to me. I has brought me more pain ..
Daddy - The past 19 years have been living hell for you. I know. I also know I've done nothing but add to your burden. I do not deserve to be you "Pride and Joy". It breaks my heart to hear you say that.
Mummy - After the divorce, you often called and told me excitedly about the dreams you had for me and brother. What if I told you I couldn't fulfil them for you? What if I told you you've wasted all that energy and time trying? What if I told you .. would you still love me? I can't be your perfect daughter, the one you always claimed to be "your only hope". I so wish I could take away the depression you bottled up. I has been hard on both of us. Really.
Mr.Ong - I never knew you would have such faith in me. I never knew you were one who took the effort to understand people whom you weren't very closely related to. You are not only the best teacher I've ever had, you're also the most scary teacher I know. I cannot thank you enough, maybe we'll meet again. I know you hope not to, so do I ..
Brother - The sweet words you say to me are appreciated, but I don't want to let you down, like I haven't done enough damage already.
I am sorry .. to everyone ..
bits of me revealed at ..
7:05 PM.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 - [walkwalk gaigai zhouzhou jalanjalan]
hihihihihi ^^
I'm supposed to double post today, but I think I'll make it quick, hehe.. 'cause I wanna go read my library books, woooot.
Okay, so let's go!!
Monday was marking day, and you know what? I was LATE ._. (note to self: oh mannn, never never blog before going out) Okays, so I dress entirely Black and White and went out although Pamela insisted I wear something outrageous to capture attention lol ..
Hmm.. we went to have lunchie, and walked around alot alot alot alot, walked the entire of Junction 8 probably 10 over times and hell, I think we can memorize the entire building's blueprints now (:
Okayy.. the highlight of the day was the movie we caught!
"The House Bunny"
Witness how these girls of the Zeta house ..

.. become these girls!

All the doings of ONE super girl ~ "SHELLEY"!

who lives in a place called "The Playboy Mansion" sounds cool eh? LOL it is, her 27th birthday bash was fantabahubalicious~!
Of course I have my favourite character, which is not a guy, because sadly no hotties in the show, not even the supposed "Colby" ._.
Me likes the Metallic Mona (:

Okay that's not a very nice picture of her, but it's the best I could find D: .. I love her in the Virgin Sacrificial Party ^^ ~
And of course for those who haven't or don't intend to catch the movie, well~ this was everybody's favourite part, oooh.. especially for the guys xD

Okay, maybe that'll tempt you guys into watching it ^^. Anyways~ I successfully spent a five digit number yesterday ^^
The numbers in no particular order include - 9, 8, 5, 1, 7
Happy permutating.
Anyway I had alot of things to pay off, so it wasn't like I was very pleased with the money I spent T.T
Okay, today, was back to school day, after the EOYs, oh boyyy, we did almost nothing except a freakin' Chinese essay which no one wanted to do D: .. nothing much la, except some drama between the boys which I have no clue about but it managed to lure Mr.Yap over to talk to the guys involved.. *confused look*
Oh yes, Siyao also took her own sweet time to narrate her magical date with her ____ and it's just too mushy to mention, so..
ask her yourself!
"A good library is a palace where the lofty spirits of all nations and generations meet." -- Samuel Niger
Labels: I haven't read in weeks D:
bits of me revealed at ..
7:51 PM.
Monday, October 20, 2008 - [Slacky Weekend]
yoyo peoplez (:
hehe, before I go out, I shall blog a little about yesterday.. Big Brother said a week ago that his friends would be coming over, so Daddy went to prepare a wonderful meal for everybody :DDD, he said around 11am, so okay, we waited.
While waiting I actually packed my room ._. Unbelievable, I went to arrange all my horrible files and books that were scattered around due to EOYs, made two beds, my sister has taken a liking to sleeping with me (: I have a really cute picture of her.. but nevermind, pointless to upload just one pic for one post. Anyways~ after packing and playing w the interactive car game tingie, I went down to catch the "Disney Channel All Day Movie Marathon" wowness!
I watched "A Bug's Life" and "101 Dalmations II: Patch's London Adventure" I don't think Disney Channel has been very creative with the Movie Marathon. Practically all the movies are by Pixar Animation Studios. =[ ..
A Bug's Life
101 Dalmations Part II
Finding Nemo
The Story of Mr. Bean
Ratatouille (Rat.A.Too.Ee)
( I think that's all, but yeah they're all cartoons and majority by Pixar, not that I'm against Pixar but they should have played nicer Disney movies )
Oh boy.. it was already almost 2pm, where were they?! I gave up and went to sleeeeeeeeeeeep. 4 hours. Rained. Perfect.
Then... when I got up, I went to use the com to continue getting my music files back and I hear weary feet trudging up the stairs.. Guess who? It's big brother! So clever!
And.. he was alone ._. Oh mann, if I had known that 8 guys weren't coming over, I wouldn't have bothered to pack my room =P it's like messy already! grawh..
Night time was pretty fun, playing Audition with big brother and his friends hahaha. There's this freaky guy called Nathaniel who is so so so so pervertic. ._. All he talks about revolves around sex.
Like, he talks about shemales, and he says they're so fun, 'cause you can play with their boobs, and when you're bored of that, can give them a BJ, lawl wtf? Okay anyway, he's all bad things combined in one, very bad influence ..
- Egoistic
- Masochistic
- Narcissitic
- Erotic He doesn't deserve this!
Okay, I better stop typing and go get ready, before I'm late.. eeeeek!
Labels: It's Marking Day today btw =o
bits of me revealed at ..
9:26 AM.
Sunday, October 19, 2008 - [Interact on Youtube]
People are getting so creative! Now they have interactive games on youtube ^^~ Pretty funny hahahaha, me died so many times and had to rewind =xLabels: go go go ~
bits of me revealed at ..
10:59 AM.
Labels: as requested =P
bits of me revealed at ..
10:33 AM.
Saturday, October 18, 2008 - [SDO-Xtreme]
yay~ It's the first day of freedom~ I feel like I'm Queen of The World!

Aren't I artistic? lol.
LOL anyway, on August 19th, my brother happily reformatted my computer for me, and since then, my pathetic iTunes diminished from 3000+ to 50+ songs, magawd, it was treacherous times I tell you.
So today, tomorrow, the next day, the next next day and the next next next day.. I'll be slowly collecting back all my songs, whooppeee, ripped several CDs and the song count has bounced to 500+ hehehe pro me!
While on the topic of music, I found this super cute mp3 player LOL.

What?! You don't believe me?! It says there! Mplayer (which I think is Music player?)

Humph, believe me now? RAWR.
Ooh, I love talking to myself, anyway check out how versatile it is! LOL. Okay I don't even know where you can get one, I just happened to click on an advert on some webbie and saw it.

hehehe, its just so cute!
Okay byebye, I'm gonna catch up on the sleep I lost during the last month due to nightmares of Physics! Maths! Chemistry! uhh yeah, okay, maybe I'll post again later ^^
I shall shift from Neopets to a new game! Just for the fun of it, mm I saw this guy playing a BeatMania/o2Jam/DJ Max-like game on his lappy on the MRT, but it's neither of them, I wanna know what it is T_T. Meanwhile, I shall try SDO-Xtreme wheeeee~ and my com's lagging so badly from dling it ._. whatever. ""
*wonders how Siyao is doing on her date with her knight in shining armour*
Labels: *urges com to faster download*
bits of me revealed at ..
1:16 PM.
Friday, October 17, 2008 - [#246]
Muahahahahahaha, my EOYs are OVERRRRRR~! LET FREEDOM REIGN~!
*gloats to O lvl students* hehehe, okay, I have many many things to say as you've already guessed. During my absence, I went to write a nice list of things to blog about, and I.. well you can guess, I LOST IT.
Nevermind ^^, I'll just .. say whatever I can remember !~! By the way, isn't the new song nice? *squeals*
Okay, so today after the exams, me and Siyao were sooooo hyper and were talking so so animatedly and I was grinning the entire way home~ I was so elated, I felt so FREE~ like nothing else in the world mattered, hehe, I probably embarrassed myself a hell lot 'cause I laughed at my friend's responses and Pamela, your freakin' message
"I think he's head over heels in love with her"
drove me insane okay, I laughed like crazy and I'm amazed I didn't scare the person beside me away.. =o
Aww.. I was so happy.. I was on Cloud Nine~

.. until that cloud decided to rainnnnn down on me T.T and I had to beg my brother to come pick me up and Pammy went whining
"Your brother loves you more than my Mum loves me!"
xD too bad.
Okay, lemme start my crap-talk now (:
Irene told me that back in Indonesia, during Hari Raya they would have AT LEAST 1 week of school holidays, oh how lucky.. Singapore's crap, rawr!! That's like even longer than our CNY hols can... unfairzxzxzxzzzz
hoho, speaking on that topic, I shall clarify what Halal Food is ._. sounds stupid right. Aiyo, some friend asked me, although many people have the misconception that Halal Food means no pork, it's not just that. -_- Actually, Halal Food is safe food~ why?
Because, when animals are slaughtered by Muslims, they are killed by draining away their blood, you ask why? Because this way it prevents "Uranic Acid" (I think it's Uranic, read it somewhere) from spreading to the rest of the animal. If more than 2% of this acid flows to into the animal's organs, it's unhalal already, even if its a chicken!
lol cool right? I think that acid is harmful that's why. Oh, yes why can't we eat pigs? Funny, the same place where I read it says, pigs don't actually have necks, so you can't cut them at the Jugular Vein to let them bleed to death. It also said if God wanted us to be able to eat pork, he would have given pigs proper necks.
Okay, clarified? :DDD so actually, Halal Food is just playing safe and oh man, I really hate it when people say it's troublesome, it's not, I mean I'm not super religious but really it's not difficult to stick to Halal Food.
OK! I've side-tracked so far away, let's come back!
The day before our first paper, beloved Claire came back !! YES, it's the CLAIRE LU YI TIAN ^^, Winnie was so emotional she started crying! LOL, okay I've been very emotional the past few days and Pammy's complaining hahaha!
Claire seems to be well ^^~ very healthy and happy looking :D She says her curriculum there is wayyy slackier than ours T_T..
NO FAIRRRRR! She said she's learning our Sec 2 Maths and Environmental Science O_O! She's a funny girl, bouncing from England to HongKong to England again then on to Australia! Miss you miss you~~
Okay ~ I don't know how many people know this.. but my domestic helper's been sent back! hoho it was soooo much drama that morning!
See, 'cause Vini's been very stubborn rebellious and unreasonable during her last few weeks, which is totally not expected from a domestic helper. Sure, we've been great to her, too nice to her in fact, such that she's climbed over the top.
So well.. that morning, I was awoken from my sleep 2 hours before my alarm would have gone off, and I was talking to Haslinda and her colleague Shannon who had came to stay for the night before (:
So yeah, then we chatted awhile and the man from the SwiftArrow Agency arrived, we were so scared to talk to Vini and he just went to her and said in some Indonesian Language
"Vini, your services are no longer required, please pack your things, you're coming with me to the agency now."
Whoa whoa.. pro. Then Vini started crying and saying that she wouldnt go. Then the three of us just quietly helped her pack her stuff while she kicked up a fuss and argued with the agent. Then Vini took her stuff away and gave it to the next door neighbour's maid! Strange? I know. Then she was suddenly very busy, started calling alot of people, hauling things to next door then running around to pack more stuff while still crying you know!
The agent was trying to be nice and painstakingly told her to just pack and get in his car and stop all the nonsense, but she refused to talk to him and then later.. alot of things sprang up from nowhere, I had no idea she had so much stuff in her room!
Then after putting 3 boxes at the neighbour's house.. she took more stuff to the church!!! My goodness, I thought she was gonna throw all her stuff away 'cause there's a rubbish collection point there. But~ I was so so wrong! She's actually friends with the Church cleaner and asked him to help her keep her stuff. What is wrong with that woman -.-
The clever agent threatened the cleaner while Vini was running to the house and the cleaner got so scared and decided not to help Vini and then she got so furious and scolded him for being a coward and etc etc.
Can you believe it?! The agent was astounded that we put up with her for almost 4 years. Sheesh, she finally reveals her true colours! Vini then announced she would complain to the Ministry of Manpower for us treating her like that. Like what?! What on earth did we do? The kind agent said she's being silly and there's nothing she can do, 'cause we have the right. Up 'til now, I still don't know what she wants to complain about. ._.
Whatever man, she finally got into his car with all things except the three boxes which we had to send over the next day. And guess what, her sister who was under my parents' friend also got sent back for being rude. To think we actually asked that helper if she had a sister for us, what a nightmare! Okay so now, I'm eating junk food everyday. Even so, it's so money-draining.. eating out everyday.. urghh, new helper come soon! I hear she's gonna be one that has absolutely no experience, woohooo~ I'm gonna teach her stuff =P.
Ahh~ I'm so happy really.. some subjects are gone forever !! Like.. History, Geography since sec 2, no more Crucible or 100 Secret Senses (mygosh, Dodo flagged her book so much!)

to read about, no more Singapore Studies~ yayyness~ oh yes, soon it'll be no more CHINESE
The down side for today is that, my brother has been treating me like a slave -.- acting all hoity toity like
"Now that you're so free, you'll do this and this and that and this!"
Oh such a long post already~ and I'm not even halfway done T.T .. jiayou my readers! LOL.
Do any of you remember I once mentioned that the "Spizza" shop closed down? LOL oh the irony it's been replaced by "Pizza Hut" HAHAHA! Suck on that copycats.
The other night when I was alone at home, I succumbed to the temptation of TV and watched "Return to Halloween Town" on Disney Channel, it was so nice =D Oh mann, I'm so envious of Disney Channel Stars, they're all so young and famous already! Also I think Disney Channel Stars are clean of corruption, all young people utilizing their talents for the common good! =]
I told Pamela about this unique dream I, and I'm beginning to agree that it's some form of Deja Vu. HAHA, thinking about that conversation just makes me laugh so insanely.. (Sorry readers, private joke =P) But Pamela, my god! If that really happened, it would be so hilarious! I don't think it will happen anyway ahaha.
Okay~ it's almost time for my wonderful pictures, I'm gonna say it again, I'm so glad exams are over~ I have a million and one things to do~! wooohoooo, I'm going ice-skating with my girls on Marking Day, wonderful wonderful!
Halloween's round the corner, my dental appointment is in 3 hours.. should I get Orange and Black braces? or how about cool Glow-In-The-Dark ones. ahaha, they'll get dirtied easily D:
Okay, time for pictures! By the way, Pamela says I have this very cute smiley face that I make sometimes, but I can't control it, I have to laugh very happily to make it LOL. So she's gonna try her very best to snap a picture of me smiling gleefully like that one day~
So.. both Pammy and I had haircuts together! for $4.90 how cheap LOL.

I love my soulmate to bits! I wonder what I'll do without her
Okay, see.. the itchy-handed me, decided my side fringe was too long and decided to snip it off..
The before!

Now behold~
The after!

LOL, please don't comment on my super shitty hair.
I have a very cute neighbour.
really really cuteee~
Not a little child.
Not a girl.
Not a guy.
Nope, not an adult either.
A doggie!

Lookie, ain't he a cutie :D
He was a pool he doesn't ever use!

I tried to coax him into swimming..

He chickened out. LOL.
Aww no show to watch.
But hang on, there was a really cool show to watch a couple of weeks back, you know, the F1 Night Race~
First ever you know, very cool you know! It's in Singapore you know! The land of kiasu people hor, must see one!!

Sucha pretty box.

and a pretty ticket inside to go along~

Aren't I lucky?
No I'm not.
I didn't go.
Didn't go on Friday,
Whatever, lol, not into car things, I liked the "Vintage" car display though (:

Introducing the newest form of Chicken Essence.
"Lipton's Ice Tea RED"! I wonder if there's a "Lipton's Ice Tea BLUE"! Anyway, this powerful drink kept me going.. slogging all night all day.. and tadahh~ I survived the EOYs.
Okay okay, I'm almost done I swear.
See see, do you remember one of my previous posts said that I had to go get a $100 costume?
Just take a look at the amount of costumes in the seamtress's shop!

Daddy loves to play dress up too, he aspires to be Alladin!

He just needs his Magic Carpet! or Rug if you insist Pamela. Roflmao.
(Do not ask me where he got those from, I'm wondering myself, they might have a costume for the Wicked Witch of the East)
I know I keep talking about Pamela, I can't help it, she's like.. a part of me! My soulmate~ Everything we do, we tell each other :D I know you're jealous, but too bad, we've glued ourselves to each other, there's no separating us! Muahahahahahaha
Okay, on a study date with Pamela, we went to grab Ice Cream. Do you believe that the Ice Cream is a living thing? Living things can excrete right? So can Ice Cream. I'm not lying! I swear! I have evidence!

Oh speaking of shit, that reminds me of something. Did you know about the 5 wonders of life?
Well in case you didn't know, it's:
Okay, so if you haven't done all five, do not think about committing suicide just yet, your life ain't complete pal. Yeah but you know, the first one's most important! Our school health officer, Mrs Chew is terrorizing the school, trying to ruin the 5 wonders of life!
All our canteen's items have to have that freaking "Healthier Choice" label. Soon, we'll have no more food in the canteen, and all because of the formidable Mrs. Chew.
When we have no food, we'll be hungry! Duh, and when we're hungry~
1) we can't fall asleep, even if we're very tired (it's so true, don't you dare argue with me, I've had sleepless nights 'cause of an empty stomach)
when we're hungry~
2) we can't shit or urinate, 'cause well.. nothing to shit or urinate, unless you're gonna get rid of your organs and eat yourself up. Euw.
when we're hungry~
3) we have no energy! That's a very bad thing, 'cause sex requires energy!
So in conclusion, no food = no sleep, no shit, no urinate, no sex = no 5 wonders of life = DIE.
Aww.. brothers and sisters, let's all sign a petition against Mrs.Chew's horrible implementation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, here's a little special feature on my sister before I end ^^, I know you all just love her! But of course I'm more important than her okay, doncha forget that.

Rock a Bye baby~

Wheee and off I go~

JieJie look! I fought against gravity!
"How dare you! I'll put you behind bars you naughty one!"

Pitiful? LOL. Aiyo but she sliding down still so graceful.. -.-

Now for all us oldies, who aren't as flexible and agile as my lil' sis.. Fear Not!! When there's a will there's a way~ We must learn to adapt and make use of the facilities. As you know, we are facing an ageing population, soon there'll be no little children to use the playgrounds!
But then again..

We can always stargaze (:
(I didn't ask people to pose okay, they were conveniently in that position)

Okay, I've recently grown to like Neopets ^^ and Pamela is very good at it, crazy right? I know it's childish but it's cheap thrill. I think everyone who has a computer with internet has played Neopets at least once in their life! With some weird exceptions like RuoLan ..
See so cute right the four Bruces LOL, and lookie~ me got a high score in Imperial Exam~!
So join us if you wish~ "mir0kii" and "yurizukii" await you~
"Too much happiness often overflows into tears of sorrow" -- A fictional man from Thistle Mountain
Labels: gonna change URL soon =P
bits of me revealed at ..
3:47 PM.