Thursday, August 30, 2007 - [Claire's farewell Pictures]
im fucking angry now, because stupid fucking blogger is so fucking lag and slow in loading and duno why it made me fucking type tis fucking post 3 tyms and iie know its short but im fucking irritated. my stupid parents and brother are shouting at miie and im reallie fucking annoyed, iie just wanna do my own stuff la, and also stupid fucking retarded blogger can remember the 3l login name and pass wen iie log in once, and it can never fucking remember my own pass and id even though i log in every fucking day. Zz
anyway..urm yeah here are some pictures from Ka Ying from the steamboat farewell =]

Should be all the girls who attended ba ^^ all so prettay =P

Me, Zhiyong, Siyao and Winnie on the bus.. lol it was sooo jerky.

lol before separating at the mrt.. damn they made me feel so short lmao

eh look at Jiongrui's retarded face =x

whee just some random pics along the way

reflection. ohhmyygawdd.. look at how tall and bright pamela is ~!!! =.= '''
"Due to international copyright law" Ka Ying said she would only show photos with 3 or more ppl in it. lolx.. wad kind of law izzat O_O
bleahhx too lazy to get more pics from her ler. below there are more pics from Claire's second farewell, in school, on wednesday the healthy day ting..
claire's super healthy cake =] byebye and takkaire ~ iie will miss ya at morning assembly, euu and ur crapping and trademark bright green froggy bag ~
peggy feeding dodo.. aww so sweet =D
flying dexter and the birthday boy BinSing, the man in green ~
3Loudspeakers, 3LOVE, 3Leprechauns, 3LOLLIPOPS, 3Lawbreakers, we rock the canteen, we rock the container classrooms, we rock the level, we rock the school, we rock the nation ~!! 

our smiling faces after hurling cake at each other x_x
our wonderful cake-fight !!
Labels: iie miss claire already TT ~
bits of me revealed at ..
9:20 PM.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - [sickly TT]
peeekabuu ~
0o a major number of people are falling sick !! namely, myself =.=''', my lil' sis, pamela, jiang rui, xuan wei.. and others ~~
ayee.. yesterday, was a typical school day, but but.. iie felt so sick once school waas over, iie sped home, and plopped into bed immediately, iie was burning a fever and a reallie severe headache dat made miie haf to take up 10 minutes trying to stand up properly. yesterday was the date 15 days before ramadan (fasting month) so yeapps did normal prayers and additional 5 sets of 2 rakats and ehh tt 33 repetitions of de 3 phrases for 5 times too after each set. in any case, iie doubt anyone understands =/ anywayyy ~ iie was still super uber dizzy and went back to sleep, but failed to fall asleep till maybe midnite?
iie have been suffering insomnia fer de past week, so todae, iie decided to sleep in de afternoon and stay up at nite fer homework =/
Jiang Rui and Xuan Wei were absent, so im guessing it was the steamboat, which gave miie a stomachache... ... pamela lost her voice in school yesterdae, so miie, Jiongrui and Merwyn were making fun of her =x paiseh arh.. cuz she couldn't respond, but she retaliated through poking miie =.= cuz of de 2 absentees, iie sat wif alot of classmates..
Jiang Yan
Zhi Yong
yeah.. so thanks? or not. bleahhx.. so today was equally typical. our 3L food donation was an ''overwhelming response'' according to Mr. Suria.. im im im.. drowned in sweat. x_x
dere was no cca todae =] so iie slept wen iie got home. and der ravaging lil' monster threw up her food again. dere's smth wrong wif her todae.. iie mean, she wasn't screaming, picking food from de table or flailing her arms and making unintelligible shrieks.
alryte.. iie just did a few surveys.. which makes miie wanna end my post, iie got graphs to draw ~!!
bits of me revealed at ..
8:02 PM.
Sunday, August 26, 2007 - [byebye claire =(]
hello hello :D
hoho yesterdae was claire's farewell dinner ~ so yeah de day began wif miie doing homework guai-ly.. and daddie at first din wanna let miie go, so iie made him feel guilty until he let miie yay <3
so yeahh met eugenia at dhoby ghaut, and she made miie walk one round de mrt station looking fer her =.=''' ayee.. anyway, we dropped by bunkie first, saw d4l ppl ^^ and tears korkor wahahaha.. he reached licence le worr xP
den we walked around and saw tis reallie gothic girl, wearing duno how many inched high platform shoes wif braided hair and green highlights.. x_x scary ~~ eugenia tot she was advertising fer smth O_O
hmms, the queue outside der cinema was lyk.... super uber longg x_x but we made it :DD 3 rows from de back wahahahas =P we smuggled food in from carrefour, aww, they din haf eugenia's seaweed ting.. =/
anyway secret was reallliiie nice, but jaychou is so not shuai =( iie love de duel part <3..>
but jaychou is not very shuai =x and de howe was more classy ~~ anyway went back to bunkie to say byebye after tt den off we were to marina bay.. very coincidentally, pamela called miie wen iie reached marina bay =.=''' miie and eugenia were about 5 mins late, on purpose, but in de end, dere were onlie 3 pathetic souls dere.. siyao de mei nu, pamela de cutie :D and shuhui de ahma O_O
hahas we cam-whored and talked alot, until de rest came, so total 22 of us, dexter came later, and din pay LOL.. we ate alotttt iie tink.. iie tink im lyk wad.. 10kg heavier T__T kaying said all those present woujld get food poisoning and pon school on mondae =x lmao.. kinda true bahhs.. iie owaes get food poisoning after buffet or steamboat or bbq lmao..
hmms.. had loads of fun yeah <3
in de end.. as iie predicted, daddie was standing de front gate.. and nagged nagged nagged until iie went to my room. closed de door. turned de bolt. =] insomia striked again so iie slept around 3am T__T and woke up todae fer tuition at 9-10.30
ahh im so bored, im going audi <3
bits of me revealed at ..
12:25 PM.
Friday, August 24, 2007 - [bleak future..]
sians iie wonder wad to do wif myye lyfe.. bleahhx.. pamela says she's gonna keep a blog too ~ ehh, im so betting it wun last a fortnite. =x its true.. iie mean yeah, she doesn't seem lyk de kind, hu would bother to update.. iie duno.. maybe im wrong =/
aye.. iie haf de worst chemistry marks someone could possible get.. cuz iie got my mole concept mixed up, and applied de wrong formulas.. is anybody more li hai den miie? come on ehh.. my chem prac and mole concept test added together is... 5/43. how pro is tt.. come on tell miie.. =.='''
im being plagued by irritating morons.. someone please enlighten miie on hu de heck is, she is lyk some french bitch hu nudges miie all day, despite blocking her, iie seriously wonder how she can contact miie.. she sends de ridiculous winks and probably has nothing better to do wif her lyfe. ZzZ.. fer the love of god, leave miie alone please.. another irritating person is tis guy, im gonna call stranger. see, as usual, iie left my house at around 5.57am and walked towards the serangoon MRT station to go to school.. immediately after closing my gate, iie was followed by stranger, hu thought iie was a nurse. well no surprise, look at our incorrigible school uniform.. as im typing, olivia is bugging miie reallie terribly, im gonna either explode or implode soon.. anyway.. stranger talked to miie about river valley, and studying, and trying to guess my name and race and nationality. wads he's freakin' problem. and to my dismay.. he worked or was headed to harbour front too ~~ oh god.. iie reallie reallie had to suppress the urge to scream and punch him on de train.. asshole.. and to end it off, he forced my number out of miie wen iie was desperately trying to walk away.. im de end.. iie was spammed wif 7 calls up till now.. idiot.
de world is filled wif such redundant people.. sighh.. iie feel redundant too, iie tink, maybe if iie was born as a.. dog or cat, it would be better.. iie could haf a nice owner, and wonderful slacking lyfe, which would be around 20 years.. ahh.. damn..
tmr's claire's farewell steamboat dinner.. whee ~ de onlie ting dat is motivating miie to stay alive till tmr =] we might be going ice-skating too yayness ^^ well iie guess lyfe does haf simple joys
bits of me revealed at ..
6:16 PM.
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - [why the heck.. i feel so cheated. rawr.]
Rawr.. iie feel sooooo damn frustrated. iie just dun get it.. how.. why.. argh.. its totalley unfair, iie worked my ass off doing those mole concept shyt, and iie can fail so damn miserably. is this some kind of joke.. cuz its so not funny, its reallie maddening, iie feel lyk studying is just a damn waste of tym now..
Zz.. stupid freakin' weather is so scorching its got miie so tense now. iie reallie tink im a failure, iie guess im just not meant to be smart. and iie can't explain how come iie can get good scores sometimes wen iie dun study, and iie can get marks as much as an illiterate would if iie do study.. iie seriously dun see where my effort has gone. fuck. even the damn reflections and passages and paragraphs wadeva text stuff which iie actualley did sit down and do it properly, wen some assholes can do in before morning assembly, can turn out to be so very extremely unbelievably disappointing, while others gloat over high marks.
iie feel lyk a total moron wasting my energy, tym and brain cells.. hell yeah iie wanna drop out of school zz.. the ting is iie just dun see how social studies, maths, physics or chemistry is gonna help miie if iie wanna become a lawyer. unless iie have to do ridiculous stuff such as calculating the weight of papers, of study paper chromatography of ink on paper or maybe count the words. tis is totalley.. god iie cant even find de words to express how damn angry and frustrated iie feel..
to punish myself fer not doing well, im starving myself at home, cuz if iie do it in school, some people will feel lyk smacking miie and accusing miie of making them feel fat.. what wrong am iie in.. its a personal form of punishment, anyway its a good way to lose weight and practice fer the upcoming fasting month too. sighs.. all iie wan is actually to lyk get lyk a grade of b4 at worst for each subject, except chinese, which a c6 is actually quite pleasing since urm.. well iie was never good at it. and yeah it sucks abit, cuz im disadvantaged as iie learnt chinese through a textbook and not by listening to my parents speak it, iie had no influence from young whatsoever.
iie have given myself tis mentality of being happy all de tym, trying to smile even if someting is forcing my lips downwards. cuz i've owaes felt tt lyfe would be so much betta if dere weren't unpleasant stuff, and iie feel good and look good if iie smile, yeah and smiling is probably the first step to cheering someone up, or giving a good first impression. and of course, wen euu can choose to smile, why frown? it makes euu have wrinkies across ur forehead, which is urm.. not my main point.
sighh.. no matter how damn hard iie try to cheer myself up, iie guess iie gotta realise de fact after numerous cases, tt im just not cut out fer studying, it seems as though im destined to get low grades foreva.. sighh god if tts wad im in for.. den iie seriously wonder why its miie.. or if im just mistaken and iie do haf de potential to score, why is it tt iie haven't brought it out fer so long. in case no one knows, iie actualley love studying, as long as im locked in my room, wif a nice steaming bowl of soup, wif around 18 degrees celsius of air-conditioner, my ipod or cd player, endless supply of ice lemon tea and dat meiji brand of chocolate coated strawberry and of course my awesome bed.. iie could study all day. well iie guess anyone can =x
iie reallie realllie reallie from de bottom of my heart, want to do well in my exams x_x iie reallie am at a lost now.. iie haf been demoralized so much oredi.. reallie.. god haf mercy on miie, euu created mankind.. euu know we haf stress limits..
bits of me revealed at ..
3:07 PM.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - [horrible first impressions.. horrible assumptions..]
Greetings =D its been a reallliie long while since iie last blogged, pardon the twitty talk, iie have taken a liking to it, one of the after-effects of playing Audition Online Dance Battle, which currently im mia-ing from.
I very well know tt coming back and blogging will onlie last a few days or weeks at most, and my nua-ness, which i've learnt to mean slack, will takeover and my blog shall die once again. Poor ting, anyway its resurrected now ^^v dere's a reason why, cuz todae dere's miraculously no homework, well dere is, but its dragged on from the June Holidays, believe it or not, the ridiculous montage about our founding fathers, is still currently undone, but its due tomorrow.. so im gonna slap on some pictures, throw in some facts and tadahh ~!! a pretty mark for 50% of my CA =]
Well, according to the title.. yeah iie just realise blogs are for talking to urself, and quite frankly, iie lyk talking to myself, yeah im weird, retarded wadeva, im me =D okayy err.. recently, i've realised tt someone iie know is being reallie irritating, and im reallie beginning to feel tt my first impressions of her are so so sooooo wrong =( hmm.. too bad fer her den, or too bad fer miie..
okayy im reallie glad tt todae.. mr lee(guan shin) allowed us to spill our discontent towards RVIP, probably the student body's most hated acronym. is it acronym? synonym? aye.. wadeva.. gosh im also glad to be finished wif my module media presentation, which iie spent a couple of hours doing and redoing and editting and reproducing and redoing again. =.= '''
wells ~ iie oso have returned to cca, which is quite old news now, since after OBS i've gone back yeah, speaking of OBS, iie miss it =( iie see some of my friends hu aren't from river valley, have their nicks on msns as OBS watch ... !!!!!! yeah everyone loves OBS once its over, and longs to be back in 'civilisation' wen we're in it. ironic? oh yeah.
coolness, we got a new CIP project.. which is.. something lyk.. olden day food rationing.. lol eh ya.. we gotta create awareness to der school about urm.. urm.. needy people.. yupps and we gotta donate non-parishable food, wadeva tt means. basically its food lyk.. rice, cooking oil, biscuits, canned food, instant noodles.. which have shelf-lives of 6 mths? guess so..
hmm.. to end off, iie guess iie would lyk to enlighten euu guys, hueva is reading, go watch a music video 'I write sins not tragedies' by PANIC! at the Disco, a remarkably entertaining clip, although the tym taken to make it must have been.. lyk.. ages.
oh yeah today was pamela's birthday, iie being a nice friend =x gave her a bugs bunny soft toy, although she said she oredi had a lot of soft toys.. urm sorry? lol at least iie can tell, the class loved it by dressing it up so much.. okae. iie tink im done now.. gotta do social studies montage =.='''
toodles ~!!
bits of me revealed at ..
8:27 PM.