I was looking through my old mails, and found this! and decided to do it again, since im bored.
Bracketed Answers are my new answers, while those that are there, were when I first did it.
1. Starting Time: [9.46pm] 10.23am
2. Full Name: [Still is >> or Mir0kii now] Ayesha
3. Best Friend(s): [OMFG~! my old buddies! Pamela, Siyao, RuoLan, Lilin, practically all of 4L and some EL ppl, aiya I love the world~] Germain, Feng Han, Tuyan, Cassandra and Gar Yim
4. Sexiest Friend: [Siyao =x] FENG
5. Funniest Friend(s): [Pamela] Tu Yan and FENG
6. Smartest friends: [Dodo, Peggy, ZhouKe, Eugenia] Agar, Cassie and Tu Yan
7. Dumbest Person: [Retarded Sister] Schl teachers
8. Shyest Friend: [EL juniors] Agar
9. Most boring person: [To be specific Mrs.Law] Schl teachers
10. Who Do you get advice from: [Anyone I trust, which is basically everyone] ppl in no.3, parents and vice principal (RVHS),hmm weishun ehh, godbros and sis'
11. Height : [wtf. 159cm I barely grew?]157++cm
12. D(ate)O(f)B(irth): 10/09/1992 (following date/month/year system)
13. Righty / Lefty : Rightie
O_O 14?
15. Shoe Size : It depends on the shoe, right.
16. Shoe Brand: [Boots!] Uhh converse, nike?
17. Do you Crack any Body Parts: [Sadly, fractured right ankle] I sincerely hope not.
19. Siblings: [Same but it's no longer future, it's a monster, in the flesh] Elder bro and future half-blood sis
20. Email Address: [goody2shoes_spark@hotmail.com]Its up there
21. Boy Friend/Girl Friend: [LOL secret!]not applicable at all.
22. Crush: [Get a clue from my previous post] I'd be a retard if i filled this in and sent it as a mass email, wouldn't I?
23. Liked a Teacher: [LOL hmm.. tt cute P.E teacher? Like which girl didn't like him?]In what kind of way? tons, if on an innocent basis.
O_O 24?
25. Hope the person you send this to would reply: [I'm nt sending it] dunno how to interpret this question, but ok, it'd be nice if you replied.
26. Ate a Tub of Ice Cream: At once no. over a period of time yes.
27. Ran Into a Glass Door : [Yes, right outside my room, at night] No. all I've seen have sensors, but I've seen ppl do that
29. Gone Skinny Dipping: [Would love to, it's said to be a heaven-like experience] No, what the heck izzat?
30. Nearly hit by a car: [Nearly, the car jerked to a halt right infront of me] If i was, I didn't know.
31. Ran into a parked car: Not that i remember.
Girls fill in about guys
35. Boxers or Briefs: honestly i couldn't care.
36. Tall or Short : [Duh] Taller den me
37. Does size matter: [Maybe]No. I'd naturally notice, but no.
38. Six-pack or Muscular Arms: If this is a preference question i want six pack. if it was whether i'd prefer both or none I'd prefer both..but not until you'd look like the hulk, just enough to look gorgeous =P
39. Body or Personality: [I was so demanding last time O_O? Still am ^^] He'd have to have enough of both. less than enough of either one means no.
40. Ear Pierced or Not : [LOL guess it's acceptable given the current trends] Definitely not
41. Sporty or Outdoorsy: Balance of both?
42. Good or Bad guy: Good guy who knows how to enjoy life, treat others well too
O_O 43 to 46?
Guys Fill Out on girls
I shall pretend to be a guy! I left it blank last time =o!
47. G or hipster undies: what the?
48. Tall or Short : Shorter than me
49. Long Hair or Short : Depends on how it looks on her
50.Dark or Light Eyes: Depends on how it looks on her
51. Light/Dark Hair: Depends on how it looks on her
52. Body or Personality: Both.
53. Ears Pierced or Not: Whatever.
O_O 54?
55. Good Girl/Bad Girl: Bad but with control, Good to an extent.
56.Hair Up or Down : Whatever.
57. Sporty or Classy: Mixture
58. Chicken or Not Afraid : Chicken, LOL so she can hug me when she's scared LOL!!!
Which One is Better
59. Coke or pepsi: [Tsk, was I that headstrong? LOL both taste the same frankly] detest both
60. K.F.C or Mcdonalds: [Food-Lover] mcd's. im more familiar with that.
61. Cats or Dogs : *woof woof*
62. Coffee or Tea : [Coffee, will sleep in class without it] I dont drink either, both are nice once in a while.
63. Eastside or westside: [Still don't get the question, now I live in the North ._.] westside. at least that's where I live if thats what youre asking.
64. Vanilla or chocolate: VANILLA [Ice Ice Baby!]
65. Cake or Cookies: [Hey, cakes aren't bad either, now that I think about it yum~] Cookies - Famous Amos Cookies rock
66. Purple striped Lime socks or white socks: [woooot!] purple striped lime, they would look like... wacky?haha
67. Sunset or Sunrise: [Romantic!] sunset i guess.
68. Day or Night: [Night LOL, it's more fun to partay dusk to dawn, or like walk on the beach or smth, most imptly SLEEP!] Day. Its alot more optimistic and fresh and everything.
69. Lights on or off : [Depends on situation, off in class!]on.
70. Summer or Winter: [whooooo winter actually, It's boring having summer all year round in SG.] Summer. summer's wild x)
71. Food: [I LOVE FOOD! I HATE CALORIES AND FATS DAMMIT] IM a food lover, i eat ALMOST everything
O_O ..72?
73. Holiday destination: [Round round baby, round round spin it out on me~] Uhhh, can't decide, can it be like a round the world trip
74. Radio Station: [LOL don't rly tune in nowadays, I kinda like the M'sia's chnl =x it's damn cool~!] hmm perfect 10 or class 95
75. Place: [LOL now its in your arms, hoho and also in my room LOL]In your arms. lol, no la, my bedroom.. with my junk and soft toys to cuddle In The Future
76. Will you believe in God: i do. and i always will.
77. What you want to be when you grow up: [O_O! Im sucha careless person. Lawyer! lol kinda interested in various things nw like, Actor? Reporter/Edittor or a Cook! LOL]Lawer..
78. Define Love:Unconditional, selfless care for another
O_O 79?
80. Favourite Place: [Wasn't it like In your arms?] now,its bed, maybe in heaven next time
81. Favourite day(s) of the week: Friday. weekend's comin'
82. Bedtime: [wow I had no curfew last time? LOL I still don't =D mm usually arnd midnight] NO curfew
83. Who Is Least Likely To Send This Back: [No one, but maybe someone might do it and post it too =o] anybody I send this to who's done it?
84. Satan or God or atheist: [*slaps the person who made this*] GOD More questions
85. Do you love someone right now: [^^]yeah
86. Do you care about someone: [walao of course la, I care about so many people Im going crazy worrying abt them] yeah
87. Do you think of someone everyday: [Myself =D LOL duh I do~] yeah
O_O.. 88, 89?
90. Finishing time: [10.05pm]10.32am (my numbers switched places)
91. Date: [31/3/08]02/06/06
I think whoever who made this has bad math! and it's April Fool's Day tmr, watchout peeps~
Labels: lol. bad math
bits of me revealed at ..
9:39 PM.
Good evening! Since yesterday was majorly boring, I shall only talk a little about it ._. lol, I was being a good lil' girl(as what Jack says) and went to buy some food for the family, although there was only me, Brother and Vini home last night, I still went out, hahas, I like walking anyway, and it was a great cooldown from my jogging! I felt exhilarated after running, but heck, I've already done my 2.4km with that 14.13mins timing ^^ slow but, who cares?
So yeah, I love patronizing "Ti Amo" its a restaurant by the way, haha, and when I walked past it last night, I reminded me of Wilfred and his MSN nick, lol. haha.
When I got home, apparently folks and lil' sis had returned, I saw her newest toy, it looks so... gawd.. Just look at that ._. Little kids will be little kids.
Today~ I woke up feeling so sleepy, haha I remember why! 'Cause Siyao sent me a ridiculous "I Love You" Day thing, and I fwded to a few people on the recent contacts list, and Jack was astounded and said "What the hell?!" and it went on
Me: LOL I just fwded to people la
Jack: oh, im loved! haha!
Me: yeah, by me
Jack: So I'm expecting something at midnight, hoho
and I sent him Jason Mraz's "Im Yours" chorus lyrics haha! LOL afterall he likes the song, and it goes like this..
"I won't hesitate no more, no more,
It cannot wait, Im sure~
There's no need to complicate,
our time is short, this is our fate,
Im yours~"
Anyway I didn't get my coffee today on top of measly hours of sleep, little did I know it would impact me so much, I was practically dozing the day away. LOL. Coffee, I need you, I want you, I'll run to you!! LOL check out the song "Run To You" by DJ.Doc hoho!
This little confession from by YongHong greeted me as I entered the class.
It reads:
"This class is not your plaything.
We are who we are,
we make our own choices.
You're not the best,
stop being so full of yourself."
Strong, Powerful, Sensational words. *clap clap* Of course I bet practically the whole class knows what this is about =/ Sad but, things like this happen, it's part and parcel of life, I added that O_O hahaha
Winnay was absent today D: the world changed. Drastically. Due to her absence =[ Don't you ever ever miss school again Winnie! Maths was okay, we did more practice on Differentiation. =] Then it was break and CID, which meant seeing Mr.Ong again. Merwyn and I noticed his handwriting has changed to be more cursive and he seems more and more absent-minded lately. =o Im not a stalker of anything, but yeah, it's just weird. Anyway I spent the first part of my time in CID reading.
Look carefully. It says "Life sucks, doesn't it?" in the middle, hahaha someone agrees with you Jack!
I felt bored with reading, and decided to talk to Pammy and Siyao, who were rushing throught their "Jian-Bao 3" haha, naughty naughty! LOL anyway, I realise it's a trend in books that girls usually lose their virginity during high school in America. We discussed whether it was true or not. And the stories are oh-so-cliche. Popular kids vs. Geek. Geek ends up with a hottie in the end, and despite being tormented at the start for being a Virgin, she firmly believes in "that perfect moment" and usually gets in the end, after hooking up with the "Big-Man-On-Campus" almost always a football jock, who was previously dumped by the Popular Girl. Like what Pammy says "Read one book, and you've read them all" Insightful.
Then I talked to them about my first real crush. LOL I wonder how the topic changed anyway, so I told them about Jonas, who was my brother's Secondary School classmate. Bro would tell me about what he did in school, and I would sit and listen in awe, wishing desperately I had gone to Swiss Cottage instead of River Valley High. D: Anyway, he told me of his class guys, he had them over several times, and I went out with them alot too. It was really great times back then. Anyway Jonas as my brother described was a joker, and when I meant him, he was totally cute and just the way Bro had said he was. All the silly things he did, the lamest jokes he cracked and everything else.
I remember telling my Sec 1 and 2 friends about Jonas last time, and they caught a glimpse of him at a party my family threw annually. Their reactions were "He's weird" "OMG that's him?" and yeah, totally stunned, and I dare say un-impressed. Anyway, to each his own, I like Jonas, haha, he's gonna fly to the U.S or is it U.K? for some course soon. Enough about him =]
Speaking of guys, I feel myself attracted by this person, if I mention his name, I think some people will be at my door with an axe to chop my head off immediately @@" Anyway, Im beginning to be more observant haha, and he's really entertaining LOL. okay nvm, I shouldn't say anything to protect myself x_X
The rest of the classes dragged by. During Lang.Arts I was being a model student by reading my book again, during presentations and class discussions. Mrs.Law noticed me and said:
"Ayesha, will you please stop reading, I feel insulted." deep inside I was dying to burst into laughter, but I put on a guilty look as the class eyed me. After lesson, RuoLan came over and said "That was awesome! You rock!" LOL. You see, Mrs.Law, I just love the way you like to ask me to shut up during lessons, and the way you ask me questions when no one answers. I also love the fact that you failed me for a fucking stupid reason, and humiliated me just like that. In all my life, I have neve seen my parents with those expressions, such pride and joy on their faces. There's no doubt you're my favourite teacher. Afterall your teaching style is fab, and everyone practically starts dreaming during your lessons as they are oh-so captivating. Honestly, I've never had such a brilliant teacher before. Bravo, keep up the good job. I shall request that the school promotes you. *smirks*

I think this is really cool! I love you Joanne, I love how you study so hard, just to prove that you actually tried, it's a pity things don't turn out the way you want them to, but I support ya girl! Full Steam Ahead babe!
Like Pencil Box, Like Water Bottle. It so happens that Peggy and I have similar merchandise. It's my pencil box and her water bottle. Im damn childish *smiles gleefully* But heck, someone shares my taste! Afterall~ Kuromi and Melody are uber adorable~
I can't believe my freakin' eyes.
Amy Tan's
Someone actually reads that? *pukes* Someone actually reads AmyTan's books? Ohmygawd..
After school, we had this N.E Quiz, so we slacked in class before that, look at these ._.

Dexter looks like he's licking the wall and Kamseng trying to stretch himself longer than the Whiteboard. That's really 不知量力..
Meanwhile the rest of 4L is being very dilligent.
No. Your eyes aren't deceiving you.
We are studious actually.
Just slightly attention deficit.
Bounce bounce goes the tennis ball.
The fierce battle between Kamseng(chopped off) and YongHong rages on!
Sweeee Jiongrui. Dexter's left hand is in a really wrong place and Wilfred plays cool by the sides. hahaha, our class is really nice, I so love 4L ^^
The N.E Quiz was a game ._. LOL attained a rank of a "Senior Builder". Basically you had to answer around 70 questions, for every questiong you answered correctly you would get money to build up Singapore. Dexter was aiming for a perfect score to get the rank of "Master Builder" so with the help of Jiongrui, Wilfred, XuanWei and I, he almost made it, but due to his incessant clicking (the game's damn laggy), he cost himself the rank, alas! His program was terminated!! Roflmao.
Had Maths Remedial, Mr.Tan confisicated some students' EZ-Link card to force them to do their homework before going home, to help them prevent homework accumulation. Poor things. Jiayou ~!~!
"Love is a many splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!" -- from the movie: "Moulin Rouge"
Labels: "I Love You" Day
bits of me revealed at ..
7:42 PM.
Im so proud no announce that I did no work today!! @@" tts so bad D: Anyway I was given some Data Entry to help my mum in the afternoon after the ACJC Carnival, but anyway I saw these two pics, well there were alot of pics, but these 2 had family people haha~ the rest were our activities. These two pics were taken at last year's company Family Day, it was realllllly nice haha ^^ I won a $100 gift voucher at some shopping mall, and we went there after the FamilyDay that very day, LOL.
I love ballon hats woot~! The balloonist added the sword and flower charm accessory too. LOL I remember sword fighting with my brother, and the other kids also started it lmao. ahh it was a really fun day, Im so looking forward to the one this year. I miss my straight hair and fringe too =[
Before I went out today, as in the morning, I realised I had put both my shoes for wash ._. So I took out an old pair of sneakers which I love but they're old and gotta be thrown away, I rescued them from the treacherous dustbin early last year, haha, they're doing me the favour of being there, when I need shoes!
lol. I think they're pretty, hahas, anyway I had woken up at 9.30am, was rolling around before that, and I called Siyao and RuoLan several times until finally one answered and said we were meeting at Buona Vista at 10.30am. I hung up, screamed and ran to shower. For those who have no idea, my house is at Serangoon which is freakin' far from the Jurong area. I rushed through everything, stuffed everything into my pockets to avoid the trouble of carrying a bag. Daddy so kindly offered to send me to the MRT station. It was 10am already!!! Anyway he was intending on going to the Chinese Gardens, so I was dropped there instead, where I met Siyao and RuoLan hahaha! RuoLan was looking really adorable *squeals* And they showed me some weird movement upon sighting a shuai ge. LOL, it was damn funny !
Don't you think Siyao has a great figure? hehehe, I doubt she knows I snapped her pic! *smiles gleefully* I know she will probably scream at me when she finds out =o ahaha who cares =P The weather was so freakin' hot, and who's fault is it? Dodo and Dexter(known as Char Siew!), the two hawtest creatures on Earth! Rawr~!
This was the first attractive thing I saw at ACS, it's a picture collage, their school crest made up of many many smaller pictures, it's quite big actually, the picture just looks small lol.
To cool off, we entered one of their LTs, and snapped a picture in memory! Its RuoLan, Me then Siyao(L-R) and sipped milkshakes. Did I mention, we were all BROKE. RuoLan had $2, I had $6 and Siyao had $10. Pathetic much? At the milkshake station we saw this! LOL! in ACJC ohhh tsktsk!!
We settled at a table to watch the student band there, and doodled on the table.
The first two were Siyao's promoting the RV-CLDDS which was supposedly overflowing with Shuai-Ges and Mei-Nus, while I defended ELDDS too :DD And.. some people saw us writing at the doodling table and we immediately stopped and said things like, "Wahlao, simi RV?! I tell you our school confirm win them one lah" and "Shuai Ge, Mei Nu? you gotta be kidding, RV people blind or what?" More people came over !! and we switched to "EH EH !! RV-CL gt performance leh! wanna go watch?" LOL it was super funny LOL!!

We saw two bands in the "Scone Cafe" which was in LT3 I think, where the doodling tables were, so we had a show while we doodled. ^^ The student bands were incredible!!! They're really good, but they didn't sing self-composed songs I think, mostly were familiar to us, and LOL we imagined them attending "Ku-Song". Rofl. The first picture, that guy in white, the lead singer, is way way hawt ~!~! Me and RuoLan ogled at him and wanted to stalk him when the Bands swapped. LOL. Then I said smth like "Cool, another band?" and he heard me apparently and said "yupp, 5 bands". Awesome-ness. But we left the Cafe, plainly 'cause the hottie wasn't up there anymore. Oh yeah RuoLan and I were like, let's go sabotage Siyao and ask the Band to let her sing!! LOL and we'll be up on the keyboards, there were two there anyway, it's meant to be~~~ It didn't happened ._.
We left the Scone Cafe, only to be greeted by another band which was playing Rock music downstairs. Coolness okay!! Drummer rrrrocks~!~!
As we explored the school, we realised how deprived poor people were. We couldnt go into the haunted house, the magic show or the dollhouse 'cause they all cost $10 per person. T___T So we went to buy food and played some games hahas. We had fun. I regret not attending the past year carnivals. I saw many many RV seniors too, and my "meimei" Celine, ex ELDDian, ooh I love her!!! ^^

A Souvenir from ACJC Fun-O-Rama XIX, their 19th carnival . LOL. More pictures of the Carnival~ Im in love with ACJC now xD

I love ACJC yeah~ even though im not their student, and the scary looking Doll House~
The Doll House Banner, the one we were too poor to go =[
"Feel The Urge For The Royal Flush?" lmao!
SpongeBOB, oh tts me~ where's my babe Patrick!
See that Rugby Mania? They gave me the souvenir LOL, a paper promoting their booth =o
yum yum food
Oishil Banner looks cool, but I gt no idea what it is @@"
Scone Cafe and The Haunted Hotel, I heard ALOT of screams while walking past it =x LOL
Like I said earlier, I went home to do Data Entry, and nearly melted under the heat. Then after watching some videos, talking on MSN and slacking-off, family decided to check out the "Kallang Leisure Park". hoho!
We ended up going bowling, 'cause the Ice-Skating Rink was like off-limits to those who weren't intending to skate. The building was kinda cool, still empty, well it's new, what can I expect. We were on the waiting list at no.8 so we went to PastaMania for dinner =] Baby Alisha went to ransack people's bags, some giggly girls decided to take her picture and they were squealing "Omg so cute" "waaaa I wanna take her pic!!" and Daddy was shaking his head and said "Typical Singaporean girls". LOL. I couldn't help but smile approvingly, I think I would be like that too =x
It was a battle. Daddy, Mummy, Me then Bro. In case you're wondering, S.H.A.I stands for Shahid, Haslinda, Ayesha, Imran. Little one didn't play LOL. I bet she would drop the ball on her feet.
Battle begins!! I noticed that barriers came up for little children, so their balls wouldn't roll into the gutter, and demoralize them, LOL how thoughtful~ but the barriers looked like they were gonna break soon. Imagine, coming up when it's the children's turn and getting hit a few times to let the ball bounce back, then going down during the parent's turn, then up again.
As we played, little one was up to her mischief, she again went around digging people's bag with her deadly weapon, the Green Balloon!
She was tired after a while I guess, and came to rest.
Our scores. LOL Im second! LOL. amazing much? I hadn't bowled in forever~ Bro said he broke his highest record. ooh.
He showed me how his Medic Tee would look like at the back. He said he didn't get a picture of the front =o.
Does that needle scare you? =x Do you trust your life with my brother? He said they had to practice injecting on each other, over and over again. So it would be smart to pick a more experienced partner =x
Thats all~
So See ya~ Oh ya, Daddy bought the "KungFu Dunk" DVD for us, thank you dadddy~~~~~~~
"Success is getting and achieving what you want. Happiness is wanting and being content with what you get." -- Bernard Meltzer
Labels: sucha a slacker ._.
bits of me revealed at ..
11:46 PM.