Sunday, April 27, 2008 - [Do not press the red dot.]
hello .. I'm feeling so glum 'cause Im still rather ill.. yay the cough has gone away, and the fever has subsided, I've been sweating soooo much!!! I can't stop sweating gawd, but that's a good thing right?
yay, I successfully did nothing today, slept, read "Mob Princess" 2 & 3, now I can return them haha so Pammy won't come after me with a chopper. Speaking of Pammy~ she's gonna come over yay~ we'll do full-time mugging, day and night, monday to thursday!! Or so I hope.. Anyways, I've stocked up with alotta junk food. It's alot to me =x but maybe not to someone else.. ahahs, I've lost my appetite due to my sickness. I guess thats good? For this short period I can hopefully lose weight !! =x
I find my internet really weird. I open Siyao's blog and like 5 minutes, it doesn't load, 10 mins.. half an hour.. so I give up. Yet when I click the link from mine it loads immediately! O_O? That's really weird.
My leaking tap is so irritating. Last night I was confused between breathing through my mouth or nose. My nose was running alot but I cough everytime I breathe through my mouth. Did I even breathe last night? rofl. I shall go back to slacking, TMR I MUST START MY MUGGING!!!
"Science has been seriously retarded by the study of what is not worth knowing and of what is not knowable." -- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe [[ my goodness, long name! ]]
bits of me revealed at ..
10:30 PM.
Saturday, April 26, 2008 - [Sickly..]
Hello.. bleahh, I haven't been updating, 'cause I've been so sick.. Constant headache, fever, fever induced body ache, cough and now I've gt braces put on, they're hurting .. I wanna cry =[ Anyway, I wanna go back to sleepy, I so need to recover quickly, 'cause Mid-years are a week away~! I can't let my illness prevent me from studying ._.
The Graphic Calculator, haha.. 'cause I went to Pulau Semakau, winnie offered to purchase it for me, poor thing had to carry 3 of them home =o paiseh paiseh !!
My family bought some mangoes recently, LOL reminds me of RuoLan during our Humanities CID =x
Muahahahahaha, Merwyn if you keep treating me like sai, I'll go pubilise your photo everywhere!
The caricature version of Merwyn and .. ain't that cute?
Happy Birthday Winnayyy~
Today. Pammy and I met again, but we went to the Cafe Galilee where we had 4 drinks in a row. She looked very dainty today!
Her boots!
Sabrina Pamela the Teenage Witch
Pammy derived a lot of fun taking photos of me.. I deleted probaby 60 of them already..
Pink and White braces~ the Pink's rather pale ~
Off to the washroom to escape her deadly camera.
Immediately she strikes once I return..
Our lunch :D yummay!
After annoying me so much..
I had to resort to..
But she insisted..
"Concealing an illness is like keeping a beach ball under water." -- Karen Duffy
Labels: Pamela's portfolio..
bits of me revealed at ..
8:55 PM.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - [Tarot Card Reading]
=o gt this from winnay's blog, kinda cool xD dying frm maths btw.. O_O I don't consider myself very lucky ._. but the picture's prettay~

You are The Wheel of Fortune
Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success
The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Labels: dragons are cool.
bits of me revealed at ..
10:26 PM.
Im uber irritated by this weirdo who suddenly talked to me on MSN, asking me Amaths questions from sec 3 ._. I've like forgotten how to the alpha beta roots thingyy, aiyo leave me alone lar, stop asking, I teach you quadratic equations and cubic enough le maaaaa.. !#%$#%^*$@%
Come on lahh, I took a friggin' an hour and a half updating the D16 blog, blogger's so fucked up, so irritating and troublesome, always messing up the codes. wtf. I don't know how much precious time of my life I've spent on that webbie ._.
Ooh, we had house meeting today ._. Olivia's the new HouseCaptain, and Zeming ( the supposedly wanna-be President of Singapore ) is ViceCapt. Dammit, I have to run in competitive race, I decided to leave the CheerLeaders and Mascots and gawd now I have to run?
Pretty much nothing going on lately.. I've been feeling so sickly these days, but oh no I can't ever ever take leave from school, firstly my daddy won't allow it, he'll drag me out of bed and throw me onto a train to go to school, then call the school and make sure I'm there. Everytime I absent myself from school, the school has been ordered by daddy to call him.. so kns! Sighs, anyway exams are like creeping around the corner, so I betta force myself to pay attention despite the failing effect of coffee and just painstakingly swallow some drugs at home. At least Daddy wrote a letter to excuse me from CCA yesterday..
I feel like a total pig today. I came home, slurping on a Chocolate Freezy, then had lunch, went to sleep 'cause I was dizzy, woke up and had dinner, and now, I'm having chocolates. Imma gain 10 pounds tonight. Sheesh, I should donate food to third-world countries that can't afford food or have natural disasters.
"The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness; The inferior doctor treats actualy sickness" -- Chinese Proverbs
Labels: blahh.
bits of me revealed at ..
8:50 PM.
Monday, April 21, 2008 - [Pulau Semakau Landfill with Edward.]
HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOO~ I'm back to my jumpy self again ._. although I still am unhappy over certain stuff, but whatever, must try try to make myself enjoy life! And like we had a field trip today~ So I'll skip all the lessons, nothing fun anyway, many many pics today ^^

LOL random pictures of my short short nails, haha I like short nails =P
A mark of friendship with Pammy~ LOL the "I Love You" is like so misleading? Merwyn was like "DISGUSTING, DISGUSTING~!~!~!" when he saw it ._. *slaps naughty Merwyn* I have quite a few of these pair keychains, with my Pre-Schl best friend Germain, my maid, my mum, Kareen and some other people =x I treasure friendship a hell lot.
My favourite piece of clothing. It doesn't belong to me =[ I bought this sleeveless-hooded jacket for my brother.. its wayyy ex T_____T super xin tia la, and my dearest darling brother has never ever worn it, which is even more heart-breaking. Nevermind! I shall give it to a nice guy one day :DD
Pammy was wondering how that ShuaiGe at J.E Lib would look like wearing it, we burst out into laughter. LOL, our dirty lil' secret~ hehe
Prepare for an overdose of Siyao, Pammy, RuoLan and Me. Ohh yes, we're inseperable~

Taken on the steamer, I was super duper uber giddy on the ride to Pulau Semakau Landfill. Let's digress a little here. It's kinda cool, with the 2 huge phases, 6 out of 11 cells have been like filled with waste? And the scenery is actually beautiful, check out the pics below! I mean, it's literally a garbage dumping island, but it's pretty.. We learnt the process and the future plans until 2045 etc.. Pulau Semakau is like the most environmentally-friendly Landfill in the world~! Well done Singapore *clap clap*
Siyao: I believe I can fly~She was standing on the 7km Rock Bund protection around the island by the way
Private time with laopo..
*gasps* RuoLan laopo is cheating on me!! Shoooo Siyao!
That's more like it~My eyes were burning okay, and look at RuoLan flash that radiant smile of hers! :D
The island was really breezy, so Siyao was rescuing her flapping fringe from the treacherous enemy -- Wind.
Laopo's so unsuspecting.. Eeeeyer, what if someday a chikopek snaps pictures of her? D: *must protect her with my lifeeeee*
Tears Smiles of JOY! Siyao was incredibly, alien-ish long fingers O_O ohmyhgawd.
My laopo and my laogong ! :D Imma two-timer.
Left to Right:Debbie, CheeHooi, Jean, Dodo4Lers~

We had a bus tour around the island, and Siyao was trying to take advantage of me while I was smsing. Tsktsk.
Pretty~ The bus was moving, but the picture ain't blurry *smiles*
Pammy and I were separated at the start*screams*I caught up with her when we were heading back to school ^^

Awww, forgive us, we love each other too much! And we were separated for a freakin' 4 hours or so okay! *pouts*

Da clique with SENIOR tourguide Edward.

Up on the deck, gawd, when did all the girls put on all that weight? *gasps in horror*

They took my lesbian LiLin away from me along with Pammy, damn you all!
Final picture before departing for home~ hahaha~ field trips are so fun =x I reached home like at 8pm x_x tired tired sehh~
Dayuum, I wanna skip school tmr, but I shall not, being the wonderful guai kia, I haven't missed school at all this year, but ponned CCA once. ONCE okay. Its a remarkable feat for me.
"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice." -- Samuel Johnston
Labels: Happy post =]
bits of me revealed at ..
8:47 PM.