Sunday, August 31, 2008 - [Ageing Population.]
Hello ._.
Today's been a sufficiently boring day. I've been alone at home since 10am this morning, Daddy's just gone oversears, Haslinda's off to enjoy the wondrous food in Singapore 'cause Ramadhan starts tomorrow! Alisha's with her and bro's gone somewhere.. so it's just me, myself and I.
Like I mentioned last week, there's a conspiracy against me, once again today, I stepped out of the gates and felt raindrops.. and they came down harder and faster as I walked, so I decided not the walk to the MRT but to the bus-stop and take a bus to Hougang.
As I reached the bus-stop the rain stopped .. but I decided taking the bus would be a nice change. As I preferred the MRT which comes according to schedule and stops systematically and is unaffected by bad weather or traffic.
Anyway.. I was at the bus-stop for around half an hour, 'cause the bus service 107 just didnt want to come, so I just sat there listening to music and observing people.
From the TIF workshop at the start of Term3, they said 20 years down the road, 1 in 5 people we see would be above 60years old. I so beg to differ.
Just by sitting at the bus-stop I saw so many elderly folks come and go. There was one time where there was a total of 13 people, 11 were elderly ladies, me and another middle-aged man.
The older generation seem very friendly. They come in pairs or individually, at first they're sitting alone, when another one comes, they talk to each other like they've been friends for a lifetime, before I know it, I see a bunch of 6 elderly ladies chatting away.
And I see 2 teenage guys come, one sits, one stands, I continue sitting and observing, all of us are just listening to our music, one guy's smsing, another one's spacing out.
Is this what Daddy means by antisocial behaviour?
I bet he wouldn't go talk to random people either. Of course, it could be that all those old people I saw were indeed friends, but it's highly unlikely in my opinion..
Anyway, I went to check the bus directory, the guy smsing was blocking and he didn't respond at all.. ._. I just stood there like an idiot.. he finally moved away when he "felt" me staring at him, I think. I realised how stupid I had been. 3 buses terminated at Hougang, and I had to choose 107 to wait for, when 153 passed by thrice and 147 twice.
I eventually got on the 4th 153 and right behind the 153... was a freakin 107.
At times like that, I really feel retarded.
I was pretty dazed when I went out, I tripped a guy unintentionally and he glared and glared and glared at me .. and I just ignored him ^^ and when I got off the bus, I turned and smiled at him, and he glared back furiously. lawl.
I walked blindly round Hougang Mall and yay I got what I needed went home.. there was this person who ran down the stairs at an incredible pace, and one funny guy who was going up the escalator, turned and went back down ..
Observing people is a cool hobby (:
I'm really bored, so I'm gonna lengthen this post by sharing some of the things I dislike.. I wanted to post this yesterday but was too lazy.. anyway, unlike morons I don't have a section on the sidebar that says "Hates" which include stuff like "Backstabbers, Liars, Cheaters, Chikopeks etc." because those kind of people are detested universally, what's the dayuum point of putting it there.
Anyway, my little list of dislikes I thought of in the library yesterday.
2. Automatic Flushers
They seriously annoy me. It's a lousy invention alright, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who finds them redundant, it just shows how dependent humans are becoming on technology. ._.
3. Say NO to Piracy Ads/ Know Drugs Campaign
I don't see the point of such stuff. There was a debate held in Monfort Secondary School last year "This house believes that Piracy will cause the Entertainment Industry to collapse." Serious problem aye? Wouldn't it be horrible if everyone went along with Piracy and the Entertainment Industry died. But then again, without the Entertainment Industry, Piracy dies too.
If people wanna abuse drugs, why not just let them, it's their life they're throwing away. Why bother to warn them, it's not like they're gonna care.
4. Non-Slip-Resistant Footwear
Being accident prone, I really appreciate slip-resistant footwear, especially when the rainy season's here. I was being extremely careful just now, 'cause I chose comfort over safety when going to Hougang and regretted it massively when I had no hands to support myself in case I slipped. Do not give me footwear that's not slip resistant.
5. Wet Ground
Other then making me fall, I dislike it when the ground is wet, 'cause it's so easily dirtied or there's icky stuff around. After it rains, you go walk in slippers and you'll bring home lotsa new friends.
6. Sunlight
Even without the problem of Astigmatism, I like aritificial lighting more, it's so much more dazzling, like spotlights and chandeliers. Sunlight's boring. One shade of yellow all day and it's harmful to eyes and skin. ._. I really wanna slap Daddy for putting Orange curtains in my room, it just worsens the Sunlight problem. As if, 6 windows and a balcony isn't enough Sunlight to kill me.
7. Horror Movies
It's thrilling I agree, it's even more thrilling when I get hallucinations and hear voices and become scared of the dark and going anywhere alone or hearing any strange noises. wheee, I'm spending money to scare myself, and amaze myself the wonders of stage make-up on a person. What's more incredible is an actor scaring herself to death after the 3rd movie.
1. Real and Fake Lizards and Frogs
Now that I think about it, I don't like all insects, arachnides, reptiles and amphibians. Maybe except turtles and snakes, not that I like them, I don't mind them.
Urghh, byebye, I need to mentally prepare myself for my last dinner and a month of experiencing poverty.
Labels: things to keep in mind.
bits of me revealed at ..
4:40 PM.
Saturday, August 30, 2008 - [Britain's Got Talent!]
This is an incredible show ~ wooot.
Signature ( MJ dance, Billie Jean + Ice Ice Baby )
Connie Talbot ( 6 year old wonder )
Cheeky Monkeys ( Fire you choreographer! )
George Sampson 2007 ( 13yr old StreetDancer )
Poor guy didn't get through the semis and came back again this year~
George Sampson 2008
He passed this time..
George Sampson 2008 Semi-Finals
And went on to win the Finals~!~!~!
Labels: (:
bits of me revealed at ..
11:19 PM.
Greetings ^^~
Today.. was a pretty boring day, compared to yesterday.. but anyway, life goes on..
2 Jokers decided to call me at 4am and 4.07am and like stupidly said over the phone
"She picked up!!!"
For what reason I was awoken at that ungodly time, I have no idea.. anyway, I continued snoozing 'til I had to drag myself to JE library.. and sit myself down at the cafe beside the pillar to plug in my lappy and dilligently complete the CID report and oral presentation up 'til around 3pm..
Until this afternoon, I didn't know what "benefit of doubt" meant, Pammy gave me an example to illustrate:
By giving Hsein Tze the benefit of doubt, you should not have screamed "OMG YOU BOUGHT A FAKE FROG/LIZARD" when he came out of the shop.
Just thinking about it makes me feel really retarded.
Pammy and I went to grab a bite at MacDonalds, but that's not the focus here, it's the two kiddies we were beside.
One boy.
One girl.
At most 8 years old?
A date?
Anyway, I heard them comparing the Olympics and the Youth Olympics, the lil' boy said "Aiya, Singapore lousy one la, can only host Youth Olympics" , lil' girl said "My brother taking part leh, the basketball one. " and they started talking about their brothers.
Intelligent talk at such a young age, life must be boring.
Then later the girl got up and said "I want get curry sauce."
The boy said "Nevermind, I give you mine, we share okay?"
Girlie said after awhile "I want get the free water."
Boy replied "Free meh? Must pay one leh."
Girlie answered "No, it's free one, plain water, the small cup."
Boy got up and said "Okay, I get for you."
He came back with two cups of water.
The girl was apparently very thirsty and said "I go get another cup."
The oh-so kind boy said "It's okay, you can have mine."
Isn't the boy sweet?
I told Pamela and she asked, "Is he cute? Does he have a brother?"
All I could do was laugh and say "Yes."
We were walking back to the MRT and recounting how we "parted" last night. LOL. goddamn funny.
Then Pammy suddenly asked
"Do you realise something?"
I said "No." very very honestly.
And she started laughing and made me laugh uncontrollably, for god knows what reason. I think the expected answer was "What?", ahaha!!
I actually wanted to post something else,
but heck, I can't be bothered to! =P
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ..." -- Louis Hector Berlioz
Labels: the world needs more polite guys ^^ esp. SG
bits of me revealed at ..
8:25 PM.
Friday, August 29, 2008 - [The male bitch and cheating ahpek.]
yoyo people ^^
Today was Teachers' and ACES day, which stands for "All Children Exercising Simultaneously" lawl.
Urgh.. I left house and realised 15 mins later that I forgot to bring clothes to change ._. so I was stuck wearing the pink P.E tee the entire day. I had pink socks to match LOL, it's really not my fault that my maid mixed the clothes together.. x_x
The mass dance was pretty good for the juniors and a pretty good show to the sec 4s.. Our class party was absolutely fun LOL. Althought the amount of food was pathetic.. we played games and blasted music in class ^^. Mr.Tan brought his adorable baby girl and we took many class photos LOL.
Wilfred tried to stick icing from the cake up Mr.Suria's nose but Mr.Suria was stronger and instead, Wilfred had cream on his face.. RuoLan joined in and I smeared cream on people too ahahaha!!
Concert was kinda nice too~
The first item was a crew of 3 boys, 2 poppers and 1 bboyer, entertainin' , but the RV students went crazy =x .. There was a solo performance by Mr.Ong, with the help of WangJia and DingNing, and then Mrs.Chak decided to come and sing too.
Funny story, she wanted to take part in "Singapore Idol" but was pregnant for both seasons and still pregnant now.
The teachers also put up a dance item which was really nice ^^ good job teachers! The "Project Runway" was hilarious! LOL! and uhh.. the Dance Society sec 3s also performed for us.. everyone was screaming alot I guess..
The "So you think you can guess who sings what?" competition was funny as well LOLLLLL! There was this voice that sounded so girly, and someone guessed a girl, then a guy, then a teacher! LOL! Must be insulting to the teacher..
Ms.Ek in her speech said that it is not by coincidence that teachers have a "heart". Winnie said..
Rearrange "Teachers"
and you get
yuppz, that was pretty much it (: not bad not bad, Happy Teachers' Day ( if any teacher reads my blog still )
After that, Pammy, ZhouKe and I whizzed to a secret place for lunch. Lookie.

Subway has been charging you 10 times the amount you know..
After that, ZhouKe left us and we continued to walk to the Science Centre ahaha~ Thanks to the "cheating ahpek" we had free admission, and the "male bitch" came and joined us, so there were 4 of us exploring the wonderful Science Centre.
Saw RV Robotics team and wished them good luck, felt retarded. LOL.
Okay fyi,
"male bitch" - Hsein Tze or HT for short, my pet dog ^^
"cheating ahpek" - Uncle Dinie who worked at the Science Centre and kept bullying me and tricking me throughout the day.
Before Dinie was released from his work, the 3 of us were sitting down at the entrance and HT decided to go into the gift shop. When he emerged I immediately said "OH GOD, you bought a fake lizard or frog?!" but he was carrying 3 cans of lemon tea.
Pammy accused me of being overly-suspicious
Imagine a girl in pink, wearing super nerdy specs, carrying a bunny teddybear bag and screaming and runnning around.
Fun to think about it right? That was me ._.
I am never gonna trust either HT or Dinie, and I'll keep away from the Science Centre as much as possible.
Anyways, after spending around 3 hours there, we left.
OH ! I must mention
Those two guys are afraid of cockroaches ^^ .. and they still dare come scare me with a fake lizard.
Okay, so we left and went to TiongBahru to catch "Wall-E". We had some time to kill so we went to the FoodCourt to slack. HT was feeling hungry so went to buy some food, and Dinie commented that his soup looked like there was a condom in it ._.

HT tasted it and said
"Euw too much Strawberry"
And I doodled meanwhile.. since Pammy and I were in schl uni, no Poker Cards.. D:

I would like to stress on the point that.
Pamela and Dinie were getting along EXTERIMERLY well ^^
I wonder if she'll put off the thought of "很帅,很有钱,的很哥" ..
The movie was so sweeeeet, the front part about the Magician was dayuum funny. LOL, we left a wonderful job for the clean-up crew after the movie *grins*
yupp, thats the end of my day with the "male bitch", "cheating ahpek" and Pammy. ( who decided to play along with them -.- ) .. while me and Pammy went home, they went to Sentosa for the night.. lol ~ happy imagining..
Toodles!"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so." -- Douglas Adams.
Labels: fun day~
bits of me revealed at ..
9:33 PM.
Thursday, August 28, 2008 - [Results.Bleah.]
There are 14 pictures in this post.. but they're all gonna have to wait, muahahahahaha, wednesday was another Rojak day with alot of interesting stuff to mention ^^.. Oh btw, I just checked readership and two cool people decided to read my blog at 4am. lol. sweet.
Okay let's begin with my dream on Tuesday Night about "The Crucible". No biggie surprise there .. after all I was cramming my brain with quotes from the play for the test on wednesday, which was yesterday.
The test kicked off my school day, it wasn't too bad, just that the library was like refrigerator that made me shiver, teeth chatter and numb my fingers but wasn't cold enough to freeze me .. The History students had no lessons until we returned and gratz to LiLin ^^ Mr.Ong said she made the most improvement in the class for Maths Results, Distinction ~ (PS: I got the same mark as her =P more of that later.)
Mrs.Law proved herself to be a very gullible person during E-lit lesson. She asked how the paper was, I answered "extremely challenging" or something along that line without any hint of sarcasm and kept a poker face. Wilson played along and complained how "the source-base was the ultimate killer." and Mrs.Law was so astonished and I bet she was thinking "What's the world this class come to." mm, I suppose you're in for a pleasant surprise Mrs.Law?
Jeez, that's probably the one and only time I have ever and will ever be mentioning Mrs.Law without throwing an insult =/.
I'm pretty pleased with RV in one aspect. The school allows students to take the weirdest combinations of subjects, like both C-Lit and E-Lit, and there's only one student in the school doing that. Some taking Physics and Biology?
I know.
SS was a rather nice lesson ^^ some funny stuff. We were talking about "Terrorism".. the precautions Singapore has.. obviously the first thing that floats into our mind is the MRT Video that plays profusely.
Ms.Yang says "yes yes I know you've all seen that video where the man puts a black bag.."
So we all assume only black bags are suspicious LOL.
Ms .Yang said it's most likely that a suspicious item is black or dark-coloured 'cause its more unnoticeable.
We reply that because of the video people will pay more attention to dark objects.
So someone suggested putting something like a "Hello-Kitty" bag and see if anyone would find something so ordinary suspicious, 'cause you know pre-schoolers carry them.. ahaha!!
We watched a video made by Americans about the 911 incident.. Oh the irony that one of the man within the Defence Council who was interviewed was called..
"Chuck Missler"
If you don't see the irony there, allow me to quote Pammy (:
"what the hell? Chuck a Missle."
lawl okay, our PDP lesson was a sex talk again.. and I doodled pretty messily, uhh.. I mean my paper was filled with answers unlike everyone else, I wrote my answers since I was told to, so I'm being guai right? and some evil people find my answers funny and decide to laugh at them =[.
The worksheet was about "Saying NO to Sex" so we're suppose to write responses to what persuasive boyfs/girlfs might say.
Okay, here are my 9 responses.
Persuasive Talk, My Answers, Model Answer.
Don't worry I'll be gentle.
Mrs.Law always says "NO PHYSICAL CONTACT!"
I do not feel good when pressured, so I am leaving.
You'll never know 'til you try.
STD/I operation is troublesome.
I really don't want sex just now. If you really love me, you won't force me into doing something I don't want to.
( Actually if you swap it around, it's pretty funny )
Person A: STD/I operation is troublesome.
Person B: You'll never know 'til you try.
Everyone's doing it.
Condoms are expensive and as Mrs.Law always says "Don't make sweeping statements."
I know someone who isnt doing it, me.
Don't you love me?
I'm secretly gay.
I do, but I would like to wait, I trust me, and me doesn't want sex.
Hey you're not a kid anymore right?
My mommie won't let me.
Look, I'm not having sex until I am older.
Do I look "dirty" to you? Am I covered in dust and dirt or infected with germs?
I support In-Vitro Fertilization ( IVF ) and gene manipulation.
This is not a joke. I don't want to get pregnant or get an STI.
No one will know.
I want to be the next Virgin Mary.
Yes, but GOD will know about it! Plus it is against my religion to have pre-marital sex.
Don't all couples do this?
How do you know?
Maybe we are not ready for sex, besides I feel OK about myself without sex.
Have this drink, it's nice.
I've drunk it before ._.
I do not need a drink, and I do not want sex.
Alright, so I guess all my readers will easily be able to say no ^^
We were split into groups and given different scenarios to act out, when school reopens, my group will have to act this out..
Elaine is very happy about her relationship with Jack and is the envy of her classmates. They used to go to the gymnasium often to work out together. Lately, Jack has been telling Elaine that he finds her sexually arousing during these weight sessions. Yesterday, he started to touch her and told her that if she really loved him, she would say yes.
wowness, it's gonna be so fun.
I really like the pencil case I gave Pammy, and I was trying to even out the little snowbeads inside and she said
"Hands off my pencil box's balls."
Ms.Ek our principal decided to come talk to us about the National Day Rally Speech since no one wanted to listen to her. So yeah, the sec 4s weren't particularly estactic esctatic ecstatic about it. ( Me and Pammy spelt it wrongly, my hp dictionary taught us. LOL )
Well I took away a few cool stuff from her talk while alotta people were dozing off.
"All Singaporeans are born lawyers.
We understand rules,
we respect the law,
we acknowledge authority.
And, like true lawyers,
we complain about each and every aspect of the law."
Gramps and I are bonded by blood, but separated by language.
Today is History, Tomorrow is Mystery, Today is Gift ( Sentence is bad Grammar )
Will we still see "Welcome to the 2012 London Olympics" ? or will the world be educated to read
"欢迎来到伦敦2012奥运会" ?
I amazed myself by taking half an hour to change out of uniform and re-tie my hair several times. LOL.

I contemplated tying two pony tails. Decided not to.
I was still very early for dance..

The empty Simei Studio.
Walked around the entire East Point Mall, nothing exceptionally nice except a shop called "BJ", guess what it sold.
Penny and I decided to make fools of ourselves and try to talk to some people, but chicken-ed out. In the end, this Red-Shirt Guy finally noticed my smiling at him and he turned and said HI! and Penny started laughing..
Roflmao! I'm pretty sure he recognized us, been in the same classes for a month or two already. Ahaha, a new guy called Jay came and talked to me and Red-Shirt Guy. Jay looks and sounds Korean, I heard Red-Shirt-Guy ask him "Are you Korean?" and I was at the back of the studio so didn't hear his muffled reply but caught the end of his sentence ".. that's my Japanese friend."
I guess Jay decided to step out of his Bboy comfort zone and come try House~ LOL..
Jay: Have you taken House classes before?
Me: 2 or 3 months thereabout.
Jay: Oh, so you're pretty good then.
Me: Umm.. you'll see, good luck.
Jay: Good luck? That bad?
Me: I warned you.
After class he was drenched in sweat and.. I happily skipped over and said "I told ya so." He chuckled in reply. Ahahaha, both him and Penny were complaining about how cold the studio was before class, ahh 4L ppl will find it tolerable compared to our classroom..
I do hope Andy continues the song "DJ Khaled - We Takin' Over" until he completes it, and he says we'll all be dayuum shag if he does..
LOL, bring it on!!!!!
Lizzy and I chatted on our way home for around an hour and the entire bus was so quiet, the only voices were ours. LOL! We talked about
-StudioWu and Oschool and other studios
-The anti-social people of StudioWu
-I tried to convince her to attempt House
-Crew Formation
woooooooooooooot !!!
I didn't make it in time for the anniversary dinner and had 5 slices of pizza waiting for me at home. LOL.
Okay.. Today.. Mr.Chua came and started a little talk with 4L about proper attire and how people will paint a mental picture of us.. yada yada..
I was flipping through the "青年文摘" and saw a page of cool stuff~


The "bird" face.

Before of low head roof Mr.Giraffe

Bubble bath much?

Heads up~ Duck!

Extreme Headstand. ( jesus, doesn't it hurt? There are like pebbles and seashells underneath? Not to mention icky moss.. )

I want my momma!

The most balanced food.

I wonder why toilet signs in China are labelled "WC" washroom = WR?

I've heard of "I'll sing 'til the cows come home"
but I'm seeing..
"I'll play 'til the pigs come out."

Walk the Dog
I've been learning how to juggle too, from YunPeng ^^ yayness~
The Language Arts department failed to rob me of my marks and I discovered their crime and got a b3 for English. lol.
I've finally gotten a Distinction for maths after 3 and a half years or failure or borderline passes. *rejoices* Even though it's 1 mark to A1 .. *sighs* I failed both Chemistry and Physics and so did half the class. Now that's bad sign for our class ranking..
I dread the HCL and SCS and E-Lit paper..
Birthday treat from Esprit (:

I though Esprit sold clothes, apparently they sell cakes, they have a hair salon and manicure centre as well.. wowness. LOL.
Okay, I need my afternoon nap ^^ byebye~
I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up. " -- Mark Twain
Labels: double posting.
bits of me revealed at ..
3:55 PM.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - [3rd Anniversary.]
Freakin' Tired today, it's 9.47pm, just got home and showered and gonna have dinner ~ really short post, will post about today in tmr's post hahaha ^^
Happy 3rd anniversary to Daddy and Stepmommie Haslinda (:

So sorry Cheryl and Queenie darls, I drew them during EnC week, like.. weeks ago!!! but kept forgetting to scan =P
Chick vs. Dick EP 17
The Quiz Challenge - LOL both are equally bad!
how freakin old is this?!
Do you miss your old hair RuoLan? =x
A sweet poem..
Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss,
If you are my friend, please answer me this:
Are we friends, or are we not?
You told me once, but I forgot.
So tell me now, and tell me true,
So I can say "I'm here for you."
Of all the friends I've ever met,
You're the one I won't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to Heaven and wait for you,
I'll give the angels back their wings
And risk the loss of everything.
There isn't a thing I wouldn't do,
To have a friend just like you!
"You don't go to school to find your husband, you go to school to find your bridesmaids" -- Anonymous
Labels: half-dead
bits of me revealed at ..
9:37 PM.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - [Rojak!]
Today's post will be like rojak okay, I'm just gonna throw in random stuff that I took note of on my little post-it pad, 'cause I don't wanna blog about funny stuff, at least not today (:
So let's start 2 pictures I forgot to upload over the weekend.

Meet Alisha. "The Whacker"

She furiously whacked my innocent brother while he was sleeping and was caught red-handed!! Look at her deadly swipes ! ( sorry for the lousy pic )
For those of you who refuse to believe she's a lil' monster and think I'm being mean, better think again!
While going to school today~ I noticed when I reached HarbourFront Centre that "Spizza" has disappeared O_O, or it was burglared sometime yesterday! Oh too bad then, business must be bad 'cause I've never actually seen people in there =o. That's what ya get for copying~
Oh I nearly died at the bus-stop today ._. Some bus broke down and was stalling there and giving off so much dayuum exhaust fumes.. I seriously wonder how those two juniors stood at the tail of the bus and chatted animatedly.. *clapclap*
I usually have a lil' something to eat in the morning when I reach school along with Pammy. So, nothing new about that, we were talking .. It started with my weird dream. Rights, so in my weird dream I had last afternoon-evening..
I apparently swallowed something or something was injected into me and my brother was superly jealous of me. He suddenly transformed into a maniac and whipped out chainsaws and maces and whatever weapons and tried all sorts of ways to kill me to get whatever that thing is out of me. His mentality being "If I can't have it, neither can you!"
So.. I was helplessly tortured by my brother, although his attacks did hurt, I couldn't die ._. I was screaming and thrashing around and trying to get away from him, but you know he carried that horrible murderous look and tried his very best to kill me. I only remember that he stuck a spear into the ground, the sharp edge sticking out and tripped me over so the spear went right through me, even thought it was excruciatingly painful, I didn't die, didn't bleed or anything.. And my Daddy came and saw me and my goodness he said "Stop fooling around."
So yeah, Pammy related that dream to the "Mid-Autumn's Festival" you know? ChangEr and her greedy husband. lawls.
On that topic we talked about mooncakes ^^ I love snowskin Strawberry flavoured mooncakes!!! yummy ~! I absolutely detest eggyolk, so I'll dig it out before eating mooncakes if they contain eggyolk.
Gee, I really wonder how people can stand to eat it D: .. you're eating life you know! Like it would have became the organs and parts of the chicky.. and then I thought about it, I like the egg-white, I'm eating the stuff the chick grew in. Euw.
LOL, moving on~ if you're bored already, do watch this ~
The Future of Airline Travel - A humourous look that's not that far from the truth.
Now I'll bring you back from your hearty laughter to my day! We started the day revising the School Mass Dances - SunDance and AllForOne.
It's a pretty hilarious scene, no one moved during the "All For One" dance 'cause it wasn't in our orientation, but for the batch 2 years later, and at least the front row people did the "Sun Dance". haha, lousy school spirit ! I bet the SCs were pretty displeased with us but anyway who asked you to run for SC in the first place. *smirks*
yay~ I ordered the D17's T-Shirt in a Can, how cool LOL. Muahahahahaha, me and Pammy ordered "Couple-Tees". Impressed with our feelings for each other aye? ^^
For Lang.Arts, we got back our paper today.. ahaha Mrs.Law left a comment for ShuHui saying "I can't read what you're writing." So I went to see, it was supposed to be a vocabulary question, explain the meaning of "Outlandish" and from what I could decipher, she wrote "uhfarangahee" Sounds pretty outlandish if ya ask me. LOL.
HCL lesson was just as funny! LOL we discussed the cultural aspect of the BeiJing Olympics Openning Ceremony and like Dexter was sabo-ed to present 'cause he didn't do his work, well neither did CheeHooi or Peggy, but Peggy wasn't around the previous day, so yeah .. he kept stammering and Peggy kept giving him wrong answers LOLLL. Okay, I'm being so evil. *snickers*
During recess, I shared with RuoLan some thoughts I had about Pamela Tan Swee Ping. I seriously believe she's a vampire ._. It sounds ridiculous and probably you think I've been to engrossed in the Twilight Saga, uhh it's true but I have my reasons!!!
1) Pamela is very pretty, stunningly gorgeous, the most beautiful girl on earth. Or so she claims.
- vampires are visually appealing ^^
2) Pamela is very smart, even though from what I know, she isn't a mugger and studies maybe a day or two before the test.
- vampires are clever and witty
3) Pamela loves to read novels about vampires.
- I'm sure it's natural that a vampire would wanna know more about it's own kind it other people's point of view
4) Pamela's skin is ICE COLD
- vampire's are technically dead, so no blood flow, no warmth, very cold
5) Pamela's skin is super pale
- vampire's are very pale aren't they?
With these 5 points.. I declare Pamela a vampire and should be locked up in a museum immediately or brought to laboratories for experiments or even cloning and gene manipulation! Roflmao!
Chem lesson was pretty cool, watched a lot of animation and learned electroplating, sweet stuff ^^ Physics was a free period today, 'cause Master Suria wasn't here.. yeah there are some new trends going round the class recently.. see for yourself..

The tabletennis players are learning to juggle! (Uhh, that's YunPeng and KamSeng behind)

The Paper Plane fever.. It's madness, I see planes everywhere !! The guys are comparing urm.. the art of throwing paper planes? and folding them too..

The estatic look on WeiKai's face for being armed with not 1 but 2 paper planes!

Siyao's going on and on about her "哥" since after her performance.. my goodness, she's been dreaming alot lately =x

ZhouKe's "what the hell" expression upon listening to what RuoLan said.
Awright, my post is almost ending ^^ bear with me a while more~
There was CCA for a pretty short while today to announce that Drama will be put on hold until the 24th of October and it will be Debates training all the way for the juniors to take part in "Julia Gabriel's" next year (: yay jiayou juniors!!!
New committee was announced too, funny reactions from them
Rank - Name - Expression
1) President - NingQian ( =] , did the Queen's wave )
2) Vice-Pres - YiJin ( =]] , did the Singapore Work Out )
3) Secretary - Shaun ( ^^ )
4) Committee members
- Sonjia ( ^^ , cheers from EL )
- SiYing ( o.o ! cheers from sec 2s and 1s )
- ViVan ( O_O !!!!!!!! cheers from sec 2s and 1s and then everyone burst into laughter and she started shaking her head sadly )
Oh jiayou you all~
Urm, to my EL juniors, if anyone even reads, I'm really sorry I can't keep that promise of staying in EL for 2 more years, you all probably know I won't be very pleased in EL, and yeah I guess it's good to try something new yeah?
So, I, along with Pammy, RuoLan and Siyao all signed up for Photography and Guitar Ensemble (: muahahahahaha see ya around juniors, although it's not confirmed, I might still stay in EL if the CCA department decides not to let me into either of the new CCAs, so urm..
Bernice, my dear mantee, I beg you not to dig my eyeballs out like you threatened to do so x_x Mentos loves you ^^~
It's 5 days to fasting month ~!~!~! I've only got so little time to enjoy food before I step into the shoes of those facing poverty in disaster-stricken areas or third world countries .. aww..
My doggie is so much more obedient than the neighbour's one.. RAWR!! I so wish they could use a muzzle to quieten that doggie 'til it learns some manners!
Oh yes! I've finally managed to change Friendster Skin to something cuter =P wheee~
Good things come for people who wait, so if anyone secretly has a crush on my brother..

Aww, look at my cute brother. LOL.
"Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think." -- La Bruyere
Labels: patience pays off.
bits of me revealed at ..
4:54 PM.
Monday, August 25, 2008 - [China's preparations for the BeiJing Olympics]