Monday, June 30, 2008 - [Emails!]
HELLO! Today, I have 2 very cool emails to share LOL, well I have more but, I like these two ^^ First, is about women, as told by engineers..
LOL I guess I would agree with.. all of them except the Argument Graph xDD
The next email is about ...
This is a strictly mathematical viewpoint...
it goes like this: What Makes 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%.
How about achieving 103%?
What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
Then: H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
and K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
But , A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
And, B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that While Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass kissing that will put you over the top.
"Laughter - The best Medicine" -- Readers' Digest
Labels: women unravelled.. maths mystery.
bits of me revealed at ..
8:26 PM.
Sunday, June 29, 2008 - [wheeeeeee LOL]
Hello~ LOL I've decided to be more entertaining and post 2 videos !! But first~ here's a picture of my dear brother in a very weird pose O_O !! LOL I had no idea what he was doing LOLLOL!!
This video is quite old LOL ! It was like during the "Eat with your class day" I think, where the guys were playing with bananas and holding people as hostages LOL! I wasn't the one who video-ed this but, oh well, just watch as the male lead Dexter pretends to be UltraMan!
LOL now, here's another video of my cute sister, LOL and like if your hearing is very zai, you can hear me, I was asking her to say "Hello" but since the bgm is playing, I guess you can't hear her screams or me talking =x hehehe!
Labels: Enjoy the Entertainment
bits of me revealed at ..
8:54 PM.
Hello people ._. It's been 3 or 4 days with my silent treatment towards Daddy, who has made me very very pissed off, for what reason, I shall not reveal. I'm just very very angry and absolutely refuse to speak to him, answer his calls or ask him for any help.
Anyway, on a lighter note, I shall blog about yesterday, 'cause I'm really bored now, I tried to read 红楼梦 and I managed to cover 11 pages and wrote notes down, but .. haiyo, it's so boring!
My mysterious friend is a guy, well I think tt's obvious, LOL muahahaha, I shall let anyone else except like Siyao, Pammy and Sheryl who already know, find out who he is.. so~ we started the day by going to PS, and he was very amazed by the TeddyBear bag O_O, I wonder how come he's never seen it before when it's so common. My maid tied my hair in two ponytails, making me look very TOOT, so I brought an emergency cap xD He wore PINK shoes and Sheryl accused him of being sissy!
Watched "You Don't Mess With The Zohan" which is incidentally NC16, and the counter lady asked HIM for his IC when he's like 18? LOLOL !! He was so upset that we changed theatres to Cathay, which was quite nearby. I saw an RV senior .. eeks. LOL anyway I discovered he, like me, was afraid of pokes!! wuuahahaha, I ended up poking him alot that day =x
So we did a lotta lame stuff after the movie.. we walked back to Plaza Singapura and like he looked at me and said, "Why do you laugh so much, you laugh some more and I'm gonna be angry" and he tried to look angry, but I laughed even harder and he buay tahan, started laughing also LOL! Oh and guess who I saw at Plaza Sing.. Mr.Andrew.Hook *gasps* !!
We couldn't decide on what to eat for lunch, and he didn't dare buy popcorn during the movie 'cause I warned him that I would throw popcorn at him. LOL ! So anyway I wanted to eat Auntie Anne's Cinnamon Pretzel, and he just followed me and ended up nearly puking 'cause it was tooooooo sweet . xDD Serve you right for copying me!
We were like outside PC Bunk for awhile and we saw this dayuum shuai guy in GREEN SKINNIES, and he was like screaming vulgarities on his phone and demanding for a showdown or something. Then, my mysterious friend decided to imitate him and started swearing along, it was super duper funny and as if I hadn't laughed enough that day, my mouth was hurting so badly..
We decided on watching another movie, but 'cause of dilly-dallying, we missed shows and had to wait for 5pm. So... we sat down awhile, walked to Somerset, talked alot of crap and sat down again, and continued walking to Orchard, where he suggested I go into "OG" the AUNTIE SHOP. wtf~! Haiyo, he just wanted the air-con -.-''' ! We went to the toy section and he was like picking up toys and I was containing my laughter when the other kids looked at him.
Me: waa, what's your problem!
Him: what? I buy toy for my son cannot isit!
Me: *laughs*
Him: I'm a very responsible father okay, buy toys for my son on okay!
Me: *laughs even harder*
LOL we eventually left.. and I think I saw NPCC girls.. eepers, how many people would I see that I knew! (I just asked Winnie on MSN, my goodness, she was there!)
Anyways.. we watched "21" nice movie ahh.. we were both like half asleep but still it's a show about gambling, BlackJack~! yeah.. den I went home, 'cause I was super hungry LOL, and he went to meet some friends I think.. yupp so it was a pretty fun day xDD
BuhBye! ohh, I'm suddenly interested in "Turntablism" !
"Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence" -- Aristotle
Labels: Happy happy~
bits of me revealed at ..
5:56 PM.
Saturday, June 28, 2008 - [:DDD]
I had a wonderful day with a mysterious someone today! We watched two movies LOL, "You Don't Mess with The Zohan" and "21" . LOLLL! Ahh, I have a pretty Deathnote Rubik's Cube, but my brother messed it and can't exactly fix it back T___T !
Anyway, my day has been too wonderful~! I laughed the whole way I was with my mysterious friend and grinned madly like a cheshire cat on the way home and even now! LOLL !
So this super cool Personality Test written by a psychopath shall entertain you!
Your result for The Personality Defect Test ...
You are 14% Rational, 100% Extroverted, 14% Brutal, and 43% Arrogant.
You are the Hippie! Characterized by a strong sense of extroversion, irrationality, gentleness, humility, and a faint scent of marijuana, you no doubt frolic through fields preaching peace and free love! Immediately following that, you then frolic to the hospital with herpes! You are probably either very spiritual or needlessly paranoid about "the man", like most hippies, as a result of your focus on intuition and feelings over cold, brutal logic. You probably enjoy poetry, especially beatnik ultra-liberal crap about how horrible fascism is, even though your suburbanized, sheltered idea of "fascism" is having to pay two dollars per gallon at the gas pump. You are also very, very social. And like any hippie who would have no qualms about hitchiking across the country just to meet some interesting people, you also love to interact with others, even complete strangers. Though I highly doubt they love to interact with you! Because we know most any hippie is peace-loving and humble, it stands to reason that you, as well, are terribly gentle and humble, almost to the point of revulsion. Your carefree attitude of peace and harmony is probably very, very sickening to realists or cynics or anyone who isn't a hippie, to tell the truth. In short, your personality is defective because you are overly emotional, extroverted, gentle, and humble--thus making you an annoying hippie. Now go do your drugs and have sex with filthy bearded men in tye dye shirts.
To put it less negatively:
1. You are more INTUITIVE than rational.
2. You are more EXTROVERTED than introverted.
3. You are more GENTLE than brutal.
4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant.
Your exact opposite is the Sociopath. [[ Which incidentally is Pamela! ]]
Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Hand-Raiser, the Televangelist, and the Robot.
If you scored near fifty percent for a certain trait (42%-58%), you could very well go either way. For example, someone with 42% Extroversion is slightly leaning towards being an introvert, but is close enough to being an extrovert to be classified that way as well. Below is a list of the other personality types so that you can determine which other possible categories you may fill if you scored near fifty percent for certain traits.
The other personality types:
The Emo Kid: Intuitive, Introverted, Gentle, Humble.
The Starving Artist: Intuitive, Introverted, Gentle, Arrogant.
The Bitch-Slap: Intuitive, Introverted, Brutal, Humble.
The Brute: Intuitive, Introverted, Brutal, Arrogant.
The Hippie: Intuitive, Extroverted, Gentle, Humble.
The Televangelist: Intuitive, Extroverted, Gentle, Arrogant.
The Schoolyard Bully: Intuitive, Extroverted, Brutal, Humble.
The Class Clown: Intuitive, Extroverted, Brutal, Arrogant.
The Robot: Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Humble.
The Haughty Intellectual: Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Arrogant.
The Spiteful Loner: Rational, Introverted, Brutal, Humble.
The Sociopath: Rational, Introverted, Brutal, Arrogant.
The Hand-Raiser: Rational, Extroverted, Gentle, Humble.
The Braggart: Rational, Extroverted, Gentle, Arrogant.
The Capitalist Pig: Rational, Extroverted, Brutal, Humble.
The Smartass: Rational, Extroverted, Brutal, Arrogant.
Be sure to take my Sublime Philosophical Crap Test if you are interested in taking a slightly more intellectual test that has just as many insane ramblings as this one does!
OH I almost forgot, the webbie is ""Cheers!Labels: :DDD
bits of me revealed at ..
9:41 PM.
Friday, June 27, 2008 - [The oh-so elite school]
hello ppl~
I have like nothing to blog about.. gahh D: ! So nevermind I'll tell you about my school life then. ^^ and uhh, I've given up the idea of posting pictures from both holidays, hoho, so technically shoudn't lag anymore. :DD
Anyways, I'm from River Valley High School, if you don't know yet, from the fantabahuubalicious class of 4L, which stands for LOUDSPEAKERS! as you can see, I totally fit the part. I have and still am upholding the urm.. pride of my class, ohhh I just love my class. ^^
A little about my school, it's supposedly one of the top 5 schools in Singapore, and Singapore is supposed to have the best education in Asia for as Mr.Nor(I think) says "Book-Smart" students, thus the title of "Elite School"
My school has around 1600 students and 100 over staff and there's also non-teaching staff in the office, the stall vendors, security guard, instructors and cleaners etc, so I shall say.. mm 2000 people here and there. It originally had 19 pathetic CCAs, until recently new CCAs were introduced for the Year 5 and 6. If you're wondering what is Year 5 and 6, well River Valley is an IP school. Please don't make a fool of yourself by saying, "River Valley has IP Program you know! very cool right, no need O lvls one, wa lau so lucky can." .. IP stands for Integrated Programme, so don't have to say IP Progam. ._. believe me, people do it all the time.
Okay enough nonsense, I'll talk about my teachers :D whoo~
Language Arts. (It's actually a fancy name for English) & English Literature - Mrs.Brenda.Law
Gee, I have to start with a teacher I don't exactly like, she's actually a very good teacher, I love her in Literature class, can't stand her in L.A. I think the entire class agrees, it does sound weird, but her L.A lessons .. hmm, it's reading alot of words, discussing alot of words in groups, present alot of words in groups. Recently we actually learned how to shorten all those words! very captivating. She says she can't complete a sentence without calling someone's name. 'cause we're all sleeping on the tables. Oops?
Mathematics - Mr.Ong.Chun.Ling
Ooh, I admire this perfectionist, I fear it too. @@" Mr.Ong gives me the impression of a very accomplished person, he's a great teacher, very clear and goes at a pace that I can process xDD Some other Maths teachers are more entertaining but Mr.Ong is great the way he is, he gives us "Life" lessons sometimes when he gets mad at us D: (Oh btw, he's back to contact lenses, D: he looks better in specs, trust me)
Higher Chinese Language - Mr.Tan.Chuan.Leong
Ahhh, my weakest subject, but hey1! I like HCL lessons more than L.A ones, and I won't deny it! Mr.Tan is also a really nice teacher! Only when we take advantage of his kindness and don't submit homework does he get angry. He's very understanding when we're late for class, when Mr.Suria eats up his curriculum time. I've never actually heard him mention our class being behind in syllabus, he's good, and a very very responsible Co-Form Teacher ^^
Physics - Mr.Kolot.Suriakumar.Menon (Form Teacher)
Our class loves our form teacher !! Or so I think, he has a very bad 毛病, which is that he likes to draggggg our lessons due to him being late, I doubt we've ever been released early or on time! and yet Master Suria(as Mr.Tan calls him) always claims to let us off early. Mr.Suria even once forgot it was his lesson, and we ended paying for his wrong deed TT ! but but but, Mr.Suria is my favourite teacher for his wonderful way of teaching! He even gives us possible bonus questions xDD He teaches us outside the syllabus at the expense of our time.. but I absolutely love his teaching! and thanks to that, Physics is my favourite subject!
Chemisty - Mdm.Jessie.Eu.Hong.Leng
Mdm Eu is probably the cutest teacher I've ever known! and she does this non-deliberately, she, like Mr.Suria teaches us quite alot outside the syllabus ^^ She wows the school by dressing differently 365 days a year, well around 200days of school at least. We've all tried to picture her house.. She has a few famous sayings:
为什么只有一些小猫小狗!(submission of work)
and the ultimate..
Singapore & Comparative Studies(chim name for Social Studies) - Ms.Yang.Huilin.
This subject is more of comparing Singapore with other countries, but essentially still like Social Studies. This teacher has spawned many terrible monikers and insults but I guess she's changed and I think she was really nice during the STEP immersion, so I shall only comment that she has rather bad handwriting but her slides and notes are good. She gives us model answers to learn from :DD
Physical Education - Mr.Tan.Kim.Chuan
I've actually had a few teachers to teach this, but oh well, he's the main one. He's okay I guess, knows his stuff well.. I'm very amazed that I've never seen Mr.Tan do any personal training..
English Literary Drama and Debates Society - Mrs.Joanne.Chow
Hahahah, Mrs.Chow is a really sweet teacher!! She's very nice to all of us, and we actually have around 7 instructors now, after Renee got.. urm sacked, since I was absent from CCA in the hols due to being overseas, I can't really describe them, I haven't even met all of them yet, but we're performing Animal Farm at the DBS Arts Centre on 2nd August~!
Ohh, that's about it ^^ I do have other teachers, most of them are nice teachers, except maybe the intimidating Mrs.Lee.Lee.Mui, but I know she's one of the most effective Physics teacher.
"Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions." -- Anonymous
Labels: Teee-CHER
bits of me revealed at ..
8:10 PM.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 - [Time for school!]
I wonder if anyone still reads O_O, and does anyone realise I'm slowly uploading all the 460 pictures from Thailand in the previous post ... LOL I have 220 more to go x_X..
It's Wednesday, which means I have attended 3 days of school~! well, Wed's always my favourite day :DD ! School's been alright so far~ today was nicest, ahaha
See, 'cause it's only 4 lessons! LOL and then I left early during SCS to go for a lunch buffet to end off the STEP Programme =P I won't say no to free food, haha, anyway I feel unhappy 'cause Bam didnt get to come to SG .. D: ! The food was good haha, and like after that me and Pammy reached LT1 to join the sec 4s for the youth day performance.
To celebrate YouthDay, a team of boys decided to create this thingie called "UnCrashed" oops, I mean "UnCrushed", yeah.. they collected a total of 2300 drinking cans from the entire school and formed the 5 Olympic rings with them, creative much? haha~
The nicest performance was by WangJia and DingNing, who made a grand entrance drumming down the LT steps and then battling each other out on the piano. It was really imba, their hands moved so fast it was all a blurr! LOL and when I saw them after the show, I said "你们真的很厉害!" and they both turned red and giggled and said it was nothing. rofl.
I zoomed off to StudioWu where I made friends with 3 clowns who were debating whether or not to take up lessons and what lessons and when to start etc. LOL it was so ridiculous how they feigned their age and the counter lady said if they showed her proof, they would get free lessons ! hahaha~
I swear Andy's choreography is amazing, I love it love it love it~!~!~!~!
A new blog song~!
[Verse 1]
I love the way that you look without your make-up
I had a girl before we met but we broke up
Theres something about you that makes me want to step up
Step up and be with you
If thats okay with you
We'll keep the neighbours awake too late too late
Coz imma make you feel so good how i see its happening
We'll keep the neighbours awake too late too late
Coz baby i wanna step up and be with you
If thats okay with you
Im gonna make you feel like you are heaven on earth
Im gonna say to your mother just for giving you birth
Im gonna wanna hold you in my arms when you cry
If thats okay with you
If thats okay with you
[Verse 2]
I wanna keep your toothbrush at my apartment
Make a second set of keys and ask you to move in
Im not crazy
I know what im getting myself in
I wanna live with you
If thats okay with you
[Chorus x2]
Im gonna make you feel like you are heaven on earth
Im gonna say to your mother just for giving you birth
Im gonna wanna hold you in my arms when you cry
If thats okay with you
If thats okay with you
If thats okay with you
If thats okay with you
Yeah yeah
[Verse 3]
We'll keep the neighbours awake too late too late
I wanna love you this way that way this way
We'll keep the neighbours away too late too late
I wanna love you this way that way this way
"The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it." -- Richard Bach
Labels: Heaven on Earth~
bits of me revealed at ..
9:06 PM.
Sunday, June 22, 2008 - [Warning: Computer might hang]
:DD I shall remove pics, since you ppl find it lag! I agree too, and it also saves me the trouble of uploading =PLabels: sorry if your com hanged..
bits of me revealed at ..
5:08 PM.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 - [Essence of JiangNan with Dynasty Travel]
Hey there, I regret to say that the next post will have pictures, 'cause I still have no idea where the wire for my camera is ._. So just listen read up..
After slacking around, I unpacked and went online, not that I had anything to do, I just listened to music, talked to KahSing who apologized for no idea what.. I took around 10 minutes to repack my luggage for China and slacked more.. rahhhh until it was around 10.30pm and time to go, I was feeling unhappy, really unhappy, I so didn't feel like going to China..
JIANGNAN TOUR - ShangHai, HangZhou, WuZhen, NanJing, ZhenJiang, WuXi, SuZhou
Day 1 - 6th June Friday
It was a 5 & 1/2 hour flight, to PuDong International Airport in ShangHai, where I hardly slept thanks to the irritating air steward and kicking passenger ._. Our tour group consisted of 8 people, a family of 6, mum and me, pathetic much? We reached the airport at around 6am, no time difference.
We first took the Maglev Train, a german invention that sped across the country at 300km/h. The train ride was only 8 minutes but it would have taken 40minutes by car. Ooh~ The scenery was really pretty, (PS: China trip has no pictures, 'cause I didn't bring my camera, used Mummy's one) and my mind was changing slightly.. We had a bus pick us up and drive us around. The cityscape is breathtaking. Despite being worn out from the day before and the terrible night flight, I forced my eyes and ears open to take in the essence of ShangHai! Also known as the 'Paris of the East'. We went to the ShangHai Museum. I'm sure it would have been really cool for someone who was interested in history. But I was really tired.. After the Museum, we walked down some shopping districts where there were little toy-like trains going up and down at 2RMB per person. If I heard correctly, the place is called "南京路"
Finallu after looking there, buying some stuff and walking a little in "Raffles City" (which is exactly like any shopping centre in Singapore, afterall Singapore bought that plot of land and built that place) we could go for lunch!!! We ate on a dragon boat on a river, but it was stationary. The meal was a little bland though, barely ate much, and then it was a 2hour bus ride to a water town called "乌镇"
It reminds me of Chao Praya river lol, 'cause it's a town with a river flowing all through it with houses on both sides. Did you know they used silk to block the rain but let wind in, cool windows! We saw olden-style beds and how clothes were made. Due to the threatening clouds, we wook a last stop at the fire station, which was very lousy honestly, and then had dinner ~ Did you know a bottle of beer in China can cost only 70c lol.
Dinner was nicer than lunch haha, and now we're off to the long awaited hotel(PS: Ignore the present and past tense, I was writing as the trip went along in my lil' notebook) The hotel was awesome! The tiolet was amazing LOL it was really super nice, I feel stupid, but I shall recommend "广田" hotel in HangZhou ^^.
Day 2 - 7th June, Saturday
I actually did some maths after showering and slept xD After a wonderlicious breakfast we set off, 杭州 is soooo pretty! And just like SG, it's safe from all natural disasters. It's an international garden city(much better than SG), love paradise and the ultimate destination for a life of leisure.
Oh my gawd, 西湖(West Lake) is extremely beautiful. Omgomg, now I'm super grateful for coming on this trip, this lake and 乌镇 has changed my mind already. BUT! I regret not bringing my camera! Nooooooo! The river is so calm, the cruise over the lake was really relaxing, be tter than the Chao Praya one rofl. They clean their lake every 33 days, no wonder it's sooooooo clear! There's one particular place, on one of the islands close to the "雷风" Pagoda that once a year, if the weather is good, you can see 32 moons wow !!!
We walked to the "HuaGang" Park, I don't care how many times I say it, but it's very very pretty! We saw lush greenery and clear waters, a Red Carp Pond and a Peacock Garden. There were white peacocks brought over from India as well, dayuum nice! The weather was cooling, out of 365 days, it rains over 200 days in HangZhou, yuppp, but it was drizzling slightly only ^^ ..
Now we're headed to "梅家坞" to taste the heavenly 龙井绿茶. Our tourguide, 朱国军, but we call him 小朱 for short, anyway he said they cook tea leaves with their bare hands in 90 to 120 degrees celsius.
We brought some souvenirs from the Tea Village MeiJiaWu and left for lunch! We observed a group of Korean tourist devour their food and compared with our half filled plates as leftovers =x We also talke about China and the recent disasters.
15.02.08 Snow Storm, 1+5+2 = 8
12.05.08 Sichuan Earthquake, 1+2+5 = 8
23.03.08 Tibet Upheaval, 2+3+3 = 8
08.08.08 The BeiJing Olympics.
Looks like this year's olympics are.. what you say... unauspicious? In a very polite way, 小朱 said that the famous poet, 李白 once wrote poem in this manner..
北 xx 四
京 xx 川
奥 xx 地
运 xx 震
Scary but cool.. We proceeded to the LinYin Temple and 飞来峰 =o There were some ruins also, more of historic site just like .. Ayutthaya, gee I should stop comparing my two trips.. 小朱 talked to us about education and language in China on the bus, and said that a guest once taught him "Thank You" in Malay - Terima Kasih ( 带你妈看戏 ) lmao! We revisited and walked awhile before going for dinner.
Dinner was fantabahuablicious (rofl, never thought I would use Kester's made-up word) =] The best meal so far! ^^v we went to watch 西湖夜 (Night of the West Lake) It was a variety show that was very very nice! They had dancers, acrobats, singers, instrumentalists, and OMG my heart skipped beats watching child acrobats. It was sooo impressive, the costumes! lights! sounds! sets! props! LOL my mum said the flute player was sexy and had pretty thighs. O_O! I agree but I like her costume more! meanwhile, I stared at the super shuai male dancer ^^ Gosh I loved the show and now it's time to retreat to the hotel~
FunFact: Apparently, due to disasters, China lacks electricity. Either they reduce the number of lampposts or work 3 days rest 4 days OR restrict the air-con to a minimum of 26 degrees celsius. Ooh poor things to those coming to China in 7th/8th month.
FunFact: Did you know that in some places, the public toilets have no doors, the clever Singaporeans brought umbrellas to be used as a door. However, the people in China either didn't use umbrellas or only used green umbrellas. So.. when they saw the multi-coloured pretty umbrellas, they became curious and.. rofl!
Day 3 - 8th June, Sunday
Gee I'm tired of typing already.. Today, after travelling for 4 & 1/2 hours by bus, we finally reached 南京. Although I abandoned Mummy and watched "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" on Samantha's portable DVD player. (The 3rd child of that family, they have 3 children 2 sons, one daughter, and the 2nd son who didnt want to come is actually Merwyn's Choir Junior, Calvin O_O)
We visited the Great YangTze River. The story behind it was super touching, my mum cried ._. We visited this interior crystal drawing, and it's very incredible, I don't know how to explain it, but it's super awesome, we even got to see the teacher in action! I bought one crystal ball with 8 running horses in it, super heart love it! *squeals* If ya have no idea what I'm talking about, I have a picture of the crystal ball, next post!
We went to the Ancient City Gates along Qing Huai River which guards the NanJing Province, cool~ beautiful scenery! I saw Jonathan(1st son) jotting down notes, so I asked his Daddy what he was doing, his Dad said he was writing ideas 'cause he wants to be an author, cool eh? His Daddy said he had already published 2 books, *gasps* Wowness at the age of 15 you know, but now he's 18+, I asked for the title and *double gasp*, it was "The Avenger" ... I had that book at home, from my brother.. who illustrated that cover.. which meant.. Jonathan and my brother were Swiss Cottage Classmates! Ohmagawd, the coincidence! The next coincidence was that my Mum stayed like opposite blocks from them *triple gasp* Now that I think about it, my mum was sitting beside Jonathan on the place *quadruple gasp* and his brother is really Merwyn's junior, Calvin *quintet gasp* (ehhh, is that right? well 5 gasps in a row) It's a small world~
After that, we went to this Jade Factory where the sales people kept pestering us so much! Insisting on how rare it was and they're giving us dead good offers that they've never given before.. The thing is -- Not interested, period. We had dinner and went to a little night market. Hoho, the Goh family decided not to shop 'cause they couldn't find their CD/DVD shop.. aww and they sat and ate at MacDonalds while we shopped. =o
The hotel in 南京 wasn't bad, haha but I lost my precious hair-tie that I used to tie my hair to school everyday... grrr..
Day 4 - 9th June, Monday
It's already noon now, we went to the last stop for 南京, the WWII Massacre Mausoleum. It was big. huge. and a tad scary. I didn't read much of the displays, it was horrifying.. The Mausoleum's displays were all in Mandarin, English and JAPANESE. It gives free admission to the JAPANESE. ohhh why? 'Cause I believe I said before, that they're demented! They killed over 300 000 people in 南京 and denied their attack, even in their current education syllabus, it's been wiped out, what can I say..
Samantha's Dad: So, what do you think of the Japanese?
Samantha: Give me a bomb.
Dad: *chuckles* An atomic one?
Sam: Or a hydrogen one.
btw, she's 12 this year.
LOL I thought of Japanese people, and the first person who popped into my mind was darling MOOMOO ~! LOL and I bet he wouldn't hurt a fly, ehh wait, he stomps on cockroaches. rofl. He's 'Advancedc0w' in AuditionSEA fyi~
Anyway 1hour ride to ZhenJiang, watched "Ghost Rider", gawd the "Blackheart" actor and the younger "Johnny Blaze" are such hawtties. We had lunch and visited the JinShan Temple and left the tiny ZhenJiang for 无锡.
We first went to the big buddha of Mount Lin, it was 88metres tall, super big! It was also raining and very chilly there, and thanks a lot 小朱 who said dress lightly, I was shivering so much. We touched 108 barrels hoping to cure all our troubles, also touched the Buddha's Palm to make wishes. We watched a little perfomance of water fountains and left. 无锡 is kinda big, so we took awhile to reach the restaurant for dinner and some shopping before heading to the hotel. It's a weird place, I mean the toilet has a full length transparent glass wall. So.. the toilet is basically urm open? weird weird.. Btw dinner was veryyyy nice, there were dancers and singers entertaining us.
I walked to room 8421 from 8657 to watch "KungFu Hustle" with Sam and Jon. Boy it was scary walking down the long, windy, dimly lit corridors x_x But the movie was super duper funny! OMG la, I love Stephen Chow, the Chinese JimCarrey awright! Jon kindly walked me back to my room, but his nerves got to him. rofl~
Me: The corridors are dayuum scary, I'm on the 6th floor, 57th room, so it's kinda far Jon: Eh okay, at least this isn't NanJing.
(Sidenote: NanJing was a lot of Yin, urm spirits 'cause of the massacre)
Me: Ooh yeah, wait, I'm on the 6th floor, which is... the top floor.
Jon: Uh ... now you got me scared, let me know tomorrow morning if you here any 'shifting upstairs'
Me: *laughs* well you have to walk back yourself and OH! I'm beside 小朱, ya can bunk in with him
*both of us laugh*
(Sidenote: 小朱 told us tt one of his tourists who lived on the top floor in a hotel in NanJing claimed to have heard renovations upstairs. The concierge told the tourist that was the top floor already, it's not possible. The tourist was so frightened he went to sleep on the floor in 小朱's room. lol)
Day 5 - 10th June, Tuesday
We went to a Pearl Factory, which was kinda cool, I shall keep a pet oyster and it will grow pearls for me! :DD We went to a lake called 蠡湖(LiHu) the scenery was pretty ~ but I liked WestLake more..
Then we went to a teapot company, where I got a nice set of teapot and cups for freeee =P and after listening to how to identify fake or real pottery, we left 无锡 for 苏州(Venice of the East, where waterways run crisscross with the streets, btw that was on the flyer which made my imagination run wild only to be disappointed) We went to another temple.(Cold Mountain Monastery) ._. not to be disrespectful or anything, but this temple stuff is seriously getting boring, it's all the same, even in Thailand, I already saw so many temples zz.. It's not like Singapore doesn't have any, for god's sake 2 doors down my house is a temple!
After listening to the droning guide, we proceeded to PingJiangLu, more of an alley haha, we walked down it really quickly before going to do some shopping xDD .. It wasn't actually very nice, didn't find much nice stuff .. =//
Then we had dinner, food in China is so terrible, I can't eat pork, buddhists don't eat beef, I don't dare to eat duck, the fish is loaded with bones, so guess what? I was practically a vegetarian the entire trip and even so, the vegetable is super salty ._.
Day 6 - 11th June, Wednesday
Ahhh, good breakfast today ^^v, we visited a silk factory and 小朱 crept up behind me and I screamed, gawd, long time since I screamed, LOL. The silk worms are so icky x_x and like they put the faeces of the silkworms inside pillows to generate nutrients to enhance your brain at night?! wtf. I'll never ever use that pillow in a million years.
Mummy bought a pretty silk quilt at 450RMB ._. and she thinks I waste money, the Goh Family was even more ultimate! They bought 5200RMB worth of quilts, quilt covers, pillows, pillow cases x_X! Then we had a long ride back to our initial destination ~ 上海, the Paris of the East remember?
Summary of JiangNan, it's pretty cool!
Nicey? :DD we proceeded to see a FengShui(Geomancy) Master.
FunFacts about the house.
- Nothing must be above the head-end of your bed, no painting, crossbeam or picture, nothing, nada! (Yikes, I have a window!)
- Bed's headboard is best against a wall
- Two doors cannot be facing each other, if the parents' bedroom is opposite any child's room, the child will rebel against the parents (Ooh no wonder..)
- Kitchen door must not face any toilet door
- No reflective object should be placed at the foot of the bed, no TV or mirror etc. (hoho my parents have a TV)
- No sharp edge from another building should point towards your house
- No one way street directly perpendicular to your house
- Religious places nearby are bad for marriages(Hmm.. I live infront of a church, 1 temple on the left of the house, 1 behind the house .. uh oh?)
The freaky guy then read my palm and face and deduced that..
I have a good personality but I'm very unpredictable 'cause I have a twisted sense of thinking. I may be quiet at times but I actually conceal alot of feelings. I'm clever but don't utilise my brain properly. I have the potential to be an entrepreneur but I require aid from someone. I most likely will have some liver illnes. My soulmate is best to be of Mouse or Dragon Zodiac, and I wouldn't get along well with those born in the year of the Tiger, Rabbit, Snake or Horse.
LOL believe me, I was very stunned at his accurate readings, it's very creepy how he could tell Mr.Goh had high blood pressure, Mrs.Goh is easily the envy of other women and that she should be cautious of any women's disease, Samantha is very stubborn and short-tempered and that Jonathan likes to imagine himself in a Fantasy World, and his believes are often unrealistic. He even could tell my mum did have a mental problem ._. What I tell ya?
After that, we had some leisure time at ChengHuang Temple, oh ho, it ain't a temple, it's actually a local bazaar with around 56 shops selling over 12 000 commodities. I finally found a toy that bro has wanted for a long time :D We also had a cruise along the HuangPu River, it was super chilly up on the deck but I endured the hour's journey. Saw the pretty lights and cityscape (PS: HongKong is nicer!)
Day 7 - 12th June, Thursday
Today was our free day, I'm supposed to be very excited 'cause it means a whole day of shopping!! I skipped breakfast 'cause it was very unappealing. Mummy thought I was mad at her since I was so quiet. lol.. she has already forgotten what the FengShui Master said..
Now after a day of shopping, it's time to hibernate 'till the flight tomorrow.. Ww. WAIT, how could I forget? Before that we watched a circus act in 上海 better than the one at 西湖. Ahhh, I'm so envious of them, such skill!
Day 8 - 13th June, Friday
We had alot of time so we continued to shop ~ ~ and we also went up the Oriental Pearl Tower! It was a pretty sight, much like from the cruise, but we finally returned to Singapore on a flight that departed at 11.55pm ..
Pictures, I swear will be in the next post!
Labels: 2 week trip part 2
bits of me revealed at ..
9:46 AM.
Sunday, June 15, 2008 - [Thailand & JiangNan of China]
Peekaboo~ !
Imma die typing this post lol, I'm so dayuum happy to be back home !!! Rahhh, I'm seriously dead tired uhhh.. and I arrived home at around 6am this morning, yesterday I didnt eat the 3 meals and I'm starving like hell, but I just had a cup of milooooo, which is sufficient for now, and umm, there are like some changes in the house O_O.. A new pot of plant right at the main door, gave me a fright when I openned the door -.- My sister has a new queen-sized bed, for what, I have no idea, she refuses to sleep without Vini anyway.. Oh I was planning on posting pictures as I type, guess I can't.. 'cause I innocently walked across the hall to Daddy's room and said "Dad, where's the" and some foreign female was in the bed *gasps* well I don't know ._.
Without further ado~ starting time: 9.53am
Day 1 - 31st May, Saturday
I rose at 5am, feeling so lethargic but.. no choice, I took a shower and double-checked the packing list, before zooming off to Changi Terminal 2. Chern Yi, being a responsible group leader, sent out a SMS to remind everyone (ChernYi, YuHui, Calvin, Me, Pamela, SinYee) ahaha, good boy *patpat*
The night before, Pammy said that Mr.Bryan.Tan said room assignments were fixed.. dayuum right? But he finally agreed after we pleaded ^^ So Jean and Pammy swapped groups =P
Daddy dumped me at Terminal 2 and left =[ , I fortunately found the group quite easily, so many parents came and went, nvm~ Daddy's letting me learn to be independent! We entered the departure hall, SinYee was apparently very upset, oh well.. (PS: I'm writing in a lil' notebook while the trip goes along, so some things will be in present tense) Yup, we boarded the plane, Me and Pammy sat in the front row, wheee more leg room. Whilst I'm writing, she's disturbing me. Rahhh!
Mm.. Mr.Tan wanted to sit with us in the front row but got shoo-ed away by another guy, muahahahaha, but I rather Mr.Tan actually =x
The flight went kinda smoothly, 'cept for a short period of turbulence, lol whoopeee~ Pammy furiously whacked me with the free pillow and caused me to knock into the large man beside me, who was amazingly very very very focused in whatever work he was doing and didn't notice. We reached the airport, and I felt the difference, I really admire the excellent service in Changi ! God, was it slow there.. We gathered our pink-ribboned luggages and waited for our bus to arrive. I saw a limousine renting booth, with the picture of a van that had the word "LIMOUSINE" plastered to it -.- ! tsktsk, lousy liars..
We had a huge bus, woot~ our TourLeader was Mr.Gills and TourGuide was TooToo. Oh, please don't ask the difference, I have no idea. They had weird accents but I got used to it after a while ^^. So lesson no.1 , greet people in Thailand by saying "Sawadi-kap" for guys and "Sawadi-ka" for gals. At the same time, press your palms together and bow slightly.
3 levels for raising your palms.
1) Chest level for normal people/aquaintances/friends etc.
2) Forehead level for the Royal Family
3) Above the head for the almighty god
Our first stop was lunch at "大家乐酒楼" The tourguide said quite abit about the new developments in BangKok; the roads, cleanliness especially TOILETS! Unfortunately, unlike Singapore, we can't drink from taps.
The guide guaranteed Halal food throughout the trip, phew.. that's a relief =] Lunch was not exceptionally nice but still it filled my stomach xD I LOVE TOMYAM SOUP, wuuuuuahahahaha, Pammy can't take spice! Off we go! 135km to Kanchanaburi~ A 2 hour bus ride, time to sleeeeeeep!
Multi-coloured taxis! Pink, orange, green, blue, purple, white, yellow, stripy, in various shapes and designs too!
BangKok Fun Facts:
- 309m into the sky with 89 storeys is Thailand's tallest bulding, a hotel of 12 years of age.
- 12million people, 90% Buddhists, 6% Muslims, 2% Christian, 2% Others.
There are no nuns in Thailand, 'cause there are too many rules for them =o I wonder why men are willing to become monks, there are so many things they can't do right? (Mr.Goh, the family with us in China, said monks want to escape reality)
King Rama IX's sister just passed away on 2nd Jan this year, aww.. 60 years of Democracy after a league of monarchy, way to go Thailand! They're so organized, their lotteries are held only twice a month, 1st & 16th.
King Rama IX was crowned when he was a mere 19 year old ! Ohh, we drived over "Chao Praya River", which means, "King's River" and it joins to 10 other cities, cool much?
TukTuks that zoom along beside us are so dayuum cute! (lol wait for the next post for pictures!) Their roadside paths are well ornated too..
400 temples in BangKok, 30 000 temples in the whole of Thailand. Pardon me for random;y throwing in facts, I'm an attentice listener cum notetaker cum photographer. Ooh Thais believe in enlightenment and reincarnation, reminds me of the story in our chinese textbook about Tibet!
Some tales go around like, if you're always angry and upset, you'll be ugly in your next life. If you're generous and kind, you may be born rich in your next life. I'm amazed by the graffitti on walls & garage doors, pretty~
After getting some gummies from "Jet" Petrol Station, we spent around 2 hours trying to sleep as we headed to Kanchanaburi, urm as I said earlier =x
"Kanchana" - city
"buri" - gold .. thus,
City of Gold!
We went to the War Cemetery, well it's just a memorial, with very neat alignment and pretty epitaphs.. =o As we climbed back onboard so many whacked their head due to the low roof on the bus, lmao..
We went to the "WWII Museum", it's open-air x_x, very very warm but loads of cool antique stuff, check out the photos in next post!
We also walked on the "Death Railway" itself! otherwise known as "Bridge over River Kwai". It was awfully scary, I kept thinking I would fall, it's like 3 narrow planks with two way traffic and an occasional train would go past.. Bahhh Pammy had the ridiculous idea of walking all the way to Burma(Myannmar) ._. Hmm.. had a nice Strawberry Milkshake and some scone-like pastry~
Wheeeee, we're off to the "Baan Suan Fon Resort"~~ (mind you I was excited about resting, little did I know what awaited me...) It looked really quaint on the outside but so .... inside. SinYee is our Room IC =] everything was in working order, took some pics and banged down Debbie Jean and Peggy's room. LOL. They had so much Ruffles with them. RAWR!
Debbie misplaced her lock and they panicked other their lizard tenant while searching for her lock and unpacking.
Dinner was served buffet style on a balcony, and it was infested with lizards and flies.. Urgh! I was so petrified of the 100s of lizards and 1000s of flies, boy I ain't exaggerating, the roof was low and the lizards were stuck on the wall above the food.. imagine if the fell !! Euwww, some people insist they don't fall off, well they do ._. 'cause a baby lizard once dropped on my hand. Grawhh~ Such a pity that dinner was actually yummy..
Upon returning, Pammy and I issued several bloodcurdling screams as we battled fearsome flies and scoured our room for hidden insect spies. We took turns to shower and chose a cool alarm tone called "Go For it" from a Nokia phone xD (Paiseh for being so random)
As the night passed, we heard screams down the corridors, ahh~ the uncivilised monkeys that came along.. anyway we had alot of peace, 'cause it was just me and Pammy, 'cause SinYee decided to become a refugee at someone else's room after dinner.
"Hello Diary,
one final thing to add before lights out.
I have no idea what is SinYee or ChernYi's problem okay, see we had this debrief for the first day thing and they were being so mean. Why, I mean what's wrong with me and Pammy? We smile and laugh too much? Is that a crime?! Don't like us then say so. They want us to be more sensitive, are they sensitive themselves? Does SinYee think we're ostracizing her? wtf can.. it's like I was trying my best to talk to her and we both interacted with her, she's the one who's acting cold, she's the one that "walked out" on us. Humph, fine then, it's her freakin' problem for being so childish and uncooperative. Pammy says SinYee must have said smth about us to ChernYi, well duhh, silly girl, you can complain and whine, like I care."
The bed was comfy, air-con was great but we head spine-chilling chirps(as Pammy calls it) from lizards throughout the night. We screamed a few times 'cause the magnitude of the chirp was so big we thought it was under our pillows or something.. Somehow we got through the night.. thank god it was only ONE night. We woke up and found a new roommate ._. A giant moth, how on earth did it get in ..
Day 2 - 1st June, Sunday
Breakfast was nice, NO LIZARDS. Ms.Serene.Teo shared with us some experiences a few years back. Daniel comment on the unlucky soldiers who perished at war yet weren't remembered as their epitaphs were labelled 'Unknown'.
We left the grubby room and took some snaps on the bus, with the tourguide too =] As we boarded the bus, Daniel and XueQiang had some funny convo..
Mr.Tan : Please check all your belongings, if not whatever you leave behind will be souvenirs for the resort (PS: we only stayed at Kanchanaburi for one night)
Daniel : Oh where's my wallet..
XueQiang : I don't know, you better check.
D : O_O! How did you lock my luggage then? The key was in my wallet which is ... not here..
XQ : Ohmygod? I thought just press down on the lock can liao.
D : Ooookay, let's just hope nothing bursts out *pause* Ooookay..
TourLeader: Look cows! Thailand, Malaysia all same cows.
D : ._. it's just cows..
TourLeader: England you have mad cows, Singapore you have Cow pei Cow bu
LOL, we walked around leisurely and I bought a SGD$3 hammock, rofl, 'cause Daddy always wanted one, hahaha.. After playing some strategy games, we were off on a train which crossed the "Death Railway" It was so rickety x_x my heart skipped beats.
So much vegetation outside the window.. and some lil' houses here and there..
After that, we continued to travel by bus for an hour to "Hellfire Pass" Museum, which resembled a proper museum, with air-con and wax models, unlike WWII one. However, due to the rain, we were denied the HellFire Pass itself, the teachers said it was a huge pity to be unable to walk through the tunnel.
It is now 2.20pm in Thailand, 3.30pm in SG, I'm dying of hunger and it's another 1&1/2 hour ride to the restaurant back at the Bridge.. gawd.
Lunch was great =] ~ but there was no TomYam soup D: ZeMing, Jonathan, ChernYi and YuFan were hilarious, they kept playing with their food.
We then proceed to the "JEATH" Museum (oh no, another museum?? Umm.. yes.) which stands for Japan-England-Australia&America-Thailand-Holland. Photography wasn't allowed, but the place was nice =]
Sian, back on the bus AGAIN. 2&1/2hour bus ride to BangKok now.. bleahhh.. some funny stuff I saw today in the museums.
- Prisoners of war, the PWOs
- The soldiers were trabsported across the river
- Death Rainway
- Australions
Jeez, the Japanese are demented. They attack Singapore, Thailand, China and bomb Pearl Harbour, what the hell is their problem -.-
Finally back to the comfort of a hotel room. This time, the "BangKok City Suite" where we had dinner, the hotel is wayyy better..
Day 3 - 2nd June, Monday
SinYee disappeared to another room again, oh well, slept alot better, no creepy crawlies but a freezing cold room.. We all rushed through breakfast and off we went to "Samsen Wittayalai School", River Valley's sister school. We were warmly welcomed by the teachers and students and we received garlands. Their morning assembly includes morning prayers too =o
We had a Thai Dance class where we were all so embarrassed x_x as well as Home-Economics class where we cooked "Pad-Thai"(Thai Styled) noodles. Their Home-Ec room was bigger than RV's kitchens, more ingredients and definitely not as health conscious as the paranoid RV. ._.
We explored the school with this girl who on scholarship went to Singapore to study ^^. She took us on a school tour~
- Their library was like big big big and much better than ours, they had an eco-garden, which we don't have..
- Their computer labs are awesome, all LCD screens.
- Their canteen has 21 stalls, and RV has friggin' 8 stalls, their's sells something like Ice-Blended and Ice-Cream too! *pouts*
- They have 2 indoor sports hall, a well equipped fitness corner, many many flagpoles, a large field cum assembly ground.
- Their classrooms all have mikes, and the gifted students have their own stretch of classrooms which are all air-conditioned.
- They even have a provision shop like 7-11 in their school..
- Their performing arts room has so many costumes and instruments @@"
Conclusion: River Valley has sucky facilities, well compared to them at least.
Sadly, I can't remember the name of the girl who took us around. Their school has 6 levels too, Sec 1 to JC 2 with 4000 students. Though it's a bit nightmarish during recess time, 'cause they're divided into 2 levels, Upper and Lower, and the entire level has recess together, but then again.. 21 stalls and a larger canteen, and they can carry food out of the canteen or leave school to buy food ..
The white top is the formal uniform, while the green one is for P.E. I initially thought green and white tops differentiated their upper and lower levels. I guess their class schedule is abit weird too. The girl who took us around said the previous year, she had a lesson on the 5th floor of one block and the next lesson was the 4th floor of another block.
(Look out for photos~)
Now it's an hour's bus ride to Ayutthaya, the 2nd Capital of Thailand~ Ayutthaya is really hot x_x. We went to the "Summer Grand Palace" They built it with Chinese Oriental, Thai, Victorian, Cambodian, French etc styles. I'll let the pictures in the next post do the talking.
The scent of garlands diffused and the bus had its intockxicating aroma. rofl~ Well, we proceeded to visit some temples, they were mostly in ruins, but it's really cool to see such huge religious places compared to SG.
1) Wat Thammikarat
2) Wat Phra Si Sanphet
Infer Infer! Wat = Temple
The rain took away our chance to enjoy the Night Market, so we left Ayutthaya and headed back to the hotel in BangKok. Oh wait, we had a riverside dinner =P I made friends, well I already knew him, but me and WeiKai somewhat got to know each other better hahas, we debated over several random topics.
On the bus ride, the group ICs tried to learn a song called "Loi-Ka-Thong"(Oh please don't trust my spelling) Apparently, we had to learn it for the Farewell Party on Thursday thrown by the Samsen students.
Day 4 - 3rd June, Tuesday
(My hands are hurting, a little bit moreeee)
Hmm, I feel cheated, the moment I hit the pillow, the alarm rang! *pouts* had the same breakfast and headed to Samsen for our second day of Immersion. I'm currently in the classroom 8201, class 10A of the English Programme. They're having Thai Language & Culture class now though. They however, veered off their normal lesson plan to actually interact with us. They sang the "Loi-Ka-Thong" song for us, lol and we sang the CNY song "Gong-Xi Gong-Xi" lmaooo~ They read prose and poems just like us. I have a picture of my name in Thai =D
Bam(Benya) the girl beside me is soooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet, hoho. She explained to me almost everything. They had science lesson next, kinda cool, both Bio and Chem, their lab has a really nice periodic table!
It's abit weird though, some of them pay attention, some are fooling around, some even leave the lab. Only a little bunch of students go to the podium and take down notes. Calvin and Pammy think that Thai guys are gay -.- Tsktsk!
After more observation, I realised that their teacher actually teaches them in groups, not as a whole class.. we had lunch, slacked around.. played some games =]. Then went to River City for a boat ride along the "Chao Praya River" lol~ just the same as the one I took 2 years ago.. The most tragic thing today was that, me and Pammy both had some food-poisoning in the morning, bleahh, we were supposed to go back to the hotel but our itinery changed and we had 3 hours of shopping and Siam Square instead!
It kinda resembles Bugis Street if ya ask me. My effing diarrhoea striked again. So kns.. we(group) ate at Dunkin' Donuts for a snack and took a sky train back to the hotel. The ticket is cool, it has a mini map on it! :DD
We walked around 20 mins briskly from the train station to the hotel and had dinner and here I am, just showered and writing in my lil' notebook~
Day 5 - 4th June, Wednesday
(hahaha, just chatted awhile with Siyao~ hands really gonna break soon)
The usual breakfast and arrival at Samsen, we witnessed some ceremony where food is presented to the monks by the students and teachers. Apparently monks live on donations as their job is to clean and maintain temples. In exchange for food, the monks give them 'karma points' O_O lol anyway, they had morning assembly and issued scholarships, some naughty students were throwing grass at each other hahaha~
We had a really fun Sing&Dance session, each group had to perform one. We along with 2 Thai buddies did the RV mass dance "All For One". The guys chose to sing.. it was imba alright... I lead the girls in the dance. Another group did "Peace by the river" a UG cheer, another did "Tong Hua".. The most incredible one was Daniel's group that did "Dancing Queen" and WeiKai sang and danced while the rest were the background dancers. woooot, it was hilarious~! Then we all screamed "Encore!" and they sang "She Bangs!" rofl~!~!
We had a really early lunch then walked around the school awhile, to their pond and nursery and exchanged emails as well.. Then we proceeded to the Grand Palace! (Sidenote: The other palace was the SUMMER Grand Palace) It was really awesome, so much gold and glittery stones all over with super intricate designs. We also went to the Emerald Buddha Temple, the Buddha is actually made of Jade, but people in the olden days just assumed everything green to be Emerald.
The most exciting part of today was going shopping in "MBK" (MaBunKrong) the largest shopping centre in BangKok. yyyeeeeeeahhhh, shopped like mad woooooooot!!! Everyone was bargaining here and there, I didn't forget my family horr!! So here's a list of stuff I bought from the entire trip!
Daddy - Hammock, Baby Looney Tunes Seat Belt Strap
StepMum - Cute Pouch
Bro - Jacket
StepSis - Teddy Bear
Vini - Photo Album & A pair of Chopsticks(She's always wanted them)
- 8 Tops & a skirt (LOL)
- Wire Tuktuk (It's soo cute!!)
- BloodyBunny Notebook ( love it~)
- Postcards
- Teddy Tissue Box Cover
- 2 Pendants (finally got one with a Treble Clef)
- Handphone pouch
- Samurai Voodoo Doll (I LOVED IT BUT LOST IT GRRRR~! I somehow have lost 2 other voodoo dolls, is it destined in the stars that I am not to keep them?)
Two gifts shared with Pammy~
Siyao - Watch
RuoLan - Contact Lens Case
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's 5220 Thai Baht, without food you know! hohohoo~ it's an early X'mas~
We had a rather long debrief, reflections etc.. Ahh, I can't wait to go home and I'm dreading the trip to China T____T (Little did I know I would enjoy it so much so much so much !!)
Day 6 - 5th June, Thursday
FunFact: King Rama V had 5 wives and 50 consultants and 77 children. W.T.F! Of which 33 were boys, so they can all kill each other for the throne.. x_x
It's back to lessons in Samsen now =o Their teachers have nice methods of teaching, like giving them alot of diagrams. Bam was copying rather slowly, so I copied for her and some guys laid their books infront of me as well rofl. It's so unfair that they get such fun-loving teachers. *pouts*
Theirs play and crack jokes together. Their relationship is so good to the extent that they can slap or bump shoulders with each other. One particular Maths Teachers took some anime merchandise and chatted along with them lol... D: Their visualizer btw, is better than ours, no lag time!
The farewell was quite depressing. Peggy, Debbie and Jean cried =o.. we received some souvenirs from them.. ahh, I will really miss those cuties!
Anyway, we visited our last stop, the Vimarnek Mansion, which was uber pretty! I so wish I could live in there.. but might be creepy with so many doors and rooms.. We were very early, we did a group check-in and had quite a lot of time to slack. I was super hungry but the freakin' BurgerKing there was temporarily closed. 24hr service somemore -.-
Daddy came to pick me up.. but I couldn't sleep throughout the night..
End time: 12.16pm
to be continued...
Labels: 2 week trip part 1.
bits of me revealed at ..
9:46 AM.