Thursday, July 31, 2008 - [Exertion]

A new drawing!! But I spelt it wrongly @@" horrors of horrors !!! It's supposed to be "Hsein Tze" NOOOOOOO *wails*
Spent Lang.Arts searching for nice books to borrow, sianz0r, nothing particularly interesting, so picked 2 random books and got free bookmarks ahaha.. the LT was kinda filled with people so I guess the good ones were long taken.
I feel like I'm over-exerting myself.
- House and HipHop drained my energy and made my muscles ache
- Physical Training P.E lesson [ 4 rounds of the track, 75 crunches, 50 push-ups, jumping up and down stadium stairs 5 times ]
- 2 hours of Badminton
- Badminton for P.E
- CCA until 11pm at DBS Arts Centre
wowness, I'm so powerful.
Maths was spent doodling the Hsein Tze wrongly ._. drawing Venn Diagrams kinda cool la, at least no so boring doing calculations on and on and on and onnnnnnn.. Chemistry Prac was cool today, Mdm.Eu demo-ed "Electrolysis" LOL. I remember watching the video of "Electrolysis" that Wilmer uploaded on his blog and his friend jumped back in fright upon hearing the popping sound produced by the glowing splint. LOL. And my class girls had the exact same hilarious reaction HAHAHA. Though it's the first time I've heard such a loud POP! produced.
Chinese was okay, Physics was okay too, the class was rebelling against Mr.Suria hahaha, and I really couldn't believe my eyes 'cause Mr.Suria was not only on time, he was actually waiting for Mr.Tan to finish! My goodness !!
Had lunchie and talked about ghost stories which ended up becoming funny stories during lunch, ShuHui and LiLin are apparently very scared of the 7th month HAHAHA!!! LOL. Anyways, AMC wasn't too bad, at least.. I only didn't know how to do 2 questions, but I'm pretty sure I have more errors than 2 ._.
Reached home around 6.30pm and played badminton with my family from 8pm to 10pm at "Singapore Power Club". LOL, I had no idea my family was pretty good at it, my evil brother was making me run around and prance around like a frenzied chicken x_x.. Saw 8 old men playing, dayuum pro can, or maybe I'm lousy, one little flick of the wrist and the shuttle flies out. EEK, I can't even do overhead clear properly and I saw a guy do a backhand overhead clear, w.t.f.
Anyway I will survive tomorrow.. 11pm then released T__T.. I WILL LIVE ON ~!"The best but most painful place to fall, is falling in love with you" -- Anonymous
Labels: imma collapse soon.
bits of me revealed at ..
10:39 PM.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - [Change of URL and Song :D]
OH peoplez, stop asking why I changed URL D: I shuang cannot meh .. LOL there's a reason but's a tad complicated, so let's pretend I changed 'cause I was
a) feeling bored
b) tired of looking at the same URL
c) was listening to "Fall Out Boy - Thnks Fr The Mmrs"
Anyway, a new song yay~Labels: The only that doesn't change is change itself
bits of me revealed at ..
11:12 PM.
Ahhh goddammit im super tired, so I'll type as fast as my brain can process what to write and my hands can react.
First a couple of pictures from before..

LOL this was us playing Concentration in class, I so love ShuHui's estactic smile~

Merwyn loves to meditate in class early in the morning, though this is a kinda awkward position to do so..
School's normal, today me and laopo were being very annoying :DD we imitated the retardedness of London by going
"Watcha doin'?"
"IM RICH !!!"
"YAY ME~!"
over and over again to annoy ppl (: hehehehehe
Mr. Suria said yesterday he would take 15mins to go through the examples 2 to 7, LOL in the end, he had 15mins left of the lesson after going through them HAHAHA!!! Ohh, but we're so behind syllabus @@" gonna have to stay back for make-up lesson.. Shucks.
Maths was pretty easy today, Sets Theory (: anddd.. Siyao ate like a pig during recess today and my laopo strangely took a very very long time to eat LOL.
Ohh but we weren't all so hyper today, 'cause a guy has managed to piss off my darlings and they were all fuming and behaving anything like themselves D: I tried to tell them to ignore that guy, 'cause he barely knew them and just made random assumptions, and that he wasn't worth their time and energy.
I forgot what I said, but Leo replied saying: You can't be loud and fierce. Must be sweet, submissive and loving. haha (:
So I shall throw that at you darlings, haha~ Anyway you've know him to be like that for some time already right, wasn't there already a dispute before?
Skipppp to Assembly, NLB graciously came to RV to promote their "DEAR" programme (Drop Everything And Read) so they brought in around 2000 books for us to borrow, haha, and they had a talk about the Fantasy Genre, bringing up HellBoy, Elmo, Harry Potter, LOTR, Beowulf and Narnia.
Meanwhile me and laopo were in our own fantasy world of "whamm-pie-years" :DDD If only they existed, we discussed the several books that we had came across and wondered which was real, or were they all wrong?
- Do they turn to dust under the Sunlight, or sparkle like diamonds
- Can they really turn into bats
- What special powers do they possess
But we both gladly agreed that they were breathtakingly beautiful, immortal and they drank blood. haha (:
To kill my time, laogong Siyao happily spent away around 3 hours after school with me ^^. We had a wonderful lunch at a typical Kopitiam haha! LOL it's wonderful thanks to the
"Caramel Cream Cake Pudding" dayuuum sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet~!

After that, we hunted around for Optics 'cause she wanted to replace her current pair of spectacles, haha~

Mirrors are so useful xD
I left to for the studio, and reached around 5minutes before lesson ahaha..

Hehehe, I snapped a picture of Michael, my wonderful House teacher who also teaches popping and locking (: Talented eh?

In house today, it was dayuum funny, 'cause there were a few newcomers who stood on the right of the studio and the rest of us who had been around for a while who stood on the left of the studio. As Michael explained, the right had movement, the left was still.. we simply stood and watched LOL, I actually thought it was only me who was bored with his "speech" every lesson to the newcomers, apparently the others are lazy to move as well. Newcomers are cute la, the way they attempt the footwork. ^^
Andy changed the song today and gave us a super fast choreo, you can barely breathe! x_x .. I came home pretty late and had dinner, I saw chilli~ I took a whole spoonful and that set my mouth on fire @@" ooh the thrill of eating chilli :DD
Okays, goodbye for today ^^
"For love, you can do everything, for hatred, you can do anything" -- Dodo my deskpartner ^^
Labels: spysay deenaa
bits of me revealed at ..
9:09 PM.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 - [Tiffy Sketch]

There, finally drew out "Tiffany" I pondered over a new design for a super duper uber long time babe (:
I shall not reveal one of my most precious sketches, muahahahaha !
Labels: Finalllyyy
bits of me revealed at ..
9:36 PM.
wonderful evening, just had a scrumptious dinner ^^ Vini's in good spirits today ahaha~ So today was a pretty relaxing day, and of course everyday interesting stuff happen.. So I guess that picture really IS HuiEn, hoho..
During morning assembly, some juniors told us a story about the Golden Goose, they were surprisingly calm for Sec 1s *clapclap* and the only thing I actually remember about the story is Sweet Cake, Sour Wine and HONGGGGG! LOL
Cute stuff, Zeming Stanley and Zihao totally outdid themselves for the Student Councillor Campaign LOL. I love their analogy of the "Three Big Pigs" and the "Big Bad Tiger". They way they ended off was pretty cool :
"If you have 4 votes, you can vote for all of us, and still have one left! Or, if you have 2 votes, you can always vote for StanleyZi and HaoZeming. " LOLOL
All the lessons passed surprisingly quickly especially Physics and Elit. I must have been having fun ahaha~ I remember feeling extremely pleased after finally figuring out the Combinations questions in Maths lesson ^^ . Had the NE Quiz wich was probably exactly the same as last year? Seems like Mr.Tan forgot about our make-up PE lesson today HAHAHA!
CCA was super slack, we just shifted boulders to the hall and watched the rehearsal. I was actually paying attention to the WuShu team and they had a really hawt instructor, his somersaults and posture were all so perfect..
Anyway, one good reason that everyone should go watch the "Animal Farm" production this Saturday is because, your life would be incomplete without checking out their costumes. I predict that the audience's reaction would be something like this..
As soon as they set their eyes on the cast, they will
1) Stop dead in their tracks
2) Blink and look again
3) Gasp and let their jaw drop
4) Stay completely still, eyes fixated on them
5) Forget to breathe
6) Collapse
7) Die
"If you have built castles in the air your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them." -- Henry David Thoreu
Labels: Cool Costumes for Animal Farm
bits of me revealed at ..
8:01 PM.
Monday, July 28, 2008 - [TiangPeng's Profile]
It's so funny I have to share it LOL, beware ah, TiangPeng learns Kendo, and I remember the last time we had a pillow fight, roflmao! Read his funnehh profile!
# About Me:
Not say Lim bei wan say, but then hor, Lim bei die die also must say one leh.
Lim bei is not those si nong kia which you always see hor. At least, Lim bei never go bring bomb to bomb that "liu lian" (esplanade) in Singapore mah.
Lim bei only get involve in selling pirated VCDs. You can always find Lim bei at your nearest bus interchange, if you got no money to see the real thing.
And sorry hor, Lim bei DONT sell R(A) VCD one. You horny, you can go to Geylang and find those "kway". Nowaday, "kway" also beri cheap one mah, even cheaper than Lim bei's VCD.
But sway sway lar, those Chao Ah Beng always purposely come and find Lim bei tai ji one.
Lim bei opens VCD stall, they open 2. Lim bei sell 1 VCD 5 dollars, they sell 2 dollars. Like that not enough somemore hor, those Chao Ah Beng still want Lim bei to pay them protection money, if not kena screw by them.
Not Lim bei scare those Chao Ah Beng. They said they belong to what 369 gang. Wah piang, last time during Lim bei's time, got what "White Lotus gang", "Tian Di Hui", Lim bei also NOT scare.
Its just that Lim bei DONT want attract attention only, so guai guai pay them the money they wan lor.
By the way, now times so bad ah, Lim bei also follow people open chain stalls ar. Dont pray pray ok, cause Lim bei now not only sell pirated VCD, but also got sell bubblegum, cheapskate cigrattes one hor.
If you really wan to come and find Lim bei lim kopi or discuss how to be Lim bei supplier, feel free to message Lim bei at...
Now, Lim bei is becoming more and more high tech one leh.
So dont pray pray!
# Who I Want to Meet:
Lim bei only want to meet you if:
1. You are Chio Bu
2. Better if you are Rich Chio Bu
3. You want to be Lim Bei VCD supplier
4. You know next week 4D open what number
5. You want to give Lim Bei money to open big big business.
6. Better if you want to give Lim bei 1 million dollars per year, for 100 years.
7. you know these 2 people...
DONT worry, they never own Lim bei money lar.Labels: lmao pillowfight~
bits of me revealed at ..
9:29 PM.
To capture my readers' attention, I must and I shall start off with pictures~! and pictures of Cosplay okay, since Cosplay seems to be like a magnet to people like me :DD

Vampire Knight~! *squeals*
Of course, there would be better participants in Cosplay, but the thing is, ONE of the guys is my friend ~!~! Old MDD Founder :DD

There he is ~! LOL, he's changed so so so so so much, hahaha!! I think people who knew KT previously would be shocked like me ! HAHA (Sidenote: I wonder how come guys are so strong la, I try carrying my sister like that and I drop her in a few seconds! )

And on KT's friendster profile, there's this picture... *gasps* Isn't that like .. Hui En?! Is it ? Is it ? I remember last week or the one before, there were several announcements in schools that went "Koh Hui En of 4J(I think) please come to the general office now" and "If anyone sees Koh Hui En of 4J, please bring her to the general office immediately" and those announcements were repeated throughout the day ..
Oh well, I don't know *shrugs* It's amazing that RVians do Cosplay.. and KT's description of the picture was.. "Aren't they such a cute couple?"

HAHA, such a cute picture LOL.

Anyway Jorge fooled me with this picture of the future MRT plan, my goodness, what a mean guy D: but it does look amazing right?
Anyway today was back to normal lessons, boringgggg.. TOOT can, I wrote down funny stuff on a cue card so I can rmb what to blog about and guess what, I didn't bring that card home ._. dayuum.
Morning Assembly was pretty funny, lemme try to recall everything:
- A girl from the Netball team announcing the how they clinched the 3rd place out of 20 over schools couldn't pronounce Mdm.Soh's name, and said it like Mdm.Suuu.
- Mr.Chua went up to the mike and only said a little note which made the sec 4s amused "I think it's good manners to not talk when there is a speaker here. I was standing there and I keep hearing girls talktalktalktalk, talking non stop you know. Ahh, okay, remember it's good manners."
Its not what he said, it's how he said it LOL.
Mrs.Catalina.Yeow, since is the HOD for the PE/CCA department, I assume her to have been in-charge of some of the EnC week activites, and guess her gross mistake..(as what Mr.Ong always says)
"Good morning school, EnE week is just over, so let's hear from individual students from each level what they've been doing and what they have learnt during the EnV week."
And she continues,
"Ok, let's invite our year 1 speaker, Andy! from oneeeeeeeF!" (she said it very excitedly)
and Andy goes up
"Good morning RVians, I'm Andy from 1G. "
Okay.. and Andy talked about some weird catching chickens in school and a 6 team netball game running simultaneously ? *ponders*
YeeShuang was the one who shared about our TIF workshop, it was fun actually, but the way she narrated and organized her speech... It sounded dead boring.. ._.
So yeah, lessons were .. well, like normal lessons? Wilfred was being stubborn today =o Mrs.Law sent him out! goodness x_x I finally remembered the SCS textbook today !! Ms.Yang said that in additition to our current "China Studies", there would be "India Studies" and "Middle East Studies" soon for the JC course! O_O
Ah, let's talk about CID. LOL.
Finished all the 20 invitation cards, but of course, gatecrashers are welcome on Saturday ._. I don't think I can actually avoid them, but anyway the occasion's my sister's 2nd birthday, ahhh don't we all just love little children ? *smiles*
Okay CID, we did some report touch-up and left the Com Lab 'cause lesson was in progress, so we went to the library to read comics, and the RuoLan was, and we engaged in the most intriguing topic ever.
Up til today, I was totally mixed up, or more like, I had no idea there was a difference, they all seemed the same to me, so in case anyone out there is just as confused as I was previous.. RuoLan, Pammy and Siyao have cleared my doubts..
Homosexuals - Gays and Lesbians
Transexuals - People who alter their sex
Bisexuals - People who show interest in both sex
Then Pammy asked, what do you call the group of people who have both male and female organs, I had no freakin' idea, 'cause frankly, I thought THAT was a Bisexual. Oh whatever LOL, anyway I read somewhere that Sex and Gender are different! hahaha!
Gender = what you're born as
Sex = what you currently are
Interesting aye?
This morning, I was daydreaming right from the start of the day, as the MRT stopped infront of me, I saw Sunny in NS uniform, I suddenly snapped awake and walked to another door, LOL, 'cause Sunny's a bully!! D: Anyway, I don't like being seen in school uni, whatever, then the next carriage I saw.. Mr.Ong sleeping very peacefully.
I decided not to change carriages again, so I observed him, he stayed in the same position for the entire ride, and at HarbourFront he zoomed off so fast.. O_O .. I wanna go find the twins muahahaha, must get a picture of them!
Okay, anyway I've nothing more to share today (:
"Coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous" -- Anonymous
LOL? and the author's anonymous ._.
Labels: I've been educated about ___sexuals finally..
bits of me revealed at ..
7:54 PM.
Sunday, July 27, 2008 - [If only you knew]
need want hunger yearn long desire
Murphy's Law
What goes around comes around
It's all slowly killing me inside... Life is so bitter. Come and whisk me away into your world.Labels: you will never know what you're doing to me
bits of me revealed at ..
7:52 PM.
Saturday, July 26, 2008 - [End of EnC week D:]
Sianz0r, EnC week has endedz0r!!
It's been a wonderful week of school, so much more relaxing despite being released at 5pm daily @@" .. The exhibition was nice ahh, haha!! The canteen was converted to a "Concept Lab" and I saw that other classes had pretty models too.
Some of them too had lego prototypes, ahh dayuum unfair, theirs has humans and vehicle parts and ours is a whole box of blocks !!
Had the forum and one of the guests was the founder of "Food From The Heart" haha! I still remember last year's overwhelming response to our food donation drive. lmao~ ohh boy, the forum discussion was at least not as boring as the lectures we kept getting, but still.. even teachers dozed off.
Mr.Nicholas posed a question to the audience "Do you think Social Innovation has a part in your life? What can you do at your age, given what you've been through over the last few days." The LT was silent, no raised hand, no fidgeting, nothing. LOL, and just when everyone was thinking how pathetic the situation was.. just when all hope was lost.. Mr.Wee stands up and whispers to Mr.Nicholas and he annouces.."Since no one wants to volunteer, I've been made to arrow, Ayesha!"
My goodness, LOL. I gave my well-prepared answer and laughed at the mike ^^
Jerrine later asked"How come you so suay ah, get called."I gave her a very honest answer"I was a plant in the audience actually, they scouted me yesterday and planned for me to answer, they already gave me the question to prepare, haha!"I laughed and left her.
Me RuoLan and YongHong presented a total of 5 times. To..- Ms. Ek (Principal)- Mr. Tan Chuan Leong (Co-Form)- Mr. Nicholas (Workshop Organizer)- 2 batches of SMU studentsand while I ran away to eat the buffet lunch, RuoLan had to present another round, in chinese to some visitor from China, and she was complaining on and on about it LOL!
It was heart-wrenching to see the lego model dismantled.. T.T
I attended Popping and Locking class after school, gee, when I arrived I heard a very familiar song playing ahaha! Bryan and his student(I think) were watching the "Marionette Show" and exclaiming on and on, and they replayed several times too.
Such irony, I find it sad that House class always has new comers and the class can't progress, yet, I was the only newcomer in Locking class, lmao. Anyway I can't Poplocking class 'til next year? 'cause of CCA ~
Saw KahSing ytd too (: Haven't seen him since last year's fateful Speech Day where I was punished for not wearing Formal School Uni ._. .. lamee.. hahaha, he looked stunned to see me LOL.
Okay, I had a major quarrel with my Dad and Bro and rather not digress. byebye~
"Family: A social unit where the father is concerned with parking space, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet space." -- Evan Esar
Labels: Day Last~
bits of me revealed at ..
8:25 PM.
Thursday, July 24, 2008 - [Prototype ! Lego mania !]
Peekaboo (:
It's the third day of the workshop! Ahaha, I didn't bother to upload any pics in yesterday's post as I was.. lazy =x
So this was the long long queue, it's actually longer, 'cause I didn't stay there, I went to jalan jalan ahaha!!

All the little people.. crowding at one place.. ahaha, imagine the bewildered passerbys.. Good business for Kodak! (Frankly, I don't like their customer service there)

Winnie, me and Peggy ^^
Tried to avoid other people from taking pictures, failed.. LOL. I think some other people's blog have my pics !@%@$^!@#^&*(?
Okay okay, about today!! We had a lecture right at the start of the day, gosh! Trying to put us to sleep at 8am, who are you kidding?
We had tea break and went back to class to sketch our prototype. In case I've forgotten to mention, we're doing a project to tackle the "Ageing Population", our mission for this workshop is to redesign Vivocity to suit the elderly. We have assumed that most of the elderly are also partially disabled.
Even though the elderly might not like the changes we make specially for them, they have to accept it. Dodo says old people are sensitive and take some time to accept the fact they have special needs. But, there are also a bunch of them that complain about current services and have difficulties, since we can't satisfy everyone, we'll go with the majority (:
Our prototype is a lego model~! and also a few pieces of drawing haha! Me and Merwyn handled lego from 11.30am to 5.30pm, power okay! My fingers have lego imprints now grawwhhh..

The giant box of Lego that TIF borrowed from LegoLand specially for us! We were assigned to improve the Shopping Experience for the elderly, so we decided to build a prototype of the Hypermart.

Look at Eugenia's and my shoes (:
LOL *sorts pieces by colour* (Tedious okay!!)

Merwyn, Jiongrui, Eugenia and Jean attempted to make the ground of Vivo's Hypermart, 'cause there wasn't a board given D: I went to make smaller models to fill up the new and improved Hypermart ^^

There's Old Chang Kee in our Hypermart. LOLLLL, apparently old people patronize it despite it being unhealthy.. haha!

Eugenia created a step-ladder, 'cause we noticed that the Hypermart had really high shelves. (PS: the step-ladder is supposed to have wheels and locks.)

Information Counters and 4D ticket counters put inside the Hypermart itself, in case the elderly get lost in the... wilderness.

Everyone gave up making the ground of the Hypermart, Merwyn persevered alone, skipping lunch to continue~ The rest discouraged him continuously, but he stayed firm saying he would even camp overnight to complete it. Haha, I think I was the only one who encouraged him on and on to complete it.

Colour-coded Cashiers!
Grey = 10 items and less queue
Red = Normal queue
Orange = Dialect Speaking employees

The taller shelves to stack up all the goods.

Shorter shelves for easy access and convenience ^^

Urm.. Cool frozen food section LOL, they have different levels... right??

And there, Merwyn still building his floor.. all alone.. LOL well I'm there building the other stuff.

Merwyn stomping! LOL I felt tremours..

It's a double-layered floor btw..

Hollow toilets LOL.

Hollow Benches! (I don't like making solid blocks!) I went to rest after building all these little furniture as Eugenia so nicely put it..

Jiongrui had nothing to do as he finished drawing everything. (Eugenia and Jean were colouring meanwhile) He kept scorning at Merwyn saying he was doing meaningless stuff and he should stop his floor-work. Jiongrui gathered spare yellow blocks and started connecting them into a... sword?

Physics: Stability.

LOL mission accomplished: Build a .. tower taller than Jiongrui

I stopped slacking and constructed a .. bakery LOL. There were insufficient orange blocks!

Alcohol Cupboard (:
LOL I stepped out of my comfort zone and made the blocks tilt, it rests there very precariously.
People kept coming and going, and knocking stuff over, and I had to rebuilt my furniture again and again 'cause they were so fragile, esp the Alcohol Cupboard, shelves and Frozen Food section. I was like .. "TOOOOOOOOOOOOT la, you knock down again, you rebuild everything for me."
People like YunPeng found me funny and laughed and laughed ._. rawr!
"You think very easy isit? You build for me now!"
*YunPeng laughs*
"OEI! Stop laughing la, faster build la, you so pro, still sit there and laugh, come on la! Build!"
*YunPeng laughs harder*

Merwyn completed the floor!!!
YongHong: wow, you completed your grass!
(PS: Merwyn is called 'grasshead' for I have no idea what reason.)
It's really admirable la.. he took around 4hours to complete it, and no one helped him, pro ma? His sense of achievement must be dayuum high ~! (: *pats Merwyn on the back*

Sadly, it fell to pieces when he attempted to pick it up. So... an additional layer was added on the underside and there were holes here and there. Kaying, Eugenia, YunPeng, ZhiYong, QinYu and Wilfred came and helped, but they all left after adding a few pieces. They apparently used mismatched pieces which made Merwyn, Kaying and I redo the layer again, by then we were all super tired and unhappy 'cause it was really back-breaking to bend over and fix these little blocks.. then ShuHui came to help as well ^^..
We completed it at around 5.15pm okay.. Took dayuum long to complete a FLOOR, all because no board was provided .. ._. Then we stuck on my lovely furniture ^^

(ignore the little black patches)
OH, the floor is green 'cause there were excessive green blocks.

O_O Wilfred added a cross tower there. HAHA! He claimed it would be easier for the elderly to locate the Information Counter. LOL!

Dodo, RuoLan, WeiKai, JiangYan and QinYu's prototype, the new improved recreational areas, modified soccer field, ampitheatre and kopitiam..

The Denture.Adventure group..
DOTOP had 3 prototypes from 3 groups. Denture.Adventure only had one complete one, haha~ we were comparing our teachers and our efforts put in etc etc ..
I think I'm gonna stay away from lego for a long long time now.. many teachers and facilitators came to watch us build and commended us (:
"The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't." -- Henry Ward Beecher
Labels: Day 3~ (well done D.O.T.O.P ^^)
bits of me revealed at ..
8:27 PM.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - [untitled!]
I.. can't think of a nice title D:
Insonmia(however you spell it) last night.
Reached school a little earlier than usual.
Today's the FRIED day, but no newspaper. O_O
Did montage on the "Knowledge Wall".
Tea Break at 9.45am.
Exchanged customer inspirations with the "Denture Adventure".
Laughed til my tummy ached.
Lunch at 11am. (w.t.f)
Nearly puked.
Briefing in LT1, departure for VivoCity.
Snapped relevant pictures of Vivo .. saw almost the entire sec 4 cohort gather at a single miserable Instant Print machine at the "Kodak Express" at #B2-05.
Jalan jalan on sky garden.
Back to school to brainstorm how to modify Vivo to suit the elderly - 20+ ideas sprung up. (Only the Shopping experience, excludes Food&Beverage and Recreational Improvements)
Tea Break. (skipped)
More brainstorming and sharing.
Felt like swearing at the General Office staff for thinking I was lying about Dance class.
Arrived 2 minutes before class.
Nearly died hopping in "House".
Nice choreo for "House".
Smiled and laughed the entire of "HipHop".
Completed choreography ~ yay (:
Reached home at 8.30pm, showered, ate dinner, blogged ^^
Tata~Labels: Day 2~
bits of me revealed at ..
9:30 PM.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 - [The Idea Factory Innovation Workshop]
Greetings (: My headache has finally subsided so I can type without feeling pain, today was the start of EnC week (Explorers & Connectors) It's an annual thing, sec 1s I think are having games and overnight camp, sec 2s are gone to West Malaysia for a 3D2N field trip and the sec 3s have been sent to OBS ^^
So what about us, the senior citizens? We have a workshop brought to us by The Idea Factory, which I shall refer to as TIF for short (:

Happy Birthday to Qinyu ~ Winnie and I got her that prezzie, and oh no it's so NOT a hat!!!

Back to our TIF Innovation Workshop~ it spans over 4 days, and here's our theme, "It Only Takes a Spark!"
Our class was divided into 2, the Oddballs and Evenballs. LOL. ahhh, we the oddies have a cool JC Chemistry Teacher called Sean Tan while the evenies have Mr.Desmond.Lim, the Humanities teacher.. oooh, suay or what? They were super serious throughout the day while we slacked and chatted and played games etc. But well, I guess they'll reap more since they've been so.. committed to the project!
We had to design logos for our Team. Oh, we aren't called Oddball or Oddies, we're called "D.O.T.O.P"
wanna guess why?
LOL seems interesting right? D.O.T.O.P. ahahaha!
Our project is to overcome the ageing population by meeting the needs of the elderly, and where do we start? Changing shopping centres to accomodate the elderly, 'cause it is predicted that in 2030, 1 in 5 ppl you see will be above the age of 65, gee, that's gonna be something.
OH, back to D.O.T.O.P~
Everyone knows what DOTA is right, Defence of the Ancients, so DOTOP is ..
"Defence of the Old People"
wowness right? dayuum cool LOL.
Andddd, so our 3 ideas for a logo!

My group's design LOL. Crossbow = GunWalking Stick = SwordWheelchair Tire = ShieldSkull = Old People
It rocks, I know (:Mr Tan: Looks like you're gonna send them to their grave.

Group 3's awesome design, gone is the "Defence of the Old People", it's now "Defence of the Old Pikachu"

Pikachus can't survive without their daily food - ChocoLOUD's Chocolate Rojak :DD

A guardian angel watches over the Fortress of Pikachus

While the older generation of Pikachus tremble in fear within the Fortress Gates, the brave young and able-bodied Pikachus get ready to ZAP all the enemies, and send shivers down all their spines with their ultimate "RAWRR!"

The young Pikachu defenders swore to protect their elderly regardless of Season..

Regardless of Rain or Shine..(PS: That's not a toilet bowl, it's a canon, even though it's hard to believe.)Mr Tan: Ohh... I thought it looked like hell !

Group 2's Analogy.

The scared and weak old citizens enter the hall of fame where they see... The wonder Defenders of the Old People.

They leave feeling secure and contented, thus the smile (:Mr Tan: Why is there.. Defence of the Old Peggy? O_O
We also had to do a montage after watching a video. The video was meant to be our inspiration, come lemme tell you about the interview in the video.
It was about a 78 year old widower living alone 'cause his wife passed away a year ago and his 2 sons had immigrate to Australia, called Tan Kim Hua. He has no social life and doesn't leave his home unless to buy groceries. He has poor physique, 'cause he looks very unfit and takes 20minutes to walk to the Grocery Store and cannot carry heavy objects (But that's normal, considering his age) He thinks he looks young, 'cause right at the start he said "I don't look that old right?" So maybe he's a tad self-delusional. He lost contact with all his friends after he moved house, and he doesn't make any new friends, simply 'cause he doesn't have a Coffee Shop under his new flat, which implies his laziness. He also can't be bothered to learn which bus goes where and thus doesn't leave his home. So what does it do all day? He is very obsessed with soccer, he loves the English League, Spanish League, Italian League and best of all, The World Cup. He watches soccer every hour, even up til 4am. He used to play when he was younger but sadly is unable to play now. Finally, he is a very patriotic citizen as he refuses to leave Singapore.
Now isn't he just the most inspiring character?
We had to do a montage as I said earlier, so TIF has apparently stolen magazines from Cathay Pacific just for us, dayuum I feel honoured.

The TIF company apparently cares alot about us, and they fed us very well, 3 meals in 5hours, wow! The LT sessions were excellent lullabys after eating our meals, and we had alot of spare time as well. D.O.T.O.P played Truth or Dare, which then ended up becoming, The Dare Game.
What went on between D.O.T.O.P stays within D.O.T.O.P members, just know that you will gasp horrifically if you were to know what poor WeiKai had to do as his dare. Merwyn also did his bit of entertainment, so did Dodo and QinYu. Kaying however, was saved by the bell~
We also played a silly slapping game called "ABCD" and my thanks to Peggy's powerful slaps, my blood vessels popped and it looks so .. whatever, it hurts like TOOT, LiLin held back her swear words (:

You cant really see, but there are 31 red spots on my hand.. geez..
Also! Our class had a new addition, YunPeng hanged me and RuoLan's wedding bell on the EXIT sign to remind the class every time the door is opened that we are married, taken, so don't even try flirting or anything, although we both already have affairs.

Jiongrui seems to have some problem with Sonorus and Metallic sounds, so he took the bell down and accidentally ripped the EXIT sign out as well.. ._. So now.. it's dangling precariously, and the front door has been locked to prevent any poor soul from being knocked out.
Released at 4.45pm x_x
Interesting day aye?
See ya (:
"When you innovate, you've got to be prepared for everyone telling you you're nuts." -- Larry Ellison
Labels: Day 1~
bits of me revealed at ..
8:35 PM.